thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
trying to get a light leg cardio session today. Not sure if I will. busy get 1 fingered typing pump. Glad you guys are getting it on as per usual. Hellbilly
glad to see you here in the hangout.,. Atom, brick grim, and all others
have a great day. T

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Tonight we're hitting back and maybe some calves too. Return to off season mode, slamming calories now, feeling strong. Growing again. Going to go by feel as far as weights/reps go tonight. I have a decent idea of the exercise selection, but the order may change and stuff once I get some feel sets done.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Atom, looking good my man, glad that tricep was smart to listen and get with the program. lol
When you threw that DB, that made me think about last leg day. I was doing hypers and some assclown walks three inches from my head, squeezed in between the hyper station I was on and another piece of equipment, then just walks away, like almost just being a douchebag about it. I finished my set, realized how much danger that f**kwit put me in if he'd bumped my noggin while I was coming up or down. I TOSSED the quarter I was using about 10 feet in his direction as he walked away and asked him "What the F*** was that?" Guy on a bench about 10 feet away shook his head at the idiot and knew what time it was. I'm pretty cool, but that was borderline calling me out and I was fired up in beast mode at that point from working quads and hammies already.

Grim, what's with these dummies? I was training chest today and, of course, a kid was doing his dumbbell curls 12 inches away from the dumbell rack and mirrors. He was blocking the 90's I wanted so I wedged myself between him and the 90's. He stepped back a couple steps. That's right dummie, there are other people at this gym too.

I did get a good chest session in. :headbang:

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Grim, what's with these dummies? I was training chest today and, of course, a kid was doing his dumbbell curls 12 inches away from the dumbell rack and mirrors. He was blocking the 90's I wanted so I wedged myself between him and the 90's. He stepped back a couple steps. That's right dummie, there are other people at this gym too.

I did get a good chest session in. :headbang:

I don't know brother, I seriously think they're messing with people cause nobody could be that stupid. Maybe I'm wrong. LOL
:thumbsup: for your chest session bro!

Pre workout meal in five minutes. Hoping I get a nice pasta pump. :D


Oct 27, 2012
Ahhh Grim, it sound like you and I are one in the same. level headed cool cats until you just push us the wrong way. Once you cross that line, it's a volcano ready to blow.

About the tricep, I use this stuff called traumeel. It is pretty cheap and you can find it in select drugstores or on amazon. The stuff is miraculous.

I wanted to switch up my order so I hit arms and abs today. Holy pump! It is funny, I used to get bad elbow pain training triceps (I shattered my left elbow in HS) but warming up with extensions and such before pressing seems to to prevent that. I was doing my JM presses and didn't feel one twinge.

It was a good day men. Hope y'all are doing well.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2012
Ahhh Grim, it sound like you and I are one in the same. level headed cool cats until you just push us the wrong way. Once you cross that line, it's a volcano ready to blow.

About the tricep, I use this stuff called traumeel. It is pretty cheap and you can find it in select drugstores or on amazon. The stuff is miraculous.

So it works, legit? I may have to pick some up.

I hit chest, shoulders and triceps. Heavy and hard, then up and out of there. I cannot stand really busy gyms and people who try and start conversations while you are lifting. Luckily for me, I am down in size so my training partner gets most of the idiots. :eek:


Oct 27, 2012
So it works, legit? I may have to pick some up.

I hit chest, shoulders and triceps. Heavy and hard, then up and out of there. I cannot stand really busy gyms and people who try and start conversations while you are lifting. Luckily for me, I am down in size so my training partner gets most of the idiots. :eek:

Hellbilly, they have the pills and the cream. When I get hit with something bad I use both. For deep bruises, strains...etc the pills seem to really help a lot.

I use some other stuff too, like Dit Da Jow oil for bruises and strains at times, but that shit smells bad and another one for minor stuff is Kwan Loong Oil. Works like bengay only a lot better and smells like spearmint. If you have tendinitis this works great.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Dit jow works really well and i use dmso preworkout to warm up tendons quite nice
Chest day ..stayed in the 305 range for flat and incline and my favorite decline straightbar lifts... hit some hammer strength plate loaded incline for some good forced squeezed reps...Hit hex press/ fly combo for killer concentration and finished up with assorted cable work.. hey im out of my preworkout stim drink and i need some new bad ass stuff .any ideas? Asap! Thanks.ib

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Dit jow works really well and i use dmso preworkout to warm up tendons quite nice
Chest day ..stayed in the 305 range for flat and incline and my favorite decline straightbar lifts... hit some hammer strength plate loaded incline for some good forced squeezed reps...Hit hex press/ fly combo for killer concentration and finished up with assorted cable work.. hey im out of my preworkout stim drink and i need some new bad ass stuff .any ideas? Asap! Thanks.ib

Sounds like a solid chest day brother. I'm going to use that dmso I just picked up - stellar reviews all around here and other places. I'll look at dit jow as well.
I'm using 1MR at the moment. I'm not stimmed out of my skull. I still have the jack3d original but that makes me lose water like crazy. I know pumpHD from BPI gets good marks and GO which is supposedly stronger than DMAA but still legal.


Feb 7, 2013
Dit jow works really well and i use dmso preworkout to warm up tendons quite nice
Chest day ..stayed in the 305 range for flat and incline and my favorite decline straightbar lifts... hit some hammer strength plate loaded incline for some good forced squeezed reps...Hit hex press/ fly combo for killer concentration and finished up with assorted cable work.. hey im out of my preworkout stim drink and i need some new bad ass stuff .any ideas? Asap! Thanks.ib

I've been on a mission to try them all over the past few months. One that I really like is by BSN called Hyper FX... It effervescent which is kinda weird but it's a good mix of stim energy and focus.

I also like Gasparis- Super Drive

For me the ultimate stack is
25mg Nor-Ephedrine HCL
6mg Yohimbine HCL
200mg Caffeine
30mg Synephrine HCL
40mg Evodamine


Oct 27, 2012
Dit jow works really well and i use dmso preworkout to warm up tendons quite nice
Chest day ..stayed in the 305 range for flat and incline and my favorite decline straightbar lifts... hit some hammer strength plate loaded incline for some good forced squeezed reps...Hit hex press/ fly combo for killer concentration and finished up with assorted cable work.. hey im out of my preworkout stim drink and i need some new bad ass stuff .any ideas? Asap! Thanks.ib

IB, check out supplementgiant.com. They still have the original Jack3D (mods, if this is violation, please let me know, but no sponsors sell this). I'm friends with the owner and the manager of one of the stores (he's competing in the Dallas Europa this coming weekend - Looks sick). Real good guys, give them a call to ensure that they do shit you the one you want, since a lot of people order and don't want the DMAA (just scared).

I've been on a mission to try them all over the past few months. One that I really like is by BSN called Hyper FX... It effervescent which is kinda weird but it's a good mix of stim energy and focus.

I also like Gasparis- Super Drive

For me the ultimate stack is
25mg Nor-Ephedrine HCL
6mg Yohimbine HCL
200mg Caffeine
30mg Synephrine HCL
40mg Evodamine

Very nice! I like to add beta-alanine, BCAAs, glutamine, citrulline malate, Agmatine, and creatine (I know this can be taken at any time during the day, but I like adding it to this drink)

Never used evodamine pre-w/o.... I know that is in some fat burners

Right now i'm trying Dymatize xpand. So far great pumps and focus.

E, once you get a good list rolling, do you think you can post up some reviews of pre-w/o's? That would be really fucking awesome!


Registered User
Oct 29, 2012
I have never liked pre w/o OTC stuff. I still have a container of DMAA powder, I doubt that I'll ever use because that shit made me feel too cracked out. These days it is maybe a cup of coffee before I train.


Oct 27, 2012
Wicked wheel session.... drop sets on hammy curls, then bumped up my squats. Smith lunges then rest pause sets on leg press then one drop set. Hit some leg extensions with ascending partials with each set supersetted with donkey calf raises then Db SLDLs with 3 sec negative and bottom pause and finished with seated calves.

Once again, got up after eating my PWO meal and legs gave out lol

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
For any/all interested parties:

Barbell Military Press 4 warmups no rest in between 8,6,4,2
Work sets 1x6, 2x5, 1xfailure
DB shoulder press 3x8 add weight each set
Machine lateral raises 3x8
Seated Cable High Rows (rear delt/traps) 3 x 8 superset with bent over lateral raises 3x8
Barbell Shrugs 2x4-6 (after 4 set warmup of 8,6,4,2)

Killed it. Steak and brown rice PWO meal and 8+ hrs. of shuteye for this caveman.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Late nite arm session with hour Cardio on the Eliptical just because she was there to talk to ..lol.
If I can pull one date from her it's all over as the Ib swoop and carry her away will take place.
Grilled a grip of late night chicken and sweet potatoes and grilled zucchini and aspargrass.. Made the china dank Turbobusa ..love to hear you guys bending steel and maken progress.. Thanks for the tips on stims. A person is sending me some product called Angel Dust .. Not the drug. Lol. Hemo rage is nasty and any effervescent is nasty may as well toss a alka setlzer in some fruit punch and creatine. Loves to blow tops off shaker cups too..

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
I remember the effervescent creatine thing in Ironman magazine in early 2000. Right next to a before and after of a super watery Jonathan Lawson who was promoting the Size Surge program (next to Casey Viator's pic during the the 'Colorado Experiment' where Casey put on 20 lbs in 1973 thanks to Size Surge - nod nod wink wink). LOL


Oct 27, 2012
Late nite arm session with hour Cardio on the Eliptical just because she was there to talk to ..lol.
If I can pull one date from her it's all over as the Ib swoop and carry her away will take place.
Grilled a grip of late night chicken and sweet potatoes and grilled zucchini and aspargrass.. Made the china dank Turbobusa ..love to hear you guys bending steel and maken progress.. Thanks for the tips on stims. A person is sending me some product called Angel Dust .. Not the drug. Lol. Hemo rage is nasty and any effervescent is nasty may as well toss a alka setlzer in some fruit punch and creatine. Loves to blow tops off shaker cups too..

IB, you are truly a unique character... king of the yettis without a doubt

I remember the effervescent creatine thing in Ironman magazine in early 2000. Right next to a before and after of a super watery Jonathan Lawson who was promoting the Size Surge program (next to Casey Viator's pic during the the 'Colorado Experiment' where Casey put on 20 lbs in 1973 thanks to Size Surge - nod nod wink wink). LOL

Grim, nice shoulder session! I haven't used a BSN product in forever, but did you guys ever try the NO-xplode, that effervescent shit? I remember this from maybe 7 or so years ago. Maybe more because I think I was still in HS. That stuff hit my stomach and I was running to the shitter within minutes! Gross as hell!

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
IB, you are truly a unique character... king of the yettis without a doubt

He's a credit to the simian race no doubt. ;)

Grim, nice shoulder session! I haven't used a BSN product in forever, but did you guys ever try the NO-xplode, that effervescent shit? I remember this from maybe 7 or so years ago. Maybe more because I think I was still in HS. That stuff hit my stomach and I was running to the shitter within minutes! Gross as hell!

Never tried it. So, you think I should take a pass on the No-Explode? :p

I can picture someone taking it, getting the rumbles and saying "NO!" then an explosion in the stall. LOL

Yeah, was a cool session. I'm using a modified wave routine for shoulder presses. Last night was a 'fail' test and 5 reps or more was a 'pass' on the test I got 12. Gun to the head with a spotter, I'd say 14. :D