thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Within certain limits . I was not much of "draw at 5' 6"-7" and 320lbs.
Well there were some freaky girls that dug the huge thing (other than 3-4 inches of my dick m.i.a in that little joey pouch. Now a nice crisp
230 or 240 and the females get pesty (yeah right) and I have to put up one of those take a number things like at the butcher counter. Uh oh here comes the wife with the louisville .. LOL . Great chest and shoulders very fast and effective. I'm going slow on the bench cycle 5lbs week til I stall . That will be a while . Once I "hit it" at end of april or so I'll a start another but look for 10lb weeklies til stalling. Hope to end at 365 or so for 6 sets of ten , before a rep drop . I know I'll never have a big bench again but still gotta get what I can .
No single doubles triples for me. Tomorrow will be a back day and it's gonna be
yeah a doozy. I love that word -doozy. My fiirst real training partner said that alot.Guy was not super strong in the gym but his functional strength was scary.
Good natty 6 foot 3 275-80 . The guys with killer functional strength but not super gym strength make great partners.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Had a doosey of a shoulder / tri workout where I couldn't move 20 lb dumbbell more than 5 presses at the end.Daddys back so tomorrow its back and bi attack
I got more senior lady's eyeballin me so that makes my pouch feel good. Age doesn't matter..its the purse size.. sounds like we are all back on track and glad bricks off the two fer mex happy hour playing gringo bingo
Off to drop the nurse off....no yum yum till later..


Nov 20, 2012
Hard leg work today. My stiff legged deads need some more attention. Been slacking and not pushing on em as hard as I should.


Registered User
Dec 6, 2012
Your Mom's House
Thinking of switching things up. Maybe Higher volume training. Something that would allow me to lift more days. What do you guys think of this?

Mon- Chest, Calves :) , then Cardio :(
Tues- Quads, Hams :)
Wed- Abs, Cardio :(
Thurs- Shoulders, Calves, :)
Fri-Bi's Tris, Abs :) , then Cardio :(
Sat- Back, Calves :)
Sun- Abs, Cardio :(
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Dec 14, 2012
Shadow lands
Within certain limits . I was not much of "draw at 5' 6"-7" and 320lbs.
Well there were some freaky girls that dug the huge thing (other than 3-4 inches of my dick m.i.a in that little joey pouch. Now a nice crisp
230 or 240 and the females get pesty (yeah right) and I have to put up one of those take a number things like at the butcher counter. Uh oh here comes the wife with the louisville .. LOL . Great chest and shoulders very fast and effective. I'm going slow on the bench cycle 5lbs week til I stall . That will be a while . Once I "hit it" at end of april or so I'll a start another but look for 10lb weeklies til stalling. Hope to end at 365 or so for 6 sets of ten , before a rep drop . I know I'll never have a big bench again but still gotta get what I can .
No single doubles triples for me. Tomorrow will be a back day and it's gonna be
yeah a doozy. I love that word -doozy. My fiirst real training partner said that alot.Guy was not super strong in the gym but his functional strength was scary.
Good natty 6 foot 3 275-80 . The guys with killer functional strength but not super gym strength make great partners.

Look out for delt rotator cuff injury as your bench goes up


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Thanks Thunder , being very slow and cautious. Not going for big low rep stuff.
Today is back . No more bi's after lats/traps. Starting to train arms again with a dedicated day. Hey IB is that how they spell Doozy out west?:D All have great day . Thanks, T


Oct 27, 2012
I look way fucking better when I am big as fuck as opposed to "bigger but cut"

I have girls all over my dick and I am soft as hell.. Chicks just love the raw size when it comes down to it-

This is what i am seeing...and I freaking love it! Just last night some girl I just happened to have brief conversation with over the weekend hit me up by finding me through a friend.

I've been recovering from some kind of illness and haven't been feeling so chipper. Actually today was the first tiem since Saturday i ate a solid meal. I have only been able to stomach liquids so I've been drinking shakes throughout the day. Despite feeling ill, I decided to try to grind out a session last night. Hit bis forearms and back and was pretty surprised at the weight I was throwing. It was one of those days where you feel like you just have enough in the tank and want to really test yourself. You just look in the mirror and say, man the fuck up! Let's get this done! I felt pretty accomplished actually. I dug down and pulled out every last bit of strength I had in me to beat my logbook, and I did what I set out to do.

Turbo - do yo have any pics from when you were 300+? Shit, man, that is packing it in!

Thunder, I hear on the bench issue. I stopped bench pressing because I dislocated my shoulder as well as cracked one of the bones in my shoulder wrestling and once I start going up in weight my shoulder feels like it is about to pop. Not fun at all.

xmen - If you like to train with wild intensity and want to train more frequently, I would suggest subscribing to John Meadows's site. He posts up different workouts, has some MD training info up there and a shit-ton of other golden nuggets of information.

So with my health issues and stuff, I decided to go see an acupuncturist. Scott Stevenson finally convinced me that I should give it shot, plus a few guys I know that train MMA use acupuncture and swear by the benefits. I found a guy who treats athletes and is the doctor for the US national cricket teams, and my insurance covers it. I'm going on Thursday so I'll report back to you fellas with some details.
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Feb 7, 2013

I'm soft and wet as hell here, but just cause of the "thickness" I have girls all over me right now- it's funny cause I feel like I look like shit LoL


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Back in from back and drinking my shake. My training partner was MIA with his job today, but that's OK. It was a good one and I just blasted the Rammstein and lifted the weight.

Turbo, sounds like smart approach to me!
Atom, glad you are feeling better
Enigmatic, you are looking good. You are not soft as hell. When you guys get women figured out, clue me in lol!


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Thinking of switching things up. Maybe Higher volume training. Something that would allow me to lift more days. What do you guys think of this?

Mon- Chest, Calves :) , then Cardio :(
Tues- Quads, Hams :)
Wed- Abs, Cardio :(
Thurs- Shoulders, Calves, :)
Fri-Bi's Tris, Abs :) , then Cardio :(
Sat- Back, Calves :)
Sun- Abs, Cardio :(

I think the faces are great..is that what u want to hear? Lol

Like a kindergarten flashback..

Back and bi day.:)
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Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Morning guys! Have a rare "do over" workout today. After posting on my way to back yesterday I had some bullshit pop up that short circuited my session.
So TODAY is back. . All have great day. Check in later.. T


Feb 7, 2013
I did a circuit training style lift and 30 mins of cardio- got a hot date tonight and wanted to drop some water lol

I've been on 1.8g of test for a week now and my face blew up lol- took my Letro but hasn't made much of an effect yet. So got to drop that water the hard way!


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Very good back work out. started to get a little irritated by one of the pube blow dryer guys tying up a rowing platform so he could put his feet on it
for those 4inch range push ups. As I started to load the bar for bb rows he came over to inform me he had some sets to go yet. I was trying to remember at that point why I did not go to the real gym. Made me realize -hey you did it to yourself. So I ignored it and trained. Went pretty good. Legs next on the schedule. T
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Oct 27, 2012
What's up brothers of iron! OK, so I haven't been on in a few days because I have been feeling sick as hell. Still 161lbs, so didn't lose much weight at all.

Today I got a full day of meals in and am coming around. I got a new Inzer belt and tonight just happened to be legs. In typical DC 3-way fashion, did my seated calf raises, some lying leg curls, then had my test. BB back squats baby. Oh boy, I was in the fuckin' zone. Hit 355lbs for 7 reps and went to 250lbs fr my widowmaker. Destroyed 25 deep reps. The ast rep must have taken me 8 seconds to come up out of the hole. I was shaking and collapsed after I racked it. My legs are already sore as hell and I feel that sense of accomplishment. Oh, I'm back, and this is gonna get nasty.

Heading up to PA to visit the family this weekend and seeing my doctor as well as getting some acupuncture. I might have some nerve damage somewhere because my hands and feet are getting this tingling burning sensation and go numb randomly throughout the day.

I'll be training at a badass gym up there and if I can i'll try to get a video or two.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Well good to hear Atom. Good time with all that in Penn.. sounds good t a little attitude burns extra fat. OK i too got some so I too a tad irritated today.
So I late night gym thinking no people.. show up some dam biggest loser deal goin on so up went heart rate .attitude went to crap and I had best back workout in a long time..now i had all day to eat and that I did while working the shovel of hell hoe so maybe that helped.
I named my workout the yetty hifotensity. U ask what's that ? Its high rep focus intense training method of the Sasquatch aka yetty.. u say what the heck? I say?enter with me and you shall see... peace and goodnight all


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Morning! off today. gonna be a volume leg day tomorrow.
Tired of walking around on these fleshy batons! Trying to bring my lungs up .
One thing I know for sure big legs require lot's of o2 to train effectively.
Kind of off track today with personel shit but tomorrows w/o will be a Doozy.
.Hey Ib I was a union operator many years ago. looks all fun til you're stuck on
a machine all day. Take care guys and train/recover well.. T


Oct 27, 2012
IB, LMAO! Yetty hifotensity? Wow, man, you are tripping on something good lol. That is some priceless shit right there.

So my legs are scorched today. I got up in the middle of the night to grab a shake out of the fridge and I nearly tumbled down my stairs. I'm bolting out of work in a few to go for my acupuncture then hit a little cardio and off to see my bro in philly and then up to northeast PA.

You wanna talk about having all the right genetics, my bro is it. He doesn't want to be a bodubuilder and would prefer to look more like a fighter. But he's about 5'11" completely natty and stays around 7-8% BF year round at a little over 200lbs...


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Had a great shoulder/trap workout. Did some of those seated one armed dumbbell shrugs like the old days. I sit on the end of a bench, latch on to a #120 and shrug it up, one side at a time. I put a plate on the other end of the bench so it stays on the ground. Seems I get a little better range of motion this way.

Let the iron make some noise brothers!


Registered User
Dec 6, 2012
Your Mom's House
Glad to hear you guys are throwing that iron around.

I'm planning of starting up again on Saturday. That will be almost 2 full weeks off. I feel well rested and now I'm starting to get that itch again.