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  1. AtomAnt

    thebrick's - What are you Training Today?

    Been outa town for a while and on my phone now, so tough checking in on everyone going back in the thread, but I hope you all are doing well. I haven't missed a beat and looks like things are shaping up... Two Leg shots, no filter
  2. AtomAnt

    Atomant's Next Training Phase - Volume

    So thinking about what I need to bring up and what has worked for me. I decided to move on to a new phase in my training. I enjoy going back and forth between volume and HIT and now if the time to incorporate some more volume and work on bringing up my lagging parts. Right now this is what I am...
  3. AtomAnt

    Building a Bigger Bantam

    Just wanted to update some pics... I'm up about 6 lbs in the past month but still quite lean. Training has been going great and planning on hitting the stage in June
  4. AtomAnt

    Atomant's Training Style...

    I post nearly every weekday in Brick's thread but just to give some insight into what I am doing with my training and provide some ideas for others for their own training, I am posting up my current split. A lot of the concepts are taken from DC, such as widowmakers and rest-pause training...
  5. AtomAnt

    thebrick's - What are you Training Today?

    Have fun triple and grow like beast! I took a pic of my logbook, this is what it should look.... Yeah, that is blood, mixed with sweat and chalk
  6. AtomAnt

    Ironclad Product Pics

    Ironclad has been phenomenal thus far! Really easy to communicate with and kept me informed with everything in the process. Not that he needed to because my DVDs already arrived... I'm talking insane service here fellas. Packing was also very secure and the products look great. No swirls or any...
  7. AtomAnt

    Post Cruise Pics - Atomant

    Well I m coming up on the end of my cruise and thought I would post some pics to get a baseline of where I am. Diet has been meticulously clean (except some wine and a nice dinner and some desserts on Saturday) but not a calorie restricted diet, and training has been nothing but a freakshow...
  8. AtomAnt

    thebrick's - What are you Training Today?

    Back day and rollin' swollen... Did three pairs of supersets as well as two separate exercises, Started with meadows rows and bb bent rows. Then racks deads and nautilus plate loaded pull downs, each done on its own. Then a superset of one arm free motion pull downs and low rows finished off...
  9. AtomAnt

    What is your favorite fat loss diet?

    I had it as a PDF file... I took a picture of it so this should be viewable. Pretty simple, no need to over complicate it. I wake up at 0500 hours and go to bed around 2400 hours
  10. AtomAnt

    thebrick's - What are you Training Today?

    Chooo choooo here comes the slin train... Hit the guns tonight... As one would expect, huge pump! It seems like slin puts you into a new mental state. Insane intensity and just killer attitude. Once I got home I took a pic, yes an Instagram filter was used:
  11. AtomAnt

    Anasci is Where It's At!!!

    I just wanted to say thanks to all the guys who have been helping me out and providing advice on some of the bodybuilding questions / decisions I've had recently. Never would I have thought that a community would be so supportive in helping me look out for health as well as my goals. The...
  12. AtomAnt

    To GH or Not to GH....

    Guys, I've been thinking about a lot of things lately with respect to bodybuilding and although I am taking a year off of competing, I am planning on going full bore come 2014. Now here is where my dilemma lies, I've been very interested in GH but have never tried it. I want to push myself to a...
  13. AtomAnt

    thebrick's - What are you Training Today?

    Brick, I got so pissed off last night when training with these little dbags putting their DBs wherever the fuck they wanted I actually threw 85lb DBs at them. They flew about 10 feet and bounced across the floor. One of the managers laughed and just said something like that was crazy lol...
  14. AtomAnt

    August Contest - Future Labs

    Getting lean fellas...
  15. AtomAnt

    thebrick's - What are you Training Today?

    Crushed back today... Top to bottom. I love the meadows rows using a landmine. Great stretch and angle of pull. I also like the lat pull down scapulae pull downs and stretchers they really ignite your back width. Here is another pic from this morning:
  16. AtomAnt

    thebrick's - What are you Training Today?

    IB, that is hilarious about reselling piss! Hahaha I'm training back today. Took this one this morning before training.
  17. AtomAnt

    thebrick's - What are you Training Today?

    Mountain dog legs... If anyone questions if I train to my max, I think this picture is worth a thousand words:
  18. AtomAnt

    GetRoids.net Fat Burning Stack

    Great stuff fellas...
  19. AtomAnt

    Blasting and cruising

    Some more