For all the Bill Nye and science lovers out there


May 7, 2013
I also believe things based on fact it's way too much to type here and we're not doing the copying and pasting thing


Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
Biology, geology, embryology, genetics, astrology, DNA, fossils. Those are the things that support evolution and the age of the earth. You have a book that supports creation. Don't say that we both require faith in what we believe.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
The earth is 4.5 billion years. And we know that by actual science and research and hard work. Evolution is a theory because massive amounts of evidence supports it and nothing discredits it. Evolution is testable, falsifiable, it makes predictions. Creations (and ID) fails on every level.
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May 7, 2013
So you're saying there's no holes in evolution? I say there's holes in both creationism and evolution. If you say there's no holes in evolution then you are saying that evolution is a perfect theory iff that is what you're saying then there is no longer any need to debate someone like you who is so close minded


May 7, 2013
And don't tell me I don't know about science taken countless science classes taught both by creationist and evolutionist. You mean no offense? You talk like you know my life or something? The real question is why you are so concerned about it. If I'm wrong then I will simply die and cease to exist like you believe so what's the big deal?


Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
I don't know your life. I only know how you talk about science on here. And you just don't seem to understand it very well. Of course there are some things about how we evolved that we don't have answers too. There are things about gravity that we don't understand but that doesn't mean we should go around not believing in gravity or saying that the Theory of Gravity has holes in it. And I don't really care if you are scientifically literate or ignorant. But I care about future generations understanding science. Because science improves our way of life. Wouldn't you agree?


May 7, 2013
Who cares a future generations understand it? Especially if you just die and go off into nothingness. it boggles my mind why you care about it so much. Just let the super intelligent who believe in God have bliss in their ignorance lol


Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
Well I have children that will benefit from advances in science. And I'm relatively young, so I should be be able to enjoy them also. The process that we use to create antibiotics is based on evolution. Lab testing for medicines, nuclear medicine, the fact that we don't poison ourselves with lead nowadays are based on evolution and how we know the age of the earth. Those are important wouldn't you agree?


May 7, 2013
No its totally pointless you're going to die anyways who cares? Oh and make sure you teach your kids that there is no God and still think that you're not evil. The pride and self righteousness in man has no limits.


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
Big bang theory. that giant flash or should I say massive explosion..... which is proven by the way. the start of our planet. ..... religious folks say that massive explosion/spark what ever you what to call it... "is" god. Others will say it was merely chemistry on a massive scale and here we are +or - a few million years.

you decide,,, as for me both thoughts are right. If you are comfortable with one or other then you are right.

we all love body building...that's our common denominator.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
Why buy a car if its just going to die someday? That makes sense. And I'll teach my kids to believe in things based on evidence. Not magic. And I won't be telling my children that they are evil. That would be horrible. Is that what you are going to tell your children? Make sure you save up for therapy for them.


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
Kids become adults. when they are grown they decide for themselves even if they grow up in a religious or non religious home. Like I have said, if you feel comfortable with your decision then that is your path. I personally have a deal with our maker if there is one....when I pass and go to where ever im going to go, or not. I will have that discussion when I get there, at least I will have massive arms for those single angles. LOL


Feb 2, 2013
Clearly you are all educated men. I respect that, but holding fast to evolution, big bang and carbon dating as science is like saying the answer to our countries problems is socialism. It's crap taught to people as science, and then people who like the concept of no God tend to cling to it.But, your entitled to your opinion and to teach your loved ones what you believe to be true. I respect that right.

Illustration: Say one was trying to prove I did not love my wife and followed me around for a few weeks without my knowing. Could they possibly present a case that I do not if they only reported some of what they observed, like me going into a pretty women's house or sending flowers that my wife never received. I imagine you could pile up a bunch of evidence to support your theory. But what happens when you report all the facts objectively? Everything looks different...the pretty lady turned out to be a customer as I am a contractor and it happens that my mom's birthday is in February. So, it's easy to stack the deck if you ignore the whole. And yeah, both sides can be guilty.

I never get heated up or get tied up long in these debates as I have read the science and seen the facts...the majority of which point to a God. So, my faith is not offended enough to defend what I believe...it defends itself.

Anyway, sorry about the tangent here is a brief explanation of Genesis 1:1 using a literal literary interpretation. And why I don't accept the young earth theory (which while well intended is driving to drive a round peg into a square hole) or the 400 million billion zillion (carbon dating is shit over 20K).

Anyway to interpret and piece of literature you need to consider the genre, context, audience and purpose. So, while I will skip all that I will summarize by saying the Bible is not a encyclopedia or biography...rather it is a story. A story that is real, but using the language, stories and imagery of the day.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was[a] on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.

Not very sciencey ehh? So, the picture is not off nothingness rather chaos, water and the deep are images of something uncontrollable by man.You see the same imagery in Revelation when God sets up his throne over a sea of glass (chaos and disorder has been conquered) Also notice, God's first command was let there be light, not let there be earth. Then God goes on to rearrange the earths form. Likely, this is when the dinosaurs make their exit and well the time of man begins. Am I ruling out a meteor...no, heck God can do as He wants.

Do, I know how old the materials of earth are...heck no, but does science discredit the Bible...I think not.

However, that is my 2cc's and now I exit the debate.

Later and much respect,


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 31, 2012
These debates always get a little heated and worked up, I like it. But bottom line is it's all about faith. Religion or not, you have faith and conviction in what you believe because NO ONE knows the mystery of why we're here or how we got here.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
I have great respect for everyone here. Especially you Hawk. But to say that evolution, carbon dating, and the Big Bang is crap science is like saying that geology, astronomy, physics (I can go on and on) is crap science). The evidence for all of these things are overwhelming. There has never been a found fossil that was in the wrong place in the time sequence. That would disprove evolution. DNA confirms common ancestry. We find fossils based on predictions from evolution. If this was "crap science" then why don't scientist come coward and get their Nobel Prize? About half of all scientists in related fields are Christian and the vast majority of them agree with Darwin and not with you. Why would they do that? The Catholic Church, which has every reason to deny evolution, has said that evolution is a fact. The Big Bang Theory was discovered by a Catholic Priest for goodness sakes. Doesn't that say something to you?


Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
And Marshal, I love debates too. Especially civil ones like this one. But once again, I don't have faith in anything. Faith means belief in something without evidence or with contradicting evidence. I don't have that. I have evidence for how humans are on this planet. Lots of it. So I don't know how you can call that faith.


Donating Member
Jan 21, 2013
I have great respect for everyone here. Especially you Hawk. But to say that evolution, carbon dating, and the Big Bang is crap science is like saying that geology, astronomy, physics (I can go on and on) is crap science). The evidence for all of these things are overwhelming. There has never been a found fossil that was in the wrong place in the time sequence. That would disprove evolution. DNA confirms common ancestry. We find fossils based on predictions from evolution. If this was "crap science" then why don't scientist come coward and get their Nobel Prize? About half of all scientists in related fields are Christian and the vast majority of them agree with Darwin and not with you. Why would they do that? The Catholic Church, which has every reason to deny evolution, has said that evolution is a fact. The Big Bang Theory was discovered by a Catholic Priest for goodness sakes. Doesn't that say something to you?

You keep arguing by appeal to authority and ad hominem attacks.

There is not overwhelming evidence for evolution, carbon dating and the Big Bang. They are theories that were the best estimates at the time -- not so much with carbon dating, that is a technique, but it has flaws. There are agonistic and/or atheistic scientists who do not subscribe to the Darwinian version of evolution and others who do not subscribe to the Big Bang.

Just because Creationism in whatever form may not be accurate does not then mean that Darwinism is accurate. You acknowledge that science "evolves" as knowledge is gained. The theory of the atom that my sons learned is different from the one I was taught.

It is hypothesized that a "God" particle exists. They are looking for it. If they do not find it with current technology, does that mean that it does not exist? Perhaps a 100 years from now, the technology will allow it to be found, maybe it will be exactly as the current models predict, maybe it will be different, perhaps it will be proven that it does not exist.

Earlier you argued that chance is not what drives evolution, but chance is exactly what is argued for the serendipitous mix of non living things and energy that resulted in life appearing. When did chance get ousted by order? Also, if entropy is true, how do we account for the order we observe?

The point is we cannot state as fact that which we do not really know. Science continues to unravel the mystery, but our knowledge is far from complete.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I have great respect for everyone here. Especially you Hawk. But to say that evolution, carbon dating, and the Big Bang is crap science is like saying that geology, astronomy, physics (I can go on and on) is crap science). The evidence for all of these things are overwhelming. There has never been a found fossil that was in the wrong place in the time sequence. That would disprove evolution. DNA confirms common ancestry. We find fossils based on predictions from evolution. If this was "crap science" then why don't scientist come coward and get their Nobel Prize? About half of all scientists in related fields are Christian and the vast majority of them agree with Darwin and not with you. Why would they do that? The Catholic Church, which has every reason to deny evolution, has said that evolution is a fact. The Big Bang Theory was discovered by a Catholic Priest for goodness sakes. Doesn't that say something to you?

You Are correct about the Big bang theory. However the Church does not teach conclusively that Evolution is a FACT. It is open to more study on the matter.
What it does tell me Slate is that Christianity does love its Science!
Peace my Brotha's!