AON1's journey to 290


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Been on holiday for a few with family so tried to make it productive as possible with a few self experiments.....was having trouble with tendons in arm so instead of weight training and visiting new gyms a few days like I usually do I dropped all weights and stuck to light cardio when possible and really pushed my swimming and snorkel time , done around a 1/3 mile beach swim in the waves to start, that doesn't seem like much but when you haven't done it in years and weigh over 250 it's a good workout..then we always snorkel a bunch of grass flats ect , but they have a really long ship channel into the bay so this year I snorkeled the rocks the whole channel and back , all together I got in somewhere close to couple miles, I was beat.

Then food is always a bitch on these trips so I cut my meals to two a day, breakfast was a pile of eggs/ potatoes with a pile of protein pancakes/syrup then supper was real foods usually beef or pork at a healthy amount with different sides thrown in like oysters one night and whatever they had good with each meal..

The results of the above....instead of putting on fat I think I leaned out some overall ...I lost a total of 7 lbs and look as good or better than started.....so from now out I believe the 2 meals a day will be my travel regiment...

Anyway arm feels alot better will be killing it tonight at gym....


Sep 17, 2003
Aon, any current progression pics? What are you holding at now and at what height?

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Swimming is always a good work out. Harder to do it when you are not a skinny mofo. Going to habe to share some pictures of the fun times.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Aon, any current progression pics? What are you holding at now and at what height?

I'll see what Vaca pics I have ...I should have taken a few after the minicut ....on weight I'm actually down to 246 when I got home but I dropped the tren down and dropped the anadrol , growth, slin ,dnp all together for the trip so weight will climb pretty fast now that the arm is improved alot so I can bump everything for the last blast in this run.
I'm back on the growth /slin 3 a day now ,anadrol 3x25 will increase if needed, raising the test as high as I can comfortably run this week, leaving the tren low till further down the road, probably adding var shortly, and will be adding in npp shortly.

Hit arms ,delts,calves tonight . Didn't push the curls real hard but arm felt pretty good.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Swimming is always a good work out. Harder to do it when you are not a skinny mofo. Going to habe to share some pictures of the fun times.

Swimming is definitely a good workout I really should do more, my wife's gym has a pool and I never get around to using it may need to change that.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hit back last night usuals.....may have to get wife to do some progress pics....I've tried taking a few at the gym but this phone is shit....no matter what angle you use they come out fuckn off ...I tried putting one up from about six weeks back but I got a message that says invalid post see administrator


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Went after legs pretty good last night ....changed up a little went after rep sets ...I have to do something because at times it feels like I'm not getting the workout I should anymore...hit about 20 reps hard and fast with a weight that was a struggle to get the 20. Didn't really count sets just went till the reps were dropping and I was hurting and moved on...work pretty well I'm friggin sore for a change today..

As for gear test is bumped...I hate fucking test ,bloated,soft ,short fused, I don't feel as bad as usual running the test e with no bb so helps but I swear 2 grams of tren is much better than 2 grams of test any day as far as sides....

Current gear
Test e 2100mg
Anadrol 3x25mg day on working days
Primo 1050mg
Tren a 350mg
Hgh 9units a day split in 3shots
Slin hit and miss when I workout early enough thinking of trying higher end of dosing this

A little over 3 months left so in the next month will bump the tren to700, add npp at 700 , and add var,not sure where I'll dose the var suggestions are welcome as I've never ran good var, will decide what I'll do test wise at that point

On progress I think I look like shit for the effort ect I've put in but I got compliments the whole vacation , had chicks flirt with me and comp me right in front of the wife,like I told the wife take it as a compliment​ you have me they want it and can't have it lol...fuck I got them from people who wasn't even close to our mindset if you will ,so I don't know I guess the cut in September will see....I need to quit comparing my progress to 20 yr vets because like I think it was Jay talking about how with the gear I'm running ect I can get big and thick but for the look of the muscle maturity takes time period.....I guess when I look back at my fat sack of shit pics compared to now I've come a good ways...

AnaSci I tried again today with the six weeks back pic and it gives a message saying invalid post specified is this my phone screwing it up or am I doing something wrong on the upload? I never had a problem with my other phone so I wander if it's my phone
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lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Ill send you a pm with my email, ill post them for you. Maybe file formate or size but i can fix it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Ill send you a pm with my email, ill post them for you. Maybe file formate or size but i can fix it.

That works .....if i can't get some up I'll send you a few to post
I made it back into the 250 range again pretty sure I was mostly depleted from the trip.. I seem to always bounce back to the 250-260 range no matter how I hit it.....gear doses and changing the training,food will push through that hopefully if not it'll be time to let someone else plan the next.year...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hit arms and delts tonight from here out all workouts are going to be pushed out of my comfort zone....no reason to risk that much gear and not push it....if I go to far and get injured I'll just have to deal with it... hopefully I've got enough time to see where that line is before it happens..tonight was good pushed the arm to where I could feel it but not to further injury

Hammer curls
Bent bar pushdowns
High cable curls
Over head cable extensions
Reverse ezbar
Twist grip hammer block pushdowns
Db side raise
Db rear fly
Face pulls
Side/rear delts cables


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
These pics are pretty poor quality wife is going to take better in the next few hopefully. I would actually like to start posting progress pics more regular now that I'm hitting the really high doses to trac if they are worth it so to speak


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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Ive recomped weight since the last pic I posted but don't really think I've gained alot of size. Probably a combination of travel, over training to make up for it, who knows . My arms are a week point in my head but honestly if they were 24" I'd still think that. I've put over 3" on them over the last few years that I've been after this but it doesn't seem like it .