thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Registered User
Oct 31, 2012
Hit some delts and tris this morning. Kind of impromptu training session after I dropped the kids off at school. I was filling the truck with e85 and thought, well shit the gym is right down the road...

Did 5 sets of standing military press, where I alternate each rep. One in front, one behind.
4 sets db laterals with a false grip (old gironda trick).
3 sets front raises with a barbell.
Tricep pushdowns, bunch of sets.
French press 3 sets

I have been training WAY different than my usual. 12 to 20 reps, sometimes 10 but thats the lowest. Not ONE set with single digit reps.
My muscles are sore and my joints are not.


Mar 22, 2014
DB curl
HS Select curl

Calf raise on hack machine
Horizontal press
Seated raise

Leverage squat

Leg curl
Smith RDL
Standing one leg curl


Oct 27, 2012
Atom, that is the kind of gym I live for. Awesome! Glad you are hitting it! You saw my comment over on PM, right? You just keep lifting brother. I am feeling good about where you are going to be soon. Stay strong and burn off that stress.

I have been back in the gym brothers. Hit some chest, bi's and tri's Sunday. Had doctors on Monday and trained back today. First time to touch a weight in 7 weeks. DAMN, I AM WEAK! Felt good though. And I managed to get a little pump going. I am being very careful not to push too hard. My incision was so big and deep they told me to be careful for a while or I could get a hernia. Slow and steady will get me back.

Yup, saw your comment over there. Thank you very much... That guy was way off base with what he said.

Last night I kind of melted down a little, I began asking a lot of "what if" questions in my head and just broke... for me, the hardest thing is not knowing. Once the doctors know what it is, and if it is something serious, begin treatment...

We were off from training last night but i am still sore from legs on Tuesday

Donkey Calf Press - 4 sets of 12
High and Wide Leg Press - 3 sets of 8, 10, 12 then 1 RP set in the 15-20 range
V-Squat - 3 sets of 10, 8, 6 then 1 WM. That WM was brutal...
Lying Leg Curls - 3 sets of 8, 10, 12 then 1 WM. Did one drop set followed by a static after the WM
Leg Extensions - 3 sets of 8, 10, 12 then 1 WM. After hitting, failure, dropped the weight and repped it out
Adductors and Abductors - 3 sets of 15, 20, 25

Not a lot of volume but it was killer. Just felt like I grinded out every rep and spent all I had after each exercise...


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Yup, saw your comment over there. Thank you very much... That guy was way off base with what he said.

Last night I kind of melted down a little, I began asking a lot of "what if" questions in my head and just broke... for me, the hardest thing is not knowing. Once the doctors know what it is, and if it is something serious, begin treatment...

We were off from training last night but i am still sore from legs on Tuesday

Donkey Calf Press - 4 sets of 12
High and Wide Leg Press - 3 sets of 8, 10, 12 then 1 RP set in the 15-20 range
V-Squat - 3 sets of 10, 8, 6 then 1 WM. That WM was brutal...
Lying Leg Curls - 3 sets of 8, 10, 12 then 1 WM. Did one drop set followed by a static after the WM
Leg Extensions - 3 sets of 8, 10, 12 then 1 WM. After hitting, failure, dropped the weight and repped it out
Adductors and Abductors - 3 sets of 15, 20, 25

Not a lot of volume but it was killer. Just felt like I grinded out every rep and spent all I had after each exercise...

That is perfectly normal and believe me, I did too!! Still do! Everyone does in these situations. People I have talked to say the exact same thing. Don't beat yourself up over this. Fact: nobody's life is perfect. Shit happens. Let's just stay as positive as we can, but allow yourself time to question, be angry, etc. That's healthy and normal. Just don't STAY there. Waiting on tests sux too. If you are like me, you want to know... NOW. The system moves slower that we like. But above all, be focused on coming through all this and be just fine. Keep training for mental health. We don't even know what this is yet. Don't let your mind run away with bad stuff, because 99% of the time, reality is much, much better that our worst fears.
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Registered User
Jan 5, 2015
Im back in the gym & hit Legs/ calves & abs..

Squatts - deads - hacks - leg curls
standing & seated calve raises
20 minutes of abs

I puked several times - luckily my gym does not frown on that!
The next 2 months Im training with the power lifters - time to get my groove on...


Oct 27, 2012
That is perfectly normal and believe me, I did too!! Still do! Everyone does in these situations. People I have talked to say the exact same thing. Don't beat yourself up over this. Fact: nobody's life is perfect. Shit happens. Let's just stay as positive as we can, but allow yourself time to question, be angry, etc. That's healthy and normal. Just don't STAY there. Waiting on tests sux too. If you are like me, you want to know... NOW. The system moves slower that we like. But above all, be focused on coming through all this and be just fine. Keep training for mental health. We don't even know what this is yet. Don't let your mind run away with bad stuff, because 99% of the time, reality is much, much better that our worst fears.

I'd love to talk to you in person one day Brick... your outlook and mentorship (for lack of a better term) has helped me immensely since I joined Anasci and is helping me most now. It is crazy to think that through some bodybuilding forum you can have such a profound impact on one's life, but you have. Thank you.

Im back in the gym & hit Legs/ calves & abs..

Squatts - deads - hacks - leg curls
standing & seated calve raises
20 minutes of abs

I puked several times - luckily my gym does not frown on that!
The next 2 months Im training with the power lifters - time to get my groove on...

Awesome! Is that you in your AVI? What made you go the direction of training with powerlifters?


Registered User
Jan 5, 2015
I'd love to talk to you in person one day Brick... your outlook and mentorship (for lack of a better term) has helped me immensely since I joined Anasci and is helping me most now. It is crazy to think that through some bodybuilding forum you can have such a profound impact on one's life, but you have. Thank you.

Awesome! Is that you in your AVI? What made you go the direction of training with powerlifters?

Yep thats all me in the AVI Atom! I train w/ powerlifters every couple of months to increase size/ strenghth & overall well being. I love the big 3 & my gym is full of well versed powerlifters.


Oct 27, 2012
Yep thats all me in the AVI Atom! I train w/ powerlifters every couple of months to increase size/ strenghth & overall well being. I love the big 3 & my gym is full of well versed powerlifters.

You look awesome brother!!!

I like that idea. We go between low volume, high intensity training for a good portion of the year and high volume mountain dog-sequel training fir another portion. I like how the gains from one transfer into the other, similar to how your powerlifting cycle plays into your big picture :)


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Lavey, I made my best progress when I started training with power lifters years ago. Loved it. Focused on the big three and got thick, gained power.

Hit some shoulder and traps yesterday. First time since surgery over 6 weeks ago. Kept it lighter and to the point. This AM, I am sore. Sure felt good and cleared my head. I had lost strength, but I was smiling anyway.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012

Here ya go Lavey. Very close personal friend in video. He was a bber turned nowworld class or should I say top of world class raw powerlifters. (1037 raw squat etc )
He trains power bodybuilding style . Psych and itsme are friends with him also.Check out video. very cool very motivational..
AA glad you are reaching out here brother. You mentioned seeing the brick sometime .Had dinner with him a couple 2-3 weeks ago on the way to bike week in daytona. Let me tell you as much as the "Godfather" impresses on the board he is 10x the guy in person! AA don't hesitate to reach out any time.
Enjoy the vid . You guys all have a great day....! T


Mar 8, 2014
Bis and tris yesterday, wheels today. Hopefully not too beat after work tomorrow, plan is to hit chest, back and delts...its the weekend brothers, lets have a good one :headbang:


Mar 8, 2014
Chest, back and delts yesterday...one of the best workouts ive had in a long time. Strength way up, everything felt lighter and my stamina was up as well...really pushed out some extra reps at the end of my sets. Today was arms and traps. Seated incline db curls, preachers, seated incline cable curls...vertical dips, reverse grip cable pressdowns ss with standard pressdowns, machine skullcrushers...rear st bar shrugs(bar behind back) and front st bar shrugs


Registered User
Jan 5, 2015
Switching things up in the gym! Powerlifting for a few months. 1st wk routine..

Monday – High Volume / High Intensity Session
Squats 5 sets of 5 reps across
Bench Press 5 sets of 5 reps across
JS Rows / Power Cleans 5 sets of 5 reps across

Wednesday – Low Volume / Low Intensity Session

Squats 2 sets of 5 reps @ 80% of Monday
Press 3 sets of 5 reps
Deadlift 1 set of 5 reps

Friday – Low Volume / High Intensity Session

Squats 1 set of 5 new PR
Bench Press 1 set of 5 new PR
Pull-ups 3 sets to failure
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Apr 27, 2013
Switching things up in the gym! Powerlifting for a few months. 1st wk routine..

Monday – High Volume / High Intensity Session
Squats 5 sets of 5 reps across
Bench Press 5 sets of 5 reps across
JS Rows / Power Cleans 5 sets of 5 reps across

Wednesday – Low Volume / Low Intensity Session

Squats 2 sets of 5 reps @ 80% of Monday
Press 3 sets of 5 reps
Deadlift 1 set of 5 reps

Friday – Low Volume / High Intensity Session

Squats 1 set of 5 new PR
Bench Press 1 set of 5 new PR
Pull-ups 3 sets to failure

Looks like the Texas Method ?


Oct 27, 2012
Had an amazing training session yesterday at our weekend gym!

Lying Leg Curls 5 sets of 12, 10, 10, 8, 8
BB Squats worked up to 3 heavy sets of 6
Leg Press 4 sets of 12, 10, 8, 8 and on the last set did 4 drops to failure on each one
Single Leg Hacks 3 sets of 12 but did 12 reps / 12 reps / then both legs until failure
Smith Front Squats 4 sets of 10
Bulgarian Split Squats 4 sets of 12 and on the last set did 2 drops
Superset of the next two
Seated Leg Curls 5 sets of 12, did statics after each set, 10 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec, 40 sec and as long as i could then did a drop set
Db RDLs 5 sets of 10 keeping constant tension on the hammies


Thinking about my health... I just want to be healthy for our wedding... I mean it is just over 2 months away and I don't want to look like an emaciated goon professing my love to the woman who has supported me through the hard times and celebrated the good times. It is a scary thought... and that is what gets to me most. I just want our wedding to be the day she dreamed of... Sorry to get a little emotional, but I am letting you all see this side of me for a reason. If someone else goes through something similar in the future, they can look back on this thread and see my thoughts and how I dealt with them.

I am just not thinking about "what could be" and trying my best to live in the present and make the most of each hour. Instead of rushing through my day, I am stopping to take in the simple things... like admiring a beautiful sunset or laughing at our dog acting silly or savoring a delicious meal or taking an extra minute to say goodbye to my girl and steal an extra kiss... Life is too fucking short... just too short...


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
AA I hear you loud and clear.. Positives and good vibes coming your way..
Training back and bi's with son in 10 9 8 7 6 .........
thx talk later , T,, Mick holler when ya can ... T


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Did some chest today brothers! Went up to a whooping 185 on bench! LMAO! Hey! After the last couple months, fuck it! I am alive!!! Planning on some back tomorrow. I'll be conservative again. Don't wanna squirt my intestines out this incision. Messy. Planning on a good spring and my training will improve after this last sucker-punch.

Atom, you hang tough! And don't go talking about life being short because you are just getting started good. Nothing wrong with appreciating the little things. We all should no matter what out personal circumstances are. Makes life rich along the way. And BTW, your wedding will be beautiful no matter what.

Will talk soon T!