thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Dec 14, 2012
Shadow lands
Legs at 1oclock . Training with my longtime best bud Jake. Jake is 60 .
Has fairly advanced MS. Trains week in and week out. Mostly smith work now as he can not stabalize bar on most movements . Left side heavily effected.
His body might be compromised but the guy has the heart of a lion.
We first trained together around 1982. We are gonna try for a doozy..
Have great day. If i don't talk with you guys I will be back sunday.
Hold down the fort. thanks, T.....

1982 I was graduating high school, how old are you turbobusa


Oct 27, 2012
Shit Turbo, I just saw that post with you training with your partner from back in 1982! That is awesome and the fact that he perseveres and doesn't let MS get the best of him is incredibly inspirational.

I wasn't even a thought yet in 1982... damn.

Just hit some cardio and abs tonight. Trying to unwind a bit and watch the draft. I get stressed out way too easy.
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Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Thunder I was 82 too.. Talking Rick Springfield jessies girl as I was puttin the lumber to my prom date pre workout .

Shoulders and traps today with the jr yetty. We killed the session and finished with gnome style trap sets and behind back Dumbell shrugs ,and finished with v-rope high behind the head pulls with a pause..
Hit the foam roller to relax and unwind and called it good.. Turbos a silverback thunder .. Grecian formulas new rep..Holla t.. Lol..


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
I'm 51. Had a nice leg work out. Nothing heavy or gonna make me shit a blood clot but still decent. Nice gym I trained in today. Owner was very cool and hard core for sure. He won some state /regional stuff in the 90's .Looks very good still. Some of his guys just placed very well last weekend at some state show.
I had a sec to "borrow' a pc so thought I'd pop in . Friday 5am chest and shoulders at an out of town gym. Should be good. Keep at it .Be home in a few days. Yes you guys would dig ole jakester. Cool as they come. Thanks , T


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
This is such a great thread. I, look forward to reading it every day.

Off day today. Dad went home after being in town, staying at my house, for a week. I truly love the guy but it's still stressful and it built up. I needed a total break.

Back to the weights tomorrow. I like the idea of tri-terror's shoulder presses and dips plus i'm gonna add some good ab work in there.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
This is such a great thread. I, look forward to reading it every day.

Off day today. Dad went home after being in town, staying at my house, for a week. I truly love the guy but it's still stressful and it built up. I needed a total break.

Back to the weights tomorrow. I like the idea of tri-terror's shoulder presses and dips plus i'm gonna add some good ab work in there.

Would your dad like to join anasci and see how his nice wonderful son speak about him.? Ib


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Hit guns today. Felt great since my job has me really stressed.

Triple, I hear you on family. Took a vacation with my parents years ago and by the 3 day, I was ready for it to be over. I love em, but I need some space. Haven't done that again.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Gotta rest up being a year older makes me tired. T glad u with some hommies bro. Good ones hard to find . X, hope the dog eats your shoes ..triple , atom, Tri, thunder Take care of business and hit the steel hard brothers


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
Gotta rest up being a year older makes me tired. T glad u with some hommies bro. Good ones hard to find . X, hope the dog eats your shoes ..triple , atom, Tri, thunder Take care of business and hit the steel hard brothers

Did indeed hit it hard. Couldn't walk right after legs, but still hit shoulders and then a shitload of dips. One of those strange workouts that just keeps going and you don't realize how much damage you're doing...until later. :)

Happy birthday, IB. Its tough getting old. I might buy you a walker next year. Or one of these ridiculous things...

THE RACK™ Workout Station - All in One Gym - YouTube


Oct 27, 2012
HOLY FUCK! I don't have any other words to describe tonight's leg session. I actually just woke up off my couch after sitting down after my PWO meal. I think I had an otherworldly experience... So I started off with donkey calf raises on the smith and had a nice leg pump going on and then moved into the leg press (cybex squat press, which is a little different than a leg sled). Hit 790lbs (not counting sled weight) for 12 reps, bumped it up wot 880lbs and did two sets, one of 10 and one of 9. Then came my WM. Hit 21 reps with 680, then dropped it 180lbs and did as many reps as possible and then did a few partials. Did a second drop of 180lbs and grinded out as many deep reps as I could get then locked it out and did about 12 partials with a real slow negative.

As spent as I was, I then had my stiff leg deadlift suicide set. After doing a few warm-ups, I did 225 for 8 + 245 for 7 + 265 for 6 + 285 for 6. There was no rest in the jumps between weights, just pyramiding up as soon as I failed.

Stay good away from home Turbo. We got Brick putting on the gun show and IB recovering from the elfin shoulder training.

Chest, shoulders and tris for me tomorrow morning and then I have to do some yard work. Let's see how many plants I kill this year lol


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
HOLY FUCK! I don't have any other words to describe tonight's leg session. I actually just woke up off my couch after sitting down after my PWO meal. I think I had an otherworldly experience... So I started off with donkey calf raises on the smith and had a nice leg pump going on and then moved into the leg press (cybex squat press, which is a little different than a leg sled). Hit 790lbs (not counting sled weight) for 12 reps, bumped it up wot 880lbs and did two sets, one of 10 and one of 9. Then came my WM. Hit 21 reps with 680, then dropped it 180lbs and did as many reps as possible and then did a few partials. Did a second drop of 180lbs and grinded out as many deep reps as I could get then locked it out and did about 12 partials with a real slow negative.

As spent as I was, I then had my stiff leg deadlift suicide set. After doing a few warm-ups, I did 225 for 8 + 245 for 7 + 265 for 6 + 285 for 6. There was no rest in the jumps between weights, just pyramiding up as soon as I failed.

Stay good away from home Turbo. We got Brick putting on the gun show and IB recovering from the elfin shoulder training.

Chest, shoulders and tris for me tomorrow morning and then I have to do some yard work. Let's see how many plants I kill this year lol

That sounds epic! Congrats on the otherworldly experience, atom. I might give that approach a try next leg day. Careful with the plants. They have feelings, you know.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Happy birthday Iron... as as I have said many times:
Getting older is not for pussies! :D


Oct 27, 2012
Chest, shoulders and tris.... slammed chest and shoulders. Bu my logbook finally got the best of me on tris. I've had smith close grip bench in my rotation for a long time and have done well with it, but it is now time to part ways. I will come back to get my revenge one day.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Whoaaa now. .. Lotta old talk out there.!! Lol. appreciate the love for sure. Its hard to find ..thanks again.
Healed up.. Bamm.. Called the kid.. Said let's roll 730am ,. Amazingly got a hell yes text
We did are warm up theraband shoulder sets. Ib a tad stiff..
We killed back with chins , assisted chins, seated row. V bar cable pulldowns.. Pops is warming up. Suitcase rows . And finished off with two hammerstrength plate loaded machines.. Both now sporting real lats not the imaginary kind we hit the foam rollers to relax the back.
Atom sounds back on fire . Triples probably restin a shoulder and bricks prob out tanning his junk. Have a good saturday men. What u got for tomorrow??? Will see.. Peace and thanks again. Ib


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Ah shit ! I missed your bday IB? Dammit. Hey hit my cell later today.
Still on the job up north. I'm at the gym right now about to warm then back.
Looking for a doozy.Super high stress this weekend. Wife called ballin friday 1130 am . The house next door was going up in a really bad fire. The fire dept saved our house(barely) by pumpin lot's of water where the flames were shooting out the windows next door onto our house. Some fire, smoke and water damage. Could have been much worse.Other house is total loss . I had to make a sprint home from job site.Ended with a major full blown migraine- a scary one. Got back here yesterday. About to train now need my fix...I'll be home late tonight.
You guys have a great day. I'm gonna doozy huntin in 3.2.1. T


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Turbo I was just a thought in my parents minds in 1982 :D Today I am gonna train chest, shoulders and tri-ceps. Been resting as I had a brutal session with legs yesterday. I felt rough yesterday but it had been planned all week so had to go. Every part of my leg is sore as I trained them atleast 1 hour 30 mins. I was doing 40 reps on the leg press. Last set was 12 plates total for 54 reps :D I put a video of it in my log... my first ever video :eek: Gonna start dbol soon so that should bump on the plates for similar reps.


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
Turbo, glad to hear everybody is ok there and your house is alright. Man, that's messed up.

My wife suffers incredible migraines (well, she did) and we have going a number of ways to manage them, even stop them in their tracks. Pm me if interested.

training back and biceps tonight, after I catch ”pain and gain.” Might be good for a little motivation. Dwayne Johnson got big and cut for this role I hear. Don't have cable, so haven't seen the commercials, just know I want to see it, and I get tickets for free.

Enjoy the day, gentlemen!


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Turbo, sorry to hear that. Just glad it was not worse and everyone is OK now. You never know, none of us do.

Hit legs today. Fried my old ass today for some reason. Still smiling though.