thebrick's - What are you Training Today?

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
I know there's a three time a day protocol, right out of bed novolin R, midday humalog R (why it's preferred at that time I'm not sure, its half life is similar to novolin, although it kicks in sooner) and a third either pre or post workout, so about 45 iu daily. Got to see about that madness. LOL


Oct 27, 2012
Looks like a solid protocol!

Are the carbs based on lean mass? If so, how much do you weigh? I've done a lot of experimenting with slin and all kinds of carbs, but would like to hear if there's actually a formula besides the "10g/iu" that you hear all the time.

From what I've seen of your training and nutrition, you don't do much without good reason.

Also, are you running slin with every workout/every day, or doing something to keep sensitivity up? I find I can start at 8iu and within a week I'm up to 15iu unless I use berberine 1500mg ED (haven't tried metformin yet but want to.)

Ahhh didn't see your post... I'm taking MDs GDA as well as cinnamon, green tea extract, reservartrol, vitamin D and chromium. I'll check out the berberine.

So far I have taken it the past 3 workouts, but reducing it today.

I figured I would add an additional 10g carbs per iu in addition to what I'm already doing. I wanted to use this as a guide and adjust from there.

I'm working on fining that happy median but this seems OK so far.

Really appreciate the advice guys!!!!


Oct 27, 2012
So how are the pumps Atom? Going to go to a PWO eventually as well?

C'mon Grim, I'm a rookie ;) If I can get some humalog, then yeah. I train in the evening and don't want insulin circulating when I sleep.

If I have a chance I'll take a pic when I'm at the gym (usually too many dbags running around). I'm getting wicked pumps. The increased carbs are killer and I am sweating like a french whore lol

Shit, I never realized how cheap humulin/novolin was... under $26 at wal-mart lol


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Hit legs Sunday and chest yesterday. Both were good ones and my body is sore. Was going to train back today but decided to give it a rest day and do those deads tomorrow. Maybe a rest day will recharge my batteries for a good session tomorrow.

How many days do you guys take between squats and deadlifts?

Atom, keep us posted of your slin impression and progress.
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Feb 7, 2013
C'mon Grim, I'm a rookie ;) If I can get some humalog, then yeah. I train in the evening and don't want insulin circulating when I sleep.

If I have a chance I'll take a pic when I'm at the gym (usually too many dbags running around). I'm getting wicked pumps. The increased carbs are killer and I am sweating like a french whore lol

Shit, I never realized how cheap humulin/novolin was... under $26 at wal-mart lol
Yeah the pumps are crazy and another thing I've noticed is I can intensely lift for hours before I lose my "drive/strength"


Oct 27, 2012
Hit legs Sunday and chest yesterday. Both were good ones and my body is sore. Was going to train back today but decided to give it a rest day and do those deads tomorrow. Maybe a rest day will recharge my batteries for a good session tomorrow.

How many days do you guys take between squats and deadlifts?

Atom, keep us posted of your slin impression and progress.

Brick, because of how I have been training, I have not been doing regular deads. I have been doing rack deads though and a lot of heavy rowing.

My schedule looks like this for the next couple of weeks:
Day1: Chest and Shoulders (Heavy)
Day2: Back (Heavy row emphasis, rack deads included)
Day3: Arms and Calves (any misc. stuff)
Day4: Legs (Squats are done with a pyramid scheme 12,10,8,6)
Day5: Chest and Shoulders (Stretch / pump focused)
Day6: Back (More vertical pulling focusing on back width)
Day7: Arms and Calves
Day8: Legs (Heavy on everything - death sentence)

I'll take a day off when needed. Haven't taken one in a long, long time.

Once I start my semester (class Monday and Tuesday) I am going to do this:

Day 1: Chest, Back and Shoulders (HIT style)
Day 2: Legs and Arms (HIT Style)
Day 3: Chest and Back (Volume)
Day 4: Shoulders and Arms (Volume)
Day 5: Legs (Volume)

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
C'mon Grim, I'm a rookie ;) If I can get some humalog, then yeah. I train in the evening and don't want insulin circulating when I sleep.

If I have a chance I'll take a pic when I'm at the gym (usually too many dbags running around). I'm getting wicked pumps. The increased carbs are killer and I am sweating like a french whore lol

Shit, I never realized how cheap humulin/novolin was... under $26 at wal-mart lol

Oh man, don't let me misrepresent myself, I'm a rookie too brother, no expert on slin at all my man - have just had many great people share their ideas with me over some time now! I have some log in the fridge I'm thinking may be my PWO shot as my comfort level increases! Yeah, I just grabbed two Novolin Rs at Walmart yesterday.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Hit legs Sunday and chest yesterday. Both were good ones and my body is sore. Was going to train back today but decided to give it a rest day and do those deads tomorrow. Maybe a rest day will recharge my batteries for a good session tomorrow.

How many days do you guys take between squats and deadlifts?

Atom, keep us posted of your slin impression and progress.

I do deads every other week. I'll do hypers every week, deads every other. I'm going to begin a posterior chain routine I used with GREAT success last season which involves leg curls, supersetted good mornings and stiff legged deads as well as reverse hypers. That is a great priming for improving squat and deadlift.
I'll share the routine here when I'm getting underway. Expect serious soreness and growth in those hammies and lots of nice poundage increases on your big lifts. My bench even showed improvment thanks to the hamstrings coming up.

Atom, yes let us know how it's going. I'm planning on reporting on my progress with slin soon.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
I guess I am the only one jumping OFF the slin train? I have hypo tendencies anyway and I have a hell of a time not going hypo even on 4 iu of log. Does this mean I am slin sensitive? It does work though, no doubt.


Feb 7, 2013
I guess I am the only one jumping OFF the slin train? I have hypo tendencies anyway and I have a hell of a time not going hypo even on 4 iu of log. Does this mean I am slin sensitive? It does work though, no doubt.

I feel like I can take 4ius of R and go to sleep just fine. I am going to guess and say that yeah your insulin sensitivity is probably really acute which is a good thing.

I feel like my sweet spot right now is at 15iu pre/w I think I am going to up it to 20iu tomorrow and see how that goes.

Thank God for powdered Gatorade!!!!


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Just the thought of taking 15 iu sends me into a coma lol It kind of sucks though because it does work, just feel like I am living on the edge with it.


Oct 27, 2012
Chooo choooo here comes the slin train... Hit the guns tonight... As one would expect, huge pump!

It seems like slin puts you into a new mental state. Insane intensity and just killer attitude.

Once I got home I took a pic, yes an Instagram filter was used:ImageUploadedByTapatalk1377047771.985357.jpg


Feb 7, 2013
, just feel like I am living on the edge with it.

....... Duuuuh! That's the fun! It wouldn't be worth it if it didn't constantly remind you that you're about to die from fatal hypoglycemia!

I mean that's what insulin is all about, it's like doorbell ditching with death, not exactly the dude you want to catch you LoL.

But in all seriousness, I'm glad that I tend to be able to "play around" a bit more than probable most people can cause thus far I enjoy the benefits of slin quite a bit.


Oct 27, 2012
So I'm sitting at my desk in work and I'm reading something from Grim and I see this:

"I'm Slin Shady yeah I'm the pin shady
All you other slin shadys are just hypo in waiting..."

I think I just pissed my pants. You guys are fucking hilarious!!!!!

So will real sin shady please pin up, please carb up....


Registered User
Oct 29, 2012
I guess I am the only one jumping OFF the slin train? I have hypo tendencies anyway and I have a hell of a time not going hypo even on 4 iu of log. Does this mean I am slin sensitive? It does work though, no doubt.

I am off that train. I do not intend to use it until after I compete on a national stage and see where I land. I let my qualification lapse after winning my class. I used humalog and tried it multiple ways based on advice from various experienced people. Yeah, I got big, 228lbs at 5'2". However, it started making me feel like shit everytime I would use it. Not hypo but just lousy, fucking with my appetite. It could have been the way I was using it or just being burnt out or too much gear, who knows. I just plan to use regular ol' gear to see what I can get my weight back up to. I managed to stay around 195lbs at a decent body fat without anything for 6 months but now I just started using test again at a lower dose. This isn't to say that 3 months from now I don't start slamming 15iu of humalog pre workout and post. :eek:


Oct 27, 2012
I am off that train. I do not intend to use it until after I compete on a national stage and see where I land. I let my qualification lapse after winning my class. I used humalog and tried it multiple ways based on advice from various experienced people. Yeah, I got big, 228lbs at 5'2". However, it started making me feel like shit everytime I would use it. Not hypo but just lousy, fucking with my appetite. It could have been the way I was using it or just being burnt out or too much gear, who knows. I just plan to use regular ol' gear to see what I can get my weight back up to. I managed to stay around 195lbs at a decent body fat without anything for 6 months but now I just started using test again at a lower dose. This isn't to say that 3 months from now I don't start slamming 15iu of humalog pre workout and post. :eek:

You are 5'2"? Holy shit.... That's my height...I need to put in some fucking work