AON1's journey to 290


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Ok tried for.last hour to post up calve pics and a preworkout full pic same way as before but now it keeps saying upload failed.....I'll try later ....not important enough to waist that much time on


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Pics of sweaty dudes...no homo lol
But for real bro youre pretty jacked. 24" arms...fuck. I wasn't blessed with those genetics i';m just strong :(


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Pics of sweaty dudes...no homo lol
But for real bro youre pretty jacked. 24" arms...fuck. I wasn't blessed with those genetics i';m just strong :(

I don't think I'll ever hit 24" arms either, that's just more years than I probably have but who knows . I'm just a perfectionist and nothing will ever be good enough unless I look like a heavyweight which takes time and I'm not very patient in some aspects


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Gym was busy tonight , never really happens this late on a Thursday so kinda bounced around for chest turned out real good .....guess change up ....been hitting the anadrol at 25mg 3 times a day bumped the dose a couple hours preworkout to 50mg... major difference leaving it there for now up to 100mg day

Machine flys
Chest press
Heavy bar shrugs up and back in weight
Incline DB press
Cable flys setted with declines
Calves presses
Seated calves light to finish calves off


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hit back felt good till back extensions pretty much finished off my lower back but all in all another good gym day...I've been on everything now for a bit so plan to do bloods in the next week or so to see where my levels are and everything is in check....I actually feel really good which kinda worries me a little because high dose test usually makes me feel like shit but I've never ran high test e and never with hgh so real curious to see where the bloods are....

Lat pulldown
Seated hammer block row
Wide seated row
Standing low pulley row to gut
Standing high pulley row to lower chest
Back extensions


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hit arms delts calves , took rest yesterday and my arm issue was back pretty good even with the stretches and rest....not sure why it's been doing better.

Db sides raise
Db rear flys
Machine side.raise
Rear delts cables
Db front raise
Hammer curls
Machine pushdowns
Db tri pushbacks
Cable curls
Overhead cable extensions set with rope pulldowns
Seated calves


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Machine flys
Db incline press
Db press
Cable declines
Cable pullover
Mill press

Just getting in the gym and getting it done with as few exercises as possible seems to be working for now 256lb today,more than anything its keeping it changing


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Started the var today ...pretty sure it gtg I had the same issue getting to go into solution as alot of others I've read and fixed it with right off with the fix I read others using so we'll see.... hopefully it helps the tendon issue and increases the free test.

Had to cut back short tonight equipment I needed was being used so I hit extensions early and pumped out the lower back ...I always do these last because of this reason but thought maybe I had done enough other exercises to get by .....nope.

Machine lat pulldown
Seated hammer row
Back extensions
Db row


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
First for everything I guess hit the gym had a really good arms delts calves workout despite the arm being big issue even with stretches ect at first then by the time I hit db curls it was like there was zero issues....anyway I'm setting there repping out my calves when it dawns on me I'm supposed to be hitting legs.....I guess the body wanted arm day lol because it was a really good arm day...fuckn tren timers......

Hammer curls
High cable curls
Twisted grip hammer block pushdowns
Over head cable extensions
Db curls
Db w fly( just a few.sets light)
Db side lats
Db rear delts
Seated calves

On a different note I've been noticing alot of vids and people talking about arm size and how alot of doods a full of shit....I think bs3 says his are only 16+" massive iron or whatever it's called says his are only 17 1/4" and his look pretty decent size....my point is I think we all have a body part that to us will never look big enough.... for me it happens to be arms but after watching these guys I'm curious where others are and how long it took because mine are bigger than both and I was in rough shape when I started a few years back but in my view my arms are small...I'd like to guage where I'm at and rate of progress...on a side note my calves are bigger than my arms and for along time I hardly worked them...anyway input would be great to see where I'm at and if I need to change something I'm over looking


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
tren timers! I'm gonna use that, that's gold.

keep up the hard work man. I hate my arms. Powerlifting is what i'm built for. I have huge triceps and delts, front delts look like fists. Think I posted a pic of them in one of my logs.

But my biceps.....short, no peak, and thick. I have a few frineds that have long biceps, thin, great peaks, just genetics bro. Any they never do arms! When I got fat viens on my biceps I had to do CRAZY shit to get them multiple sets of 15-20 reps just pumping for months. But I had a 405 bench raw and clean at 198 when i left high school so it evens out LOL.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
tren timers! I'm gonna use that, that's gold.

keep up the hard work man. I hate my arms. Powerlifting is what i'm built for. I have huge triceps and delts, front delts look like fists. Think I posted a pic of them in one of my logs.

But my biceps.....short, no peak, and thick. I have a few frineds that have long biceps, thin, great peaks, just genetics bro. Any they never do arms! When I got fat viens on my biceps I had to do CRAZY shit to get them multiple sets of 15-20 reps just pumping for months. But I had a 405 bench raw and clean at 198 when i left high school so it evens out LOL.

Had I started back lifting alot younger like I should have I would have went more in the powerlifting direction . I believe then that's what I was geared for, with age my body won't take it. With body building I can watch what I'm pushing and work around alot.
I think I'll get my arms to a good 21 or so it just seems to take more than it should , like I say they've came along way since starting this but they just don't look as big as some guys with arms I know measure less. This may change to when I cut down because my arms are lean , veiny ect, so leaning out my core completely should change proportions.End of day overcoming a genetic weakness just takes time I guess. If all else there's seo's

Did you decide to train for the next comp?

Hit legs tonight good workout but pumped out my back on stiff deads and had to call it....I'm prone for this at times but usually if I watch I can avoid it but since adding the var it's happened twice in a few days time.... coincidence...maybe but I'm going to give it two days rest and if I pump out again I'm going to try dropping the var a few to see.

Leg press
Leg extensions
Seated leg curl
Stiff deads


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
yes sir i will do worlds again. Workin in new job so I got to see how that will play out. Even if i cant get off to go, I'll stay in training mode for it. Focus now on staying big, lean, mean and rehabing my leg. I want to squat again in a comp. But pulling is easy. I just did 585 for a speed pull of 1 just to fuck around at 235 ;)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Tookoff a few and dropped the var both hit gym tonight had a really good workout arm was stiff for first round of hammers but loosened up after to really kill it. My test e seems to be really coming in good now ,felt like crap ( normal on high test) till hit gym and then felt great, lifts were way up but watching not to over push the arm. Have some bloat going on but really don't want to bump the adex yet it's already higher than I want but will say I just felt fucking bigger in the gym tonight. Weights about same after the few days off will probably bump food just a bit middle of week.

I'm bringing the var back in at a little lower dose in another 3-4 days if it fucks the back up again it's out for good ,the wife will just receive a really big supply of var lol

Hammer curls
Rope pulldowns
High cable curls
Overhead cable extensions flat bar
Db curls
Machine tri pushdowns
Db side delts
Face pulls
Machine side delts
Db rear delts
Seated calves

Kill that shit psych .....if they didn't give the time off I'd do family leave or something


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Decent chest day changed the anadrol a bit instead the 50/25/25 I'm just running 50/50 on workout days strength is way up.

Incline plate machine
Decline bench
Chest press
Machine flys
Cable declines
Mil press


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Just do 100 at once....You hit a higher peak. But fi you bloat form it, touch and go.

What does your diet look like when you go to BBQs? Even when I dont give a shit I wipe off BBQ sauce. To salty and i hate the taste. I have a few BBer budies that will just bring their own steaks, weird I know. But the way I see it is, if I have to accommodate vegans, then a dedicated BBer can bring his own fuckin steak....

Have a great 4th bro


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Just do 100 at once....You hit a higher peak. But fi you bloat form it, touch and go.

What does your diet look like when you go to BBQs? Even when I dont give a shit I wipe off BBQ sauce. To salty and i hate the taste. I have a few BBer budies that will just bring their own steaks, weird I know. But the way I see it is, if I have to accommodate vegans, then a dedicated BBer can bring his own fuckin steak....

Have a great 4th bro

I was thinking of just trying 100 preworkout and see where it lands for gains, strength is already up good ,I'll give it a run tonight couple hours preworkout.

I play bbq by ear I try to mainly just eat meat and a few patatoes, maybe beans if it's been awhile since a.cheat day and instead of beer (if I drink) I drop all orals and tren for a few and only drink rum. If I've had a cheat day at times I'll just eat meat and water.

Have a good 4th


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Hit back went well

Lat pulldown
Seated hammer block row
Standing high cable row
Standing low cable row
Seated wide machine row
Back extensions
One arm cable rows
Bar shrugs


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Not alot to report in .....bumped my test up to 2520mg I have mixed feelings on the new test I'm running....I know it's test because I'm running 2 adex a day and not crashing my estrogen....but I usually feel worse on a gram than I do now on over 2g but first time that high with test e ..... hopefully I can get the bloodwork this week...should tell all...from growth,gear,to ai....I have some lethargy but not like I would have imagined because generally I hate high test.....I guess I could be getting numb to gear also,a know I am with the anadrol will probably change something up with it...I may switch from the tabs to some injectable I have or just another oral all together.
So current gear
Test e 2520
Primo 1050
Tren 350
Anadrol 150 day split 50/100preworkout on working days ... dropping shortly only been there couple days
Hgh 3 times day

Hack squats
Seated leg curl
Front squats
Standing calves
Calve press


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Mixed the workout a little today felt pretty good

Hammer curls
Rope pulldowns
High cable curls
Overhead extensions
Incline bench
Decline bench
Machine flys
Chest press