For all the Bill Nye and science lovers out there


Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
Ad hominem attacks mean that instead of supplying good arguments and evidence that person instead attacks the other debater personally. I don't believe I did that. Can you give an example?
And you are mistaken on what the appeal to authority fallacy means. Saying that 99.9 % of experts agree on something in their field of study isn't an appeal to authority. Saying something like "My dentist says evolution is wrong. Since he is a doctor he must be right". That's a fallacy. Saying "99% of dentists say you should floss" is not a fallacy.
By stating something is a scientific theory means by definition that an overwhelming amount of evidence supports it. Some theories have more evidence than others of course but evolution and the Big Bang have so much evidence that it would turn the scientific community on its head if they were proven wrong.
Carbon dating has never been proven unreliable when used properly. If carbon dating has so many flaws then why do scientists use it? Why don't you have a Nobel prize for your discovery. Carbon dating isn't the only thing scientists use for dating anyways. And it's also not the way they calculate the age of the earth.
The "God Particle" has already been found. And it's not what you think it is. It is a subatomic particle that scientists theorized must exist. And it has nothing to do with God. It's just a nickname.
The science of non living things becoming living things is abiogenesis. It has nothing to do with evolution. Evolution starts after the first reproducing cell.
And evolution is a fact. It's demonstrable. Don't take my word for it though. Just ask any of the 99.9% of the experts ( people that actually have degrees in the subject)
And with entropy. You are talking about the 2nd law of thermodynamics. That only applies to things in a closed system. The earth is not a closed system. We get energy for the sun of course. Any other questions guys? I'm here all night.
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Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
28 and medical assistant is my profession. I'm not saying I'm an expert in this though. I do know a lot but you shouldn't take my word for anything. You should ask or read things from actual experts. I just like debating the subject. It gives me a chance to brush up on my knowledge.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
There you go brother. By the way, your girl is looking great. I wish my wife shared my love for the gym. Lucky guy


May 7, 2013
I'm just kidding. Yes my wife is wonderful I am blessed by Almighty God the Most High to be given such a wonderful wife that I prayed and asked for many years ago. I did not naturally select her it was by divine appointment that we met.heehee


Donating Member
Jan 21, 2013
Ad hominem attacks mean that instead of supplying good arguments and evidence that person instead attacks the other debater personally. I don't believe I did that. Can you give an example?

I honestly am not going to look back on the entire thread, at least not at the moment, but my sense is that you have insulted amateur males intelligence.

And you are mistaken on what the appeal to authority fallacy means. Saying that 99.9 % of experts agree on something in their field of study isn't an appeal to authority. Saying something like "My dentist says evolution is wrong. Since he is a doctor he must be right". That's a fallacy. Saying "99% of dentists say you should floss" is not a fallacy.

Correct (more or less) in and of itself, but that is not what you are doing in your arguments. Others may call it an appeal to the majority. You yourself do not have the expertise to have your statements taken as authoritative, and when you appeal to authority, you use meaningless adjectives such as overwhelming.

By stating something is a scientific theory means by definition that an overwhelming amount of evidence supports it. Some theories have more evidence than others of course but evolution and the Big Bang have so much evidence that it would turn the scientific community on its head if they were proven wrong.

Again, you do not acknowledge that the cutting edge of both of these areas of study do not accept your understanding of these things. I am talking about your type of scientists, not creationists.

Carbon dating has never been proven unreliable when used properly. If carbon dating has so many flaws then why do scientists use it? Why don't you have a Nobel prize for your discovery.

This is another example of the way you have been arguing in this thread. I never said "many flaws." I said flaws. Nice ad hominem attack, with the smart ass question by the way (missing a question mark, I might add). If it is so good, why isn't it the only method used as you say below? One flaw is apparent in the way ages are expressed after carbon dating -- they are put in terms of a range. Therefore, one flaw is it is not precise.

Carbon dating isn't the only thing scientists use for dating anyways. And it's also not the way they calculate the age of the earth.
The "God Particle" has already been found. And it's not what you think it is. It is a subatomic particle that scientists theorized must exist. And it has nothing to do with God. It's just a nickname.

Here you go again. What do I think the God particle is? You show your arrogance when you purport to know what others are thinking or what their motivations are. I know what the God particle is, that is why I mentioned it. I missed the headline that it has been found.

The science of non living things becoming living things is abiogenesis. It has nothing to do with evolution. Evolution starts after the first reproducing cell.

Chance -- chance ruled before life, chance supposedly causes mutations. When did order -- and, what planning? -- take over as the cause of the course of the universe?

And evolution is a fact. It's demonstrable. Don't take my word for it though. Just ask any of the 99.9% of the experts ( people that actually have degrees in the subject)

And again, you ignore my point that many of your experts, 54.754 % of them have a differing view than what your are regurgitating.

And with entropy. You are talking about the 2nd law of thermodynamics. That only applies to things in a closed system. The earth is not a closed system. We get energy for the sun of course. Any other questions guys? I'm here all night.

The universe as a whole.

Your arrogance shows again with your smug final statement.

As to your assumptions about my beliefs, you are totally wrong.
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Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
Soccer dad. I don't want to offend you with what you believe to be an ad hominem attacks but you just don't have a clear understanding about what you are talking about. Entropy, god particle, carbon dating, evolution, logical fallacies. I don't get where you come up with 54% of experts don't agree that evolution is a fact. And I never said I was an expert. That's why I said that no one should take my word for it and that they should actually do some research and see what experts in the field actually say. Do you want me to go through the list of things you got wrong or would you like to look them up yourself?


Donating Member
Jan 21, 2013
Soccer dad. I don't want to offend you with what you believe to be an ad hominem attacks but you just don't have a clear understanding about what you are talking about. Entropy, god particle, carbon dating, evolution, logical fallacies. I don't get where you come up with 54% of experts don't agree that evolution is a fact. And I never said I was an expert. That's why I said that no one should take my word for it and that they should actually do some research and see what experts in the field actually say. Do you want me to go through the list of things you got wrong or would you like to look them up yourself?

I think you like offending people who point out your silliness.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
I can't control who gets offended when I ask questions. Would you like for me to point out your mistakes or not? I'm just trying to have a civil debate here. I don't believe anyone besides yourself has been offended here.


May 7, 2013
Soccer dad I think he tried to insult my intelligence but I left the thread because I have a problem not viewing people with his viewpoint as dumb or stupid. So I guess technically I insulted his intelligence. That and the fact that he refuse to say that evolution has holes in it. Even Bill Nye could not explain how matter can become self conscious.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2013
And I thought we ending things so well. I didn't know I hurt your feelings. Or your God's feeling. I'll send him a get well card. And i agree. Saying I don't believe your God exists is way more offensive then calling someone evil. And just because we don't know absolutely everything about a subject doesn't mean the theory has "Holes" in it. We don't know absolutely everything about germs but you wouldn't go around saying Germ Theory has a bunch of holes in it would ya? Just because science hasn't figured out something yet (like when matter became self conscious) doesn't mean you can say magic did it.