thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Hey Atom lookin mighty lean bro..been on a sabaticol chasen sand in the cracks of beach girls but now ready to roll..Glad u supported the plumbers of america Brick..but man we are crooks..Keep it up E sounds like ure tuned in for current growth bro.
Turbo hit my mail..cells in the pacific ocean.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
How do you get a great back workout in? Answer: you take something that has you totally pissed from work and you go to the gym and take it out on the weights. I even changed up the sequence of exercises… just because. Is that called the "confusion principle"?


Oct 27, 2012
Brick, I got so pissed off last night when training with these little dbags putting their DBs wherever the fuck they wanted I actually threw 85lb DBs at them. They flew about 10 feet and bounced across the floor. One of the managers laughed and just said something like that was crazy lol

Rockin' and Rollin' chest and shoulders today. Had a good feeling going into tonight and I slammed it. I was really feeling the muscles and had a great burn going. Below is my session as I wrote in my logbook ImageUploadedByTapatalk 21375838749.189784.jpg


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Lol nice one Atom.. Brick that's a very good philosophical way of training.
I hit some Cardio and then shoulders to burn all the sugar and junk I ate while outa town.lol.. Gonna see if i can withstand leg day starting on some carb depletion as it's needed .. Shred or dead I think is appropriate .


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Well 1st day of pt done. What a relief. Was worried it might be like the other pt's in past rehabs. P=physicalT being terrorist thus physical terrorist.
Nope , got lucky a real pt . Phew!went well. Hope you guys are all livin large.
IB have a funny phone story as well.T


Oct 27, 2012
T, I'm happy for you brother! That is great news. I was crushing it for you tonight... I had a terrible headache in the afternoon and when I was ready to train my head was still pounding. My solution - Take some aleve and and shit ton on pre-workout stims. Essentially just get so wired I didn't give a fuck. Triple scoop of jack3d, a sample pack of MRI black powder, two scoops of Dymatize xpand. I was pretty good to go.

It was back night and I was working most of my exercises from a stretch. Deadstop rows, meadows rows, nautilus pullsdowns with a pause at the stretched position, superset of scapulae stretch pulldowns and low cable rows letting my shoulder blades open up, superset of stretchers and hyperextensions and three drop sets on straight arm pulldowns. Great session and huge back pump. FYI - I alternate each workout so one will be higher reps and to really engorge the muscle with blood and the next one is heavier with the big mass movements.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Well good to hear T i remember my first pt appointment after surgury as a lecture what not to do in a sling for 180$..
Glad to hear Bricks growing the wheels today too bad todays youngsters dont understand leg theory and growth..Atom u be watchin those stim combos id be posting a puke picture if i did all that..,sounds like u are in the fukn groove for dam sure
I hit a late workout of cardio and back and was sweatin bullets cause the a/c was out in the gym.. saw some nice sweaty camel toes so it was wayy worth it...even some rear hangin clams in sweat.. i didnt stare ..lol..hope its out tomorrow..ib


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
All work today and seems like not enuf time to think
.hope u guys are tossin a rep for me. Leg day friday...love it the most as i get my hammys hangin like a side a beef ..so far so good on pentokneeoptima supplementation . will see how long it lasts. Last site was last wed before last..ib


Oct 27, 2012
So I think I fucked up my left tricep... Don't know when it happened but it is all fucking swollen in the lateral head. fucking BS if you ask me.... trying to stop me from training...my ass.

Anyway, legs tonight. I wasn't sure how this one was going to be because on paper it didn't look like much, but I trust John when he says you will be crippled. Started with hammies. Leg curls couple sets of 15, then one with 12, 3 with 10 to absolute failure and then one at 6 then did a triple drop set. Hammies were lit up. Now to squats. Two sets of 15, two sets of 12 and three sets of 8.... but the kicker is that it was slow descent and reps were done in a piston-like fashion. Very, very painful.
Next on the list was a triple drop set with close stance hack squats. these successfully destroyed me.
Moving on, I did one legged squats on the v-squat machine. Thee sets of 8, but I did 4 on one leg, then 4 on the other then repeat for one set. So it was like a set of 8 with my 5 rep max. HELL
I finished off with 4 supersets of abductions and glute-ham kickbacks.

I was not expecting it to be so bad. Holy shit.... My quads were shaking


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
2nnd pt was this morning. going very well. My wife was a liitle pissed
cuz of two blisterd spots about the size of a pack of cigs on my back.
Our fucked up pain tolerances don't know any better at times.
I thought the pt.s heating thing on my back was just kinda hot.
i'm feeling like I can see that pinpoint way out there. You guys have a good one.
thanks, T


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
IB is working... hope that translates into money in your pocket bro!!

Atom, what happened to the tri? Not a clue?

Turbo, sounds like your pain tolerance is up there. That can be good and bad.

Hit shoulders and traps today. Worked around the guys replacing mirrors that some Einsteins broke. You ain't that pretty, back up from the glass dude.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Wow..Leg day friday bruthas..last week i was feelin the low estro aches from a tiny bit a dex which i thot i needed but dropped it that day and holy cow. Leg strength thru the roof plus a little short fused so i had one hellava good day..you know back in the day no one had dex or aroma and i really never saw the need..i read and get influenced on how to and it ruins me..i know ive never had gyno issues at all so you know what?.im gonna save my anti e for when and if shit hits the fan...i think anti e are way over used..do you guy?
Hey T didnt the blisters come after that crazy submission chick had u on all fours with a electric cow poker bro....she cost me 25$ for that hour .. holla back..atom brick you guys have a great weekend..grill the tender meat till she sweats..ib


Oct 27, 2012
IB, hustle that dough my man! Great to hear your are blasting those wheels!

Turbo, I dunno brother, maybe think a little about something feeling "hot" on your back next time...just a thought, ya know

how'd that shoulder feel brick?

Brick, I am not sure how it happened. This sounds ridiculous, but I take medication for my stomach before bed and it makes me really drowsy and sometimes I sleepwalk... yep, i think i did it in my sleep. I did that to my ankle once and woke up when I fell down my stairs.

So I trained bis and tris tonight, yes, with the fucked up tricep. it actually didn't hurt too bad. I used some traumeel, took traumeel pills and popped some aleve. Awesome pump. Feeling good aside from the tri... Here are some pics guys, the first two re my left tricept that is messed up, the third one is my normal right tricept. You'll see slight discoloration but it is very inflmed and you can't see any definition like my right tri, see the difference:


  • Messed up Left Tri 1.jpg
    Messed up Left Tri 1.jpg
    1.9 MB · Views: 26
  • Messed up left Tri 2.jpg
    Messed up left Tri 2.jpg
    1.9 MB · Views: 27
  • Normal Right Tricep.jpg
    Normal Right Tricep.jpg
    1.9 MB · Views: 27


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Impressive conditioning Atom! I'm impressed!

Shoulder is OK. I deal with it which about my only option when you are down to bone on bone. I have loved every step of the way and if I did it all again, I would do it exactly the same. No regrets here guys.

Did some guns today guys. Been trying some higher reps mixed with some negatives lately.


Oct 27, 2012
Brick, I'm taking care of the diet... but listen to this meal I had tonight. Stuffed grape leaves with rice, goat cheese and herbs, chicken kabobs, chicken tigania, beef pastitsio finished off with chocolate gelato...and can't get the bottle of wine haha The beef pastitsio was OUT OF THIS WORLD! I was seriously in food heaven.

I hit chest and shoulders today: Incling DB press, constant tension incline BB press, machine press with one second pause at the bottom and flex at the top, DB incline flies with 3 sec negative and pec dec flies with partials. Shoulders started with front delt raises, then a DB seated shoulder press, a super set of reverse pec dec flies and face pulls and finished off with a rest-pause drop set on machine laterals.

Awesome pump and felt great... I guess I am some kind of cyborg because my left arm is fine...

So I went out with chick I recently met tonight and she is basically the female version of me. Trains everyday, does doubles some days, portions food, loves talking about nutrition and the body, eats the same odd food combinations I like, has a career and is smart... probably the coolest girl I've met in a long time. I mean it was only a first date, but based on how things went, I'd really like to pursue something with this girl... we shall see.

Got back in the morning tomorrow. I am pretty stoked.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Atom, sounds like you hit your stride brother. Awesome. Hope that chickadee works out and its the start of a good relationship. You never know where and when it hits. It just does.

Rested today brothers. Hoped to cut the grass but got rained out... again. Damn. Getting psych'd up for chest tomorrow.


Oct 27, 2012
So, my tricep is completely healed... One of friends was like, "WTF dude, I thought you didn't use GH?" I go, "I don't...I'm just superhuman"

Back was freaking incredible today! The pump was unreal and I was moving some good weight. I did a few different compound supersets, mixed in with some heavy work, like rack deads.

I'll tell you what, if i can keep this up, 2014 is going to see one crazy ass looking bantamweight...


Registered User
Oct 29, 2012
I'll tell you what, if i can keep this up, 2014 is going to see one crazy ass looking bantamweight...

Or middleweight if you keep it up!

I have chest, shoulders and triceps today.. I dread it, only because will be hard to get equipment as every idiot storms in on Monday evening to try and work off the hamburgers and budweiser. Well, let me correct that, at this gym they are working off Michelob ultra and tofu.

I like when Mondays are leg days because no one uses leg equipment except to do curls and 1/4 reps on the leg press.

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
Atom, looking good my man, glad that tricep was smart to listen and get with the program. lol
When you threw that DB, that made me think about last leg day. I was doing hypers and some assclown walks three inches from my head, squeezed in between the hyper station I was on and another piece of equipment, then just walks away, like almost just being a douchebag about it. I finished my set, realized how much danger that f**kwit put me in if he'd bumped my noggin while I was coming up or down. I TOSSED the quarter I was using about 10 feet in his direction as he walked away and asked him "What the F*** was that?" Guy on a bench about 10 feet away shook his head at the idiot and knew what time it was. I'm pretty cool, but that was borderline calling me out and I was fired up in beast mode at that point from working quads and hammies already.