thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Oct 27, 2012
I downed some ridiculous carbs pre intra and post w/o today. I started something new, and for now I'll leave it at that lol But had meal 1, waited about an hour and a half, slammed 75g HBCDs and 25g whey hydro, 15g BCAA, 10g glutamine, 2g taurine, beta alanine, creatine, extra leucine, citrulline malate.... and some other stuff

Started sipping on 100g karboload with 30g VPX no-shotgun and 30g BCAA with 5 g glutamine. Crushed chest and shoulders like never before. Downed 60g karboload and 50g hydro whey post.

Feeling massively pumped right now lol


Registered User
Oct 29, 2012
Hit back today, deadlifted for the first time this year, I think.

T-bar rows
Meadows rows
One arm reverse grip pulldowns

Felt great.


Oct 27, 2012
Hellbilly, I hit back as well. Same pre-workout protocol and all that jazz...

1) Superset of smith 1 arm suitcase rows and corner landmine rows
2) bent bb rows heavy sets 5x5
3) neutral grip lat pull downs full stretch at the too 3 second negative 4x8
4) superset of free motion 1 arm pull downs (can do both arms together though) and low cable rows
5) superset of prone DB shrugs and back hypers

Lats and lower back were full of blood and I feel great!

I can't thank you guys enough for advising me in that thread I started. Big E was right this can be a game changer

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Must have gotten the memo...
It was time for a new back routine tonight. I'd been gaining nicely, but felt I needed to hit it differently. Annihilation was accomplished. Calves were treated to a beating as well.
* Work sets only
Straight arm Cable Pushdowns 3x10
Close Grip pulldowns 2x6-10
Wide Grip pulldowns 2x10
One arm DB rows 2x10
Barbell Rows 2x10
Seated wide grip cable rows 2x15,12
Deadlifts 1x10,8.6
Calf raises on leg press machine 6x6-10
Seated calf raises - as many sets needed to total 100 reps


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
saWow monday back day all around ..wide chins 6x 5 sets
Front cable pulldowns isolated on accutrainer dual pully for some.long stretch, suitcase rows ..hammer strength low iso rows
Seated cable low and high.and finished with dumbell bent over rows for 5 sets..the preworkout Dust has me cracked up comboed with 4 mg salbutamol. Talk about sweat ..i was rainin hail.. started my new 300 mast and tbol for a new research project with winny entering soon.


Oct 27, 2012
I belong to the Mountain Dog site and I have to jump on some of those routines man... Damn!

Aren't they awesome!

I'm thinking come the new year I am going to hire John for a full MD program. I want to get my ass kicked to the n'th degree, Mountain Dog style.

Grim, I also started curcumin as well afer reading Doc Stevenson's article. Kind of odd, but joint pain and things that would normally be inflammatory seem to have subsided...

On Amazon you can get the Life Extension brand super bio-curcumin for a really good price. This is the best priced one with BCM-95 I have found.

Today is going to be arm arm day. Since I am not going to need as many carbs for recovery I am going to reduce the protocol.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Aren't they awesome!

I'm thinking come the new year I am going to hire John for a full MD program. I want to get my ass kicked to the n'th degree, Mountain Dog style.

Grim, I also started curcumin as well afer reading Doc Stevenson's article. Kind of odd, but joint pain and things that would normally be inflammatory seem to have subsided...

On Amazon you can get the Life Extension brand super bio-curcumin for a really good price. This is the best priced one with BCM-95 I have found.

Today is going to be arm arm day. Since I am not going to need as many carbs for recovery I am going to reduce the protocol.

Yeah, I've considered that myself (working with John which would be amazing I'm sure) although I've been very blessed lately in getting some solid advice from some cool cats that have accomplished a lot themselves, so for now I'm still soaking up more and more knowledge every day.

I have to check that out bro. I'm going the typical fish oil/flax oil anti-inflammatory thing as well as my peps, but always seeking new methods to keep the machine running smoothly, so thanks for that.

Reducing carbs pre, intra or post?

Today's heavy delts for me so I'll need the energy today, full speed ahead!


Oct 27, 2012
Yeah, I've considered that myself (working with John which would be amazing I'm sure) although I've been very blessed lately in getting some solid advice from some cool cats that have accomplished a lot themselves, so for now I'm still soaking up more and more knowledge every day.

I have to check that out bro. I'm going the typical fish oil/flax oil anti-inflammatory thing as well as my peps, but always seeking new methods to keep the machine running smoothly, so thanks for that.

Reducing carbs pre, intra or post?

Today's heavy delts for me so I'll need the energy today, full speed ahead!

I'm going to cut down on the pre and intra (just a bit, like 25 g off of each), as well as take my pre-w/o dose down a bit, I'm keep the post w/o carbs high but drop the post-post down. I must be doing things right because I am not getting any negative symptoms, just massive, massive pumps. Once those carbs hot my system I feel awesome.

Grim, you think that seems OK if I tone down the dose pre w/o? EDIT: I am currently using 10iu pre w/o but was going to cut that to 6 today.

I need to pick up some HBCDs. I ran out of sample packs and they seem to be a little easier on my stomach than karboload/karbolyn.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
10 iu slin down to 6? Which type if so? How long have you been running it? Like to see your protocol bro.

I'd think that's OK, other way around I'd have questions if you're dropping carbs.

I've seen the HBCD stuff, seems the absorption assistance/gastric emptying would be pretty cool to get stuff into those muscles where you want it quicker. I may have to jump aboard that train bro. True nutrition right?

I use about 75gm karbolyn PWO about 20 minutes after my protein (allow GH levels to do their thing) and I'm OK with it. My stomach luckily is pretty tolerant of lots. Hell, I did a 7,300 kCal refeed two days straight after doing 3,500 kCal a day and didn't die from that - muscles just got full as hell. LOL


Feb 7, 2013
I'm going to cut down on the pre and intra (just a bit, like 25 g off of each), as well as take my pre-w/o dose down a bit, I'm keep the post w/o carbs high but drop the post-post down. I must be doing things right because I am not getting any negative symptoms, just massive, massive pumps. Once those carbs hot my system I feel awesome.

Grim, you think that seems OK if I tone down the dose pre w/o? EDIT: I am currently using 10iu pre w/o but was going to cut that to 6 today.

I need to pick up some HBCDs. I ran out of sample packs and they seem to be a little easier on my stomach than karboload/karbolyn.

So you did jump on the Slin train huh-

How many days have you used it so far ? Also NOW brand sells waxy maize which is a great hbcd


Oct 27, 2012
10 iu slin down to 6? Which type if so? How long have you been running it? Like to see your protocol bro.

I'd think that's OK, other way around I'd have questions if you're dropping carbs.

I've seen the HBCD stuff, seems the absorption assistance/gastric emptying would be pretty cool to get stuff into those muscles where you want it quicker. I may have to jump aboard that train bro. True nutrition right?

I use about 75gm karbolyn PWO about 20 minutes after my protein (allow GH levels to do their thing) and I'm OK with it. My stomach luckily is pretty tolerant of lots. Hell, I did a 7,300 kCal refeed two days straight after doing 3,500 kCal a day and didn't die from that - muscles just got full as hell. LOL

I'm using novolin R so I have a good feeding window. I've only been on since Saturday. I'm outlining what I'm doing below

So you did jump on the Slin train huh-

How many days have you used it so far ? Also NOW brand sells waxy maize which is a great hbcd

Yessir :) Well acutally waxy maize is NOT a a HBCD, is a high molecular weight carb, HBCDs are a specific type of high molecular weight carb. I can't do waxy maize...bloats the piss out of me. I had a bunch of samples of VPX products and I have really been liking them. VPX carbonix (sp?) is a HBCD and the No-synthesize has a solid ingredient profile for an intra-workout amino acid source... I wouldn't be using them if I didn't think they were good anyway....

So here is what I am doing fellas:

30min Pre w/o: 10iu novolin R

30 - 20 min pre w/o: 60g kaboload/karbolyn (ran out of HBCDs) with 25g hydrolyzed isolate, 10g BCAA, 10g glutamine, 5g creatine, 3g citrulline malate, and 1.5 scoops of dymatize xpand

Intra-workout: 60g karboload, 20g BCAA, 30g VPX no-synthesize (which has about 15g pepto-pro, creatine,...) & 5g glutamine

Immediately post: 50g karboload 30g hydrolyzed isolate

30 mins post workout: 75g protein from chicken breast and 100g carbs from rice

Post-post (about 90 minutes after I finish the meal above): Shake with 40g protein and 30g carbs from oats and berries

How does that look?
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Feb 7, 2013
That looks like what I was doing, but I started to play with the carbs and noticed I was just taking too much. For me the 10g/1iu was too much so I've dialed I back down to 7g per iu and I feel way less bloated.

I also noticed I felt better when doing a very big carb break fast like 2cups of raisin bran about an hour before with some eggs then only about 30g dextrose prw... With 50g dextra intra and then only 15g pwo... Then a banana, then my first meal which is more carbs than protein.

Btw I omitted all my other supplement intake above besides the carbs.

I think you just have to play around on it. I gain fat very easily and I haven't gained a drop of it the way I am running it and I love the stuff so far. I have noticed a second spike with Novalin R... Only on certain days, so be careful. I got shaky about 4 hours after injecting 15iu and that was after at least 200g of crabs too. But I just down a Gatorade and felt fine within five minutes

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Atom, that looks solid to me as far as your keeping your carbs up for insurance. My feeds are very similar in timing and structure of macros so, that's nice to see.
From what I've gathered from some very reliable and helpful brothers here who have been very patient in explaining a lot to me about their protocols, that looks good man.
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The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
That looks like what I was doing, but I started to play with the carbs and noticed I was just taking too much. For me the 10g/1iu was too much so I've dialed I back down to 7g per iu and I feel way less bloated.

I also noticed I felt better when doing a very big carb break fast like 2cups of raisin bran about an hour before with some eggs then only about 30g dextrose prw... With 50g dextra intra and then only 15g pwo... Then a banana, then my first meal which is more carbs than protein.

Btw I omitted all my other supplement intake above besides the carbs.

I think you just have to play around on it. I gain fat very easily and I haven't gained a drop of it the way I am running it and I love the stuff so far. I have noticed a second spike with Novalin R... Only on certain days, so be careful. I got shaky about 4 hours after injecting 15iu and that was after at least 200g of crabs too. But I just down a Gatorade and felt fine within five minutes

You doing morning slin too?
I ask because I have what many would consider a large breakfast that has a good amount of carbs in it.

Seafood is pretty low in carbs dude. ;)


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
I'm using novolin R so I have a good feeding window. I've only been on since Saturday. I'm outlining what I'm doing below

Yessir :) Well acutally waxy maize is NOT a a HBCD, is a high molecular weight carb, HBCDs are a specific type of high molecular weight carb. I can't do waxy maize...bloats the piss out of me. I had a bunch of samples of VPX products and I have really been liking them. VPX carbonix (sp?) is a HBCD and the No-synthesize has a solid ingredient profile for an intra-workout amino acid source... I wouldn't be using them if I didn't think they were good anyway....

So here is what I am doing fellas:

30min Pre w/o: 10iu novolin R

30 - 20 min pre w/o: 60g kaboload/karbolyn (ran out of HBCDs) with 25g hydrolyzed isolate, 10g BCAA, 10g glutamine, 5g creatine, 3g citrulline malate, and 1.5 scoops of dymatize xpand

Intra-workout: 60g karboload, 20g BCAA, 30g VPX no-synthesize (which has about 15g pepto-pro, creatine,...) & 5g glutamine

Immediately post: 50g karboload 30g hydrolyzed isolate

30 mins post workout: 75g protein from chicken breast and 100g carbs from rice

Post-post (about 90 minutes after I finish the meal above): Shake with 40g protein and 30g carbs from oats and berries

How does that look?

Looks like a solid protocol!

Are the carbs based on lean mass? If so, how much do you weigh? I've done a lot of experimenting with slin and all kinds of carbs, but would like to hear if there's actually a formula besides the "10g/iu" that you hear all the time.

From what I've seen of your training and nutrition, you don't do much without good reason.

Also, are you running slin with every workout/every day, or doing something to keep sensitivity up? I find I can start at 8iu and within a week I'm up to 15iu unless I use berberine 1500mg ED (haven't tried metformin yet but want to.)


Oct 27, 2012
That looks like what I was doing, but I started to play with the carbs and noticed I was just taking too much. For me the 10g/1iu was too much so I've dialed I back down to 7g per iu and I feel way less bloated.

I also noticed I felt better when doing a very big carb break fast like 2cups of raisin bran about an hour before with some eggs then only about 30g dextrose prw... With 50g dextra intra and then only 15g pwo... Then a banana, then my first meal which is more carbs than protein.

Btw I omitted all my other supplement intake above besides the carbs.

I think you just have to play around on it. I gain fat very easily and I haven't gained a drop of it the way I am running it and I love the stuff so far. I have noticed a second spike with Novalin R... Only on certain days, so be careful. I got shaky about 4 hours after injecting 15iu and that was after at least 200g of crabs too. But I just down a Gatorade and felt fine within five minutes

Looks solid to me as far as your keeping your carbs up for insurance. My feeds are very similar in timing and structure of macros so, that's nice to see.
From what I've gathered from some very reliable and helpful brothers here, that looks good brother.

Thanks guys!

Enigmatic, I may scale it down a little if i start to see fat gain. Right now I am pretty lean though.

It is interesting that you are fine only doing that amount of carbs... But even pre-contest i was slamming a fuck-ton of carbs around training. I am just upping it a little more than usually with extra carbs in the post-post and pre-workout.

Since the idea was planted in my head I did a lot of reading to make sure I don't fuck this up lol