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  1. chicken_hawk

    Eye on first Pling meet

    So, my gym is hosting a meet in November and I am going to throw my hat in the ring for the first time. My numbers are nothing noteworthy but I am aiming for the National Masters(40-44) 242lbs Raw full power record of 1530 lbs. The big boys will be in the open, but I will never have a chance...
  2. chicken_hawk

    To Failure or not to Failure/Casey Butt

    Training To Failure: A Look Inside by Casey Butt, Ph.D. Way back in the early 1970s Arthur Jones popularized the notion of training to failure with his series of articles in Iron Man magazine. Training to the point of muscular failure, Jones explained, was the necessary stimulus for maximum...
  3. chicken_hawk

    How Does a Muscle Grow Part II

    The WeighTrainer Muscle Growth Part II: Why, And How, Does A Muscle Grow And Get Stronger? by Casey Butt, Ph.D. Rational and Irrational Hypertrophy In Part I of this series it was explained that sarcoplasmic hypertrophy produces only moderate increases in muscle size. It was also mentioned...
  4. chicken_hawk

    How Does a Muscle Grow Part I

    The WeighTrainer Muscle Growth Part I: Why, And How, Does A Muscle Grow And Get Stronger? by Casey Butt, Ph.D. In concept, weight training is a very simple practice. You lift weights, you wait a while, you do it again. You improve over time and eventually you are stronger and bigger than you...
  5. chicken_hawk

    Why do we listen? Warning...Rant

    We all want to be like our hero's and find inspiration in hanging on their every word. However, I have no idea why we feel what works for them will work for us. If we conceded that people are gifted genetically why are they authorities? I was lucky since the time when I read an article in...
  6. chicken_hawk

    How to lose 20+lbs to make weight

    How To Lose 20-30 Pounds In 5 Days: The Extreme Weight Cutting and Rehydration Secrets of UFC Fighters 207 CommentsWritten by Tim Ferriss Topics: Physical Performance Nate Green workout and nutrition tests The following is a guest post by Nate Green, who works with Dr. John Berardi, nutritional...
  7. chicken_hawk

    Powerlifting Spread Sheets

    The WeighTrainer - Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, Weightlifting, Strength Training, Nutrition Some good templates. Hawk
  8. chicken_hawk

    Craig Titus on TV

    I am a huge fan of crime dramas and I often have one going on in the back ground while I do something like load fictional needles with fictional anabolics. Anyway during one of those imaginary moments I was watching a show called "Snapped" on Oxygen and the story of Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan...
  9. chicken_hawk

    Tormail has been compromised !!!

    As almost anyone with a Tormail account has observed, the service has been inaccessible for the last 3 days or so. Some people commented that it appeared that Freedom Hosting was either down or under attack, as many .onion sites were also down. As it turned out, it has been reported on Reddit...
  10. chicken_hawk

    Freakin Jury Duty

    I have to show up for jury duty next Monday which blows since I am self employed and starting a new remodel project this week. I have crew that is new and wont have a clue without me there. I thought of skipping, but its a fine of up to $500 and a warrant. WTF, if it was the winter when I...
  11. chicken_hawk

    Is Hawk Better Know Than Jay Cutler?

    No, not likely...but my nameless pic is in over 6 million book shelves and coffee tables across America LOL Befor the jokes begin I am the biker on the right...duh Amazon.com: The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club (9781602608115): Wanda E. Brunstetter...
  12. chicken_hawk

    DNP and Insulin

    DNP and Insulin Part 1 The perfect “off” cycle by Jason Mueller I’m sure by now that everyone is familiar with the use of insulin of bodybuilding circles. Without a doubt, insulin use is the greatest advance in the sport since GH in the early 80’s. I would say that the massive size...
  13. chicken_hawk

    How to Taper for PLing Meets

    How to Taper for Powerlifting Meets Matt R. Wenning Strength Coach/ Powerlifter Tapering for meets is very important for peaking correctly and brings out the best of your potential at a given time. In this article we will discuss some of the ideas that have been used with many of the greatest...
  14. chicken_hawk

    Looking NPP Cycle Advice

    Not a total noob, but wondering what people found to be the sweet spot for NPP. I have run it before @ 600mg EW and liked it, but with 2 months before my first week I considered cranking it up, but wondered what others thought. For those who don't know Ht:5'11 Wt:low 260's Fat: 10-12% Lifting...
  15. chicken_hawk

    Looking for advice on tapering for first meet?

    I hope to do my first big three meet on Oct 10th and am looking for advice on how to taper for that meet. One caveat is I would like to lift even if ever so lightly the final week for mental reasons... Hopeful PR's SQ 600+ DL 600+ Bench 420 SPF Class 259 for old farts Hawk
  16. chicken_hawk

    Hawk in Corpus Christi---Some real firepower!

    http://i1349.photobucket.com/albums/p750/chicken_hawk1/CorpusChristi118_zps71f6135d.jpg You have no idea how embarrassed my boys were LOL Hawk
  17. chicken_hawk

    The Lifters I Really Respect!

    How often do we discuss the genticly gifted ? And we oooh and aaah over their accomplishments. They win Sandow's and break bench press records, we feel privileged when we get our pic with them or shake their hand. WELL I DON"T !!!! I respect the fat ass who has no potential and has to work twice...
  18. chicken_hawk

    Tried Sumo Deads again...

    About a year ago when I first started to show an interest in PLing I tried to do sumo deads for about 2 months and it sucked. I couldn't spread my legs due to lack of hip flexibily and this lead to a disaster. Now after working on my felxibility and working hard on my conventional I attempted...
  19. chicken_hawk

    Why Your Power Lifting Routine Sux !

    Now, that I have your roped in I want to state that the current PLing routine's out there have produced plenty of strong mo fo's! And really any routine that has some science and progression in it will produce results. Most of what makes a person strong is the drive and genetic potential of the...
  20. chicken_hawk

    I must be a Pussy !!!

    my stats, 5'11" 262-265 (PM) @11% and real 19.5 arms and best lifts to date are a 2 full squats @550 a 560 DL and 405 BP. Nothing impressive by bbing or PLing standards, but hey I am happy or I thought I was with what I have done in a decade starting at 215lbs @23%. Unfortunately, everyone else...