Search results

  1. chicken_hawk

    I have become a form snob...

    So, I have always been a stickler for decent technique, I have no issue with a few cheat curls once your arms are fried or even a couple of partials at the end of a set. But all your reps should not look that way. Now, coming full circle with the emergence of crossfit making squats and deads...
  2. chicken_hawk

    The Science Behind 10x3-Waterbruy

    The Science of 10 x 3 Enter the Nerve and Muscle Matrix by Chad Waterbury I recently gave a presentation amid professors, department heads, and graduate students in the College of Physiology at the University of Arizona. Due to my exercise-based background and studies in the fields of...
  3. chicken_hawk

    Help me add to my Gym Idioms

    I for one love clever sayings, whether they are true or not or apply to weight training or not. So, while I am primarily looking for training/nutrition idioms, axioms or proverbs please, post up anything funny or clever. Here is a start: 1. You didn't lose if you learned the lesson. 2.Passion...
  4. chicken_hawk

    Working a theory, need your input!

    Hey brothers and possibly sisters, I love being my own lab rat but need a baseline for comparison. So, here is my question, what do feel the relationship between recovery, volume ie. Work load and rate of gains? My general theory is that people who can't handle high volume are easier gainers...
  5. chicken_hawk

    Missing you guys...no I'm not

    Hey guys just thought I would say hello between waves. It is actually nice being forced to take time away from my PC. I swear sometimes I am chained to that thing. Anyway, a quick hello from Padre then back to the beach. Be back this weekend. Hawk
  6. chicken_hawk

    The Best Kept Secret to Gains that Costs Nothing

    One thing that comes with time, growing older and running into brick walls is you come to know your limitations. You also, look back at your youth and training history and notice patterns. Ones you were to stubborn to see early on. You begin to see how lifting ties into life and other patterns...
  7. chicken_hawk

    Hawk's BioPep HGH Results

    A little set up, I haven't used hgh for over a month. In the pastni have used the old blue tops from mexi, hyges from hgh power and rips from tp. Anyway, my last meal was 9PM the night before. I mixed the vial with .5cc of ba water and swirled. I did notice there was no negative pressure like...
  8. chicken_hawk

    Hawk goes 8 for 9 and sets American Record

    7/14 Saturday A little set up. I had a pling meet in March where I totalled 1563 raw @255lbs. (275lb class) . Nothing spectacular, but when I looked at the uspa records I noticed I was 20lbs above the masters 242 total record. One caveat though the uspa has 2 raw divisions. ..one with knee...
  9. chicken_hawk

    I must be great loser! As I attract...

    winners! Unfortunately for me I have never caught the winning touch down, owned a Ferrari and I am not married to a trophy wife with huge tits. I have stuggled most of my life just to be above average. I have never had it all, but have come close to losing it all and I suspect it is that...
  10. chicken_hawk

    The other things mom never told you about being big

    The Other Things Your Mom Never Told You About Being Big by Jason Mueller Do you remember being that starry-eyed kid, looking at your first bodybuilding magazine, and the associated dreams that ran through your head? Ahh, if I could only be that big, all the ladies would love me. If I could...
  11. chicken_hawk

    The Things Your Mom Never Told You about Being Big

    The Things Your Mom Never Told You About Being Big. By Jason Meuller. So, you wanna be a bodybuilder, huh? Stand up on stage next to the big boys, get all the ladies, never have that sand kicked in your face again, I hear ya. There's one little problem though. Walking around with all that extra...
  12. chicken_hawk

    The best Pling coach on Youtube banned for mentioning AAS!

    So, recently I discovered a young guy on youtube who is by far the most knowledgeable person on Pling I have seen or heard. He tells his story of Pling and had one vid of his experience with AAS and how he decided to walk away after getting popped during a traffic stop. Anyway, youtube closed...
  13. chicken_hawk

    If you had to beat an AAS drug screen...how would you do it?

    Ethics aside, if you had to pass an AAS screen for say the NFL how would you? I think if you knew that you would be tested from day one that you could use short esters or maybe just high Test, orals and some GH. Then work with your Doc to get levels normal before the Test. Thoughts? Hawk
  14. chicken_hawk

    Modified Warrior Diet

    By Michael Keck This article is intended to give a brief background of the original Warrior Diet and provide a consolidated source for the recommendations and guidelines of my modifications. It is not intended to be a detailed scientific reference article, so please don’t look for that aspect...
  15. chicken_hawk

    What I learned Deadlifting 500 lbs.

    This is installment 2 in a (currently) 8 part series. The first was “What I learned to squat 500 pounds”. I’m planning on doing one installment for each 100 pound increment for squat and deadlift starting at 500, and each 50 pound increment on bench starting at 350. Just as a refresher from...
  16. chicken_hawk

    Interview with Pavel Tsatsouline

    The Evil Russian Speaks: Part 1 An Interview with Pavel Tsatsouline by Chris Shugart "Get on the floor," the Russian said. He did not say please. "Now? Here?" I asked. "Yes, comrade." "Uh, okay." "Now, I want you to do push-ups, but I want you to turn your hands like this and breathe like...
  17. chicken_hawk

    Greasing the Groove

    From The Desk Of Clarence Bass "Specificity + frequent practice = success" – Pavel Tsatsouline A Small Experiment in Synaptic Facilitation My friend Pavel Tsatsouline, the Russian trained Master of Sports who invented the Ab Pavelizer (see article No. 47), says the way to do more...
  18. chicken_hawk

    Road Warriors training.

    This was fairly on in their carreer. Road Warriors promo Starcade 86' - YouTube Hawk
  19. chicken_hawk

    Ultimate Warrior workout video!

    Ultimate Warrior Workout Video Part 1 - YouTube I was inspired by my other posts, Hawk
  20. chicken_hawk

    Anyone else watching Wrestlemania 30 tonight?

    When I was a boy I would spend my Saturdays watching WCW and Texas wrasslin. I even went to several matches in my teens. But indrifted away until about 3 years ago when my youngest took interest in the WWE. Now for the past 3 years we have watched almost every PPV at a local pool hall which...