It's time to get HUGE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Where do I begin! The world has gone mad over the last 2 weeks. I had a great time in Tenerife but I did destroy my body. I drank far too much and pretty much went on a bender for the first 3 days whilst I was there. Drinking day and night with next to no sleep and food. I calmed down on the 4th day but had a lot in the night then took it easy the last night as I knew I couldn't be a mess for my flight the next morning. It worked out well and soon after I got back Spain went into lockdown and many have had issues with flights etc. It's not ideal and I do go overboard when I drink (which is very rare) but I had a great time. When I got back I have been very ill but just been struggling through. I have been self isolating as I don't want to pass it on to any older people.

My gym has closed for 6 weeks which is very frustrating but many are in the same position. The annoying thing is I woke up a few days ago with a trapped nerve in my back so have been in agony since. I can't look down without severe pain but I know it's not serious (had the same issue many times) and it will soon be gone. Besides all the bad I actually feel great and looking forward to doing some intense home workouts. I only have 1 db that weighs 10kg so I may order some bands and more db's but I can make use of some furniture and bodyweight movements. I will use this time to get my cardiovascular fitness up and just get my body in prime position for my next blast.

I want to look great this summer and because of recent events my goals have changes slightly. Right now I am just relaxed and taking it easy and eating mainly clean but also what I want. I am not having 6-7 meals per day so when I do eat I am not restricting myself so I am still tightening up as overall calories are lower. An example is yesterday I had 2 meals that were steak with 2 fried eggs then I fried half a baguette (each meal) in loads of avocado oil. So plenty of calories per meal but because I am only have about 4 meals per day and some snacks things aren't that high so I have tightened up in the last week.

Soon I will start cleaning up my entire diet and just have lean proteins, greens, fruits and healthy fats. On top of that will be some intense home workouts so I prime my body. Then I will start adding calories (mainly carbs) gradually and start filling out. I will grow but instead of just sheer size I want it to be quality. Everything will be 100%. So I will get big but I want to look freaky this summer. So forget huge and soft and more big, veiny and freaky :D I usually cruise on 150mg test at all time but now I figured just stay on 300mg test e per week. I want to maintain as much as possible and stay looking sharp and with my diet, training/cardio and supplementation I know my health will only improve on this much higher cruise dose.

When I blast again in about 2 months it will probably be test and primo or test, primo and eq. I want to see how I handle eq and if my anxiety kicks off I will just stop it. Just moderate doses and later on I will add tren a into the mix to help create the freak factor :D I will also be running high dosed synthetine with pre/post insulin at higher doses. I know that combo with tren and my training/diet will help create a great look for me. I will restart syntherol in a few weeks as well and run it through the summer.

I did do some great full body workouts when the gym was still open. I went very late so the gym was empty. I was doing 1-2 working sets per bodypart and starting pushing heavy weights again. That will have to wait and when I can train in a gym again I will probably restart my old split. Obviously things aren't ideal for most of us now and we can just do the best we can. I really want to get my agility, flexibility and overall fitness up over the next 2 months.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
This trapped nerve doesn't want to go so this week has been a struggle. Although I am feeling much better in every other way though. My appetite is really high now and I have just been going with it. I knew I shouldn't because my goal now is to tighten up but I figured 1 week won't hurt. I eat clean most of the year with some treats but this week I have started eating a lot of bread. They do the best bread in the world over here. All of the small bakeries are closed but the supermarkets all have their own so even with the virus outbreak there has been a good supply. I haven't even been bothered with protein intake and some meals have been high fat or carbs with fairly low protein or no protein at all. That will change now though as from tomorrow I will start tightening up my diet and increase my protein intake as well as training at home daily.

Today I had a lot to eat and said to myself I need to start training so I did and it felt good. I did take some painkillers but they didn't do anything but once I got warmed up my back wasn't too bad. After I post this I am going to look online for some bands and db's. I have 1 db which I thought was 10kg but realized today it's only 7.5kg. I made good use of that though with lot's of reps of everything. I had the Windows closed in my apartment and they actually steamed up because I really went for it. Pretty much constant training with next to no breaks. I was a mess by the end of it and felt nauseous (painkillers) but feel good now. Training was very basic and included all bodyparts...

Loads of push ups (approx 200) with different hand positions.
Unilateral DB... rear delt raises, back rows (medium and low), shoulder presses, front raises, lateral raises, chest press, chest flyes, bi-cep curls, tri-cep extensions, concentration curls, hammer curls, skull crushers, squats, stiff leg deadlifts, walking lunges, leg curls, calf raises.
Ab work for 10 mins.
Stretches and rumble rolling.

There was no real order to the db work and I rotated bodyparts. I started with upper then moved to lower but also rotated both to finish and threw in some more push ups later on as well. Abs was a variety of movements all rotated in ran***ly. Basically all none stop because I would rotate bodyparts so as long as I controlled my breathing I could carry on going. Granted it was only with 1 x 7.5kg db but it was a hard session. I think this type of training would do everyone well in this time. I want to get my cardiovascular fitness up so this is an excellent way to do that. I also have an exercise bike so will start using that as well and pushing it much harder (longer) than I usually do. I will start doing some fasted training in the morning as well.

I will see what equipment I can get to allow me to lift a bit more weight but I am not too bothered about weight now. I can also use furniture if I need to but I am fine with 1 pair of light db's and using my bodyweight. So progressive overload isn't that much of a concern but I will be doing push ups everyday and I want to see how many I can do in 1 set by the end of this so I will be progressing in that way. The main aim is just to go crazy and sweat my arse off, get fitter and get pumped. Combine that with a nutritious diet with controlled calories and I will tighten up nicely. Then when I start upping calories and increasing doses I will put on some quality muscle. I will be happy with something like my avatar but a little more fullness and more vascularity.

The fruit loaf I had today was nice though so I may get another one soon. It had dried dates and orange pieces in with some nuts as well. I easily ate the 400g loaf fast and could have had 2 no problems. The 400g loaf was 1100 calories and 180g carbs. I had a whole jar of cashw butter afterwards so calories were very high today :eek::D Tomorrow will mainly be meat, vegetables, fruit, cottage cheese and eggs. I hope everyone is doing well in this very awkward time. It's crazy how much I miss the gym but just going to put all my efforts into my home workouts.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are really good now but I will start with the bad :D I trained the other day and it was a great workout but in the following days my diet wasn't the best. I kept saying to myself it's time to start cleaning up my diet but I ordered a few takeaways. It ended with me eating a 4 person fried chicken bucket. It tasted amazing but after having half then the rest 40 mins later I felt disgusting :eek::D The food volume and oil was enough to have me on the toilet about 5 times in 2 hours later in the night. I then decided enought was enough and I have been eating clean ever since. I have also been making sure I have protein with each meal so I am back on track. Sometimes it's good to have some off time but I did get a bit lazy over the last few weeks. If it wasn't for Flex I would have done next to nothing but I still take him out a few times every day.

I also trained again today and I plan (have a rule) to train in some form everyday now. Even if that is just some cardio or calf raises I will make sure it is done. Actual hardcore training will be done approx 4 times per week.

There is absolutely no reason why we can't all get good results in this period. Obviously in a perfect world we would all have home gyms full of great equipment and lot's of free weights. I think we can all maintain most of our size and improve body composition over the next few weeks/months. We could even grow if we put the effort in but as I have already posted my goal is to lean up and improve my cardiovascular fitness. I want to prime my body for when I have access to the gym again and I will add in hormones and put some quality muscle on. My goals have definitely changed in regards to how much water/fat I am prepared to put on whilst growing.

Anyway my training the other day was very high volume and felt great. I like to do that after a long break. I don't recommend it to others as most would probably be better just easing into things but occasionally I personally like to push my body hard so that was approx 2 hours of training and 30 mins of cardio afterwards. The really cheap bands I bought without handles are my favourite and I use them more than the more expensive ones. Literally cheap pieces of elastic but you can do so much with them. It would be worthwhile me getting some longer bands (most common) that are are connected so I can do squats etc but mine are just marketed for pilates and yoga :D They can take alot of tenson but when doing calf presses I snapped one of them but it's not too bad as now it means I have 4 bands instead of 3 :D

I basically just stand on one side of the band and wrap it around my hand and can perform pretty much everything like that. For rowing movements I used 2 bands and put them through a lock on my window and could perform various standing rows like that. After the bands I use my db and also bodyweight movements. My workout included...

Resistance Band shoulder stretches, shoulder presses, front raises, lateral raises, bi-cep curls, hammer curls, standing tri-cep extensions (2 variations), rear delt raises, back rows (high, medium and low).
DB back rows, bi-cep curls, hammer curls, concentration curls, overhead tri-cep extensions, skull crushers, squats, stiff leg deadlifts, split squats, calf raises.
Push Ups.

Today I done similar but no push ups.

For calves on both days I done some unilateral sets going from right to left and repeated with no rest. Then I done 2 feet at a time for very high reps. Literally over 200 reps for 1 or 2 sets. I play about and the burn is crazy. I will do reps were I squeeze and hold at the top for a few secs then swop over to ones were I squeeze but don't hold and come back down and to a tibialis raise so bring my toes up off the floor and squeeze. Then I will do reps were I don't come fully back down (touch the floor) and I always play about with rep speed through the giant set. Basically changing it up after every 10-20 reps but never resting. My calves were sore for days after the 1st session and looked much fuller. I don't have any steps in my apartment (could use a book) but I will go outside on the stairs and do some on there to get a good negative stretch some days.

Now a key thing I am doing is utilizing cardio to train my legs. You will definitely be able to hold onto leg fullness by doing this if you don't have access to db's/barbells. I will also start doing days with loads of squats to failure to hit my legs hard. But I have an exercise bike at home and if you do you can use it to your advantage. My bike has 32 levels to give an indication. The first day I done 30 mins cardio but for 20 mins straight I cycled on level 32 at a steady/slow pace. That was brutal but manageable even for me were my fitness isn't the best right now. My legs when I got off were super pumped and felt like I had done a hard session with weights.

Now my 2nd approach is amazing and I recommend you all do the same. It's simply HIT training but you get what you put in. Meaning for the working periods you need to put everything into it. I done 4 blasts for 30 secs which may not sound much but it was harder than the most brutal leg sessions I do. The key is the resistance and pushing through the pain. The key is your all out blasts and putting everything into them like you would a working set with weights. Do them like someone has a gun to your head and you have to put everything you have into them. The resting period isn't important you simply want to get your heart rate down but don't rush yourself. When I felt ready I would wait until 20 secs past the minute so let's say 8:20 as an example. I would start pedalling fast at that time and would get the resistance up to level 32 by 8:30 and then it would be all out until about 9:00. Then I would come down to about level 8 but later on it was more like 5 due to the pain. This is about working your legs and not so much cardiovascular fitness. I didn't fail because of my cardio I failed simply due to my legs. So you don't have to do this over and over just go in as hard as you can and after 4-8 blasts call it a day. I was practically crying at the end and when I got off the bike I couldn't stand up properly. Obviously it's the 1st time in ages I have done this so I will get better each time but literally do it until you are crying in pain. My legs were so pumped and felt like I had just done a triple drop set with hack squats.

Now I have the motivation again so I am looking forward to getting this waist down. I am looking ok though and fairly lean I just need to sharpen up alittle. Get in a 100% routine then simply start adding in calories and some drugs to pack on solid muscle. My diet today was...

Protein plant cereal with blueberries, raspberries and coconut milk.
4 whole eggs, 2 pieces of super thin steak and toasted walnut bread (had steak and fried egg sandwiches).
Train (intra EAA's).
2 scoops of synthepure, pineapple, oats and mixed berries.
Minced Beef with mushrooms and beans.
Minced Beef with mushrooms and beans.
Protein shake and peanut butter.

Nothing perfect and I will probably fade out the cereal soon and have eggs as my 1st meal. I have also snacked on some fruit today as well (grapes, clementine and half an avocado). I will add in more greens and I will lower things slightly over time if I need to (no snacking comes first).

As well as the training and cardio I have taken Flex out 3 times today for approx 2 hours total so I have been fairly active. Now it's just time to be consistent with it all and I will be looking sharp in a few weeks.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are good but I guess you could state I have been a bit unlucky. Well not unlucky as I obviously pushed training too hard the last time I updated. The day after training I woke up and all my ribcage (back and front) was extremely sore. I am 100% certain it's from the intense cardio I done. I didn't train with the bands that hard especially when doing back and I have never had this injury before. I must have strained my intercostal muscles between my ribs when I was going crazy on the bike. It's hard to explain but it felt like my ribs had been crushed/squeezed in. It was surprisngly bad and I struggled to get up from a lying position and was in a lot of pain. It lasted about 1 week as well which surprised me. As a result I didn't train and just took it easy and got lazy again.

The last few days I had planned to train but didn't so tonight I said to myself just start and be productive so I trained for about 90 mins starting at midnight which will fuck up my routine but it's not like it makes much difference at his time. From now on I will do some form of training everyday (as I posted last time). Tonight was mainly abs, some arms, pushups and calves. I hadn't done abs in awhile so I started with them and pushed it with multiple sets to failure. Arms were just with my light db with 25 reps sets rotating left to right and about 5 movements each. Push ups with different hand positions and abotu 10 sets to failure so I pushed it. Calves were multiple unilateral sets with my db then a giant set with both legs of over 300 reps changing form every 25-10 reps. I finished calves with some donkey calf raises. At the end were my usual stretches to keep my lower back loose.

I will do some band and db work tomorrow and intense cardio. I did actually did cardo the other day and it felt great. Only issue my gf has somehow managed to break the seat on my exercise bike so it's stuck on the lowest setting and I am 6ft 2 so it's far from ideal. It also makes it harder for me to generate power but it's still fine. As I was recovering from my injury I did do the same HIT style but instead of highs on level 32 I kept it at 28 and would go down to level 5 when trying to lower my heart rate. Although I done 5 intervals this time and after the 5th I kept it on level 10 for 3 or 4 mins and it was brutal. I genuinely felt like crying and would involuntary laugh but I love the feeling of pushing myself that way. When I stopped my legs totally gave and were pumped up back to front. I plan to do this every week even when I am back in the gym as it's a new way to push myself and I can see how effective it would be especially when combined with effective weight training.

I have ended up just using 150mg test e every 5 days and will stick at that dose. Even with minimal training I am holding ok but due to the many takeaways I noticed my stomach getting softer. When your abs go it makes such a big difference to your overall look because the rest of me hasn't changed a great deal just downsized slightly. So now I can train daily and my nutrition is on point I know my waist will tighten up super fast and I will look much sharper. I am not too bothered about downsizing because within 2 weeks of being on blast again and upping protein and being in the gym I will be back to normal so it's nothing major. The next month or so is just about getting in very good condition and getting my cardiovascular fitness up. My diet today consisted of...

4 whole eggs, 100g lean pork, onions, mushrooms, peppers and walnut bread.
1 apple, 1 kiwi, oats, mixed berries, 2 scoops of synthepure and water.
Beef mince, pineapple and basmati rice.
INTRA- 4 scoops of EAA's.
2 protein puddings, 1 banana, grapes and strawberries.
Beef mince, beans, rice, mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach.

Snacks have been 2 squares of 87% dark chocolate before I trained and strawberries after a few of my meals.

Eating like the above when I am training daily will have me looking sharp fairly quickly. I tend to carb cycle so some days will be higher than others and I will throw in some low days. My low days are done with pretty much getting rid of rice (and beans) but keeping fruit in. Depending upon the meals I may also just stick to mainly low carb high fibre fruits (berries) but will throw in some pineapple and kiwi.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been meaning to post for a few days. I trained hard 2 days in a row then had a few days off. I find it hard to motivate myself to train at home which is stupid. On the few days I had off I told myself every night that I would get up and train fasted but never did. I am sure many can relate but I sometimes wish I had the up and go of some people but I will work on that. I write it is stupid because within 10 mins of training I always feel amazing and have a great workout. I have been using some pre workout powder before sessions to help matters recently. All my sessions tend to be high volume and cover my entire body so the preworkout powder definitely comes in handy. Today I got up and I had 1 scoop of Excelsior and ended up training fasted for about 2 hours.

Resistance bands... various movements (back, shoulders, arms etc).
DB... various movements (arms, shoulders, back etc).
Suitcase... I put my 7.5kg db and some filled water bottles into a suitcase and done some heavy weight bi-cep curls, front raises and lateral raises.
Push ups.
Bodyweight and DB... Calf Raises, Stiff Leg Deadlifts, Squats, Split Squats, Lunges etc.

No cardio today but I have been doing it every other training day. The same thing and HIT with the blasts lasting approx 30 secs on level 32 with maximum power and then I get my heart rate down on level 5. I usually end after a blast on level 32 and put it down to level 10 and pedal at a steady but moderate pace for about 3-5 mins which is complete torture. I genuinely struggle to get off the bike when I finish and I can't walk but it feels amazing. The only issue is the seat is broken and I can't lift it up so it's on the lowest setting. It's too much tension for my knees and they have hurt occasionally after sessions which they never do so I know I can't carry on doing the same. When the gym reopens I will just have to do my cardio there and keep home sessions minimal and less intense (steady state on approx level 10).

Today included a lot of sets and I was drenched in sweat at the end. Push ups are multiple sets of 30-10 reps using different hand positions and techniques. Although I am trying to increase the number of reps I can do in one set. At the end of push ups I rested for a few mins and tried a max rep set and got 59 reps. I saw Kali Muscle get over 100 reps and I definitely think I can beat that over time. It's only about the 6th day of doing them in years so I will continue to progress.

I added in HCG mainly for cosmetic reasons and literally because the vial has been in my fridge for years so I figured just use it. I am doing 500iu every 5 days and I dose it the night before my 150mg test e injections.

A few days ago I ordered a pair of 20kg dumbbells. A bit late but I saw them online and they were only $60 and free shipping so I will have them soon. I can use the suitcase with heavy objects in but 2 db's are much easier for obvious reasons so will definitely come in handy. My training has been great at home but I am getting a bit bored of the bands. I am still waiting for my other bands to come as well.

Tomorrow I will do more of the same but less volume and cardio at the end.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I ran out of some of my main supplements and never bother reordering. I will add some back in fairly soon but I am in no rush plus I am on more of a budget these days. I am still taking fish oil, collagen plus superfoods, multi vitamin/greens/fruit powder, vitamin c and melatonin. It's still 5 products but I am missing some of my big formulas so I will be dropping some from my current list and add in some good formulas in the near future. I plan to get 1-2 good cholesterol products and I will add carditone back in for blood pressue control when I blast again.

My diet right now is pretty much all clean and full of fruit and some vegetables. I have balanced macros but keep an eye on carbs and fats but nothing is exact just yet. However I will now start having some lower carb days and keeping fat to a certain limit. I have also upped protein recently as it was very low and will gradually increase it over the foreseeable future.

The only frozen food I buy are some vegetables and mixed berries. The rest is all fresh and I go to the shops every 2-3 days to stock up. I wrote down every item I bought last time I food shopped to give an indication of everything I eat...

3 Beef Mince (750g total).
2 Lamb Mince (500g total).
2 packs of eggs (12 in total).
Walnut bread (400g).
3 packs of raspberries (750g in total).
4 packs of strawberries (2kg in total).
Roma Tomatoes (800g in total).
2 packs of mushrooms (600g in total).
1 pack of onions (1kg).
Asparagus (1kg)
1 pack of peppers (red, yellow and green).
1 pack of kiwi.
Bananas (6).
2 tins of beans.
2 pineapples.
2 tins of mandarins in juice.
1kg cottage cheese.
6 protein puddings.
83% dark chocolate.
2 cold fitness coffees.

My nutrition today has consisted of...

INTRA... 4 scoops of EAA's. When I wrote fasted earlier I just meant when starting but I drank aminos during.
2 scoops of whey isolate (synthepure), pineapple, oats, mixed berries, asparagus and water.
Beef, pineapple and basmati rice.
Lamb mince, mushrooms, garlic, onions, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and asparagus in a toscano sauce with wholegrain pasta.
Lamb mince, mushrooms, garlic, onions, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and asparagus in a toscano sauce with wholegrain pasta.
4 whole eggs and walnut bread.

I will also have a large protein shake before I go to sleep.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Here is a pic I took of my dinner last night. This was beef mince, beans, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, asparagus and basmati rice.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Here are 2 great songs to listen to when doing intense cardio...

DJ Tiesto - Adagio For Strings - YouTube

Faithless - Insomnia (Lyrics) - YouTube


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Over the years I have had various breaks (drugs, diet and training) and I have learnt a lot from them. Now I haven't covered every possible scenario but I feel I can safely form conclusions about my body and how it reacts in these situations. I find once you have built a base and carried weight around for awhile it's very easy to maintain. You constantly read on the forums how building and maintaining are very different and that is so true. Our bodies can also respond to new stimuli.

I have only trained about 7 times over the last 5-6 weeks and it's mainly been with bodyweight, bands, 1 x 7.5kg db and an exercise bike. On top of that my diet has been very inconsistent. I have also been on 150mg test every 5+ days. I have pretty much held everything but my midsection is slightly softer/wider but that is mainly diet related. If anything my legs have actually improved from when I started training at home. Which is good and bad considering I abuse my legs in the gym :eek::D My calves really response well to higher reps and the way I utilize the exercise bike has been great for me. Obviously it hasn't been that long but I have also barely trained so I know if I had done more I would only look better for it. I often hear how you can't build muscle with lighter weight but there are various techniques you can use to your advantage.

One area I haven't trained well is my back as I pretty much never bothered but I could have started doing pull ups outside and set up a pullover movement with my bands or a towel... basically been more inventive but I never bothered as I figured a short break wouldn't be major. Although I have done a variety of banded rows and they are good but I need to put more effort into things. Even unilateral banded rows are great and of course when I get my heavier db's I can start doing various rows. I could have also done suitcase rows so it was mainly just me switching off my back movements but I will start being more inventive until the gyms open back up.

Anyway all things considered I am doing pretty well but I need to start training more frequently. I train high volume and it takes it out of me so I usually rest for 2-3 days but I will change that. As I posted awhile back upper/lower days would make more sense so I can increase frequency whilst the daily volume is lowered.

You obviously need to train but my point of this post is mainly how even with basic training maintenance is very easy for me. The same for diet as well. However when I come off all aas that is when my body usually falls apart. Granted I have been guilty of overtraining in the past when coming off but I really do notice a massive difference. It's pretty much impossible to hold your physique/look when your test has crashed even if training hard and dieting well. That trt dose and most importantly no crash makes things so much easier. Not many guys come off everything and if they do it's for 1 month or so which is nothing. I hear about guys coming off and loading up on pct drugs which is also not the same has coming completely off.

Moving forward just more of the same but more training and keep my diet the way it has been. If I do that I will continue to lean out and be in a great position for when the gyms reopen. I am smaller but looking fairly lean now. When I get pumped up I have a similar look to before. I just need to tighten up more then in a few weeks I will be in a perfect position to blow up :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Today I trained for about 1 hour 45 mins. It was the usual stuff so I started with bands for upper body. The bands I have are very short and not really used for lower body exercises. I can do a few but they are not long bands you see everyone using for squats and deadlifts etc. So I mainly just train upper body with those. I prefer using my db for squats, split squats, stiff leg deadlifts and calf raises etc. So it was upper body using bands and my db then onto push ups then abs. Lower body was all db and bodyweight movements. I kept the volume lower for legs but did a few sets of paused squats to failure. I like to do calf raises before the exercise bike so I stretched first then done many sets of calf raises. I used my db for unilateral sets then both legs. I finished with a massive set of bodyweight donkey calf raises using various techniques. Then it was time for the exercise bike.

Obviously the exercise bike is great cardio but the primary reason I use it is to train my legs. Today I started with a warm up on levels 1, 3 then 5 and that lasted 5 mins. Then just after 5:20 when it's on level 5 I start to pedal as fast and powerful as possible. By the time it's on 5:30 I want to be on the max level of 32. Then I simply pedal as hard as possible until 6:00 and I lower the level back to 5. My only concern is getting my heart rate back down because it's the blasts that I am concentrating on. I usually give myself 1:20 or 2:20 until I blast again. Today the blast finished at around 6:00 and I started pedalling as fast as possible again by 7:20 increasing the level to 32 until 8:00. Then I done a 3rd blast at 10:20 and finished at 11 then lowered to level 10 this time and pedalled for 3 mins until 14:00 before doing a short cool down of 1:00 so I finished on 15:00. Even the 1:00 cool down on a low level was torture. Interestingly by the time I started the first blast at 5:20-5:30 I had only burnt 35 calories warming up and when I looked at 6:00 I had burnt 87 so that is 52 calories in 30 seconds. Now I can't state my bike is accurate but I found that interesting and whilst it's impossible to record all numbers beause I was pushing it to the max I recall burning around 50 calories for every 30 sec blast.

My diet today was more relaxed but I controlled portion sizes. Well it was fine it's just my girlfriend ordered pizza but I didn't get anything. Although I had 2 slices of her pizza so nothing major. As long as you portion control you can still eat things like pizza and get good results. I don't even like pizza much so it was a one off. The rest of my meals have been standard. I haven't ate that much today so calories are fairly low. My meals today have been...

4 whole eggs with 150g lean pork on toasted walnut bread.
Cottage cheese with grapefruit.
INTRA- 4 scoops of EAA's.
50g synthepure, oats, pineapple, kiwi, banana, mixed berries and water.
2 slices of pizza.
Beef mince, tomatoes, aubergine and asparagus in a tomato, zucchini and aubergine sauce.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My last meal was beef mince, tomatoes, aubergine and asparagus in a tomato, zucchini and aubergine sauce.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I suffer from really bad tinnitus so I have to be very careful with loud music. However it's such an amazing tool especially for the gym. I like hard tracks from different genres when doing cardio. They really make a difference when you are pushing it for longer periods.

I go for the opposite when lifting heavy weights though. Well I don't listen to any music in the gym but if I ever need motivation beforehand I will put something on when getting ready for the gym. You can't beat Hans Zimmer including soundtracks from The Last Samurai, The Dark Knight Trilogy and The Da Vinci Code (Chevaliers De Sangreal)...

(If it doesn't work go to 51:00)

Hans Zimmer - Live Concerts Ultimate Cut - YouTube
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My waist has shrunk a lot in the last week or so. I done that by simply reducing calories. Just the most basic approach of eating less meals of the same foods. For the best results I would keep to small and frequent meals with high protein and carbs around training and some healthy fats usually in the first and last meals. However, recently I have done none of that and everything is balanced I have just simply cut down to 3-4 meals per day of the usual stuff. I have even had a few bad foods but just ate small amounts so a deficit will always work and it's not like I am going to drop loads of muscle in 1 week. My protein has only been approx 150g some days but that's fine for me to maintain muscle. We can often get very technical with things but it's often not needed especially in the short term.

My gym reopens on the 11th May so only 9 more days. That is a perfect amount of time for me to start where I want to be. None of my training equipment has still not come which is annoying. I will probably get my new db's a few days before the gym opens up :eek::D In the meantime I have been doing the same sort of workouts each time. If I want to lift heavier I put my 1 db and some water bottles in a suitcase. I have done a lot of pushups and they have helped keep my upper body looking relatively sharp. I had the same rib pain after cardio last week so I had to rest again because it was really bad. I will monitor things but will be doing another intense bike session tomorrow at some point.

I am still at 150mg test e every 5 days but I did start 2iu hgh. I dosed it on/off for 1 week then done 3 days in a row then gave up as I was so tired. I figured on lockdown tiredness isn't so bad and maybe I could dose past it but it's so extreme for me. I think I will start blasting shortly after the gym's reopen. I could get results blasting with home workouts but I want to start off with a bang. I am thinking test, eq and adrol and hopefully I am ok with the eq. I will start low and taper up if I am ok with it. Otherwise it will be test and primo (maybe npp as well). Humalog will be used around workouts later on and high dosed igf-1 lr3 will definitely be added at some point as well. My plan is to use high doses around certain training days with a massive amount of carbs. This summer I want to be lean, vascular but as big and full as possible.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Holly shit that looks GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks. I have been keeping my meals fairly basic recently. I always try to add greens and some vegetables but usually keep it to the same type of foods most of the time. I go through quite a lot of asparagus, mushrooms, onions and tomatoes. The beans with mince is a fav of mine. I also love tomatoe and basil sauce with beef mince and usually add the same sort of veg to that. I put a variety of spices in everything as well.

I done the same meal as the one you quoted yesterday...

The other day I also done beef mince, tomatoes, aubergine and asparagus in a toscano sauce covered in grana padano cheese...

Later on I had a chicken, mushroom, red pepper and noodle soup in a tomatoe, miso, chilli and garlic broth...

Today I done a chicken, mushroom, asparagus and noodle soup in a chicken broth but forgot to take a picture :eek:
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Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
All kidding aside. If I could cook meals like this above, I would have another 20lbs on me by now. Well done buddy!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
All kidding aside. If I could cook meals like this above, I would have another 20lbs on me by now. Well done buddy!

Thanks. I have been doing the opposite recently and just trying to tighten up. I am still eating my usual meals but just eating less of them. I will start to ramp things up soon though.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My gf wanted me to do a home workout with her today. It was just a bodyweight one for women and I said I would do it for about 20-30 mins to warm up. It was good because it's something I never usually do. Very easy but good for warming up, burning calories, improving balance and co-ordination etc. Now I knew my delts were messed up but doing the workout really showed me how bad they have become. There were times I had to extend my arms out and hold them and I was in agony just doing that. I don't usually have any shoulder issues but they have started hurting over the last few months so it's something I will monitor. I know what I have to do and when I am back in the gym I will keep pressing to higher reps. I also need to lay off the pushups especially with my hands placed high.

Training today was great and after the above I done a variety of movements. Pretty much what I usually do minus the push ups. Although today was more leg focused with lot's of one legged stiff leg deadlifts with my one db. I rotated between deadlifts and squats. I also done some pistol squats which are brutal. Then some glute/ham raises on the floor. For calves I done a variety of raises including some seated bodyweight calf raises which are great. When doing calves with bodyweight or my 1 db I tend to just rotate through movements and have no rest between sets. Upper body was the usual but I added in some pull ups and to do them at home I just put a towel at the top of a door and bend my knees and pull up like that and I couldn't manage many reps so done multiple sets to failure with low reps. I also done some unilateral band rows and the way I have it set up really increases the resistance. Today I included quite a few sets for traps as well with the heaviest sets I used a suitcase with my db and some filled water bottles inside for unilateral reps.

My nutrition today has been very basic. I trained fasted with 1 scoop of Excelsior and no EAA's as I need to order more. Post workout I had a synthepure smoothie with 2 apples, 1 kiwi, mixed berries and water. For the next 3 meals I had the same thing because I made a large serving in my pan and divided it into 3. That included pasta, beef mince, yellow peppers, tomatoes and asparagus in a tomato, zucchini and aubergine sauce. My last meal was cottage cheese with blueberries and walnuts.

Tomorrow I plan to do some intense cardio and abs. I am also going to add in 3ml synthetine preworkout and start using that daily. That always helps with fat loss and increases my vascularity. I need to order some bits as well for my next blast :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been taking it fairly easy recently. Training has been good but nothing too intense a part from the cardio I have been doing (approx 2 times per week). I have started doing yoga as well on some days. I trained with my bands/db/bodyweight yesterday for about 45 mins then done 1 hour of yoga. That yoga was fairly challenging and I was soaked in sweat by the end of it.

My gym finally opens tomorrow so it will be full steam ahead. Although for the first week or so I am going to stick to higher reps and not overdo the weights for all movements just to allow my body to ease into things. There are various restrictions in place and it won't be 24/7 but as long as I avoid peak times I should be ok. I go to 2 gyms and for 1 the changing rooms are all closed but the other allows showering only. In one they will take my temperature upon entry so I am best avoiding certain supplements around training. I haven't decided but I will probably end up doing a modified version of push, pull, legs for my routine as I want to separate body parts and I like covering the whole body in 3 training days. I will adjust frequency but I think I am going to push things so at the height of summer will be training approx 6 days per week so I cover all areas twice per week.

I am thinking I will start with test p, test c, eq and adrol. I need to order some eq and adrol and extra test before I will start blasting. I will probably start with something like 50mg test p daily with 250mg test c per week. I will up the test c to approx 500mg so that will be approx 850mg total. Adrol will be 50mg pre workout but I may try 100mg later on. I will run the adrol in very short cycles so probably 2 weeks on 2 off and 2 on. Eq I have to be careful with so I want to see how I am with it as it's given me anxiety in the past so I will start with 1 inj of approx 50mg and go from there. If I am ok I will probably move up slowly to a max of 450mg per week. On top of the aas I also have IGF-1 LR3 that will be added to my pack and I plan to trial it to see how good it is. If it's good I know how to maximize it's effectiveness and that involves taking it when extremely insulin sensitive and combining it with a large amount of carbs. I will incorperate some fasting in the future but more on that at a later date.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been the gym 3 out of 4 days now and I have done 1 rotation of push (with calves and cardio), pull (with abs) and legs (with cardio). Every workout has mainly been for pump only and no sets to complete failure. I have lifted moderate weight so in no way am I pushing things just to get my body used to heavier lifting again. I will build up the intensity over the weeks.

My strength on push day was right down which was surprising to me. There is a heavy chest press and I usually do 4-5 plates per side. Anyway I had 2 plates per side thinking I will do 25 slow reps then I may go up to 2.5 plates. I literally failed by 15 reps so I definitely need a few weeks to get my strength back up. Most other movements were not to failure and just pumping as much blood into the muscle as possible.

Every day has been fairly high volume so far. Things are feeling good. Although my lower back has felt off recently (last few weeks) and it's due to not training much. After doing abs it was really bad the next day and why I had it off. I need to be careful especially with leg/knee raise movements. Today it was legs and I had 1 scoop of Excelsior on a fairly empty stomach so I felt amazing. Nothing too heavy but I kept the pace fast and just tried to get a great pump...

Leg Press Calf Presses (unilateral and both)... multiple hard sets and I threw in some bodyweight standing calf raises, seated calf raises and stretches in between sets.
Seated Leg Curls (unilateral and both)... a few good pump sets with stretches between sets.
Stiff Leg Smith Deadlifts... 2 good high rep sets getting a good stretch only with 30kg per side (my lower back felt good).
Hip Abductors... 1 good set.
Hip Adductors... 1 good set.
Horizontal Leg Press... a few decent high rep sets going up to only 140kg. I ended with 1 set of 30 slow reps using 3 different foot positions of 10 reps each.
Leg Extensions... a few good pump sets. I was doing bodyweight squats and walking lunges between sets as well.
Stretches (mainly for lower back).
Spin Bike... approx 10 mins of intervals using maximum power for the ultimate pump.

Tomorrow it will be push day. I only done calves the other day because it was my first day back and I added alsorts in. This time it will just be push and maybe some cardio. Then pull with abs then legs for another 3 day rotation. Probably more of the same and mainly going for pump but slightly increasing the intensity. After a few rotations I will start to really up the weight and get as strong as possible.

I have just ordered some test p, test c, eq, adrol and mk-677. I do have some test p and about 10 adrol tabs on me so I could start now but I may just wait until I have everything. Although I am tempted to start 50mg test p daily with 1 adrol preworkout and instead of test c just carry on with my current test e until the vial runs out :eek::D I have 3 vials of npp (etc) so there are other possibilities but I would rather stick to the plan. When I was posting the other day I made my new blast up when typing so I don't put much thought into these things and I am fairly easy going but I will stick to the that plan as I prefer to rotate drugs so test c instead of test e and test p for a change and I have 3 vials in stock and eq for a change (and effects) and adrol for the strength and fullness.

I haven't been eating much recently and I have had a few treats. I had some pizza the other night and no surprises I was a bloated mess but also ended up on the toilet for hours. If I posted that look as a starting pic people would be shocked and I would transform because my waist was about 42 inches. It had gone back down by the next day though so I am back to normal. I really have to be careful with what I eat and because it's been awhile the effects were that much worse. Now I will just stick to my clean food at all times as I am serious about this now. That pizza has put me off cheat food for awhile :D I will be ensuring all areas are covered over the next few months in order to keep my waist tight as I try to fill up all over as much as possible. I will go into more detail at a later date but it includes fasting, carb timing, igf-1 lr3, insulin, digestive enzymes, vacuums, nitric oxide expanders, syntherol, pre/probiotics, ab training etc.