It's time to get HUGE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
So much to update I don't know where to start. Well put it this way if I were coaching someone I would never recommend what I have been doing recently. By that I simply mean I jumped up in calories far too quickly. It should be done gradually for optimal results. I knew what would happen in regards to putting on unnecessary fat but I figured I will just lower things when that happens. In my head I just wanted to get as big as fast as possible which isn't the best way of thinking. I have to say I thought I could go longer than I have though but perhaps my metabolism isn't as high as I first thought. I thought I could ride the train longer but changes will need to be made.

I fasted one day for 12 hours and then had 2 sensible meals later in the day just to give my digestive system a break. Now I will be eating as I have in regards to 6-7 meals per day but just not overdoing the calories and controlling my portion sizes. I will also be adding in more vegetables for a variety of reasons. It's all good growing at an accelerated pace but if you add on 3 inches around your waist in the process it makes things pointless. All is good now and I just had to make a few adjustments.

Now the nano drol :eek: 2 days in I was thinking this is great and very strong. A few more days in and it's pointless running it. I wanted to experiment with something new but it hasn't worked out. I was starting to feel like complete shit after 3 days on it and the back pumps were horrible. At times it felt like I had been punched repeatedly in both kidneys. I even had yesterday off because I felt so bad. Then today I dose it and within 1 hour have a nosebleed. I had the bleed whilst sat on the toilet in the gym preworkout which was awkward. My appetite is also down on it so it's pointless running it. I thought if I keep the dose low I would be fine. It's a shame as I can tell this stuff would mutate me in a few weeks and the strength gains were also great in a matter of days but I can't express just how shit I have felt on it over the last few days. So it will just be 600mg test, 525mg npp and 200mg mast e for now. I will have a short break and add the tbol back in for a few weeks. I was getting great results with tbol and very little side effects so I will use that at 40mg per day.

Tomorrow I am definitely starting syntherol in my arms. I delayed starting it but now I am ready and know how I will dose everything so hoping to make some big changes over the following month.

Training has been good and more of the same. I felt strong some days but kept most working sets in higher rep ranges. On push day I added in a pull movement as I felt like adding in some wide grip upright rows for side delts.


Warm Up.
Seated DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets (1 loading and one drop off).
Wide Grip Barbell Upright Rows... 1 working set with 30kg each side.
Machine Shoulder Press... 1 working set with the full weight rack.
Incline (36 degrees) DB Press... 1 working set with 54kg db's.
Incline Bench Cable Flyes... 1 working set (with partials).
Flat Bench Press... 1 working set with 50kg per side and chains (with deadstop reps).
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working set.
Seated Overhead Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Dips... 1 working set.


Warm Up (face pulls etc).
Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working set.
Standing Cable Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Rows... 2 working sets (1 pulling high and 1 pulling medium height).
Lat Pulldowns... 1 working set.
Standing Cable Pullovers... 1 working set.
Unilateral Seated Cable Rows... 1 working drop set for each side (just 1 drop) pulling low with elbows tucked in.
Barbell Shrugs... 2 working sets (1 pulling from the front and 1 pulling from the back) with 50kg per side.
Lower Back Extensions... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Barbell Bi-cep Curls... 1 working sets.
Barbell Reverse Curls... 1 working set.
Unilateral Standing Bi-cep Curl (pulling back from shoulder height)... 2 working sets for each arm with the last being just negative reps (using both arms to lift back and 1 arm to control the negative).

Tomorrow I am thinking just abs and cardio then the next day it will be legs. I got a 50% deal on beef mince with a short date so put them to good use...

Synthepure, 2 apples, 2 kiwis, mixed berries, oats and water.
Beef mince, variety of vegetables and basmati rice.
Beef mince, variety of vegetables and long grain rice.
INTRA 25g EAA's and 50g HBCD's.
Beef mince, variety of vegetables and basmati rice.
Beef mince, variety of vegetables and long grain rice.
2 protein yoghurts and 1 avocado and then I drank a protein shake in bed.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I will get some pics as soon as I go to my main gym with my mate so he can take them. In one of my gyms they don't even let you wear a vest and I wouldn't even bother asking someone to take pics. My 24 hour gym is hardcore and I would ask anyone as I don't care but I have been training late and usually there is no one in the gym. I could just get some at home but I usually get them took in the gym so it's a good reference. After I finished training the other day I took a pic of my bench press set up and some of the db's they have. You can't tell in the pics but the heavier db's are all massive.

picture upload site



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Firstly, I feel so much better after stopping the nano drol. It's a night and day difference. It was simply too toxic for me and whilst the results were great the side effects made it pointless to carry on with. As discussed previously I have also lowered calories recently and all the bloat has fell off. I knew I was having too many but nothing a few lower days couldn't fix. The last few days I have ate all the same foods just lowered the overall amount and it has made a big difference. Moving forward now I will gradually increase them but keep each meal controlled. By that I mean no more than approx 100g carbs per meal apart from when I have cereal. Even with the cereal I am keeping all bowls to 200g so approx 1000 calories. Carbs and fats have been decreased but protein will be increased. Today I have ate...

- 6 whole eggs, onions, tomatoes, blueberries and 3 pieces of toast.
- 200g plant protein cereal (dark chocolate and coconut) with coconut milk plus an extra 30g protein from synthepure.
- Chicken, basmati rice and vegetables.
- Cottage Cheese, strawberries, grapes, blueberries and lemon juice.
INTRA (25g EAA's and 50g HBCD's).
- Chicken, basmati rice and vegetables.
- Beef Mince, long grain rice and 1 avocado.

I wasn't planning to change training but I am going to modify/improve things. I have been doing push, pull and legs. However, even with the lower working sets for legs I find the session is simply too taxing. Even if I limit each part to 2 working sets it adds up especially when adding in things such as adductors/abductors and glute work so I have been missing them all out. I also find it mentally taxing and often don't look forward to training legs. I also personally respond better to more volume for legs and on top of that I was thinking it would be a great way to give my upper body another day off whilst still maintaining a high training frequency. As a result I am come up with a new plan. It's essentially an upper push, upper pull, lower push and lower pull so basically just splitting legs up into 2 sessions.

It started yesterday when I was due to train legs and I thought to myself start with quads for a change but later decided to just train quads and it felt really good. As a result today I decided to train calves and hams and again it felt really good. Now looking at my plan it will be better not to do what I have the last 2 days but to do the following:

Chest, Shoulders and Tri-ceps "PUSH"
Hams (Glutes and Hips) and Abs "PULL"
Calves and Quads "PUSH"
Back and Bi-ceps "PULL"

Obviously it doesn't always work out as exactly push and pull but you get the idea. The main thing is I need a gap between Upper and Lower PULL incase I do any lower back loading on ham day. It just gives me some time to recover for back day and if I want I can add in another back loading exercise (will go on feel). Everything else is the same. It just means I can really focus on each part and also add in a little more volume but not much. An example if on leg day I done 3-5 working sets for quads that would now be 5-7 working sets. It also means I can add one day of high volume abs in my ham day as I have some room as I have been meaning to train them more. As I have done things slightly differently the last 2 days I will likely miss out the ham day this rotation unless I have a day or 2 off before training them next (due to do PUSH then HAMS next).

As posted yesterday was quads and it felt really good just concentrating on them. My workout looked like...

Warm up (leg extensions and bodyweight squats).
Hack Squat... 1 working set (30 reps rest paused).
Horizontal Leg Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Walking Kettlebell Lunges supersetted with Kettlebell Squats... 1 working set.
Vertical Leg Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral Leg Extensions... 1 working set for each leg.
Sled Pushes for 15 mins.

Today was calves, hams and abs...

Tri-set of Seated Calf Raises, Standing Calf Raises and Vertical Leg Press Calf Presses... 4 working sets.
Machine Tibialis Raises... 1 working set.
Machine Glute Raises... 1 working set for each side.
Hip Abductors... 1 working set.
Seated Leg Curls... 1 working set with both legs then 2 unilateral working sets for each side (the last being negative reps only).
Lying Leg Curls... 1 working drop set.
Barbell Romanian Deadlifts... 2 hard sets.
Abs for 15 mins including plate/db side bends, machine crunches, bench/hanging knee/leg raises and standing oblique weighted bar twists.

I have also started syntherol and done 1ml in my inner and outer bi-cep heads and my lateral and long tri-cep heads. Easy injections and they already feel fuller. I will be dosing it eod for now. More on that to come :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
So much to update but I will try to keep it brief. As posted I slighted changed my training plan and it has made a big difference. I like to rotate things from time to time but I usually stick to a plan for as long as possible. However if something is not right/optimal changing is always the best option. It got to the point I wasn't looking forward to training legs and almost dreading it because I aimed to cover everything in one session. Obviously you can be smart with exercise selection and pick movements that cover multiple parts but as I am limited in some movements that wasn't always the best option. Moreover, as posted I have always responded better to higher volume for legs. Anyway now I have split quads and hams into separate days I look forward to training each and that is only a good sign for things to come.

I am also on a deload period as I have been pushing the weights in lower rep ranges for quite awhile. My body was giving me signs (sore knees and shoulders at times) so i will be smart and listen to it. So my plan is the same but I have started utilizing a lot of supersets and higher rep ranges to give my joints a bit of a break from the heavy loading. I should add I am still not lifting light but I am making sure nothing falls under 10 reps with most movements being 15+. I will do this for a few weeks then move back to basically lifting as heavy as possible in the 6-12 rep range for most movements.

I trained push the other day and that was before deloading so it was pretty standard. I started with incline (slight) smith presses with a working set of 3.5pps for 12 reps. Then some flyes with a static hold for 15 reps before starting my standard reps. I kept shoulders to a variety of lateral raises because of the minor shoulder pain I was experiencing. Although I did add in some wide grip upright rows (30kg per side) again so a pull movement but I like it. Tri-ceps consisted of full rack pushdowns, overhead ez bar extensions with 25kg per side and dips.

2 days ago I trained calves and quads and it felt great. I kept the weight sensible but the intensity was very high. I actually took Flex on a walk before eating my post workout meal and when I was out both my quads spasmed so I couldn't walk :eek::D

Tri-set of Seated Calf Raises, Standing Calf Raises and Vertical Leg Press Calf Presses... 5 working sets.
Machine Tibialis Raises... 1 working set.
Tri-set of Leg Extensions, Machine Squats and Vertical Leg Press... 3 working sets.
Tri-set of Hip Adductors, Hack Squats and Horizontal Leg Press... 3 working sets.
15 mins on Spin Bike.

Today was pull day and consisted of...

Reverse Pec Deck supersetted with Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes... 2 working sets.
Incline Bench DB Rows supersetted with Close Grip Pulldowns... 1 working set.
Unilateral Seated Cable Rows... 2 working sets for each side.
Tri-set of Barbell Shrugs, Behind the Back Barbell Shrugs and DB Shrugs... 2 working sets.
Rack Pulls... 2 working sets.
Tri-set of Machine Curls, DB Hammer Curls and Reverse Barbell Curls... 2 working sets.

I have also added tbol at 40mg back in and usually dose that 1 hour pre workout. Everything else is the same.

My nutriton has been on point but just sensible amounts and moving along nicely. I have started having high protein puddings which are amazing and an easy way to get protein in and I will post more on them in the future. I had cereal tonight post workout and will end the night with some chicken, rice and an avocado.

I am sure like many on here you get conflicting thoughts in your head. It's annoying but it happens to me anytime I start getting big. I say to myself let's get as big as possible but when that start happening I guess my anxiety kicks in a little. I have the odd thought about having a heart attack etc because obviously there is nothing healthy about getting big. At 25 I wouldn't care but at 35 I have gotten to an age these thoughts play on my mind more. It doesn't matter if I were to stay on 500mg test and nothing else just weighing loads is enough to cause issues. The fact I use orals and everything else just increases the chances of bad things happening. Regardless the plan hasn't changed and I am moving on as normal. Although it did get me thinking more on syntherol. I have just started it and only done 2 shots so far but I am thinking I might try and push it much more than I have in the past. Compared to aas and all the other drugs it's 10x healthier and I want to make some impressive changes so I think it could make a massive difference. Obviously it will be done in a smart way (looks somewhat natural) and to compliment everything else in my plan but still I think it could be the tool to make a lot of difference. Anyway more on that to come.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Today was push day and I done something very different but had an amazing training session. Obviously I am deloading but instead of doing the same routine with just higher reps I have decided to play about things. It's given me a great boost and works the muscle in a much different way. Usually I do supersets for each muscle but today combined all 3 body parts in each tri-set. After a few weeks of this I will go back to my standard straight sets and getting as strong as possible. I should note I list them as working sets but it's not like my usual routine were a working set is literally if you had a gun to my head I couldn't do another rep. These are hard sets but I don't fail in every movement but overall they are brutal. The pumps are on another level when training this way.

Warm Up.
Tri-set of Machine Incline Presses, Seated DB Lateral Raises and Tri-cep Pushdowns... 3 working sets.
Tri-set of Lying Cable Flyes, Machine Lateral Raises and Overhead Tri-cep Extensions... 3 working sets.
Tri-set of Machine Presses, Wide Grip Upright Rows and Lying DB Extensions... 3 working sets.
Dips... 1 working drop set with chains then bodyweight.

Everything is good apart from a minor back scare. Even though I am deloading when I trained back yesterday I pushed the rack pulls. It's the only movement I stop well short of failure due to my lower back issues but yesterday I went to failure. Over the last few months my lower back has strengthened but I have still had the odd moment. When training it I felt really good and that I could really push the weight if I wanted to (I didn't). However I know it will always be a problem. My back just went a bit (tightened right up) on my way to the gym. It was quite bad but thankfully it didnt seize completely up and I could train. I cracked it before training and done about 15 mins of stretching which helped it a lot. Then after another 30 mins of moving around I was fine. It feels fine now but obviously I know to be careful. I will see how I feel but for my next ham day I will likely keep stiff legs to much lighter weight (unilateral db version and/or bar good mornings) then on pull day keep direct lower back to just machine extensions.

Most of my meals have been meat and rice the last 2 days. Tonight I have been lazy in a sense but hitting the same macros. By that I mean I had rice and pasta made but needed to cook meat but instead for the last 2 meals I have ate the carbs (some added fat as well) separately then in between had a big whey shake. Tomorrow I will keep it all to meat and rice/pasta. I have also drank 100g whey pre bed the last 2 days as well. I have a 50/50 mix of rule 1 salted caramel whey isolate and synthepure.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2008
I will be following. I like the training set up and might do something similar. Do you add anything to the whey shake pre bed?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I will be following. I like the training set up and might do something similar. Do you add anything to the whey shake pre bed?

You should try it. I always post that basics count and stick to routines but sometimes it's great to think out of the box and do something different. I was getting bored at times especially knowing I couldn't push weight so adding in supersets was a great way for me to get excited about training especially when deloading. Training should be productive but also fun.

I know many will think whey isolate digests far too fast to be taken pre bed. It's just a case of using what I have and not over thinking things. I literally just have it alone but could add some oil or another fat source to slow down the adsorption. Well I do have nut butter pre bed now with it so that will help matters.

It's not a permanent thing but if it were I would buy some micellar casein. Although most times I eat just before the shake so it doesn't really matter anway. I usually stay in bed on my phone before sleeping and drink it like that so usually over about 30-60 mins.

For me it's just an easy way to get a lot more protein in. I can sleep through any gas it may cause :eek::D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Syntherol has given me a massive boost. I can see a big difference even after a few days of low volume shots. My arms feel great and I am only on tiny doses but will inject 1.5ml per muscle head now. I could stay very low and get results but I would rather just jump up now to an amount I know will create big changes. That combined with my aas and hard training and regular protein and I am on a great path.

Yesterday I even done a set of injections in my calves. I only put 1ml in both sides of each calf so 2 shots (2ml) per calf just to get used to the injections. It's crazy even after just that they already feel bigger. Obviously it's mainly in my head but I recall when I done them years ago how fast they grew. 3 out of the 4 calf injections were easy with no issues. The 4th was still easy but when I took out the needle blood sprayed all over my floor. I recall when doing them years ago if I ever had issues it was with my left outer calf and it was the same this time round. Calves are very different to arms and even after just 2ml they have felt tight. I haven't experienced any pip at all but they are tight. I recall when I injected them years ago after building up more volume I would wake up and would struggle to straighten my legs (walk) for a few minutes because they were so tight. I am looking forward to seeing how much I can change over the next few weeks.

Today I trained PULL but I started with some calves because I had injected them the night before. The pump was crazy even with just a few light sets. This was more active recovery but when I train legs next they will he hit hard with heavy weight. I should mention the mind-muscle connection I get with my calves is crazy when I have oil in there. The same for my bi-ceps today as well. I am not going heavy due to my distal bi-cep tendon plus I am currently deloading but the pump was crazy due to the syntherol being in there. Today because I had excelsior pre workout and felt like a change I really pushed the volume and it felt great. I kept the weight lower and went for pump but still trained hard. The gym was very busy in the first half of training so I done no supersets. I started with rear delts then moved over to high rows, pulldowns then low rows. Shrugs were done at the end and included a superset of db shrugs then low cable shrugs. I also supersetted lower back extensions with machine crunches (machines are next to oneanother). I then done another 10 or so mins of abs including standing kettlebell teapots, hanging knee raises and bosu ball crunches. Bi-ceps/forearms was an array of db, cable and machine curls over about 15 mins.

One of the main reasons I recently separated quads and hams was so I could really push the intensity for each workout. As my lower back started feeling better I increased the intensity of my stiff leg deadlifts. I had been progressing with them weekly. I also felt like the volume was getting too much trying to fit everything in. Now because I am deloading and not lower back loading this week I decided to train my legs together so I followed my older PPL split. I trained legs on Tues then had Wed off and trained pull Thurs. Anyway my leg workout was great and I done something similar to my last push session with 3 tri-sets covering all 3 main areas. I also implemented a few intensity techniques such as paused reps, pulse reps and static holds.

Warm Up.
Tri-set of Standing Calf Raises, Lying Leg Curls and Hack Squats... 3 hard sets.
Tri-set of Seated Calf Raises, Standing Leg Curls and Horizontal Leg Press... 3 hard sets.
Tri-set of Tibialis Raises, Seated Leg Curls and Hip Adductors... 3 hard sets.
Leg Extensions... 1 drop set of 50 reps (10/10/10/10/10).

I ordered 10kg HBCD's, a few supps and some nut butters. So I have made a couple of adjustments to my daily supplements. Having 3kg of pistachio, cashew and peanut butter in my cupboard is probably not too smart :eek::D I have left things too long so I will get this body hair off me and get some pics done. You literally can't see anything especially in my abs as I have thick hair all over. I shaved my head and have this giant mount of hair on my upper back so it looks extra stupid now :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
So much to update so I will try to cover everything. Over the last few weeks I have basically been feeling like utter crap. I also haven't been myself recently (stressed) but I was just getting on with things but as a result my body wasn't responding like I wanted it to. There are a few reasons for all of this and I have been far from perfect but I knew exactly what had to be done. I have started tapering my doses down and I will continue to do so until I am on 200mg test only. I usually cruise on 150mg test but gonna just do 200mg this time round. I have stopped the tbol but I am still using 25mg proviron ed. I am still running test, npp and mast e but lower amounts and by next week the npp and mast will be gone. I am going away with my mates at the start of March for 5 days so I was going to do a "mini cut" before that anyway but due to recent events that has already started. I had already planned to stop anything toxic (orals) before I left but figured drop all the injs and stay on 200mg test for at least 6 weeks. It's not a long time but I will still be sticking to my plan (get huge) so nothing changes and it's just a short break. I am flying from the UK so I will sort out a blood test for the few days I am there so I can see how everything is looking.

Over the weeks I had started lowering my fruit and vegetable intake and my meals were very bland so that has changed. Now I will be having 40-50g protein as many times as I can basically fit in daily. With that protein serving will be a variety of fruit and vegetables. 1 avocado per day, some nut butter and other good fats will be used at certain times. Higher carb meals (rice and pasta for example) will be mainly around training and whenever I feel like. Lot's of greens and my fridge is full of kale, spinach, cucumbers etc. 2 of my meals per day will be a greens/berries shake with 50g protein from synthepure. The rest mainly beef/chicken with peppers, tomatoes, onions, garlic etc. I also have high protein puddings which are 20g protein per pot so for 1-2 meals I will have 2 of those with a piece of fruit. Basically just nutrient dense foods with each protein serving. Everything is clean and fats/carbs are controlled. I always feel and look better when I eat this way and it's easy for me (expensive though :eek:).

No more deloading for me either so my training is brutal again. Although I am being sensible and utilizing higher rep ranges for certain movements. I am keeping the basic 6-12 rep working sets for select movements but the rest are different. Most movements are to complete failure for 15 and over reps but for some I may utilize 3-5 sec negatives and aim for 12 and over reps. It's the same as usual and approx 3 movements per body part and 1-2 working set per movement. An exception would be any deadlifts or rack pulls I do. When I trained hams last time I done a variety of stiff leg deadlifts movements but never go to complete failure due to my lower back. So in that event I will increase the volume and do more "hard sets" but never to complete failure.

My syntherol run is going great. I have been dosing it eod in my arms and it's crazy. My arms are always rock hard but when training before they felt ridiculous. All my veins started to come out after I started using it which happens everytime. So I couldn't be more happy with the results and I will post more details and pics in the future.

Since implementing the above changes my body has taken a complete u turn so things are good. My waist has shrunk and everything is looking much better. I have lost a lot of bloat but look better for it. Now I will just build upon this and after my holiday it will be full steam ahead again. When I blast again I will keep it very basic and keep the base diet the same with some additions over time. Now the reason I haven't had pics done is nothing to do with the above and simply I can't find my adaptor for my razor. Yesterday I bought a cheap razor so will start on that today. I wish I could have got pics done tonight as I felt like a machine in the gym but I have been training very late so I am always alone in the gym. My push day tonight looked like...

Warm Up.
Incline Smith Press... 1 working set of 3.5pps for 7 reps.
Incline Bench Cable Flyes... 1 working set of 16 reps.
Machine Press... 1 working set of 15 reps (3 sec negatives).
Incline Bench DB Later Raises... 1 working set of 16 reps.
Standing Cable Front Raises... 1 working set of 11 reps.
Seated DB Shoulder Press... 1 working set of 20 reps.
Standing DB Upright Rows... 1 working drop set with 75, 60 and 45lb db's.
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working set.
Machine Overhead Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
EZ Bar Skull Crushers... 1 working set.
Abs for 10 mins.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My ham workout the other day was great and it felt good to do various stiff leg deadlift movements and lift fairly heavy as well. At no time did I feel my lower back was in danger and I was very happy. However, in the few days afterwards I have been getting little reminders I shouldn't do that again. As I was leaving for the gym tonight I leaned over to turn off my computer and my lower back tightened up a lot so I made sure to stretch it out before training. I trained calves and quads but even with the tight lower back it was an amazing session. The 1 1/3 scoop of excelsior definitely helped and I was so focused and I wish it could have been filmed as it was brutal. I was in the gym alone so made as much noise as I wanted. I can't really do that in a busy gym because you could hear me a mile away :eek::D

As my lower back wasn't feeling right I decided to keep all heavy movements to machines were my back was supported. For calves I included some standing calf raises but I kept the weight low and the reps very high for that one movement. The same for sissy squats and I just used them at the end with no rest and with my bodyweight only to finish off. Everything else was heavy but utilizing different reps ranges (10-25).

For both calves and quads I basically picked 4 movements and I used giant sets whilst warming up. Every movement got heavier for each set so by the end of warming up I done a some fairly hard sets. Then for the working sets I had breaks between sets so they were more standard. Although for calves it was basically a superset then I rested 1 min before doing the drop set on seated calf raises. For quads I done 4 movements and rested no more than 30 secs between sets with the 3rd to last movement consisting of no rest. I then had 2 mins rest and completed one more set of just leg press with the maximum number of plates I could fit. The machine is old school and comes with it's own plates you have to slot in. I will list my entire workout not mentioning the warm up giant sets.

Standing Calf Raises... 1 working set.
Vertical Leg Press Calf Presses... 1 working set.
Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses... 1 working set.
Seated Calf Raises... 1 working drop set with 3 drops in weight.
Machine Tibialis Raises... 1 working set.
Warm Up (1 set of 30 rep leg extensions, 1 set of 30 rep seated leg curls and 1 set of 30 reps Hip Abductors).
Hip Adductors... 2 working sets.
Hack Squat... 1 working set.
Leg Press... 2 working sets (2nd set was my last movement).
Leg Extensions... 1 working set.
Sissy Squats... 1 working set.

Intra was 1.5 scoops of Man Sports Iso EAA's and 37.5g HBCD's.

Over the last few days most of my first few meals have consisted of eggs, protein puddings, fruit and smoothies. It's the 2-3 meals post workout that are chicken/beef and rice and/or vegetables. Pre bed is usually protein with pistachio and/or cashew butter. I will now add in another meat and rice/vegetables before training as well. Today my preworkout meal was a smoothie which consisted of kale, spinach, 1 apple, 1 kiwi, berries and 50g synthepure.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My gf is really ill and has passed it on to me. I don't usually get sick but perhaps because I didn't sleep one night (long story) it put me in a weakened state. Point being I feel like utter crap. I don't think I have ever felt this bad but I am just trying to get on with it. I figured a few days off would be good anyway as I needed the rest days. Although it doesn't help that when my gf is sick she is incapable of physically doing anything :eek::D On the 2nd day apart from taking Flex out I pretty much just lied in bed all day. I buy all my food fresh so go the shops through the week multiple times. I planned to go on Sat but I ended up leaving it. Today everywhere is closed so my food is limited but I still have enough but as a result I have had more shakes. I will be going food shopping tomorrow and stocking up. I felt really sick so didn't want to eat much the 1st day so listened to my body but I haven't let it effect my diet. I am tightened up a little now as I go away soon so carbs/fats are controlled. Today I have ate...

5 whole eggs with 2 pieces of buttered toast.
PRE- Beef with some cinnamon pineapple.
INTRA 20g EAA's and 37.5g HBCD's.
POST- 4 scoops of Optimum Nutrition's gold standard gainer (760 calories, 112g carbs, 55g protein and 10g fat). Plus 1 banana.
Beef with rice and vegetables.
Smoothie with kale, spinach, 1 kiwi, cucumber and 50g protein from synthepure and water.
Beef with vegetables.

Before bed I will have some protein and peanut butter.

I could have easily went to sleep before my smoothie but I have purposely stayed up to get my meals in and get a few things done.

Now I did train today as I wanted the boost and it done me well but I was exhausted afterwards. I really pushed it and was in the gym awhile but I am glad I went. I also took Flex out for 1 hour walking after my post workout shake. He loves to go out so I am not going to not take him just because I am ill and it's been really sunny here the last few days after weeks of rain. Today was PULL...

Warm Up.
Abs for 15 mins including ab roller crunches, bosu ball crunches/twists, kettlebell side bends, machine crunches, bench/hanging knee/leg raises and standing oblique weighted bar twists.
Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Rows... 2 working sets (1 pulling high and one medium).
Machine Rows... 2 working sets (3pps pulling high and 5pps pulling medium). Then 1 unilateral working set for each arm (pulling medium) with 5pps.
Machine Lat Pulldown... 1 working set with the full weight rack.
Unilateral Seated Cable Rows... 2 working sets (pulling low) for each arm with the last being a drop set with 2 drops.
Barbell Shrugs supersetted with Cable Shrugs... 2 working sets (1 pulling from the front and one from the back).
Machine Lower Back Extensions... 2 working sets.
Unilateral Cable Curls supersetted with Reverse Cable Curls... 1 working set for each arm.
Preacher EZ Bar Curls... 1 working set.
Reverse EZ Bar Curls... 1 working set.
Spider DB Curls supersetted with Spider DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set with each arm.
Spider EZ Bar Curls... 1 working set.
Unilateral Machine Curls... 1 working drop set for each arm with 2 drops.
15 mins cardio on exercise bike (2 mins build up to top level, 5 mins on top level 25, 1 min on 23, 1 min on 20, 1 min on 18 etc etc.

Next is PUSH day and I look forward to it. I will see how I feel tomorrow and go from there.

I injected 50mg NPP today with 200mg test and that will be my last NPP shot. I will take proviron at 25mg for a few more days. My doses next week will be 400mg test (sust) and 100mg mast e and then I will go away. When I get back it will be 200mg test only.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I feel 10x better and I am sure by tomorrow I will be back to normal. I got my gf to shave my back today and I done my front. Although the battery died so I still have my arms to do and a few bits that were missed. The razor is crap so it's one you need to charge overnight so I will finish it off tomorrow. It's crazy how much hair was on my body and I probably won't leave it that long until winter time now as I had hair you could braid on my belly, shoulders and back :eek::D I knew anyway but I looked like I lost 5% bf from before to after shaving.

Over the last week I have tightened up a lot and that is my primary goal now. I just need a few low carb/fat days and my waist should be much tighter. Once I am back from my holiday I will start increasing food slowly and after my break it will be full steam ahead for growing again. I will get some pics up in the next few days before I leave. I know this summer I will have my freakiest look to date so this thread will get more interesting :)

Today was push day and felt great. Volume, weight and intensity were all high and that will be the same for all my workouts this week. My workout consisted of...

Warm Up.
Seated Chest Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off). Loading was 5pps for 9 reps and drop off (45-60 secs rest in between) was 12 reps with 4pps.
Machine Flyes... 2 working sets. 1st was a straight set of 10 reps and the second about 70% of weight with 15 sec static hold then 4 full reps and about 5 partials.
Incline Bench DB Presses... 1 working set of 14 reps.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raise... 1 working set of 14 reps and about 3 partials.
DB Upright Rows... 1 working set with 30kg db's.
Machine Unilateral Lateral Raise... 1 working set with the full weight rack for each side.
Standing Cable Front Raises... 1 working set of 10 reps and about 5 partials.
Standing DB Hammer Shoulder Press... 1 working set of 24 reps.
Tri-cep Pushdown... 1 working set with the full weight rack.
Lying Unilateral DB Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set for each arm with negative reps with 20kg db's.
Lying Cable Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Dips... 1 working set.
Machine Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working drop set with 3 drops in weight.

I was exhausted post workout but felt good. After my post workout smoothie I took Flex out for 30 mins. My diet today has consisted of...

5 whole eggs and 3 small slices of walnut bread.
Beef, basmati rice and vegetables.
Cottage cheese, grapes, blueberries and lemon juice.
Pre- 2 protein puddings and 1 banana.
Intra- 20g EAA's and 37.5g HBCD's.
Post- Smoothie made with synthepure, pineapple, oats, kale, spinach, cucumber and berries.
Beef, basmati rice and vegetables.
2 protein puddings and 2 spoons of peanut butter.

I left for the gym later than planned after my original pre workout meal (cottage cheese) so I added in that small meal (protein puddings and a banana) because I felt like I needed a boost in calories so I could push training that much more. I don't like training really hard on a relatively empty stomach. Now one thing I didn't mention is post workout I cramped really badly. I know it's an electrolyte issue but it mainly because of the volume and intensity of my training. I completed my tri-cep working sets fairly quickly (minimal rest periods) and recently they are not used to taking that much punishment. Anyway post workout both of them cramped up badly and I couldn't bend my arms and was in a lot of pain. Then my chest started cramping up as well so it was torture. I ate a banana and drank some salt water which helped a lot. Then I had sex and was putting my weight on my arms and they started again which was not good at all :eek::D Fluids and carbs around training are already in place but I will start adding in an eletrolyte tablet into my intra shake from now on.

Tomorrow will be hams, glutes, hips and abs and more of the same :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
hi elvia, normally how many warm up sets before u hit the 1sets to failure?

It depends upon various things. If I start chest with my main pressing movement then it will be a lot of warm ups. I really take my time. I will warm up with 2-3kg db's for 5 mins then move up approx 10kg per side each set. So it could be about 6 warm up sets before my working set. I usually start at 20 reps then 15-12 reps but as I get heavy I significantly reduce the reps so my last 2 warm up sets may be 5-2 reps.

Now if I do a 2nd-3rd chest movement it could be anywhere from 1-3 warm up sets and they are usually done much quicker. An example for chest flyes I will do about 2 warm up sets but from the start of my first warm up set to the start of my working set it could be 2-3 mins.

I pretty much do the same for all body parts. Although at some times especially for the likes of arms after a few intial warms ups I may do 3-4 working sets all on different machines with no warm up in between.

It all depends upon how much weight I am using for my working sets and how different the machine/angle is from movement to movement. I am always careful to avoid injury. I see some guys (beginners) and they go straight into their main sets from the start. Granted they are not usually lifting heavy but literally walk in and do their heaviest weight straightaway.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
What a difference a few days makes. I look like a different person now from 1-2 weeks ago. The main reasons for that (apart from shaving) is slightly lowering calories and the addition of 20mg aromasin and 20mg nolvadex daily. I was running 600mg sust for ages so my estrogen would have creeped up. That combined with the high calories and I was holding a lot of water. I was looking much bigger but very watery the other week. With a pump it looked good but after some meals I looked like a bloated mess :eek::D I will only run the AI/SERM combo for another few days then it will be 200mg test when I get back. Even before the gym before I was feeling very full and pumped up. I looked and felt so much better. When I get back I will be in a great position to start adding on some quality muscle. Although I am relatively pleased with my look now (considering the last few months) and can notice improvements in multiple areas.

Training today was great. I really like training hams separately to quads and I pushed the volume again tonight. I added in a variety of movements and pushed the intensity in all of them. Now for stiff leg deadlifts I always play it fairly safe but for me 100lb db's for over 15 slow motion reps is good. I am not interested in chasing weight for that movement as it's playing with fire and even light weight can cause me issues. So it's a case of perfecting form and connecting with the muscle and pushing intensity relatively safely. I would rather keep the weight lower and slow down the reps and just get a good connection then push the weight like I do with most other movements. My entire workout consisted of...

Pump sets for bi-ceps, tri-ceps and calves.
Standing Leg Curls... 1 working set for each side.
Unilateral Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets for each side. The 2nd set ended with negative reps.
DB RDL's... 1 working set with 100lb db's with super slow reps.
Unilateral DB RDL's... 1 working set for each leg.
Good Mornings... 1 working set.
Cable Pull Throughs... 2 working sets.
Back Extensions (glute/ham focus)... 1 working set.
Glute Bridges with heavy bag... 1 working set.
Hip Abductors... 2 working sets.
Abs for 10 mins including hanging knee/leg raises, machine twists, decline sit ups, kettlebell side bends and machien crunches).

Next training day will be calves and quads. My sleeping routine is messed up so I will have today off and try to get back in a better routine. Things are still moving nicely now and I have a few days left before I travel.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Me and my girlfriend took Flex out today and she wanted McDonalds so I decided to get a burger, fries and pure orange juice. I enjoyed it but become instantly bloated. I have to be careful when I go longer periods on clean food and have something like that. The same happened the other week when I had a bowl of cereal and had no coconut/cashew milk so used my gf's dairy milk and I looked 6 months pregnant within 20 mins. I used to drink so much milk so my body adapted but after going so long without it my body reacts very badly to it. The rest of my diet has been pretty much the same foods and is going well. I have tried to add more fruit, vegetables and greens and they have given me a good boost.

My mate asked me to train so we ended up training calves and quads together. I haven't seen him for ages so we did chat a lot and it effected training. However we hit our working sets brutally so they made everything count. I also keep forgetting to take my electrolyte tablet pre or intra workout. I have ran out of EAA's as well which usually have some in so as I posted the other day I have started cramping after some workouts. Tonight was no different and my quads started cramping in the shower and when I was walking home they hit me hard in both quads so I had to sit down at a bus stop for 10 mins because I couldn't walk :eek::D It took me ages to get home and I just made sure not to step too hard on the pavement because any pressure and they would go again. We both had 1.25 scoops of excelsior preworkout so we were loaded up and it felt great...

Standing Calf Raises... 1 working set.
Vertical Leg Press Calf Presses... 1 working set.
Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets with the last being a drop set with 3 drops.
Leg Extensions... warm ups.
Leg Press... 2 working sets.
Hack Squats... 1 working set (you can fail safely on this machine which is great and that's what I done).
Unilateral Leg Extensions... 1 working set for each leg.

Post workout I had my mate take some pics of me. Not the best but not too bad. On my computer they have loaded up weird so I hope they look better on your screen. I feel good now and in a much better place so after my trip I can start moving up again slowly.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007

That's an original off my phone but it still looks abit off so it must be the gym lighting and phone because this hasn't been edited.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am getting ready to train PULL now and looking forward to it. This always gets me in the zone to train hard...

The Dark Knight Trilogy - More Than Just a Man (Soundtrack Medley) - YouTube


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I fly very early 2moro tomorrow so need to get packed etc. I had a great pull workout but feel destroyed now. The gym was shutting early so I trained much faster than usual but managed to fit everything in. Tonight I am going to inject 200mg test and 50mg mast e and then I will just resume with 200mg test when I get back in just over 1 week. Preworkout I had 1 scoop of Excelsior and 1 serving of Controlled Labs Green Might. Intra I just had HBCD's as I have no EAA's left but will order more. I also added an electrolyte tablet but my forearms are still cramping up now :eek::D My full workout consisted of...

Rope Face Pulls... 1 working set.
Machine Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Rows... 2 working sets (1 pulling high and 1 pulling medium).
Machine Lat Pulldowns... 1 working set (included right, left and both arms).
Unilateral Machine Rows... 1 working set for each side (pulling very low with elbows tucked in).
Straight Arm Cable Pulldowns... 1 working set.
Unilateral Seated Cable Rows... 1 working set for each side (pulling very low with elbows tucked in).
Barbell Shrugs... 2 working sets (1 from the front and 1 from the back).
Unilateral Cable Curls supersetted with Reverse Cable Curls... 1 working set for each arm.
DB Preacher Curls... 1 working set with each arm.
Barbell Curls... 1 working set.
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set.
Behind the back Barbell Wrist Curls... 1 working set.
Lower Back Extensions supersetted with Machine Crunches... 2 working sets.
Hanging Knee Raises supersetted with Kettlebell Side Bends... 3 working sets.

I hope everyone has a great week. I will be training in the UK but in Tenerife will be drinking everyday and having fun. Although if the hotel has a gym I may go a few times. When I get back it will be full steam ahead :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Before I go I should mention I weighed myself today and was just over 115kg so thats 254 pounds. I haven't been eating that much recently so when I get back and I move up slowly I can see that climbing to approx 270 pounds. I don't want to go over that then over the summer I will just tighten everything up for my main holiday. So just a bigger version of my current self. Although I want to push the freak factor this summer and have some interesting plans but more on that in a few weeks :)

I have also been meaning to post my current supplement stack as well so here it is...

Supplement Needs CV Stack (HeartStack)... 2 servings per day
Supplement Needs Astrag-Flow (KidneyBPStack)... 2 servings per day
Controlled Labs Orange Triad + Greens... 2 servings per day.
Bulk Powders Super Strength Omega 3... 6 grams per day (3g AM/PM).
Bulk Powders Cissus Quadrangularis... 2400mg per day.
Brain Gains Nootropic Sleep Aid... 3 caps before bed.
Synthetek's Synthergine... 2.5ml AM/PM (5ml per day).