Search results

  1. chicken_hawk

    Anyone for some rasslin dialogue ?

    Ok, so I just wanted to see if anyone might be interested in some friendly rasslin banter ? Yes, I'm 40+ and know it's staged, but it's the bussiness that intrigues me. I have recently discoved kafabe commentaries and all the things that went on through the 80's and 90's in the world of...
  2. chicken_hawk

    Hawk return/update and added to the family too!

    Hello my brothers, Sorry for my absence as of late, but June was insane! It started with my mom visiting for a week from the east coast. Then 3 days later my inlaws visiting for 10 days from the north east. Then a week of vacation two days after the inlaws left in Orange Beach, AL. Of course I...
  3. chicken_hawk

    Got shoulder pain and a big gut? Fix em both !

    Ok, so my usual parenthesis on not being an expert or last word on anything. Nonetheless, I have found there are very few in the field of pain relief who have a clue. Chiropractors, massage therapists, art people...all clueless. I suspect people trained in physical therapy would know best, but...
  4. chicken_hawk

    Finally break the 600lb barrier in the squat. Video

    Most of you know, I took up powerlifting as the ripe young age of 40(2yrs ago)...pretty smart. Since then I have had the opportunity to train withh Gbb out at the Sweatte Shop, in Chi town with Ed Coan and compete in 3 meets. I am certainly no stand out in the pling world, but have reached some...
  5. chicken_hawk

    Deadlifts are for Pussies! Yeah, I said it

    So, just to be devil's advocate and hopefully stir some conversation in this neglected forum I am going to put down in digital print what I am thinking. Now, before I go any further I want to parenthesis this by saying I believe the DL to be extremely taxing and effective and a legitimate test...
  6. chicken_hawk

    Attention Chicago Brothers anyone going to Fit Expo?

    Myself and a few of my friends are heading to Chicago in May for the PLing Meet at the Fit Expo May. We will be heading up Saturday to weigh in for the Sunday meet as one guy is BP only and the other is DL only. But wait, both are going for American Records. One dude is aiming for 400+ Bench at...
  7. chicken_hawk

    Looking for thoughts on training age and volume

    Got a question regarding training age (years training) and volume of workload. Now, I know everyone requires a different workload so let's just say the question is relative. Here we go, we all know work capacity increases the longer you train which means you can handle more volume. On the flip...
  8. chicken_hawk

    Thoughts and experiences on primo?

    Thinking of running some primo. It seams the older I get the less I want to tolerate sides. That brings me to Primo, I have read good things and am interesting in using it in my next cycle. So, your thoughts on stacks, doses etc would be appreciated. Hawk
  9. chicken_hawk

    Carbs more anabolice that Protein

    Recovery from resistance exercise is paramount for continual gains in strength and size. Researchers from the University of Rhode Island were interested in the role of carbohydrates and how it impacted muscle recovery in weightlifters. This study was a randomized two-trial experiment with...
  10. chicken_hawk

    Labdoor reviews top 60 Protein Powders

    Too much to copy and paste. Link: https://labdoor.com/rankings/protein Enjoy, Hawk
  11. chicken_hawk

    Does it hurt to bench or front press?

    The Intelligent & Relentless Pursuit of Muscle™ STORE ARTICLES FORUMS VIDEO Join T-Nation Be Unbreakable with Plazma Micro-PA Activates Muscle Growth Naturally Velocity Diet - The New Science of Rapid Body Transformation Figure Athlete Forums Testosterone Nation Are You Ready to Overhead...
  12. chicken_hawk

    "Natural" competitors rant!

    Warning this may have no continuity and in no way is meant to disrespect natural competitors or competitions. However, I am speaking towards a small percentage of athletes and their attitudes and ignorance. Let me begin with a short bio of myself who now in my mid 40's begain training 12 years...
  13. chicken_hawk

    Paul Carter: Minimilist vs. Maximilist Training

    Applicable to all strength athletes IMHO. Everything in lifting, bodybuilding, fitness, etc eventually comes full circle. Mainly because there's nothing new under the sun in the ways of lifting and hasn't been in quite some time. But as humans we get bored rather easily and need to constantly...
  14. chicken_hawk

    MK 677, HGH and water retention oh my!

    So, in my log I reported of some rapid water wt gain and am going to go into more detail here so I can get some feedback. Some three weeks ago, I got started on what I believe to be some good hgh. I ran it at 5iu ed (for a month) then one week later I added 1cc of mk 677 ed. I proceeded to gain...
  15. chicken_hawk

    Are there stupid dogs or just stupid owners?

    So, a question of nature vs nurture for the animal kingdom. I have been surrounded by animals my entire life. My family has owned horses, pigs, rabbits, various varmints, cats, dogs, cows and I even worked haying for a buffalo farmer once. I say all that to summize while I have seen different...
  16. chicken_hawk

    Need a real time program for your PLing meet cheap?

    Hey guys, I am just trying to help a buddy out and your meet director as well. A friend of mine who writes programming and developed this for a meet his gym was hosting, but can easily be tweaked to fit any meet. He is just trying to recoup some of his hosting fees and maybe a little time...
  17. chicken_hawk

    Hawk looking for another Master's Record Log

    So, it has been a bit since my last log, but that is because I have been in a real tail spin in regards to my training and progress. It has been an uphill battle to add even a few lbs to the bar. Being a contractor and working thru a hot mid west summer is partly to blame. Another, aspect would...
  18. chicken_hawk

    Four Levels of Training Success...Dave Tate

    PN: I remember back at SWIS last year, you had this great way of categorizing people into four categories, four levels of excellence — or lack thereof, in some cases… DT: Shit, suck, good, great. PN: Yeah, that was it. [Laughs.] Can you tell us about those four levels, the difference between...
  19. chicken_hawk

    Hawk's own Master's Pling Routine

    If you are a PLer or have tried one of various routines on the interweb, you have likely run into the proverbial wall. Nearly, all the Pler's I know have experienced the frustration of following a routine only fail to meet the programs requirements. I have tried most popular templates, linear...
  20. chicken_hawk

    How to Become a VIP

    If you're reading this then this subject obviously interests you. Now, you can go through your training career and never become VIP on any board and still get all your gear and great info. However, like Mastercard membership has it's privileges. What are they, well refer to the first rule of...