thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
I think everyone is busy Christmas shopping?
Trained back yesterday and still making solid gains.
Lat pulls 5x12 superset barbell curls
Free motion pull downs 5x12 superset preacher curls
Seated hammer rows 5x10 superset hammer strength curls
Seated close grip rows 5x12 superset cable curls
30 minutes of cardio will check back later


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Yeah you are probably right Jim as I'm picky to buy for..
Sunday gun show
Tris first on cable wide grip push downs
I kneel on feet of a seated flex dip machine facing backwords x 4
Standard weighted dips with a lousy 45
Close grip bench up to a lousy 235
Mello skull crushers so I don't awake tendonitus
Seated one arm behind the head DB tri extent ions
Straight bar curls
DB curls
Flex machine curls
Standing one arm accutrainer cable curls
Preacher curls
And sauna to chase out the demons in my head from holidays.lol


Oct 27, 2012
Well guys... we've reached that point... over the weekend the lady and I went browsing for an engagement ring. She wasn't quite sure what exactly she wanted so she looked through all the different stone shapes. She had an idea what she wanted setting wise but never considered getting a halo setting... I suggested one that looks incredible (but knew the jeweler would hook me up) and she was ready to die for it. I was kind of surprised, I told the jeweler we ended up going to to bring out a bunch of stones in various sizes and she didn't go for the largest. She did go for the most brilliant lol, and having the highest quality in everything makes for a decent price tag haha. Anyway, going to wait until spring and propose to her at the place she took me for my birthday when the flowers are in full bloom.

I should also add that on Sunday she hung with me rep for rep on leg day...

Today was chest and shoulders
Incline DB bench 4x8 went up 10lbs on each DB
Hex press 4x10 last set is a drop set
Nautilus machine press for pec minor with peak contraction 4x8 with last set a drop set
DB Press Fly 4x12 last set is drop set
Wide Overhead Press 4x15
Over and Back Shoulder Press 4x10
Superset of side laterals 4x12 with front Db raises 4x12
Super set of face Pulls and cable upright rows 4x10-12 on each


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Great News Atom! Very happy to hear that!

My update: I had my second surgery yesterday. Good news. Long story short, new my urology/oncology surgeon feels this was a fibro-"something"-polyp in my right ureter. He said he felt it had a very low chance of being cancer. He told me he talked to my first surgeon and the first surgeon told him it seemed to be small and "not worrisome" WTF? Why didn't he tell ME that?? I've been worried sick for 5 weeks after THEIR biopsy said "suspicious of malignancy" and he didn't tell me this???!! It pisses me off. I'm not just another medical chart, I'm a living person. Anyway, the new surgeon took 5 more biopsies from the surrounding area (to make sure nothing is there) and I will have those results after the holidays in early January. The stent comes out in a few weeks. I feel the weight of the world is off me. I was told no lifting for two weeks... might be 1 1/2 for me LOL. Oh well, its the holidays.

I truly got the Christmas present I was hoping for!!

I hope all you guys have a great Christmas!!!


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Ok yesterday was legs . First time in many many months to try to barbell squat with a regular oly bar . Worked with Ed for a few mins and just did light feelers up to 365. Went on and did a couple sets at 315 . Felt good.
Should be rockin some wt sometime this spring. After that I went through my usual leg session. was pretty good I'm feeling spent. Today I got in some chest and shoulders. Easing in really slowly. Trying to be very careful .
I'm feeling pretty good.. Looking forward to 2014. Better get my cardio on track as I'm going to"reinstall" 35-40lbs muscle in a few months.
Nobody get thier panties in a twist I said reinstall previous muscle not gain 40 i've never had . This will be my last size strength run before a trim up.
Looking for super lean mid 30's- 40 . At 5'6 " that should suffice .
Hope to have some pics done in mid summer to post if all goes halfway well..
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Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Today i'm eating and relaxing. Probably going in for back in the am tomorrow.
just a mfer trying to hold back and not let loose and go for it. Do that now and regret going for instant gratification later.. Very hard with back work as that is a
very strong muscle group for me .. Friday be arm day.
Be fun when healed have not hit any "real" cycles for quite a while .
Was off completely for several months .
You guys have a great day. There are some core guys here at bricks hangout that need to meet up some day at a show or meet. The arnold or oly?
Merry xmas and let's rock the hell out of 14 !!!!!!!!!! T

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Great News Atom! Very happy to hear that!

My update: I had my second surgery yesterday. Good news. Long story short, new my urology/oncology surgeon feels this was a fibro-"something"-polyp in my right ureter. He said he felt it had a very low chance of being cancer. He told me he talked to my first surgeon and the first surgeon told him it seemed to be small and "not worrisome" WTF? Why didn't he tell ME that?? I've been worried sick for 5 weeks after THEIR biopsy said "suspicious of malignancy" and he didn't tell me this???!! It pisses me off. I'm not just another medical chart, I'm a living person. Anyway, the new surgeon took 5 more biopsies from the surrounding area (to make sure nothing is there) and I will have those results after the holidays in early January. The stent comes out in a few weeks. I feel the weight of the world is off me. I was told no lifting for two weeks... might be 1 1/2 for me LOL. Oh well, its the holidays.

I truly got the Christmas present I was hoping for!!

I hope all you guys have a great Christmas!!!

Awesome my brother, truly awesome. Have a wonderful holiday man.



Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Hey Warren ! you survive the opening of the gifts?? Lol
Heading in for Back day shortly . Just got off the phone with a long time(30+ years) iron buddy. Looks like he will make a run at masters nats.
Should do very well . Starting a slow ramp up on back work. That is the one I really feel I need to be cautious. Starting to really feel things coming on by being patient.. Hope each of you had awesome xmas I know Brick did and I think KC did as well. Lot's to be thankful for. Check back with you hound dogs later.


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
Atom congrats that's awesome!!
Trained shoulders today
Military press 5x12
Side lateral raises 5x20
Front lateral raises 5x20
Dumbbell shrugs 5x50 holding each rep at the top
Revers grip shrugs on the smith machine 5x10 heavy
30 minutes of cardio and off to work. Haves great day guys!


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Leaving for arms in a sec. You know I feel so spoiled by my good fortune.
Each day I go in to train I'm greeted by smiling faces belonging to mthe hardest of the hardcore crowd. Seeing Psych eddie and his crew is very motivational.
Never do I not look forward to getting to the gym.. I'm a lucky guy.
Gonna blaze arms in a minute. Partner still mia. Dammit!
everyone have a great friday . i'll be back to check in later..
Go on and make the day what you want it to be..


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Good to see everyone hitting it... just back in from a lighter gun show. They told me no lifting for 2 weeks. That's for other people. I'll be careful for another week. Gotta do SOMETHING or I'll need a head shrink.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Good arm w/o . The real stuff will commence in jan. still minus a training partner.
maybe odd parts day tomorrow. everyone have a great nite and tomorrow.
Thanks, T..


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
I'm back..watch out ..my head is on straight after a rough few weeks so training commences saturday..
I come to this thread to wake up thanks to all you guys. ..
Here comes the estro talk..lol. ill spare it for now. :)


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Great leg and bicep session on Saturday since I had an old training partner show up but I put my whip ass belt on to show him he's a pussy.

Sunday back day..
Wasnt as hot a workout as I had anticipated but it got me out of the house and gloomy outdoors for a few hours.. Have a good Sunday. Ib


Oct 27, 2012
Been outa town for a while and on my phone now, so tough checking in on everyone going back in the thread, but I hope you all are doing well.

I haven't missed a beat and looks like things are shaping up... Two Leg shots, no filter ImageUploadedByTapatalk1388406463.134374.jpg



Oct 27, 2012
Wow Brick! Very very happy to hear your news! I hope all of you had a merry christmas or any other holiday that you celebrated. Hopefully you spent some quality time with the family and enjoyed time with some folks you may not have seen all year.

My holiday was everything I hoped for... Got to spent time with two cousins I have not seen in quote some time, one is in chiropractic school on the west coat and the other has just been busy setting in to her job and trying to balance holidays with her new husband. Of course, I also spent a few days with my girlfriend (or soon to be fiance) and her family. I really do love her family and we get along great, so i can't complain. We also spent some quality time together in the gym and my girlfriend can definitely hang... She is getting better with arms, chest and back and can go rep for rep, albeit lighter weight, on legs and shoulders. But she is able to nail the drop sets, statics, peak contractions and partials and hit her rep ranges.

I see adam2433 viewing this thread, and I know he knows what I am talking about...

Today I was on my own and I hit chest, shoulders and tris:
Incline Db bench hit all my reps on all 5 sets
Hex press went up in weight and hit my reps and did an extra set with a drop set after
Nautilus machine press 4 sets of 8 were planned but got more on each set despite going up in weight. I did a deep stretch and peak contraction on each rep and a drop set at the end.
DB press / fly 4 sets
Super wide shoulder press 4 sets of 15 reps with partials at the end
Over and back Shoulder press press 4 sets of 10 with each "over and back" counting as one rep. Went up in weight
Shoulder tri-set with lateral raises, front raises and rear delt raises: 4 sets

I was dead and called it a day...


Registered User
Dec 26, 2013
Hit legs and back today while out of town
Had to use a shitty local gym where I am and basically did cardio because the db's only went up to 50 and everything else was machine
Ended up doing 20 one leg squats with 50lbs per hand
Db row 50's x 50
Some other stuff
It was aweful