thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Nice lte conservative back session. If any muscle group is gonna pull the surgury apart it would be back for me. So i'm going sooo light and careful.
Heading back to the gym at 4....... glad you like the old school pics Brick.
Thanks, T..

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Got results of shoulder MRI, spoke with doctor today (former team doc for MLB franchise). NO surgery - for now. So, not sure if it was mental or just using my head tonight, but chest workout was great! Pre-exhausted with pec deck and flyes then moved on to pressing. This helped immensely. Felt super solid on pressing movements.

Pec Deck 3 x 12
Flyes 3 x 12-15 add weight each set
Incline BB press 1x8, 3x10 pause on last 3 reps of each set at neck. NO locking out.
Guillotine press 1x8, 3x10 pause as above.
Cable x-overs 3x15
DB pullovers 2x20 - deep stretch slow negatives.

Then hit biceps for three tri-sets:
Preacher curl 3x12
Alternate DB curl 3x10
BB curl 3x12 rest 90 seconds after each triset -no rest between exercises.

Then some db pendulum exercises for the cuff. Tear in supraspinatus tendon at posterior/lateral insertion, not surgery level tear - rehab to follow.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Awesome Grim !! Take it slow i need more time to get ahead of you.. 12 weeks natty and still feeln great..no idea why ..lol
T i fixed my truck. 30$ and 2 hours of my wrenching skills saved me 500$ ..
Hit back tonite..came in hot did 30 min.cardio but an hour in i crashed big time. Still had good stimulation but i got woozy from a doozey high paced session..
Brick. All my pie cakes and turkey gone and i too have done gobbled way more than i should so total turkey takedown sessions are now in order.. Glad everyone is postin in this bad ass brick brothers thread..keeper goin!! :)

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Yep. 12 weeks natty here and feeling amazing. Seriously-stamina and strength are really good and I'm gaining little by little. All in all I really feel fantastic. (considering I have a wicked chest cold LOL).
Glad to hear you did crashed during your workout - was starting to think you were part machine with the iron you're throwing around.
Sorry hadn't posted much lately, but workouts were just inconsistent and well, you know how it goes...


Nov 20, 2012
Got results of shoulder MRI, spoke with doctor today (former team doc for MLB franchise). NO surgery - for now. So, not sure if it was mental or just using my head tonight, but chest workout was great! Pre-exhausted with pec deck and flyes then moved on to pressing. This helped immensely. Felt super solid on pressing movements.

Pec Deck 3 x 12
Flyes 3 x 12-15 add weight each set
Incline BB press 1x8, 3x10 pause on last 3 reps of each set at neck. NO locking out.
Guillotine press 1x8, 3x10 pause as above.
Cable x-overs 3x15
DB pullovers 2x20 - deep stretch slow negatives.

Then hit biceps for three tri-sets:
Preacher curl 3x12
Alternate DB curl 3x10
BB curl 3x12 rest 90 seconds after each triset -no rest between exercises.

Then some db pendulum exercises for the cuff. Tear in supraspinatus tendon at posterior/lateral insertion, not surgery level tear - rehab to follow.

Can you describe that exercise for me. I have a chronic bench presser's shoulder and that sounds interesting. Thanks.....


Oct 27, 2012
Yep. 12 weeks natty here and feeling amazing. Seriously-stamina and strength are really good and I'm gaining little by little. All in all I really feel fantastic. (considering I have a wicked chest cold LOL).
Glad to hear you did crashed during your workout - was starting to think you were part machine with the iron you're throwing around.
Sorry hadn't posted much lately, but workouts were just inconsistent and well, you know how it goes...

12 weeks natty? F that! lol

Anyway, made some changes to the program to bring up my weak points. AJ Sims is helping me with my diet and supplement protocols as he knows much more than about how things go hand in hand so I brought him on board to help.

I am increasing my training volume and reducing frequency for some bodyparts but creating a carry over effect from the exercises I am using.

Today was chest and shoulders and you'll see how there is carry over to tris here...

Incline Db Bench 4 sets of 8 with partials after each set
Db hex Press 3 x 10 - took these slow and squeezed at the top (these burn my tris as well)
Nautilus Machine Press (focusing on pec minor) 4 sets of 8 with back rest pushing me way forward to get a deep stretch and peak contractions. Last set was a drop set
Flat Db Fly Press 4 sets of 12 last set was a drop set
Ultra Wide Shoulder Press 3 sets of 15
Over and back Shoulder Press 4 sets of 10 (over and back = 1 rep)
Tri Set of side laterals + rear delt raises + front raises

Killed it and felt great! I think the volume is needed for my weak spots.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Grim, that is great news!! Very glad to hear that.

T. glad you are easing into it. Nice.

I'm 6 weeks natty and feeling good. Crazy thing, my weight is about the same. The weights I train with are close. I don't look as hard but I feel great. Working on a little winter fat in case I get trapped in a snow drift. Hypothermia is a bitch.

Got back down for this afternoon. Gonna pull that fucker off the floor too.


Oct 27, 2012
Grim, that is great news!! Very glad to hear that.

T. glad you are easing into it. Nice.

I'm 6 weeks natty and feeling good. Crazy thing, my weight is about the same. The weights I train with are close. I don't look as hard but I feel great. Working on a little winter fat in case I get trapped in a snow drift. Hypothermia is a bitch.

Got back down for this afternoon. Gonna pull that fucker off the floor too.

When you guys say natty are you still on TRT?

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Can you describe that exercise for me. I have a chronic bench presser's shoulder and that sounds interesting. Thanks.....

Sure man.
Lean forward with one hand supporting your upper body. (I use the db rack) with a LIGHT db (or nothing) in your other hand - almost like the position for a db row. Let the arm hang down, don't round back. Begin by swinging arm left/right for 10 slow controlled swings in each direction like a clock pendulum. Then forward/backward. Then finally clockwise,then counterclockise. Repeat with other arm. Those really seem to help if done a few times a week to keep your shoulders healthy.

Since I'm officially starting rehab, I'll be doing a lot of this type of stuff but I'm looking forward to pressing (military and bench) much more weight again once I'm healing up.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Lol .. im 47 serum...still hittin decent weight and im kinda been off lately but i go to the gym on my days off and lift so thats probably the reason...i restarted some clomid but i think it tires me out..
Did chest tonite on bored whim... wasnt pretty but the ass i saw was.. i use that as gonadular viewification stimulation..GVS syndrome for you in the medical field like myself.. T is your ipad on menstration. Drop your sweet potato and let me know bro.
Brick where are thou? :)


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Taking the day off today. Got plenty of work to do and I don't want to get too big so I can't fit in my Santa suit. Yeah, right LOL
Got shoulders and traps down for tomorrow. Training partners been sick. He better be well before he comes back. Ah, yes, winter time bugs.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Oh...ok ill post again..T do you have the flu croup? Or just living the dream with Hawk and Nate at Sir Edwards steel yard?
Be back here later. Everyone have a productive Wednesday..

Instant update..hawks enroute.. cough is true but T is back on
fire still tossin..
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2012
Crushing back workout today!!!!! I love going between volume and HIT and now is the time bring up weak points. I'm going to post what I have planned for my training schedule in a new thread (please give me feedback :) )

A. DB Deadstop rows: 4x10 Let me scapulae stretch on these
B Stretchers: 4x12 ldid a drop set on the last set
C. Rack Deadlifts: 4 sets 12 reps, 8 reps, 6 and 6. Felt strong on these
D1. Underhand Pulldowns 4 sets of 8 superset with
D2. Straight arm pulldown 4x12
E. Smith Machine Pause Rows 4 sets of 6 and did a drop set on the last set.

Back was pumped and felt beat to shit. After I showered I actually fell asleep lol

Back on the slin as I have my shit together now and know what I need to do


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Heading out for arms . Chickenhawk and ihis partner should be in town in a few hours. Holler back later.. T


Oct 27, 2012
Big time arm session today!

A1. Machine curls (done 6 reps on one arm, 6 on the other then 4 and 4) hit 4 sets of these and could already feel the swole going on
A2. Triceps rope pressdowns (deep squeeze and contraction at bottom) 4 sets of 12
B1. Hammer curls (3 second negative) hit 4 sets and got nice burn on the negative
B2. Triceps dips 4x10 Again, took these nice and slow and focused on the contraction
C1. Incline bench DB curls 3 sets and got 12 reps, 11 and 10
C2. Freemotion rop extensions (kind of like a skullcrusher) 3 sets of 12
D1. Spider curls 3 sets of 12
D2. Overhead EZ bar triceps extensions 3 sets of 12

This is where it got FUN!

E1. BB curl 40s - used my 12 rep max and rested 10 seconds after each little burst of reps did 10 reps, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5
E2. Bent over triceps extensions rest-pause drop sets at each drop I did two sets

Arms looked cartoonishly pumped and veiny

Now my girlfriend want to get on the same program as me, with less focus on chest and more on legs and shoulders... I think she'll like it


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Now thats what im talkin about Atom. Get your freakon and the girls interested like a kid for candy..mighty swell

Last night
Cardio 40 min
Abs 15 sets a 20 different methods..today guts in a knot
Traps 15 sets to failure each set different movement
Dry sauna 1 hour so i warm and shred up for the winter outside
Today i should take off but im cold and sore so why not hammer legs.?.back soon.