AON1's journey to 290


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hit back I'm really happy with the direction the strength is going for my back finally 495 rack pulls with shrugs on the lockout isn't anything for alot of guys but for my back without pumping it out is amazing. I honestly think if I wanted to push my luck I could pull a good bit more now. It feels like I'm at that point of fucking up but it keeps climbing weekly where that feeling is. The direction I'm headed I can see me actually hitting decent deads again without fucking up my back in a pretty short time. I'm just happy the progress with my back is starting to show. I was really starting to think it was as good as I was going to be able to do. With the amount of shit I'm running though I guess something either has to gain or break...I've also been trying to keep my workout around an hour give or take most days,some still 2 or better, lately instead of the 2-3 hours I've done in the past and I think this is helping push the strength gains

Lat pulldown
Seated hammer block row
Machine pulldowns
Racks set with shrugs
Back extensions
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Some fucking days you just want to strangle everyone......had just a shity leg day... usually the gym gets rid of life stresses but there's always those days it just fucks focus and doesn't matter what you do the workout is going to be shit and you just have to walk away before you beat on something or someone.... hopefully I can go back before bed and salvage a workout

Leg extensions
Leg curls


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Coming in to that last bit of this blast not real happy with it but is what is. Going to change up the gear do to a couple reason....Ive been running some npp from a different source that I mixed up I always use the same protocol and sterile vials but the first bottle had what looked like a tiny mold spore in it the second day it was finished so I sterilized and it was fine,well the other bottles I stuck in stash in the dark and damn when I got the out they had mold from bottom to top and it doesn't seem to wanna cook away it's some mean shit, most of it dies out but there a bit at the bottom that won't die. Pretty sure the heat it would need to kill it would make the npp useless .I not worried about what I've already ran because I have a super man immune system but I'm pretty leary of these two last bottles. I'm not gonna blame the source because even though I used all my normal protocal anything could have happen and I like the people I just don't think they'd ship dirty gear on purpose and besides there's alot of shipping ect involved that's out of there hands.

Anyway I'm running my slin/growth at wake up/ preworkout 15 iu + 100 anadrol+ 50 var then 25 iu slin post workout then 20 post post meal . Dropping all slin at end of next 3 workouts. Only slin after that till cruise is done will be couple ius with anti aging dose of growth in mornings. Going to keep the var till the end but bump to 100 and drop the anadrol again. Dropping the test to 1000 maybe more bumping the tren to between 16-2100 depends where I feel it and dropping npp. Primo at 800 and dnp at 600 - 700.

One arm rope pulldowns
Cable curls
Overhead rope
Hammer curls
Reverse hammer rope handle pulldowns
Db side delts
Db rear delts
Machine side delts
Rope handle face pulls


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Well npp gone and test dropped tren at 225 a day for now. Hit chest and calves yesterday going in to hit back today think I'm going to up the preworkout anadrol since it's last few workouts with it if for nothing else just to go beast before dropping. To be honest I'm looking forward to this shit to be done and get on cruise for a bit . Looking forward to see what kinda program tmt put together for me also, just need some change I believe.looking forward to making real progress again


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Gave it an extra day then hit legs yesterday, another shit leg day in a row but will say for a shit no energy workout got home and standing or setting was a bitch, calves and quads fried so who knows.....
Off the slin and dropping HGH for a couple weeks just to clear system not sure if it's just the idea of dropping the gear and growth or what but I feel 80yrs old today stiff, was an effort just to wipe my ass today lol..

Front squats
Calf press
Leg press
Leg extensions


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hit arms delts Saturday good.session....skipped yesterday had a pretty good heavy chest day today...didn't get to hit all I wanted ...gym was busy but what I hit heavy got it done...

Pic below still holding the extra fat....been off the hgh,slin,anadrol etc. a few days now... I was 252 fasted right out of bed then ate breakfast and took pics so stomach full and bloated....I still have a few weeks and just getting started with dropping the carbs to morning and post work then pretty low rest of day I will steadily take out more carbs .....I'm not going.for being ripped by the end just lean because I've still got.a year to grow and shread. Will add I got a touch of gyno this run that I never get...I know what happen and it's not a big deal it's drying right up and I'll have it gone in a few weeks no problem.

It'll take a awhile as usual to get the pics up it looks like ....I don't have time now I'll get them up later or I'll have someone post them for me.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I'd appreciate if anyone has time to shrink pics....I will figure out how to do it eventually


  • IMG_20170911_161944.jpg
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
After you're done with this run, do you go on cruise control or clean out?

I should add I'm on for life from burning the candle at.both ends not.from gear usage.....a few years back doc put.me on ...before that I never ran any gear but I don't do shit half way I just don't have it in me so here we are on my journey....


Sep 17, 2003
Pics resized.

You can resize them quickly by opening them with your paint program and just clicking on the resize button there.

I usually scale the pixels down to 350.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Pics resized.

You can resize them quickly by opening them with your paint program and just clicking on the resize button there.

I usually scale the pixels down to 350.

Thanks brother I'm going to try sending them to my kids computer next pic...I've tried everything I can with this phone...it has a resize in the edit but it doesn't seem to change it .

Hit a mix of back legs today to change up went well hit some extensions/curls/calves heavy then burned out on racks and shrugs . Next go around going to try hitting deads and see where it goes.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Not alot of change ....the little bit of gyno going away nicely but the joints pay for it...shoulder joints killing me.today but got a good chest/shoulder session in despite the joints. Still haven't brought the dnp back in been putting it off but I think I'm going to have to bring it in to get dropped down where I'm wanting to cruise from and start the next blast from.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Winding down hit a good arms and delts ....down to about 250 ....not sure the deal I usually can eat what I need to but it seems to be hard to drop carbs this runs finish....I've been doing it but slow....don't know where the cravings are coming from because honestly I hate all food at this point...