I'm new

.....but, have you reached your 290 goal yet...????
if not......why do you think you haven't...???
if so.....how did it better your life...???
I know who you are but I bite...lol
I haven't reached my goal yet there's couple reasons for this one being I pussy footed around with the low dose bullshit for to long in the beginning but it had it's place showing me what I could handle 2 Im shit for getting my diet right....I end up fighting putting on fat then pulling food to a minimum and slowing gains at least that's my guess...I can without doubt hit that 290 but it's gonna be fatter than I want to be to be more exact I'll have a pushed out gut that would make Santa Claus envy....lol so instead of getting it fast I'm stuck gaining slow because I'm an average guy learning as I go and can't afford a worthy trainer yet.
Just to be clear because it's way back on page 1 my end goal is a jacked ,functional ,245 lbs with a maintainable body fat say 10-12 or so % . My goal isn't to be 290 shreaded, that's not living in my opinion nor is it the fucntionality I need to be productive with my family.
As for bettering my life it absolutely has 10 fold and I haven't even made it yet. I don't really talk about it because I don't want to hear the "you can't" BS because I know I can..But when I started I couldn't make it through Walmart with the family without bowing out and going back to the car because my back hurt so bad I couldn't walk right, and I won't take pain meds ect so doc just said I was stuck until it got so bad I couldnt take it well here we are not only have I improved my health and back 10 fold I can out do my family on any outing ,hiking,biking,swimming, doesn't matter....Does back still have issues sure but I'm not on pain killers and I can walk now and I've built the muscle enough and dropped the fat enough that I can work around the issues I still have, notice I don't dead lift much and when I do I'm well rested.
I'm no longer that fat sack of shit worthless influence on my kids , I rarely drink,I don't party,family gatherings excluded..lol, I've pretty much gave up all my vices and superfluidies in life and am very happy for it.
I could go on and on about how it's bettered every aspect of my life including my well being and state of mind but I've already rambled enough.
But to be clear if this path cost me 10 years then I'm ahead because to be honest had I kept down my path I wasn't making it much farther, and if I did there was zero quality in old life.The doc putting me trt started me down the best path I could have taken. I'm back to being the person I was before life went sideways.