thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Hit back yesterday and went good. Those deads felt heavier than normal, not sure if it the age :p or because I am just cruising right now. I think I am going to up my lean calories a tad too.

You guys remember Twin Labs Ripped Fuel? I used that stuff back in the 80's and 90's. I was good, good, good. Now a strong cup off coffee or a caffeine tab or two is about it these days.


Oct 27, 2012
Hit back yesterday and went good. Those deads felt heavier than normal, not sure if it the age :p or because I am just cruising right now. I think I am going to up my lean calories a tad too.

You guys remember Twin Labs Ripped Fuel? I used that stuff back in the 80's and 90's. I was good, good, good. Now a strong cup off coffee or a caffeine tab or two is about it these days.

They were still around in the 2000s because I used to take it. The one with real ephedrine. When I was wrestling I took every stim out there and when my doctor check out my bloodwork and saw a bunch of abnormalities (this is in HS mind you) he had a talk with my mom and she ended up going through my room and getting rid of every stimulant I had.

I remember running and feeling my liver in pain because my body was so stressed out.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Yep, I used it a lot, like Atom said, the real ephedra formula. Black bottle. Then later they went to the twinlab silver later on. I remember my dentist at the time who was totally into sports nutrition told me that excessive use of thermogenics would dry out your teeth and cause issues. He knew his stuff and I'd tend to believe it. I never had issues, but he had cases of guys that did.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Of course, no discussion of ephedrine would be complete without mentioning Ultimate Orange, which we've discussed before. LOL That stuff was ridiculous. I remember you'd mix it up and SIP it during workouts. The first sip was like a shot of booze - it comes half way back up, you shudder, choke it back, then 20 minutes later, you're sipping it like a crackhead wanting more and more.
Sort of reminded me of St. Joseph's children's aspirin in its taste and texture. No joke!
Want to work out and still have enough in your tank 2 hours later to deadlift 315 for reps? Sure! Sign me up! LMAO!


Oct 27, 2012
Of course, no discussion of ephedrine would be complete without mentioning Ultimate Orange, which we've discussed before. LOL That stuff was ridiculous. I remember you'd mix it up and SIP it during workouts. The first sip was like a shot of booze - it comes half way back up, you shudder, choke it back, then 20 minutes later, you're sipping it like a crackhead wanting more and more.
Sort of reminded me of St. Joseph's children's aspirin in its taste and texture. No joke!
Want to work out and still have enough in your tank 2 hours later to deadlift 315 for reps? Sure! Sign me up! LMAO!

Love me some of that liquid crack!

Fuck the damn FDA taking away all this good shit...


Oct 27, 2012
chest and shoulders tonight... shoulder was feeling a little inflamed, but not enough to hold me back. Stayed right on point with chest numbers and went up on my lifts. Ironically, I was stronger on shoulders than normal. Overall, strong session and I am pretty pleased closing my logbook on it. I'm loving the constant tension exercises...major, major pump


Registered User
Oct 29, 2012
Killed legs yesterday with my training partner and his g/f. She is a beast, she even did some glute work and cardio after the session.

Lying leg curls
Banded leg press
Superset lunges and squats
Leg extensions

Feeling it today, damn.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Smashed quads and hams last night. Added an exercise I skipped due to fear of getting injured week ago as I was spent and unsteady, not last night though. Crushed it...ALL weights went up. Now we're gaining momentum...I even lasted longer than my iPod did. ;)

Work sets listed only:

Leg Extensions 4 x 12
Squats 4 x 10 add weight each set
Leg Press 4 x 10-12 add weight last 2 sets
Hacks 4 x 10 add weight last two sets
One Legged Squats (Smith) 3 x 10

Seated Leg Curls 4 x 12 add weight each set
Lying Leg Curls 4 x 12 pause at bottom each rep add weight each set
SLDL 3 x 10 add weight each set
Wide High Leg Press 3 x 10 add weight each set
Hyperextensions 3 x 12
Adductor machine 3 x 12

Feel beat up but I'll use Sunday's and Tuesday's 30 minute cardio on the steps to flush the blood and let the soreness help with feedback on contracting different areas of the quads hams and glutes.
Last edited:


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Hit shoulders and traps today. Not bad for bum shoulders.

You guys ever do x-pulls on cables for rear Delta? Love those.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Did chest today. I mentioned doubling up on shoulders which with my traps are responding with some new growth. Part of keeping that up is trying to eliminate extra delt work with chest which isn't easy, but I'm trying. First you're going to say, INCLINES!? Grim, wtf?! Well, flat BB/DB presses seem to really allow my delts to dominate, so, I eliminated flats except for two sets of guillotines to keep constant tension on my upper pecs late in the workout.
EVERYTHING was up 20lbs. tonight, I am so stoked people. Wasn't even true failure, which leaves some in the tank for next week. w00t!!

Work sets only*
Incline BB bench press 1x6, 2x4, 2x8, 10
Incline DB press 3 x 10
Pec Deck 3 x 10-12
Flat db flyes 3 x 8-12
Cable crossovers 3 x 12
BB flat bench Guillotine presses 3 x 6-8 (constant tension on pecs followed by 30 seconds of squeezing/posing each set)
DB pullovers (deep hip drops) across bench 2 x 8-10

Reverse leg lifts 30 degree incline 2 x 12
Cable crunches 2 x 20 increase weight 30 seconds rest in between sets

Miller time***

*** BPI Build HD/Blox/Hydro whey/karbolyn



Oct 27, 2012
Hit shoulders and traps today. Not bad for bum shoulders.

You guys ever do x-pulls on cables for rear Delta? Love those.

OOH yeah! I love doing these in a higher rep range then doing partials. Oh, shit burns like you just got done fucking a dirty whore.

Did chest today. I mentioned doubling up on shoulders which with my traps are responding with some new growth. Part of keeping that up is trying to eliminate extra delt work with chest which isn't easy, but I'm trying. First you're going to say, INCLINES!? Grim, wtf?! Well, flat BB/DB presses seem to really allow my delts to dominate, so, I eliminated flats except for two sets of guillotines to keep constant tension on my upper pecs late in the workout.
EVERYTHING was up 20lbs. tonight, I am so stoked people. Wasn't even true failure, which leaves some in the tank for next week. w00t!!

Work sets only*
Incline BB bench press 1x6, 2x4, 2x8, 10
Incline DB press 3 x 10
Pec Deck 3 x 10-12
Flat db flyes 3 x 8-12
Cable crossovers 3 x 12
BB flat bench Guillotine presses 3 x 6-8 (constant tension on pecs followed by 30 seconds of squeezing/posing each set)
DB pullovers (deep hip drops) across bench 2 x 8-10

Reverse leg lifts 30 degree incline 2 x 12
Cable crunches 2 x 20 increase weight 30 seconds rest in between sets

Miller time***

*** BPI Build HD/Blox/Hydro whey/karbolyn


Grim is dieseling out!!!! It seems a low incline for me take out a good portion of the delts and emphasizes the chest.

I do a lot of incline work and NEVER do flat BB bench. i will use flt DB bench, but i turn my hands.

Tonight was crusher of a back session. I also went up on everything. I started off with some heavy rowing, DB deadstop rows for sets of 10 and then hevt meadows rowas for sets of 8 (these feel sooo good on you lats). Hit some rack pulls for 5x5 and moved into nautilus pullsdown (like the Hammer strength machine that gets a real good stretch). Then onto supersets. Behind the neck pulldowns with super slow negatives and low cable rows for sets of 6. Another superset of stretchers and back hyper extensions and finished with three drop sets of straight arm pulldowns.

Ahhhh good night!!!!

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Tonight was crusher of a back session. I also went up on everything. I started off with some heavy rowing, DB deadstop rows for sets of 10 and then hevt meadows rowas for sets of 8 (these feel sooo good on you lats). Hit some rack pulls for 5x5 and moved into nautilus pullsdown (like the Hammer strength machine that gets a real good stretch). Then onto supersets. Behind the neck pulldowns with super slow negatives and low cable rows for sets of 6. Another superset of stretchers and back hyper extensions and finished with three drop sets of straight arm pulldowns.

Ahhhh good night!!!!

Nice, good night to you sir! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Oct 27, 2012
The same way I feel. Doing the astronaut walk around my house. I regret buying a two story home, now I know why Jay Cutler says he didn't. :D

My bedroom is on my third floor... The worst is when I wake up hungry at night after training legs. I learned my lesson, bring a BCAA drink to bed.