thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Great arm workout for this soon back. Was feeling it for sure.
I think you guys are all confused . You need heavy wt for higher reps to really add muscle size. Strength training allows for more reps with heavier wt. Growth phase (higer reps) allow for more tissue to strengthen during strength
cycles . sounds simplistic but is pretty much true. Want to be stronger focus more on strength. Want to be bigger? focus on size. Want to have both ? power bodybuild with focus on strength and size. Last choice is the one I like.
Much easier to train with rep range and rep speed tempo changes during a training session. I do specialized periods during a training year. All to facilitate
size and strength gains in the overall picture.
I am pretty good at adding muscle mass. I know my way works very well for me . However you arrive there-- there being ex squat 500 for a nice set of 15-20 reps you will have some big thick legs . How you go about getting to that point is up to you. I have to be making gains in one aspect or another
to enjoy training etc. Stagnation would be a death sentence for me.
Ask Derek Poundstone if high reps will help strength and size in the long run.
He incorporates 100 rep sets into his training.
So did ya ever see the episode of southpark where the girls starting getting breasts? Lets turn training up a notch for positive vibes for the Godfather of this thread The Brick. Back to PT tomorrow then neglected parts day for me.
You all hit it hard however you choose. Don't forget anasci 11 should be out
very very soon. Should be a good one. One of my girl buddies will be featured .
Hardcore as they get..... Thx , T..


Registered User
Oct 10, 2013
Go it! high reps work but doesn't cause much damage control as heavy lifting with lower reps, what 8/12 reps per set. I will do this after 11/15


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Hey Brick Let us know if you can when they give you your slot for the
day trip... We're with you buddy. I'm throwing up some power prayer.
Talk soon. T...............


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Will do T... looking like the surgery will be Friday or next Tuesday. They will confirm with me later today. I hoping for Friday. I'm ready right now. More worried about that biopsy than anything.


Oct 27, 2012
Brick, I'll be think of you buddy. I'll be sending you the most powerful form of prayer.... widomaker sets. Next one's for you

I didn't get to sleep much because my younger brother has a big interview today to move to a new job that would be a nice pay bump and more aligned with his field and he was calling and texting me all night try to get ideas of how to respond to certain scenario based questions. I swear, I wish he wanted to be a bodybuilder... he definitely won the genetic lottery of my family

Anyway, I slept in an extra 30 minutes today and hit them gym. Cranked out an awesome back and bis session too.

Hammer Curls (20-30rp) 16+7+4 these are getting touch
BB Curls (15-20rp) 12+6+3
Naultilus plate loaded pulldown (15-20rp) up 20lbs 9+4+2
BB Bent row 5 x5 good strong sets
1 arm freemotion pulldows WM 20reps
Seated Cybex machine rows WM 19reps
Slider Curl WM 21 reps

Crazy pump and I am looking pretty solid now... Busy day today, catch y'all later

Be strong


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Will do T... looking like the surgery will be Friday or next Tuesday. They will confirm with me later today. I hoping for Friday. I'm ready right now. More worried about that biopsy than anything.

I'm feeling good that things will come out fine.Does not mean i'm concerned.I am . You are a great friend and huge asset to the board.
Want you healthy and smackin the shit of the iron til you move on to the next thing. Pm if anything you need . K big guy?
Thanks , T


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Ok . Getting ready for PT then Odd body parts. What are odd bodyparts?Well my wife might say wow you were so gdamn big when I met you that when you dropped your pants I said well thats odd --WTF happen down there? Lol i'm old io can laugh about no pringle can in my life . I make up for it in tenacity . Light switch needs love too. Ok nuff of trying to dig up a laugh.
I'm going to be doing some neck forearm grip and calves along with abs. issue 11 is up go check out one of our members ifbb pro Juanita Blaino. Have to set up another lunch or dinner date with her as she is
a blast to shoot the shit with just like you guys/gals(didn't forget you fitnik) and hang with. Brick your peeps are right here for ya.
AA IB Grim Jim TT and the rest have a great day. Hey where the hecks Hellbilly been? Ok gotta go . see yall later. T


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
I'm feeling good that things will come out fine.Does not mean i'm concerned.I am . You are a great friend and huge asset to the board.
Want you healthy and smackin the shit of the iron til you move on to the next thing. Pm if anything you need . K big guy?
Thanks , T

I appreciate that T. That's my plan. Love you guys.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Morning bothers,
My surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday. I guess I have to hurry up and wait a few more days. Trying to stay busy to keep my mind occupied. I did hit the gym for a few yesterday but I felt pretty distracted, it wasn't much.
Put a plate on the bar for me!


Oct 27, 2012
Morning bothers,
My surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday. I guess I have to hurry up and wait a few more days. Trying to stay busy to keep my mind occupied. I did hit the gym for a few yesterday but I felt pretty distracted, it wasn't much.
Put a plate on the bar for me!

Brick, I crippled myself for you this morning. My legs toldme, man up and rep this shit for BRICK!!! My god, my legs are d-fucking-stoyed. This might have been the hardest I punished my quads in a while.

Super set of seated calves and seated leg curls 5 sets of each. All good solid sets

I did squats here because I wanted to blow them the fuck up before doing any more exercises
Squats 1x15, 1x10, 1x8, 2x6 Went up in weight and brought my stance a little lower and took my reps deep with a bottom 1/2 second pause (like a full one count)

Moved on to another hamstring machine and did a rest pause drop set. basically 3 total rest pause sets (9 failure points)

Leg Press Widowmaker I did a warmup then smashed 23 reps. At around 16 it was one rep-take a breath at lockout- one rep-hold at lockout and take a breath...

Leg Extension Drop sets - I didn't do partials, just full reps and did 4 drops

Things are looking good fellas! Midsection is tight and muscle bellies are getting a little pop. My girl says I have "back abs" because of the definition in my back lol


Oct 18, 2012
Chest delts
3set wu incline db pressx12
4 ws of incline db press x12,10,8 last set drop set
5ws decline bench pryamid
Super set pec dec into partner assist incline flys (try to resist as partner pushes down to half way ) starting to become a fav 4rounds
Incline press to failure 3 sets
Rac press pryamid 2wu 4 ws

Superset side lats into rear delt raise into rear delt bands
4 rounds then last reverse pec dec 3 sets all i could mustar.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Right on Brick.. I got the good things will happen fairy flying your way and don't be a Turbobusa and all stubborn and not let us know u need anything..
Guess it's your knife turn .. :)
Right on Fitnik13 wait till the return of the yetty and you will be addin plates to that lunge bar as I scream at u walking across the parking lot.. Look great as always. :)

Today late legs..Hammered out Cardio . Abs and lower back to set my frame for a squatastic day .
First fatigued quads and hamstrings till I couldn't walk.
Walking barbell lunges 25 step one way 145 x 3. Dogg tired , puke ready .told u Fitnik.. Lol
On to squats where I just got up to a measly 465 on last set for 2 but ib suffered a small blackout upon rerack that made him sit ..lol it was very tough

As ibs lights flickered he got in 6 sets a calves and did some foam roller myofacia release on his body before collapsing .. Weird day... :(


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Did manage to train yesterday. Hit some chest and shoulders. Higher reps just to pump it out and help my mood. Felt good walking out of the gym after it was done. Need to thank Mrs Brick for chasing me out of the house and focusing on something positive. Gonna try some back after lunch. Don't wanna look like some shriveled old fucker on the OR table lol


Oct 27, 2012
Brick, I love it! Nothing gonna stop you!

Was kicking it with some Chest, shoulders and tris this AM and my logbook kicked my ass...looks like ti is time to swap out some exercises

Smith Incline Bench (15-20RP) 11+5+3 and I was up 10lbs on it
Incline Fly WM 22reps
DB shoulder press (20-30RP) 13+6+3 didn't beat LT
Side lateral WM 19reps
Triceps Dips (20-30rp) 14+6+2 didn't beat LT... AGAIN FUCK!!!!
Overhead Tri Ext WM 21reps

Oh well...just one of those days but I still had an insane session. Did a lot fo drop sets and partials after each RP set.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
thanks Atom!
I trained back today. Rack reads, t-bars, cable rows, pull downs. I got a good one in. Pretty happy with that. Cleared my head for an hour anyway. Felt really good.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Hey brick! Thats what i'm talking about! Good man .
AA You'd probably dull a scalpel . You must have some serious density
with your consistant intensity. IB WTF ? Are you ok? blackout at rack
not cool. Call me. Hey if you guys/gals would not mind could you stop over
at intros and say hi to my buddy Cougarpro? Good friend and cool ass chick.
I want her to feel the warmth . Might be a new recruit for bricks hangout.
Invite her on over here. Thanks , T


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Nice Brick glad u dont surrender and let the iron win and rest , best to toss it around and show who's the boss. Cool ..
Glad to see Atom still shreddin up the steel too, great mindset for dam sure.
Hey T yeah I got something going on I think but not gonna say till I know 100% and keep the positive vibe going.
Did my 30 min elliptical and blasted shoulders real nice , my endurance has gone to crap which is part of the issue . Oh and my legs are sore lol. First time in a long time as pct went well and I'm still going to stay natty till jan or when my buddy says he's ready too .
Came home to power outage from some huge breaker on a transformer at a sub station that went out at rush hour 70000 people , me included, no candles just my flashlight and a Crakin rum and coke after I flashlighted leftovrs and manually lit my gas cooktop without an explosion .. Of course all my "friends" had power but who wants a sweaty yetty at their house?


Oct 18, 2012
Early day back gotta work a double at work today.
Lat pulldowns 2 wu sets, 4 ws x12,x10,x10x8 pyramid

Db dead stop rows 4ws x12,x10,10,10

Stretchers 4ws x12

Superset db pullovers 12,10,10,10 into straight arm pushdowns 12 12 10 10 4rounds

Meadow rows 4ws 12,10,8,8

3 sets hyper ext. To failure.

$kipped forearms back trashed now off for 16 hour shift


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Leaving for legs in a minute. You kniow what i'm looking for
Nuff said. Sucks about the outage IB . Hope you have power today.. thanks