thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Ok.u wana hear what plan of attack I had huh? Tonight I use not the hifotensity style but instead did chest via the yetty system of " hifopauz,? training".you say what the heck is hifopauz training of chest? Come on..its a basic chest blast of high intensity/extreme focus / and contractual pause of the weight each and every rep and set!.. .talk about a session of extreme pump and fatigue. For real bros..peace.ib


Registered User
Dec 6, 2012
Your Mom's House
Alright, I couldn't wait til tomorrow.

Chest, Shoulders, Tri's. I went light with the weight and did a little more volume than normal. Thank God I did. I'm already feeling it. Glad to be back in the dungeon.


Oct 27, 2012
IB, I love it! That training sounds sick!

X, way to get back to it. Sometimes that itch is just too much.

Hit chest, shoulders and tris today at the old gym. I took a video of fly presses so I'll get that up once I get back home. Great session. Tris were pumped through the roof and felt awesome.

Also got some bloodwork done today and had a full exam. All vitals are tip top, just waiting on bloodwork to get back which will be sometime next week. Oh and the acupuncture was great! I slept incredible last night and my body felt so relaxed and at ease. Looking forward to going back


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Walked into the gym a bit slow yesterday. Not feeling it. Crummy cold, dark weather and my job giving me stress. Started lifting anyway and came to life. I felt soooo much better at the end. Had some 20-something year old guy tell me "looking good". Made my day.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Well i have been joe erratic fuckstick pussy ass bitch as of late missed 2 days training. Well bout to go fix that shit right now. Heading to the real gym
for heavy volume legs that I was suppose to do the last two days.
On my way just soon as I drop off this coupon for a $44 dollar bottle of watson at walgreens.. Goodrx.com . Someone posted that a while back
on pm. OK now it's been a little quiet up in here lately. So let's throw some coal on that fire and get that shit blazin. My goal today is to make sittin and shittin a bitch tomorrow. Do that . All have great day . Check in later... T


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Whoaaa .Saturday is on fire her.xmen is outa hibernation early.thats bad ass. Atom had took over an old gym for a iron showdown with weights he hasn't touched there for a while so I'm sure the iron was shuttering with joy to see him
that too bad ass.
Brick is whoozey.hits gym anyhow and walks out king crap due to an earned compliment.that's bad ass.
Turbo is hell bent and I feel for Walgreen senior citizens in line before him.
And me..wana hear yetty training secret? Listen up..He's on fire due to a recent blood test; so he knows red count is jacked so let's move it to volumize tris and traps..u say huh.? Well he warmed up his components on a jaunt on an elliptical for 20 min..hits a stim sip..totally tears up tris on close grip 275 bench .dips..skull crushers.cable isolation movents variable devices all under the hyfotensity circuit designed by a local mountaineer. Then..heard atom in my ear saying pussy traps pussy traps
Well that sent me on a trap workout he advised a while back and now walks around with a wana piecea me attitude.....keep it up guys ..gonna keep up my brotein to keep bun high for total anabolic state of mind..peace..ib..
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Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Well mission accomplished . Ah yeah thats the shit . Was nice nobody trainnig legs cept me. All that great heavy equipment and only me using it.
The big bench crew was in early. They have some monster benchers and plers in that gym. many great bodybuilders have come from there too.
I need to take a picture of the wt trees with all the good old iron put away perfect always from the 2.5's to the hundred pound plates .
Makes you feel good to see that when you been around the rubberized crowd
that can sure as fuk load everything up never do one rep then leave that shit all out for someone else to take care of. Good thing is they looked good when timmy or sally walked by seeing them "LOAD ALL THOSE PLATES"!
You know how quick i'd eject someone for not putting t shit up if that was my gym. If you ever see a rubber plate in a gym I own please give me a rope and an easy kick stool. Man none of that shit at the other spot. No attitudes no bullshit and all have knowledge of what the fuck you do and don't do in a GYM.
Man it's nice out . Going out with the wife for our 9th anniversery.
Hey it just occrred to me this is the longest i've ever stayed married.
Hope all of you had a bangin day. Chest /shoulders tomorrow. T


Oct 27, 2012
IB, the ways of the yetty are mysterious yet powerful. I am still learning how to tap into that inner monster. With every post I read, I believe I am learning more and more how to utilize the biofeedback to bring out the Sasquatch within.

Turbo, enjoy the night with the wifey! Treat her like only turbo knows how to do and give her some of that tubo juice lol

Today was bis, forearms and back for me and I was rockin' it old school style. I had a sick pump just after warming up bis and got some funky looks from people I haven't seen in years. After bis and forearms my veins were going wild and I had that freak look going on. Did my RP sets for back width and then did some smith bent rows for back thickness. I got a video os few of the straight sets. You'll notice that i am somewhat upright when rowing, but that is where I find my grrove to really torch my lower back. So if you don't like my form, tough shit, I do :)

It was actually really cool to see some HS kids around who actually knew what they were doing. I was chatting with kid who had some pretty good size and is a FB player who wanted to learn some thing about how to work the right muscles as a linebacker and develop foot speed.

This little trip back to the old gym really paid off. I needed to get my mind straight to kick off this blast and sort of re-motivate myself. Yep, we're there my friends. I can't wait to see where this takes me and I'm glad I am able to share it with guys who understand this game. I love this place.


Feb 7, 2013
First day back after being a bit sick for the past week- plus I started dating a new girl and we've been going through a bottle of wine a night so today was a bit rough for me...

Just decided to do a full upper body just to get the glycogen stores back up to par. All my lifts were down by about 35% so it was a lil depressing LoL


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Thanks, had a lot of fun. Ok ,today chest /shoulders in a couple hours.
Legs feel perfectly sore today . Don't ya hate when one side is a bit more sore than the other? None of that today. Upping volume in slow increments.
Don't want to compromise the next body part session . Everyone have
great day. Think there is a snowstorm coming here. Not sure . Rarely watch the news.T


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Atom good vid.is this the first release from the weekend terror you set amongst the relatives?
Enigma.wine is for vascularity but not for the fruit bowl.leave it on the shelf..
Turbo ..so.u a tad gimpy? Well power up the mind and positves will flow..( ib666 quote)
What did I do
Cardio as usual to warm up the unit
Lower back machine extensions and good mornings to
U guessed it..blast legs till they can support no more
Accomplished by hammy work and leg extentions .Deep heavy hack squats. Med ium.
Weigh front squats and then dumbell deads to stretch so the night can be calm in the sack ..cramp wise. All in all a sunny day for once and a great time..hope everyone had a great weekend ..tomorrow we continue to grow. Ib out.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Rested yesterday after legs on Saturday and I have a chest workout in the schedule for this afternoon.

You guys have a good morning. Turbo, where the hell is spring? Its ain't here either.

GREAT vid Atom! Excellent post. Looking good too.
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Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Morning all! Well chest /shoulders was a no go sunday. By the time I drove to the gym my legs really set up. Ah slight delay onset at it's best. Turned my ass around headed home and ate recovery foods every 2-3 hrs till night.
No shame in that. Get your wheels rolling everything else will follow.
Heavy leg work wakes a dormant body up really well. So back to the gym this am for chest/shoukders.Hope all had a great weekend and a good week
that starts today. T


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
What a difference 24 hrs makes. Legs still sore but on the fade.
Great w/o! spotted this little gal on seated dumbell presses. Small but strong. She was getting 10 -12 clean reps and a couple light spot reps at end .
Made me smile that she walked way around the tank top crowd to get the scary biker looking guy to spot. Little girl knew how to train. Very cool...
Back tomorrow and yes Iron built I'll be seeking a doozy.... T


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Chest went great this afternoon. Already looking forward to back tomorrow.


Oct 27, 2012
Turbo, not much sexier than a woman who knows her way around the weights. Damn, I live that!

IB, sounds like you have your legs a little slaughtering! Sasquatcherize those mo-fos! Getting back up to my old gym and talking with the guys who got me started was one if the main reasons I headed up to PA. I needed to get my head in the right place to kill it this blast. I'm not fucking around, this a war with my logbook and I'm bring out the heavy artillery.

Thanks for the comments on the vid fellas. Been progressing along nicely and really like the fly presses as part of DC routine.

X, I appreciate that. My pressing used to suck because of a shoulder injury and I still can't fully extend my left arm because of the way it healed when I broke it. I always wondered what I'd max out at, but really, I don't care as long as in growing.

Glad to gear you killed some chest brick. Stay solid.

So this whole acupuncture thing, awesome. The pain in my hands and feet has subsided greatly and I'm going back again this Thurs.

Lighting up some legs in a few! This is gonna be a doozy!