thebrick's - What are you Training Today?

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Legs were tonight. A really cool guy was pissed cause both leg sleds were tied up when I got there, so I asked him to do some squats with he. He didn't think he could hang but he did really well. We went a bit heavier and he worked out with me the whole time following my lead. I took him through a quad and ham workout, Grim style baby.
2 sets leg extensions warmup - add weight each set 20 reps
Squats warmups 12, 8, 6, 4
Work sets 5x5 add weight each set - deep reps pause at bottom on last rep ATG no less.
Leg press 3x5
Leg extensions 3x12-15

Lying leg curls 3x10
SLDL warmup 12, 6, 4
work sets 5x5 add weight each set
wide high leg press 1 feel set of 8, gradually deepen stretch each rep
work sets 3x5 add weight each set
standing leg curls (i go you go style) 3x12 add weight each set.

Miller time***
*** hydro whey/karbolyn/cytocarb/bcaas/glutamine/creatine

Tomorrow R-E-S-T... :)


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
Leg day here, too.

Wanted to see UFC, so went hard and fast. Mrs triple joined me. She puts most of the guys at my gym to shame.

Leg press: 2 warm-up sets then 5 X 25 increasing weight each set. Started with what I could barely do 25 reps with and added 2 plates each set.

4 X 10 DB RDLs

Got it done in just over 20 minutes. It left us feeling crushed for quite some time. Already feeling sore, too.

Love it.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Ive been goin just not posting as i somehow everyday recently been putting fires out so to speak.so here i am 1am
Been doing massive highrep low weight till i cant move and must say some weee bit of fat is disappearing and cardio improving after years of struggle from a minor health stint years ago..joints are feeling relief and tendon strength up i believe. Great reads by you guys
Mine quite boring... keep at it and so will i.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Leg day here, too.

Wanted to see UFC, so went hard and fast. Mrs triple joined me. She puts most of the guys at my gym to shame.

Leg press: 2 warm-up sets then 5 X 25 increasing weight each set. Started with what I could barely do 25 reps with and added 2 plates each set.

4 X 10 DB RDLs

Got it done in just over 20 minutes. It left us feeling crushed for quite some time. Already feeling sore, too.

Love it.
Those type of workouts are mini-marathons as Arnold would describe them. Awesome brother (and sister - Mrs. Triple) :)


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
Leg day here, too.

Wanted to see UFC, so went hard and fast. Mrs triple joined me. She puts most of the guys at my gym to shame.

Leg press: 2 warm-up sets then 5 X 25 increasing weight each set. Started with what I could barely do 25 reps with and added 2 plates each set.

4 X 10 DB RDLs

Got it done in just over 20 minutes. It left us feeling crushed for quite some time. Already feeling sore, too.

Love it.

Enjoying my rest day but I rushed home to watch UFC too. Not a bad card


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Hit shoulder and traps today. Went pretty darn well for a crummy shoulder, lots of warm ups, super sets and higher reps

Grim, sounds like you may have a new leg training partner.
IB, you are certainly NOT boring


Oct 27, 2012
Gonna kill some legs after work today.

Help me Jesus its Leg day!

Yep, leg day here...

Sweet baby jesus... what a fucking night, in a good way.

Started off with lying leg curls - 5 sets, slow negative. These gave sick pump

Squats - Warmed up then 1x8, 4x6...awesome sets. Took my reps real deep and it made me feel pretty damn good that I'm hitting solid depth

Smith Lunges 4x12 each leg - legs were shaking at this point

Leg press Rest-pause sets: 2 rest pause sets done in DC fashion - pretty much couldn't walk for 5 minutes

Leg extension 4x 12 with 5 partials on set 2, 10 on set 3 and 15 on set 4 - my teardrop looked like a veiny mass

Stiff legged deadlifts with DBs 3x10 felt like I was going to yak. held it down. haven't stopped eating since I got home.


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
Yep, leg day here...

Sweet baby jesus... what a fucking night, in a good way.

Started off with lying leg curls - 5 sets, slow negative. These gave sick pump

Squats - Warmed up then 1x8, 4x6...awesome sets. Took my reps real deep and it made me feel pretty damn good that I'm hitting solid depth

Smith Lunges 4x12 each leg - legs were shaking at this point

Leg press Rest-pause sets: 2 rest pause sets done in DC fashion - pretty much couldn't walk for 5 minutes

Leg extension 4x 12 with 5 partials on set 2, 10 on set 3 and 15 on set 4 - my teardrop looked like a veiny mass

Stiff legged deadlifts with DBs 3x10 felt like I was going to yak. held it down. haven't stopped eating since I got home.

Sounds excellent! As others have noted, you are a freaking animal, Atom. Keep it up, you help keep me motivated!


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
A lovely shoulder and trap workout in two parts today.

First part: wide cable bent-over "shrugs" 5X10 after warm-up then 8X10 cable should presses with rotation until my delts screamed, then angled side and front cable raises until it actually hurt to exist.

Second part: an hour later, every minute on the minute for 20 minutes: 6 reps double 24kg KB cleans. Sounded easier than it turned out to be...

All this fueled by a delightful mix of protein, carbs, slin, TNE, caffeine, BCAAs, and water.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Yep, leg day here...

Sweet baby jesus... what a fucking night, in a good way.

Started off with lying leg curls - 5 sets, slow negative. These gave sick pump

Squats - Warmed up then 1x8, 4x6...awesome sets. Took my reps real deep and it made me feel pretty damn good that I'm hitting solid depth

Smith Lunges 4x12 each leg - legs were shaking at this point

Leg press Rest-pause sets: 2 rest pause sets done in DC fashion - pretty much couldn't walk for 5 minutes

Leg extension 4x 12 with 5 partials on set 2, 10 on set 3 and 15 on set 4 - my teardrop looked like a veiny mass

Stiff legged deadlifts with DBs 3x10 felt like I was going to yak. held it down. haven't stopped eating since I got home.

I've been getting hit with this at some weird "unannounced" times too. During back DB rows, reaching down for the weight and thinking "something's rolling up...wtf..." Same feeling strapping myself to a handle for seated wide grips. And I crushed those sets. Probably a little fear and anger with some anxiety mixed in. Last night it was loading up the sled for the hammy high and wides, just grabbed a 45 and thought "Hey...I'm getting sick..."..sort of like it was happening to someone I was watching rather than me. LOL
Much more enjoyable than waking up, yes waking up aka coming to after passing out on a bench losing track of time and spatial perception after hitting a wall halfway thru legs during depletion sets for my prep walkthru I did. That was surreal.
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Oct 27, 2012
I've been getting hit with this at some weird "unannounced" times too. During back DB rows, reaching down for the weight and thinking "something's rolling up...wtf..." Same feeling strapping myself to a handle for seated wide grips. And I crushed those sets. Probably a little fear and anger with some anxiety mixed in. Last night it was loading up the sled for the hammy high and wides, just grabbed a 45 and thought "Hey...I'm getting sick..."..sort of like it was happening to someone I was watching rather than me. LOL
Much more enjoyable than waking up, yes waking up on a bench losing track of time after hitting a wall halfway thru legs during depletion sets for my prep walkthru I did. That was surreal.

Grim, that is the EXACT feeling I am talking about! Hahaha strapping into the DBs I felt like I was gonna blow.

I can't even imagine passing out after depletion sets. Although I have blacked out after squats... Racked the weight, stepped back and down fir the count.

Ahhhh we are some sick fucks!!! I love it.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
You bet brother! Arms get blasted tomorrow. Can't wait to see the shit I curl and close grip tomorrow. My Fat Gripz are getting lonely lately in my gym bag, I'm thinking some sets with those guys tomorrow. Nite all! Go hard and heavy boys!


Aug 23, 2013
Los Angeles
Ran the shoulders through the mud today. 5 x 20 hammer strength presses superset with dips. 5 x 20 side lateral raises superset with skull crushers. 5 x shrugs superset with triceps push downs. Had my swol on for sure!!


Oct 25, 2012
Keep in mind these are all super sets and most of the time I'll do a final set on the shoulders until I can't do another rep. I sweat thru 2 shirts in this work out. Will be starting in an hour.


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The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Not sure if anyone ever posted this, but I'm probably gonna post my playlist for tonight's arm session later on and maybe some subsequent workouts. Who knows, maybe you'll hear a tune or two you didn't know you really like and you'll add that to your rotation if you BYOT (bring your own tunes) to the gym.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Tonight was arms, short sweet to the point.
Work sets only:
Barbell Curls 5x5-7 add weight each set
Behind the back wrist curls 4x8,10,12,15 add weight each set
Preacher curls 3x6-8 add weight each set

Close Grip Bench Press (fat gripz on smith machine)++ 5x5-7
Cable pushdowns 2x15-20 rest 10 seconds 12 more reps
2 x 6-8 add weight each set

++ Smith machine used as deltoids are being rested this week to avoid over training them - coming off twice weekly direct work.

Seated calves 2 x 12 -F drop second set 12 reps double pump bottom/top
Standing calves 2 x 12-15 F add weight each set double pump bottom/top+++

+++ After failing stand on floor and do bodyweight calf raises 15-20 repetitions 1 second pause at full contraction / double pump bottom/top.

Grim's Playlist: To be posted later tonight