thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Hey ..long time but not forgotten ..lol.. been in a change of life and dealing with priorities so havent been on and training limited but someday it will change ..Hope all here are healthy and gun shows keep playin.. ib


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
IB, I am VERY glad you dropped in... been thinking about you. I always hope all my friends are OK.


Registered User
Mar 19, 2014
Been lurking in here a bit. Seems like a cool place to be with good bunch of guys. If you guys dont mind me joining in and posted some of my training. Sandpig is a friend of mine and it gives me a chance to bust his balls here and there. By the way he is bigger and ripped in person especially for his (cough) age

A little rundown on me currently. I'm 40 yrs old lifting on and off since about 10yrs old. Im in construction. I finally found nutrition and super supps about 2 yrs ago and changed my physique drasticlly. I did my first show in April. It was one of Jay C shows here. I got the bug after that and want to compete again, probably fall of 2015.

Shelby does my training and nutrition. I eat extremely clean except for a once a week cheat meal with the family. I have Chrons disease and the clean eating helps tons but sometimes the volume of food doesnt lol. Im deep in offseason with of course the quest for size as I am way undersized! Currently 5'11
and fluctuate around 210 proabably around %10. Training is my passion Im the type that keeps going even when injured to "finish" my workout lol I always train to failure especially on my last set or two
Anyway went to sleep to early last night got up at 2am had a meal and headed to the gym for back went like this
5 sets of seated machine rows
5 sets long cable rows
5 sets of pulldowns
10 sets (with warmups) of rack deads, in a dead stop style worked up too 495x6 lost my grip
4 sets of hyper ext
2 sets of hammer high rows

I have 4 herniated disks in my back as well as 2 more in my neck with nerve damage. I just cant pull any significant weight from the floor or a little higher. Right where our rack pins sit is perfect for me I can squeeze my back well without using any legs in the movement. I also feel I shouldnt go any heavier, when I put that 495 down it felt like my whole spine sprung up, took the breath out of me.

thanks guys have a good one
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Mar 22, 2014
National gun show training today. Brick how bout you brutha ? Good to have you z28.. keep it up and labor day train begins soon..

Yep, arms for me too. In fact, I'm just getting ready to mix up my pre workout drink.

On a side note. I've eaten so much food since Friday that I actually had to skip a meal yesterday. :action-smiley-060:


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Z28.... good to have you here! Although I am much older than you, its funny, you are about the very same age I was when I discovered super supps. I had many years of training under my belt and when I dived in, wham! I blew up. I think all those years of building on my own set me up for a good growth spurt using the supplements. My goal now is to try to hang on to what I can. lol And like you, I have had some neck issues with 3 vertebrae fused in my neck. My PT person wanted me to do my deads out of a rack too. Its easier on the neck. Good to see you here!

IB, doing good. Been training and making a little progress since my chemo ended in May. Everything is good so far. They are just watching me like a hawk and I go in every 3 months for tests and scans. Going in Thursday for post-chemo bloodwork.

Took the day off yesterday. Didn't want to train. Did not sleep worth damn Sat. night. Feel much better today, slept better. Ate barbecue ribs and potato salad yesterday so I am hitting chest later. :D

You guys have a great one today!
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Registered User
Mar 19, 2014
Thanks guys
Shit Brick fused that stinks, has it been better after that?
If you can still do any type of deads that is awesome
I always had kinda of a moral issue with super supps, I guess even with rec drugs too. I mean I wasnt a saint but didnt do anything crazy beside drink like a fish! I always equated the muscle size with strength I figured if I can lift as heavy as those big guys I will look lioke them LOL well suffering now with all the injuries with that though ha. I was a pretty strong natty though.
After having to get on TRT all moral issues went out the window ha. I just hope starting at a later age means I get more longevity but mostly health out of lifting and competing. Had I started at a young age I would have been burnt out by now my health would have been more to shit

Had a good high carb day (600g) yesterday, a good sleep and hit the gym I never go 5 days in a row but felt good to go
seated leg curls 5 sets
one leg db lunges 4 sets
stiff leg db deads 4 sets
hypers using glutes
standing calf raise 6 sets
seated calf raise 4 sets
machine crunches 5 sets

was nice and intense I had to sit in the truck for 5 min after to collect my thoughts a bit, I love those kind of workouts.
I used to train hit style, pretty much watch Dorians video then go train. I got strong most of all I learned intensity from it. I would litterally have migranes after and feel like shit even on arms! I still apply the miindset to my training always

have a great labor day fellas, eat something good and spend time with the family (the ones you get along with)
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Mar 22, 2014
Went to a different Golds today to shake things up. Alternated tri and bi exercises but not in super set style
Love having the pump in both muscles at the same time
Makes me look like I actually have big arms.

Btw, today's morning weight was 201.
I haven't been in that gym since I was training for the M4B contest
Needless to say I got some great compliments


May 19, 2014
Called up Gold's today at 11:15 and asked if they were open they said the closed at noon. That's bull shit. So I drug the family out to the park and we walked the bike trail fir a bit


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Z28... yes, the fusion fixed my problem. Its been a few years now. Very pleased with the result.

Got a damn good chest workout in today. I went heavier than I have been so far this year. Intense too.

Now I am debating if I should take the next couple days off. I get post-chemo blood work Thursday AM and I don't want to throw off my creatinine readings unnecessarily. I hate doing that though... I've been fired up lately
Thoughts on that guys?

good to hear Sandpig. Always nice when people notice your hard work
Chaotic.. at least you got in some family quality time


Jun 10, 2013
Yes take some rest days brick so no flags come up that are unnecessary.

Ate corned beef and cabbage for a home cooked meal, made the football game, the rest of the weekend just hung out and rested. Back to the grind. Hope everyone else had a good relaxing time off as well.


Mar 22, 2014
Yea Brick, take a couple days off. It's not gonna hurt and I'm sure you know this.

Taking time off is a mental thing. We don't want to but we know it's good for us.

So I was 201 aging so that meant it was time to check the BF to see how close I came to my goal of 200 at less than 10% BF.

10.2%! I'll take it. I have three weeks left to fine tune so I may be able to do it.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
If I was there I would spot you Chaotic! But I gotta warn ya, on bench, on your last three reps.... I'll be pushing back down while you press up!!! :)

Gonna do what I know I need to do and just do some lo-intensity cardio the next two days. I have been a lot more conscience of keeping up with my cardio this year anyway... just for overall health.

You guys have a great (what feels like Monday) Tuesday!