AON1's journey to 290


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Another day another gym session..

Lat pulldown
Db side raise
Seated hammer block row
Rope face pulls
Mill press
Low cable trap pulls
Machine wide row
Machine pulldowns
Back extensions
Stretches going to start listing these so I'll quit hitting and.missing with them, if I have to list them I'll do them


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Not much new think I'll add the npp and bump the tren shortly ,somewhere in the ballpark of 700/700 ,probably switch out the the oral for var a little after for a last try with var, I'm taking a good bit of adex this run so thinking it's going to get swapped for letro for the last leg of the run. Will be bringing in the dnp and lowering the test e and adding prop somewhere in here.

Just hit a good stretch and squeeze leg day with mod weight for a good burn

Leg press set with calve press
Leg extensions
Lying leg curls
Seated leg curls


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
Not much new think I'll add the npp and bump the tren shortly ,somewhere in the ballpark of 700/700 ,probably switch out the the oral for var a little after for a last try with var, I'm taking a good bit of adex this run so thinking it's going to get swapped for letro for the last leg of the run. Will be bringing in the dnp and lowering the test e and adding prop somewhere in here.

Just hit a good stretch and squeeze leg day with mod weight for a good burn

Leg press set with calve press
Leg extensions
Lying leg curls
Seated leg curls

I'm new:cool:.....but, have you reached your 290 goal yet...????

if not......why do you think you haven't...???
if so.....how did it better your life...???



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I'm new:cool:.....but, have you reached your 290 goal yet...????

if not......why do you think you haven't...???
if so.....how did it better your life...???


I know who you are but I bite...lol

I haven't reached my goal yet there's couple reasons for this one being I pussy footed around with the low dose bullshit for to long in the beginning but it had it's place showing me what I could handle 2 Im shit for getting my diet right....I end up fighting putting on fat then pulling food to a minimum and slowing gains at least that's my guess...I can without doubt hit that 290 but it's gonna be fatter than I want to be to be more exact I'll have a pushed out gut that would make Santa Claus envy....lol so instead of getting it fast I'm stuck gaining slow because I'm an average guy learning as I go and can't afford a worthy trainer yet.

Just to be clear because it's way back on page 1 my end goal is a jacked ,functional ,245 lbs with a maintainable body fat say 10-12 or so % . My goal isn't to be 290 shreaded, that's not living in my opinion nor is it the fucntionality I need to be productive with my family.

As for bettering my life it absolutely has 10 fold and I haven't even made it yet. I don't really talk about it because I don't want to hear the "you can't" BS because I know I can..But when I started I couldn't make it through Walmart with the family without bowing out and going back to the car because my back hurt so bad I couldn't walk right, and I won't take pain meds ect so doc just said I was stuck until it got so bad I couldnt take it well here we are not only have I improved my health and back 10 fold I can out do my family on any outing ,hiking,biking,swimming, doesn't matter....Does back still have issues sure but I'm not on pain killers and I can walk now and I've built the muscle enough and dropped the fat enough that I can work around the issues I still have, notice I don't dead lift much and when I do I'm well rested.

I'm no longer that fat sack of shit worthless influence on my kids , I rarely drink,I don't party,family gatherings excluded..lol, I've pretty much gave up all my vices and superfluidies in life and am very happy for it.

I could go on and on about how it's bettered every aspect of my life including my well being and state of mind but I've already rambled enough.

But to be clear if this path cost me 10 years then I'm ahead because to be honest had I kept down my path I wasn't making it much farther, and if I did there was zero quality in old life.The doc putting me trt started me down the best path I could have taken. I'm back to being the person I was before life went sideways.
Last edited:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I will add any constructive criticism ,recamendations ,ect are appreciated. I'm not thin skinned and have no issues with being taught something.


Registered User
Jan 17, 2017
I'm slow too....most of us are slow gainers...

but it makes it so we can take our time at this
and enjoy the little things OUTSIDE of the gym...

that's what its done for me...

then not to mention all the set back we get....some are worse
than others....but muscle memory is a real thing....thank god.

so things are positive for you.....what more can you ask for...???
that's why i never put a number on things....as long as you are
progressing in a positive way....its all gains...muscle or no muscle


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Been awhile since I've hit a morning workout so changed it up.a bit today.... instead of my normal protocol I got up fasted took 100mg anadrol then waited a short bit mixed up my hgh and just injected 8 units of hgh and 15ius slin stayed fasted while fixed breakfast ate a good breakfast then waited around 30-45 min and hit the gym really good workout pumped as fuck the whole session . I'm hoping I've been running the growth long enough the sides don't pound me and they shouldn't. Instead of eating again at the second peak on the slin like usual I'm gonna wait till my next meal then hit another 20 ius slin to pound it in just to see the difference.

Rope pulldowns
High cable curls
Overhead cable extensions
Reverse ezbar curls
Overhead DB extensions
Db curls
Db side delts
Cable rear delts
Shoulder press
Seated calves

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Keep going homie and don't stop. Keep giving me inspiration to try and keep up.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Ran same protocol today as yesterday 100 anadrol ,8 units growth, 15 iu novolin r pre and 20 iu next meal after without eating second peak...felt great good enough I planned to hit deads or rack pulls but it seems everybody had same plan today so never did get a rack...I will say I felt the second peak today..wasn't a hypo feeling not really sure how to explain but worked well

Pull ups
Seated bar short rows to gut
Cable flys
Standing high cable rows
Hammer strength incline
Chest press
Wide seated row
Back extensions


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Bumped the tren back up to 700 I seem to be having trouble with the npp but hopefully it will be brought in this coming week, if not I'll just bump up the tren again but really believe you get more out of splitting it between tren and npp than tren alone I'm guessing it's because it's not as harsh but what do I know it's just how it feels to me so hopefully I get it lined out. Been running the slin 3 meals a day if all goes well may add more. It's wierd but I think I feel better running more slin... we'll see how it goes.

Leg press
Calve press
Lying leg curls
Leg extensions
Seated leg curls


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Morning arms

Db tri pushbacks
High cable curls
Hammer block twist grip pulldowns
Db curls
Hammer curls
Db side.delts
Db rear delts


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Been a bit since I posted up I think between life and the time I've been on is taking a toll mentally ....I'm at a point I feel like I'm going through the motions with out direction , beginning ,or ending......despite this the last week has been some great workouts, got in some good rack pulls, front squats ect without pumping out the back to bad..... believe the stretching is helping this.

I've dropped out the anadrol completely it just wasn't having the effect it should for the amount I was running and I just didnt want to bump it any higher ,at this point I'm really tired of being on.I'm bringing var back in one last time in the next few and either starting npp or bumping the tren to finish out.
Something hopefully will give on this last leg because I can't get back above 270 to save my life . I guess I could but it'd be more fat than I want when I start the lean out.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hit a really good chest day yesterday and hitting back later....still pretty drained mentally but having some really great workouts.... actually a lot better than I've had in awhile...I've stopped checking the scale all together at this point ....it just mind fucks me so not weighing again till I start the.lean out.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Nothing really new going on just steady as she goes...workouts have been good enough needed an extra rest day before hitting legs today... another great session for legs.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
routine is good even if it doesnt feel new and exciting every time. Just like layers of paint. When you look back its worth it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
routine is good even if it doesnt feel new and exciting every time. Just like layers of paint. When you look back its worth it.

definitely truth there I hit a good arm session heavy today for the first time in a long time with zero tendon issue and I have no doubt it was from routine ,repetition, staying the course and working through it .


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hit a good chest calves yesterday going for back later tonight.... finally have my npp lined out so think I'm dialed in for the rest of the run....started dnp at a decent amount today for a short mid cycle blast to hopefully get my slin sensitivity up so I can blast the slin a good bit before dropping it out all together. With the npp in I should be able to up the food I react well to npp/tren together .

So unless something changes rest of the run will be as follows
Test e 2800
Primo 1050
Tren 700
Npp. 700
Var coming in toward end again at 40-80


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
For my tendon issues with powerlifting I get deep tissue work done weekly. Also slingshot makes cuffs and elbow sleeves that help ALOT with biceps and forearm tendinitis ! check um out.