Search results

  1. chicken_hawk

    How do you deal with "sports" performance anxiety?

    Made sure to put "sports" in there or who knows where this thread would end up. Anyway, I know many of the anasci family have felt the pressure of a competitive environment so I am open to any suggestions. Anyway at last(first) meet I was so nervous my knees where shaking...not good for...
  2. chicken_hawk

    Hawk's own High Frequency Periodization

    Ok, so here is the basic periodization program I am following with brief explanation. Accumulation Phase: this phase is devoted strictly to working on ones weak points. During this phase you will not do the main lift (but stay as close to the movement as possible). My weaknesses include triceps...
  3. chicken_hawk

    Anyone want to discuss high frequency PLing

    Not sure if I will get much interest as this subject is often dismissed off hand and I get that. However, I am an out of the box thinker and enjoy the topic of programming probably more than most. Unfortunately, there are extremists on both sides who wont budge. The one day a week guys have a...
  4. chicken_hawk

    Heading to Quads to train with Ed Coan !

    If I have one quality that I am proud of it's that somehow I have managed to surround myself with some really great people. I have no idea how it happens, but regardless of the area of my life there are individuals who want to see me succeed. One, such bro is turbobusa who has selflessly made...
  5. chicken_hawk

    Are you a turtle or a hare?

    Are you a turtle or a hare? By: Eric Stone Powerlifters do well when they heed the old saying, "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail." The question is, what exactly is the best planning strategy? Some lifters may train off the seat of their pants while others set their training for meets...
  6. chicken_hawk

    How to Set Goals

    All athletes should regularly utilize goals in their training program. Goals are essential to our progress therefore the skill of goal setting should be highly developed. What is the proper way to set a goal? Here are a few guidelines for setting goals. 1. Figure out what you want to...
  7. chicken_hawk

    Hawk's Superdrol Log

    11/24 This is a bit premature as I am expecting my superdrol sometime this week, nonetheless this will help me establish a baseline and get into the habit of keeping the log. Background: I spent a few weeks before and a few weeks after my first meet on 11/9 leaning up so that when I add some...
  8. chicken_hawk

    Hawk's First PLing Meet Results...ugh

    So, my first meet was less then spectacular. I over shot my water cut and never was able to gain my weight and water back big mistake. Monday I was 253.5, Friday AM weigh in I was 238.2 and Meet morning I was only 246...not good. Anyway, I was nervous as hell too. So, I set my squat opener low...
  9. chicken_hawk

    Hawk's water cut experience

    Ok, a few things to keep in mind before I give you the numbers. I am a contractor (active) worked all weeked when doing my water load. I normally drink 1.5 gallons ED anyway, and worked all this week but Tuesday because of rain. I worked late monday so I trained on Tuesday just doing my warm ups...
  10. chicken_hawk

    Squat and bounce at the bottom?

    I learned my squat technique from the guys and gals at westside which is basically a high bar medium wide stance...however they all lift geared. Now, watching the few squat vids I notice bouncing at the bottom...something I don't do. Now, as the weight climbed I noticed less or no bounce...
  11. chicken_hawk

    How to use the smith machine-funny

    How To Use The Smith Machine - YouTube Enjoy, Hawk
  12. chicken_hawk

    Hawk is looking for your thoughts on this run

    It is a bit late as this cycle is already in motion or at least on it's way. Regardless, I have always been a traditional cycle guy running high T with either EQ, deca or tren. Lately I have mixed it up with low T high Tren and now High T with NPP and Var. After my meet I plan on taking some...
  13. chicken_hawk

    2 Weeks from my first meet-quick update

    So, I am officially two weeks out from my first meet in the USPA. I will be entering the 242 40-44 Masters Raw (no knee wraps) class. This morning I woke up at a dehydrated 249.5 after 2 weeks of traditional dieting. I will be stopping after tomorrow and likely bump up 5-6 lbs which I will...
  14. chicken_hawk

    Wondering what to eat on meet day?

    So, I have spent the day eating rice cakes and grape jelly when doing bbing shows, but something tells me this would not be a great choice for a pling meet. Plus for a bbing show there is a 2-3hr break between morning and evening events...not so at a meet. So, what should I throw in my cooler...
  15. chicken_hawk

    Block Periodization for Pling

    EFS Classic: A Practical Guide for Implementing Block Periodization for Powerlifting BCInterviewHeader101713 First published on Aug 6th, 2010 Introduction: Powerlifting is a sport that is tailor-made for Block Periodization. This is due to the small number of physical traits that must be...
  16. chicken_hawk

    Water Manipulation for making weight

    Have you ever watched a pre-fight weigh-in and noticed how gaunt and stringy that most fighters look as they get on the scale, only to see them with full cheeks and muscles the very next day as they step into the cage or ring? Some of them look like they might have gained 10 or even 15 pounds...
  17. chicken_hawk

    Fixing anterior pelvic tilt

    If you already checked my previous link on posture and need some more practical help with pelvic tile check this link out: Fixing Anterior Pelvic Tilt: Posture tricks to make your butt and gut smaller
  18. chicken_hawk

    I think I am over training my bench?

    Your thoughts would be appreciated here as well. Anyway, after having two pec strains in the past 5 weeks and seeing my bench progress coming to a halt I realize that I not only have shitty posture, muscle imbalances (week mid traps etc)...but have likely been over training which may have...
  19. chicken_hawk

    Great website for Posture issues

    After searching the internet for help curing my posture issue I came across one that actually helped and I did not need to buy a book! Hawk Overcoming Chronic Neck Pain: Postural Causes and A Unique Exercise Fix
  20. chicken_hawk

    Life has been crazy...but I think it's over

    Haven't been around too much, but I got in over my head in a construction project where I think I netted fifty bucks for 5 weeks of time including weekends. However, we kept our quality high and the customer was happy. Then about two weeks ago, my middle boys and some friends took too much...