thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
IB...power gardening for reps. Brick...grasscutting for time. Atom...killing it! Nice work, gentleman.

Me: walking on the beach. I did have to hike a couple miles to get there...


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Anybody have suggestions on how to train while a non-training family member is in town/staying with you?

I think I'm just going to have to do fast full body circuits for a few days, keep everything where it is and just avoid losing ground.

Don't deviate there is plenty of time for both in a day.
They start fucking up gym time then that may spark some resentment. I'm a fucking jaggoff when my gym time does not happen. OR overtrain like a mfer prior to the arrival so you need plenty recovery time. That way you can eat and hangout. By then they will be sick of you and suggest you go hit the gym. T


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Ok got obligations kinda in cheque.(Remember real iron heads always spell check as cheque. Ie . Ie corrospondance like this. Am I busy? Let me Cheque my calender. Got it? Ok chest and shoulders at patience place shortly.
Issue 5 is gonna be fire. Check out a few vids from training friends at the real gym in the powerlifting thread and one in motivational thread. My kind of peeps just like y'all. Did legs friday . held back again on squats but managed a killer nice even soreness that is still in full force. Gotta say I missed those checkins on the days I was gone. Kill it today either training or recovering. What else is there? Thanks, T...........


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
OK fellow gym rats, hit legs today and now they feel a bit like jelly LOL! Should make for some good sleeping tonight.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Well there was a 3-4 hrs delay in training today. Still went ok. Not off the hook but not terrible.Remember that patience place reference? Well it is now official.
So back day monday....Think i need to be more diligent with hydration.
Never use hydration mixes during training but considering it. Suggs on proven
concoctions? Hope you guys have a relaxing evening and great start to your week. Man I'm antsy for that first full sun day on the beach. T


Oct 27, 2012
Time for my cheque in lol. As usual, just did some cardio today. Taking care of some meal prep now and then gotta get into some school stuff.

So we talk about how people tend to respond to us when we gain some size, well, last night I had some interesting encounters that I would have never had when I was smaller. I had girls trying to buy me drinks, one chick I had to force away from me because I wasn't interested and she kept trying to make out with me, girls asking to to take pics with me and one girl that "claimed me" and was cock blocking me when I was with other chicks... Good times lol


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Turbo, I just drink plenty of water in the hours before the workout. I try to make a point to keep a glass around so I can chug it down. Makes a big difference and I am not dying for water during the workout. In the summer I may add a little glycerine to the water to hold a little more hydration.

Atom, gotta love it! You are rockin' it!

Thunder, glad you dropped in!


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
You guys are going to think I'm an idiot...I actually trained upper chest. Well, trained chest with a strong focus on upper chest. Tired of not having that wide look across from shoulder to shoulder.

For hydration, I've been using 2 quarts of water with 6g leucine, 4g l-alanine, 3g glycine, 10g glutamine, 75mL coconut water and 75mL lemon juice. I drink a quart before my workout and a quart during. It sounds like a lot of water, but I've had no trouble keeping it down and felt fine.

There's stuff in there for recovery and anabolism, too. just the glycine, alanine, and coconut water are for hydration and cell volumization. And, obviously, the water.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
I just seem to have to work at it. I know I drop 2.5 -4 lbs water in most wt work outs . Does not seem that much. If you get a little dry 3-4 days straight with out 'Catching up fully rehydrated then it gets to be a problem
My own fault getting too busy and not taking that big 20 seconds to chug some water. Thats lazy ass shit on my part.... T You know how sick I am of listening to fucking helicopters over my house at night?!


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Oh wow forgot this was the what are you training thread not the go off on tangent and bitch thread. Anyway back tomorrow and it's gonna be a doozy.
Thanks for the recipe(s). Who the fuck killed who out there now?
Dammit i'm logging off . As usual theres some shit going down out there. Got the copter parked over my block . You know they never catch anyone with those fuking noise makers.......................


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Sunday..lmao.. Between turbo looking for a water recipe, atom and his cock blocking . Triple and his Dr.Kevorkian energy drink, to brick now who's horizontal with cramps , and Thunder focused as he always is whichbiabwhy hes swole, just made my shitty day great.. I sat and thot. One terrible thing to do.! I'm older a day soon and still trying to figure out what im doing. Sorry I could ramble shit all day. But I'm tired from being tired. But I'll snap out .Thanks for the great posts . Ib. . Glad i Chequed in.. T is off the hook in cheque. Lol.
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Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Good morning one and all! Back day! A favorite for me .
Gonna be the elusive doozy I hope. Sun is shine my pit bulls are smiling
basking in the sun. will be traing out of town wensday through friday.
Will be at one of my really long time buddies gyms this week.
He is good national level strong man . Won highland game national title last year. Should be fun. Guy is a moose. Be good to yourselves today and those you encounter. (i'm trying to work onmy short fuse problem) Holler back later.
IB go do some cardio too. Clear out the remnants of two calender days back..:D T


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Well obtained the doozy via back day today . 20 heavy sets in 50 mins .
woah! like nausea and mega pump all rolled into one geezer on a mission.
Damn thats a fine feelin ! time too eat and putter around the garage.
Have a great day... T


Oct 27, 2012
The thread is lively!!!! I love it.

Triple, why not add in EAAs along with the other aminos? We know the benefits of leucine, but there is a synergistic benefit when you have all of the EAAs in there. John Meadow's talks about adding in extra glycine to the drink, but I haven't tried that yet.

IB, you old fuck, stop bitching and move some weight LMAO! I love you :)

Brick, I buy the liquid glycerol from True Nutrition and add that to my intra workout drink. I also take about 30g pre-workout. Seriously draws some water into your muscle and seems to make me swole as shit. It is also incredibly sweet, so works as a sweetener, but because of its molecular strucutre it worn't spike blood sugar levels.

Tri, glad you are back over here. I saw your pics, dude, you look like a freak. Awesome.

Turbo, nice shit. 20 sets in 50 mins has got to get that heart rate up...That is putting in some mother fu#kin' work.

I have chest, shoulders and tris tonight. I've been emailing back and forth with Doc Scott (homonunculus) over the past two days and we made a few changes to my training plan and it has my blood pumpin' full throttle. The plan is to really blow up my back, because my chest is growing like a weed but back has only improved marginally.

I'll check back in with y'all later. Time for me to bust outa this office.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Hit chest today. Shoulder has been nagging me all day since I got up, but I trained anyway. The heavier I go the more I can feel it grinding. Fuck. Got a good pump at least if no weight records were beat today on my side.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Chequein in.. Head cleared up and did a wicked chest day and just about strangled some punk cause he walks by as im on incline bench doin work with a couple 105, hits his hip on my weight as he walks so close by so I toss the shit to the floor hopeing to hear a scream. I hear "oops" instead . I pointed to leave he tells gym mgr who's a friend and he's told to stay
In machine area. .so that lit me up and I continued on with my great chest day.
The kid kinda puttered around gym like a broke dog.. Game on. Ib..
Maybe my fuse is short? My light switch is..
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Oct 27, 2012
IB, I was right with you on the short fuse. The way my attitude has been in the gym I probably woulda just flipped shit. I've been training like one mean mother fucker.

There is always this one dude at my gym who eyeballs me with this mean muggin' look and if I ask him how many set he had left on something just goes, don't fuckin' worry about, a few. The dude is about 10 inches taller than me, not real built, but heavy... he is walking past me I just look at him him go, "You got a fuckin' problem?...Keep eyeballin' me like a homo, go ahead.."

Yeah, game on. Went up in my flye presses, crushed my rep range. Went up in my shoulder presses, crushed my rep range. Went up in my dips, crushed my rep range. I don't know what has gotten into me, but it is some serious positive motivation at the right times. Inside the gym, I am a madman, outside of the gym I have nice sense of confidence.

Brick, take it easy on the shoulder. That is nothing to mess around with. Stay loose and maybe train with a little higher rep range until it comes back around?


Registered User
Mar 12, 2013
Yes...back day. Fucking love back day. Did some pretty fun snatch grip deadlift high pulls today. Since I started with these I actually get a pump in my rhomboids. Feels so freaking cool.

Tri-love the frame carries and sled work. Sometimes I go and play at my friend's powerlifting gym and those are some of my favorite toys. That and the 7' spring-tempered Texas deadlift bar.

Turbo- you're making me want to go back to the gym and fuck myself up! I left there exhausted today but you make me wonder if I even put in a real effort. Damn.

IB- sounds like you came out way on top in that little annoying encounter. A little experience and networking goes a long way. :) it would have been cool to break that fucker's ankle, though. By accident, of course.

Brick! You gotta take care of yourself, man.

Atom- those EAAs are a good idea. They taste like shit though! Unless you found some that don't? Might try that glycerol, too. Dr. Kevorkian supplements, LLC. Congrats on the massive progress, too.