Search results

  1. chicken_hawk

    Has anyone had colonic hydrotherapy?

    I was researching it as a wt. loss aid to help make it down to 242 weight class. Basically losing some none vital weight and minimize dieting. Hawk
  2. chicken_hawk

    WTF! Tech help needed..IMAP server?

    So, I have a tormail acct., actually two and while my tor browser works fine, I haven't been able to log into either of my tormail accts. When I try to log in it says: ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server. This has happened before, but not for this long it's been like 3 days. Is it on my...
  3. chicken_hawk

    Happy Easter ANASCI! Whatchya doin?

    HAPPY EASTER guys, If you don't celebrate the holiday, I hope you are at least taking the day off :-) I am headed to church then back home where my family will be joined by my brother and his girl who flew in from the east coast for a big feed ! :headbang: What are the rest of you up to ?
  4. chicken_hawk

    How To Deadlift: Proper Form

    How To Deadlift: Proper Form And Deadlift Information The deadlift is a potent muscle and strength building exercise second only to squats. There are two primary deadlift variations: Conventional deadlift. A conventional deadlift is performed with your feet approximately shoulder width apart...
  5. chicken_hawk

    Do you know anyone like this ?

    The other day the gang of guys that I run with at the gym where having this discussion. We were talking about people we knew of even if we didn't know them personally that have been training for years but, made no progress. I mean guys who came 4 or 5 days a week, but still look the same after...
  6. chicken_hawk

    Do you know Yourself ? Strengths and Weaknesses

    Not talking about genetics here but personality traits or attributes. I got thinking of this on my way back from the Sweatt Shop. My exact thought was, while I have never been the brightest bulb in the box, I have always been befriended by some really skilled people who shared their knowledge...
  7. chicken_hawk

    My trip to the Sweatt Shop and SPF Pro/Am

    You may have noticed I was absent for a few days, well it was for a good reason. Last Thursday my wife and I drove 10 hrs to train at the Sweatt Shop in Cincinnati Ohio. If you don't know of the Sweatt Shop than you are not likely a Pler. To sum up the gym, it is a West Side training center...
  8. chicken_hawk

    Insecurity makes for a better athlete!

    Disclaimer: All of Hawk's threads are merely his point of view and are meant for discussion and entertainment only. He is not licensed in anything and heading his advice could lead to loss of limb or even death :action-smiley-041: So, as one who has dealt with many an insecurities and...
  9. chicken_hawk

    Stop Training Like a Pussy if You Want to Get Big!

    An old rant of mine motivated by a recent post by K1, This is actually a rant about an influx of competitors in my gym lately since we merged with another local gym that went out of bizz. Anyways, there is probably half a dozen of these guys who are very likeable and have good bone structure...
  10. chicken_hawk

    Kelly Bagget on Training Calves

    Calves are known as being the one muscle group that is most greatly influenced by genetics. They can be a stubborn muscle group to develop, especially for those who aren't genetically gifted. The deal with calves and genetics is a lot of people just don't have much natural working muscle cells...
  11. chicken_hawk

    How to Benefit From Planned Overtraining

    One of the biggest debates among coaches and trainers that always arises every few years is the topic of recovery. Some say you need to be beating yourself up week in and week out and always increasing your work capacity by simply doing more, more, and more work over time. Others in the HIT...
  12. chicken_hawk

    TATS, whose got ink?

    I searched this topic and could not find a thread related so I though I would start one. Anyway, I am a tat appreciator, but not obsessed. I have five tats, one on each bicep, one on each delt and one across my back. I don't really have any desire for any more at the moment although I have to...
  13. chicken_hawk

    DNP and Insulin

    Read this first: http://www.anasci.org/vB/anabolic-steroid-articles/30511-dnp-%96-all-info-here.html DNP and Insulin Part 1 The perfect “off” cycle by Jason Mueller I’m sure by now that everyone is familiar with the use of insulin of bodybuilding circles. Without a doubt, insulin use is the...
  14. chicken_hawk

    Hawk's SOP Powerlifting Routine

    S.O.P. Powerlifting Routine This routine was born out of necessity from a 40+ bodybuilder turned power lifter. I make no claims about it besides the fact that it meets my specific needs. What are those needs? Well, the first is that it needs to produce results. The second was that it needed to...
  15. chicken_hawk

    Hawk's Thoughts on AAS...Getting Big Fast

    Let me preface this post by saying this is in no way original rather a compilation of research and conversations with some really smart people and really big people. I have used nearly every protocol out there and make no claims that this is the end all nor is it the "practical", "healthy" or...
  16. chicken_hawk

    Different question about HGH stabilty

    I have searched boards over and read countless posts on HGH and temperature so, I know the common answers. My question is while I know HGH degrades at room temps after a while, but how fast? Is it 1% per day, more, less? I don't expect an exact answer just an educated guess from someone smarter...
  17. chicken_hawk

    Sleeveless dudes in my gym

    My gym is full of high school and college dudes who insist on cutting the sleeves off their shirts so you can see clear down to the obliques. The funny thing is that they have only a small amount of muscle development. In contrast you have the regulars (us old farts) who still wear t-shirts...
  18. chicken_hawk

    Anyone ever had issues with scapula winging?

    So, for years I have had external rotator issues which have come and gone depending on a variety of reasons. However, after stalling/reversing on my bench press for 9 months I have decided to deal with it once and for all. I am planning on doing a few raw PL meets this year, but the pain in my...
  19. chicken_hawk

    Hawk is in the house

    Hey guys and gals, Got the invite over at PM and finally decided to stop in. I belong to a few obscure boards here and there and have been cruising them since 2007 or so. I am not so interested in being heard as having some decent conversations so I shy from most mega boards. A bit about me, I...