thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Oct 27, 2012
First AA. Sorry you are going through what you are.Did want to mention
I have known a few bbers plers over the years that had the same scare you are investigating.
none were cancerous.Overuse of orals can tax your hepatic system with cumulative stress . Hope all is well. I would suggest even if all is ok as far as
any cancer I would call it a day on most orals . That is just my suggestion as a friend. Lavey you need to forgive yourself asap.We as fathers make mistakes at times . All is ok now ?The best thing you can do is put it behind you and employ those great fathering instincts for yourself and child. one question which slin did you have the episode with?
Everyone else hope your training and lives are on point and good day to every one of you. THX T

I've only used orals twice... I never even used drol or dbol. I just used var and the last week of 2014 contest prep added in winny.

The assumption that it is from orals is inaccurate

Atom, you stay positive. Waiting on tests sux but you just keep your head up and keep training. This could also very well be absolutely nothing serious. Hang tough and smile. We got your back. I think T is right about the orals if those have been in the picture. The liver can heal itself. Its pretty amazing in that dept.

Lavey, you are a good man so don't beat yourself down. We all make mistakes. I sure have. You manned up and that speaks volumes brother. Family first.

I had the scan done and got results back today.

Atom, have a CT scheduled yet? Hope you are hanging in there good brotha

The CT showed that the mass on my liver is not a hemangioma, but it could not be determined if it is cancerous. There does not appear to be any metastatic disease but the tumor is pretty considerable in size, about 2 inches by an inch and a half.

Next step is an MRI...

I feel very positive, no issues mentally dealing with this. I've accepted what could be my worst fate and will just deal with it as I;ve dealt with any other issues in my life. Just grind on....

I appreciate all of the support guys!!!

Brick, you are my inspiration. Not matter happens to me, I just keep thinking about you and your attitude and how you persevere through your issues. You've given me confidence that I can also deal with this!


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Atom, at least it does not appear metastatic! That is a huge plus. If you can, don't let your mind run down a bad road thinking the worst. Its pretty normal though and I sure did that at times. But! Reality turns out 99% of the time to be much better than our wildest expectations built on our anxiety of the unknown. Life is full of unexpected trials. You WILL get through and be just fine. You just shoot me a PM anytime brother if you want to talk or have questions or want to vent. I am here for you 24-7. All of us are.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Thinking about you Atom. When you get stressed out, close your eyes, take deep breaths and picture yourself someplace peaceful and enjoyable.

Years ago, when I was out west in Nevada, I had the opportunity to be around a tiny, simple little cabin up on a hillside all by itself out in the country. When I would get so stressed with my health issue, I would picture myself going into that cabin and building a fire in the stone fireplace. It was just me enjoying the fire on a chilly evening out in the country. It brought me peace. Come to find out, I was using a technique that's called "guided imagery" and didn't know it.

You are going to be just fine, but I know from experience, waiting on tests can be very stressful so let's ease that some until you get back to that good place real soon.


Mar 8, 2014
Damn Atom, sorry to hear about your situation. Good news its not a hemangioma at least! Im sure everythings gonna work out ok, keep on stayin positive brother!

Wheels yesterday. Chest, back and delts today. Incline db presses, flat flyes, db pullovers...rear widegrip chins (behind neck), widegrip seated cable rows, closegrip cable rows...rear military presses, front military presses, front raises ez bar, machine side lateral raises.


Oct 27, 2012
Atom, at least it does not appear metastatic! That is a huge plus. If you can, don't let your mind run down a bad road thinking the worst. Its pretty normal though and I sure did that at times. But! Reality turns out 99% of the time to be much better than our wildest expectations built on our anxiety of the unknown. Life is full of unexpected trials. You WILL get through and be just fine. You just shoot me a PM anytime brother if you want to talk or have questions or want to vent. I am here for you 24-7. All of us are.

Glad to hear that Atom. I'm with brick, gimme a shout whenever bro.

Thinking about you Atom. When you get stressed out, close your eyes, take deep breaths and picture yourself someplace peaceful and enjoyable.

Years ago, when I was out west in Nevada, I had the opportunity to be around a tiny, simple little cabin up on a hillside all by itself out in the country. When I would get so stressed with my health issue, I would picture myself going into that cabin and building a fire in the stone fireplace. It was just me enjoying the fire on a chilly evening out in the country. It brought me peace. Come to find out, I was using a technique that's called "guided imagery" and didn't know it.

You are going to be just fine, but I know from experience, waiting on tests can be very stressful so let's ease that some until you get back to that good place real soon.

You guys are great! Thank you! I'm very positive and Brick, I keep thinking about your attitude and how you were positive through everything. Being negative isn't going to make anything better. I'm not going to be doom and gloom, but rather just live my life and deal with any bumps in the road as they come.

Damn Atom, sorry to hear about your situation. Good news its not a hemangioma at least! Im sure everythings gonna work out ok, keep on stayin positive brother!

Wheels yesterday. Chest, back and delts today. Incline db presses, flat flyes, db pullovers...rear widegrip chins (behind neck), widegrip seated cable rows, closegrip cable rows...rear military presses, front military presses, front raises ez bar, machine side lateral raises.

Having a hemangioma would be a good thing! Hemangiomas are just benign masses and can be taken care of easily. I actually had one on my leg and it ruptured, scary...

Life is very good if you want it to be. I believe out thoughts cantor out outcome, so I'll continue to look forward with a smile on my face

Thanks brother


Mar 8, 2014
Arms and traps this afternoon. St bar curls ahoulder width grip, reverse curls st bar, db 21's...skullcrushers, closegrip benches, cable pressdowns...upright rows and closegrip shrugs ez bar. Hope the weekend was a good one for you brothers


Jun 10, 2013
Haven't posted in a while been busy as fuck with work smashed legs not bad having veins popping at 265-270 in my legs. AA hope all is well and not to serious.


Oct 27, 2012
Wishing you the best, Atom.

Haven't posted in a while been busy as fuck with work smashed legs not bad having veins popping at 265-270 in my legs. AA hope all is well and not to serious.

Stay Strong Atom ! :headbang::headbang::headbang:

BAck:- (4x8-12)
Hammer Row
YAtes Row
Deadstop Row
Rack DeadLift

Been thinking about you Atom.

Doc just called me a few minutes ago about the MRI... nothing definitive, so a biopsy is the next step. DAMN, I chose the insurance I have because it covers preventative things great but radiology and surgery aren't covered too great... It really sucks. Wedding in May and these bills now... just making me stressed as shit....

Anyway, still crushing the iron!

Last night we high chest, shoulders and tris....

Smith Inc Bench 3 sets of 12, 6, 6 then 1 RP set
Cable X over 3 sets of 12 then 1 WM
BB Upright Row 3 sets of 12, 8, 8 then 1 RP set
Cable Side Laterals 3 sets of 12 then 1 WM
Hammer Strength Front Shoulder / Chest 3 sets of 6 with the last set being a drop set (yeah, that was fun after all of this)
Bent Over Triceps Pressdowns with Elbows Flared 3 sets of 12 then 1 RP set
Superset of the next two
Machine Tricep Dips 3 sets of 12 then 1 WM
Back Pullover Machine Triceps Extensions 3 sets of 15

As with everything, thanks for the support guys!!!


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Atom you misunderstood me or I did not convey my thoughts as I had attempted.I meant orals are something to leave alone if you have any liver issues regardless of cause.
I did not imply or mean to imply that the liver conditions are /were resultant from oral use.thanks, T............


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
One day at a time Atom. Keep the faith. Don't stress over the money. Easier said than done. But.... Health is priority #1.


Oct 27, 2012
Atom you misunderstood me or I did not convey my thoughts as I had attempted.I meant orals are something to leave alone if you have any liver issues regardless of cause.
I did not imply or mean to imply that the liver conditions are /were resultant from oral use.thanks, T............

My bad turbo.... I had a bitter taste in my mouth from another board where someone automatically assumed that because i participated in "Var Wars" that I was reckless with oral usage...

One day at a time Atom. Keep the faith. Don't stress over the money. Easier said than done. But.... Health is priority #1.

This is true brick... My girl is behind me 110% and even with this stuff going on, she is pushing me to train harder and harder every day. Hell, we are going to start training at one of the true hardcore gyms in the area. It is a bit of a drive but the owner said we can train there on the weekends, which is awesome. The gym is all bodybuilders, powerlifters and strongmen. There are chalk and puke buckets, all different kinds of bars, hammer strength equipment, some classic stuff, a reverse GHR, GHR, 5 deadlift platforms, 3 full racks and one competition platform, Dbs up to 200lbs.... just straight bad ass.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2015
I am still taking a break from training but I got in 35 minutes of posing & we all know that to be a session itself. I was worn the fuck out..:D


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Atom, that is the kind of gym I live for. Awesome! Glad you are hitting it! You saw my comment over on PM, right? You just keep lifting brother. I am feeling good about where you are going to be soon. Stay strong and burn off that stress.

I have been back in the gym brothers. Hit some chest, bi's and tri's Sunday. Had doctors on Monday and trained back today. First time to touch a weight in 7 weeks. DAMN, I AM WEAK! Felt good though. And I managed to get a little pump going. I am being very careful not to push too hard. My incision was so big and deep they told me to be careful for a while or I could get a hernia. Slow and steady will get me back.
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Mar 22, 2014
So those of you that have been here for a while know I change shit up every three months or so.
On to low volume, high frequency now.

Also weaning myself off everything but test now as I get ready to cruise till I prep for the O. lol

Smith row
CG pulldown
HS high row

HS dip
Inc BB
Flat fly

Smith military
Behind back upright

Rev Smith bench
Rope pushdowns

All done for one set each