thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Heck you guys are training like animals..i like to hear that
Im behind a day or so due to 11pm workouts
Why sleep when u can be wired on adrenallin?
Lets see toasted my arms and back one night and for me thats a big change cause i usually seperate them but when ure in the groove the euphoria is so killer i dont want to stop ..Thurs was shoulder trap day and i still hear Atom in my head saying is that all you f***in got bro, hold those bitches will ya..lol But dam it pays off as i cant move my head without a cramp and assist..
You guys have a good friday and hit it hard whatever ure doing..

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Really cool guy at my gym, former powerlifter who hurt his back years ago.
Visited Mexico and got treatment from a European doc who used to write for M&F a while back. So, he and I chat and lately, I told someone jokingly who was talking to him while he rested on the extensions between sets "Hey, don't bother him, he's got a set of a hundred in two minutes, so, let him focus." Now when I see him I shout "ONE HUNDRED" across the gym to him and we laugh. He repays me by asking me how's it going while I'm purple between sets of hacks. So, I'm thinking next week's leg routine might be the 100s. Every exercise a total of 100 repetitions, no pacing, just do what I can using modest weight that will kill me to get through. I'll have to see. Maybe I can ask him for a spot. LOL


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
My job torpedoed my training today. That's OK, I'll make it up tomorrow with a little "pissed off I didn't train Friday" factor worked in!

Let the weights make some noise brothers!

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Looks like my arms and calves may get derailed. Wife's car is in the shop, they're trying to get that done tonight, not sure if I'll make it this evening. That's alright though. Early tomorrow morning is another deltoid onslaught, heavy one and I could tack arms onto that. Going to the NPC NJ state championships tomorrow nite, cool bodybuilding day if you ask me.


Oct 27, 2012
Looks like my arms and calves may get derailed. Wife's car is in the shop, they're trying to get that done tonight, not sure if I'll make it this evening. That's alright though. Early tomorrow morning is another deltoid onslaught, heavy one and I could tack arms onto that. Going to the NPC NJ state championships tomorrow nite, cool bodybuilding day if you ask me.

Holy fuck were my arms pumped tonight. Shoulders were all veiny and gariny looking (wore a cut-off t) and arms just looked tight and swole as fuck. A couple of dudes I'm tight with were asking me some q's... yeah I bumped my dose up a little this week, but i ain't saying shit ;) I'm kind of gradually upping to ease into my blast. Then it'll be swole city.

Slin has really got my attention and I am going to be jumping on that in the upcoming weeks as I get on my blast (when IV comes through).

Grim, I'm heading to Shawn Ray classic tomorrow in Maryland. I'll be hanging out in Jersey next weekend...why the hell do I always seem to fall into long distance shit with girls. She's cool though and hardcore about training...and fucking tight ass body lol I was looking for some good restaurants around the Pitman area, if you know any, LMK...something a little on the classier side, no pizza shops lol

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Got in had time for triceps and calves. Right forearm was pretty tight, couldn't loosen it up so biceps got bumped, don't want injuries for one night's work. No sweat.
Pitman area's southeast of Philly, not familiar with that area brother, I'm up in northern NJ. Good luck with the lady bro!


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Lol 100s...that totally sounds like me hollerin at the 65+ veterans in the gym i go.if i dont yell smack everytime they come over and ask why so quiet this isnt a library..
Was also burnt from helpin on my buddys fish charter its like a constant balance act especially after a leg day but i do it for a few salmon today.sorry id share with all you but i do share with 5 elderly neighbors who watch my escapes like reality tv outside..few cat fights etc.
Did 1 hour cardio on the xdm preccore eliptical and got the sweat drippen like falling coconuts then killed my abs everyway possible and burnt up more cals in dry sauna..i go in wearing gym clothes so i dont advertise. You guys have a blast at the shows..im going people watching at hemp fest..

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Although not the most stellar workout, tris got pounded pretty well. I have heavy delts this morning. I'm hoping they'll hold up and the triceps won't lack enough to make anything less than killer.
*work sets only
Tricep rope pushdowns 4 x 20
Straight bar pushdowns elbows out 4 x 20
Dips 3 x 20
Close Grip Bench Press 3 x 10

Standing calf raises 4x15
Seated calf raises 4x15
Leg Press Calf Raises 3x10-15

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Did delts this morning. Killed it actually. Was worried my chest and triceps work would eat into this, but we were alright.
* work sets only
Rotator cuff work 3x12-15
Barbell Military Press 2x3, 2x2**, 1 x Negative only - 4 seconds to lower
Wide grip upright rows 3x8-10
Bent over db laterals 3x12
DB shrugs 1x12 (feel set) 2x12 increase weight second set

** this set of two I actually got 5 solid reps. Time to add weight!


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Hit the guns today... felt guuuuud! Did higher reps too. I'm liking it! Anything to save the joints. Grim's putting ideas in my head. It wasn't 100 reps but it was higher than my normal. You guys rock

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Just got home from the NPC NJ states....
Talk about inspiring! The competitors were fantastic, many great physiques there tonight and a special treat, guest posers Fred "Biggie" Smalls, Juan Morel and the one and only Evan Centopani!


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
Alright, gentlemen. I'm finally back in full force. All done getting married...was at the grand canyon for a week. had a great time, but no cell or internet service kind of drove me mad. couldn't even check the forums.

Got some kettlebell workouts in while I was there to keep from losing much, but sure didn't gain.

Now me and Mrs triple can get on with some real, uninterrupted training again. We're both sick of cutting and worrying about every bit of fat and just want to put on some muscle.

Thanks for keeping the thread warm while I was away...I'm envious of the hard workouts I've been reading about.

It's a full-body re-start today. A lovely couple hours of pain and sweat followed by a couple hours of eating everything in sight.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Hit the guns today... felt guuuuud! Did higher reps too. I'm liking it! Anything to save the joints. Grim's putting ideas in my head. It wasn't 100 reps but it was higher than my normal. You guys rock

I have a great twist on a popular pyramid/"running the rack" routine for curls.

Pick an easy weight - say maybe just an oly bar.
20 reps no rest
add 20 lbs
10 reps no rest
add 10 lbs
5 reps no rest
add 5 lbs
5 reps no rest
add 5 lbs
5 reps no rest
add 5 lbs
5 reps rest 120 seconds

You've just completed 50 reps moving from 45lbs to 90lbs.

Thanks to the magic of short term neural adaptation this will feel amazingly easier and you'll get an amazing pump:

90 lbs 10 reps no rest
80 lbs 10 reps no rest
70 lbs 15 reps no rest
65 lbs 12 reps no rest
45 lbs 15 reps

You've just completed more work, (density) in the same amount of time on your SECOND set. Make your motor unit pool your slave, not the other way around!


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Triple! Welcome back and congrats!
Grim, I will def give that a try this next week! I need some new ideas!

Legs later today gentlemen! Looking forward to some burning pains!


Oct 27, 2012
Great to see triple back in the house.

Grim, I love the session you are getting in. All right up my alley. I'd have a hell of a good time training with you.

So legs yesterday... I did a different squat scheme a I like doing two different squat schemes per week. This one was a pyramid 12-10-8-6 all to failure (after warm-ups of course). I did the typical lunge routine after and did two sets of leg press using 5 drops with no drops between each set. After the first drop set I did a few calf sets then came back.

My quads were on fire and I still had 4 sets of 21s on leg extensions... Nothing else to say but, fucking man up and get it done. I was dead. Did a few more sets of calves and then finished with DB SLDLs.

I went to Party / cookout at night and when I got out of my car I actually fell. The first thing one of my friends said when people were looking at me, was "Don't worry, it was just his leg day lol" I have a lot of "meathead" friends so it made for a good laugh.

Hitting chest and shoulders in a few...get it done brothers!


Registered User
Oct 29, 2012
Hey Atom you never know brother, you do some wicked stuff that would be cool to train with you bro.

Well, after 6 months off, I'm back on. Hit chest and shoulders today.

DB Hex Press x 3 sets
Incline Bench x 3 sets
Flat Bench with 3 sec pause x 3 sets
Lying Rear delt swings x 3 sets of 30
Lateral Raises x 3 sets of heavy 8 superset with band pull aparts to failure
Incline smithmachine challenge set. 19 reps

I did not intend to do the smith machine but felt like I had some more left in the tank, great workout.