It's time to get HUGE!


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I fell asleep again but it's worked out well. So yesterday was a rest day but today will be legs. I didn't take lantus yesterday but have just dosed 30iu with 2iu hgh. The hgh is being a problem but won't bore you on that :eek: I am going to train legs now so it should be brutal. Going to a gym with a decent plate loaded leg press so that will be one of my main movements today. Everything else will be the same as what I always do but no squat machine. I may add in a squat variation though. I will see how I feel but I also want to include some heavy (well moderate) stiff leg deadlifts.

Today my first meal was a synthepure fruit smoothie made with 50g synthepure, oats, 2 apples, 2 kiwi's, mixed berries and water. My preworkout meal was steak, basmati rice and green lentils. Intra will be the usual with some coconut sugar added. I haven't ordered any supps recently so have ran out of a few things including intra carbs and my actual intra will be gone in a few days as well. So when I was in the supermarket last I noticed some coconut sugar so will start using little bit of that. I will stock up soon on a new intra product and some health supps. I really like Axe and Sledge's Demo day so will likely get that and add EAA's to it.

I also ran out of pomegranate extract and gutright but will restart them again in the New Year. At the moment here are my current supps...

Supplement Needs CV Stack (HeartStack)... 2 servings per day

Supplement Needs Astrag-Flow (KidneyBPStack)... 2 servings per day

Controlled Labs Orange Triad + Greens... 2 servings per day.

Zein Pharma Vitamin C... 2500mg AM/PM (5 grams per day).

Yamamoto Nutrition Krill Oil... 1.5g AM/PM (3 grams per day).

Synthetek's Synthergine... 2ml AM/PM (4ml per day).

Check out my new gym top :D

Love the sweat shirt!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I'm back :D

My time in the UK was great. Although I was tired all the time and was going to bed earlier and earlier. All I done was eat chocolate/cereal, sleep and watch tv. Incidentally the Witcher series 1 is great (different but great). Don't fuck with Cat's on Netflix is an amazing documentary and I recommend it to everyone. JJ you won't like some of things they very briefly show in it.

I ended up having 1 week off the gym but then I done 3 full body workouts in 4 or 5 days. Plus these were crazy workouts. One was well over 3 hours long and full of heavy sets. I recall going for 4pps shoulder press and getting 1 rep so I wasn't just taking it easy for 3 hours like most think when someone trains that long. Far from ideal but I felt and looked better after those training sessions so not exactly a bad thing (not needed or sustainable though).

Stayed in over Christmas but went out on NYE and regret it as I got in at 11am and it messed me up for a few days. Ever since I just wanted to be healthy. It's great to be back on track now. I am mainly eating fruit, yoghurt, cottage cheese, nuts, eggs etc. However I have started introducing meat back into my diet and will increase meals over the next few weeks.

I am back to my Push, Pull and Legs routine and trained 5 days in a row but had today off. Training is brutal and I am feeling better and better. I even done some barbell rows last night and my lower back is fine. It's a shame it's the lower back I have bad issues with because all those big back movements are what really get me fired up. Although one of the movements I have been doing (safely as well) are behind the back barbell shrugs and I am trying to get stronger through the weeks with no signs of lower back issues from them.

I injected 1ml test before I left then just over 2 weeks later I injected another 1ml test. I pick up my new items tomorrow and will start straightaway. I haven't been consistent but now that will change. My diet is on track again and increasing nicely. Regardless of the last few weeks I am up in weight and whilst things aren't perfect I know I am at a great position to build from now. I will start lower but my doses will increase over the weeks and look something like...

525-600mg Sust
350-575mg NPP
Tbol at 40-60mg

I plan to add IGF-1 LR3 at a very high dose in the near future. I will dose that once daily with a weightgain shake afterwards. Probably gonna go with Carnivor Mass but will decide later. Slin it's gonna be lantus rotated with humalog at sensible doses. I have stopped HGH as I can't deal with the fatigue for now. I want to get back in routine and following a great plan and hgh just goes against that massively so it's out for now.

Syntherol will be added in now and I will start with my arms. More on that later but gonna start with 1ml per spot in both bi-cep heads and 2 tri-cep heads and do that eod for now. I have some fun things planned with the bottles I have so things should get interesting.

From now on food is 2-3 meat meals per day with rice or pasta. 1-2 synthepure shakes usually with apples, kiwis, mixed berries, oats and water. 1 granola meal with coconut milk. One cottage cheese meal with fruit. I have just started adding extra virgin olive oil or walnut oil to all meat and shake meals to boost my calories without anymore food volume. I plan to keep food volume as low as possible some lot's of calorie dense food. Well I eat plenty of rice and pasta but that's fine but I keep all meals fairly sensible now. Over time this will be adjusted and will be more basic meaning mainly meat and rice meals with some weightgain/smoothie meals. One other change I plan to make is increasing my intra carbs as I know I will benefit from using more and it's an easy way of upping them without it effecting my appetite.

I am eager to start growing now!!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Totally forgot I will also be using the same 200mg mast e per week I have been recently as well. I will see how I feel but it's more than enough for what I need. If I feel like upping things (test and npp) it's a possibility but I doubt it. I am looking forward to starting tbol plus the lr3 later on as well. The syntherol is going to blow me up too. All in all things should start getting interesting now.

I also never mentioned that approx 7 years ago I started getting panic attacks and general anxiety. I am not an anxious person in most ways so it was frustrating. Anyway my doctor put me on 10mg citalopram (celexa) which is an SSRI. It worked and has been great for me. I don't like the idea of having to rely upon a pill and needing to take it at the same time everyday but if something helps (is needed) then fine. I have still had a few ran*** panic attacks even when using it over the years but I know it definitely helps. Even though they are more gradual drugs they can work quickly as well and have helped me out on a few occasions. Obviously certain AAS can trigger anxiety in me and I have to be careful with any surge in hormones but it's mainly trenbolone and boldenone I have to be extremely careful with (I don't even use the later now). One time they tried 20mg on me and it wiped me out so I went back down to 10mg where I stayed. As I have suffered from fatigue over the years and I know what double the dose does to me I figured it may be worth trying to come off it. Anyway my point being about 4 days ago I decided to come off it. So far so good and I will monitor things. Just figured it's worth mentioning as I took it daily for years and others may be using something similar (anxiety is very common in bodybuilders).

I had to tell myself not to train today as I needed the break. Now I am back in routine I will have more off days as they are definitely needed when pushing it in the gym. It's time to feed this body to grow. Weight is generally a stupid target to aim for but I am 242 now and I want to be 260 by the 1st Feb :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Ok things are lift off :D I had 3 days off but I just trained legs. I was nervous beforehand because I know how horrible it will be. Although the good thing about keeping most movements to minimal working sets is you don't have to fully engage until those sets. I am concentrating throughout but I can go through the motions until I get to the working sets. Then I just tell myself this set is the reason I am at the gym and if I fail early it was pointless even coming so make it count. I wasn't feeling today that much at the start but ended up having an amazing workout. I wish I could have got my working sets filmed because they were brutal. Although I never bring my phone to the gym as I prefer to just get on with things. These days I would say 50% of the people in my gym are looking at their phones half the time they are in there. I had to laugh when I saw some woman on the leg extension reading a book as she was training. Not in her breaks which would be bad enough but during her actual set if you can call it that.

I started my new cycle today as well. I usually take things pre bed but took them pre workout to start. As I have posted I have to be careful with certain aas and starting too high but today I just dosed everything together. Moving forward I have decided my weekly doses will be over 8 days so I basically just inj npp eod and the sust and mast e I add every 4 days that way I can dose everything together. I will stick to my planned amount but I started a bit higher and done 1ml sust (300mg), 1ml npp (100mg) and 0.5ml mast e (100mg). I also dosed 40mg tbol about 90 mins pre workout. I was going to start at 20mg but thought fuck it just do 40mg and see how that is for a few weeks then move up to 60mg over time. In the past I wouldn't give that a 2nd thought but as posted these days I am more cautious with how I dose things. Although I did also dose 1 aromasin tab (20mg) and 1 nolva tab (20mg) to start off but I will change the aromasin to 1/2 tab (10mg) eod and probably keep nolva the same so 20mg eod.

Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 unilateral working sets for each calf then 2 working sets with both legs.
Calf Extensions... 1 working set for each calf thern 1 working set with both.
Seated Unilateral Leg Curls... 2 working sets for each leg.
Stiff Leg Barbell Deadlifts... 1 working set (well not to complete failure).
Lower back Extensions focusing on Hamstrings... 1 working set.
Hip Abductors... 1 working set.
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
TG Leg Press... 4 working sets. 8pps for 2 sets then 6pps for 2 sets (wide/low and full rom then closer/low and partial rom for both).
Leg Extension... 1 working drop set.

Many of the gyms I go to have guards on the machines so you can't add weight to the racks. Although today I was able to put some small 10kg db's on top of the rack for the hip ab/adductors. It still wasn't heavy enough but I just do high reps with a large rom. Many I see doing that movement have no flexibility and literally move the weight a few inches. My lower back felt fragile with the SLD's so I kept it to 50kg per side with good form/control and higher reps. The leg press feels good but is a bit awkward so I have to be careful making sure I rack it properly. With the closer stance and partial rom I can keep the safeties on so go that extra few % and just torture myself. Lot's of stretches today to make sure my lower back was gtg.

I just ordered a tub of Excelsior preworkout which cost loads but it's the best ever so I can use it for future leg sessions. Next to be added with be syntherol and lantus :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Someone on another forum asked me apart from monitoring fasted blood glucose is there anything else I do to assess my insulin usage and if/when I need to stop. I figured I would include my reply on here as well as I mentioned my plan for tomorrow.

"There are many things to look out for in regards to insulin resistance but pretty much all of them (hungry after meals, thirsty, tired, frequent urination etc) could occur from various other things bb's take/do. The only real way to fully know is to test your fasting blood glucose. I simply just monitor the way I look (bf%), plus the way I respond to carbs and insulin itself. I also have constant breaks from it as well. Although my diet will be high carb/calorie most of the time. During this run because I will push things a bit more in regards to insulin dose and carb amount during short parts of my breaks from insulin I will also be doing low carbs.

There are many supplements that can help and I am taking some for other things so it's a bonus for me if they (magnesium and citrus bergamot for prime example) increase insulin sensitivity. I have used metformin in the past for that purpose but after extensive research I don't think it's as effective as many on here believe it to be. Although let's not open that can of worms as the last thing we need on here is another metformin thread :eek::D Overall I think if someone is having breaks, doing cardio, not taking mega doses and not getting fat they should be fine.

Speaking of insulin I took Flex on a long walk before and decided to get 3 double cheese burgers when out :D I will still be eating decent amounts of fat on insulin days but I would never eat 3 double cheese burgers on a day I took lantus. So in my head I thought why not as I won't be able to eat these after I start. I will probably dose 30iu lantus 2moro morning and go from there. My plan for the next few weeks is lantus daily with a lot of meat (beef and chicken), rice (basmati and jasmine), pasta, oils (macadamia, coconut and olive), fruit (avocado, grapes, apples, kiwis, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, bananas, blood oranges and pineapple) and some powders thrown in."


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Today I felt a bit out of it and my energy levels were very low. It's no coincidence that I started my blast doses yesterday. The ***S from training legs was also very bad. My legs were really sore a few hours postworkout so I knew I would be bad today. When in routine I never get bad ***S even after brutal training. A little bit of soreness is fine but if you can barely move it's definitely not a good thing. Although it's common if you have had a break and hit it really hard. That's why I am like I am today. I could barely move when I woke up and I struggle to sit up/down. Although I really wanted to train (push) today but I left it until late before I did. As it was push day the use of my legs weren't that important and most movements were seated or lying down. Although it's amazing what some movement and 2 scoops of preworkout can do to you :D I feel great now and I pushed it hard in the gym with no issues.

Most of my training recently has been straight sets. Although I have started adding in a few more intensity techniques. It's a good way to increase the overall load without adding too much volume. I am 2 days into the 40mg tbol and I can already feel a difference. I am enjoying the gym so in a good place now so hopefully I can remain on this path and I will be gtg.

Warm Up
Seated DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set (40lb db's).
Standing DB Partial Lateral Raises... 1 working set (80lb db's).
Smith behind the neck Shoulder Press... 2 working sets (1 loading with 2.5pps and 1 drop off with 2pps).
Machine Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Incline (slight) DB Presses... 1 working drop set (110lb db's dropped to 55lb db's). I had to get double the reps with the 55's and rest pause if needed.
Flat Bench Cable Flyes... 1 working set.
Flat Bench Press... 1 working set (with deadstop reps) with 50kg and chains on each side.
Unilateral Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set with each arm.
Machine Overhead Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Dips... 1 working drop set with chains then bodyweight.
Abs for 10-15 mins (ab roller sit ups, machine twists, knee raises, decline sit ups/twists and seated crunches).

I had planned to do cardio but I was destroyed so I left it. Although I did walk up from the gym which takes 20 mins so I guess that can count :D

Today I have ate...

6 whole eggs with 2 pieces of toast (with butter) and 1 blood orange.
Cottage cheese (400g so approx 18g fat, 11g carbs and 50g protein), blueberries, raspberries, grapes and lemon juice.
Chicken (about 60g protein), pasta (about 150g carbs) drizzled in walnut oil.
INTRA was just 1.5 scoops of EAA's and some (maybe 30g) coconut sugar (I get my new supps very soon).
POST WORKOUT 10iu Humalog.
Beef mince (300g so about 60g protein and 15g fat) and pasta with tomatoe ketchup (approx 150g carbs).
Beef mince (300g so about 60g protein and 15g fat) and pasta drizzled in olive oil (approx 150g carbs).
Whey isolate with sweet potatoe powder and a banana.
Chicken with avocado salad.

Tomorrow will be PULL day and I look forward to it. It will include some heavy rows, pulldowns, inverted rows and behind the back barbell shrugs. Have a good day everyone.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Last night I decided to train but I have had today off as I need it before another leg workout. Things are moving along very nicely now. I am feeling good and I definitely needed the day off. I was going to do abs and cardio but just left it in the end. I am a bit fed up of beef mince and chicken so I bought loads of steak today. That will be had with mainly rice as I have had a lot of pasta recently so I feel like a change there as well. I will be adding in more vegetables as well. I did have a footlong steak and cheese subway with 2 cookies last night. The rest of my meals were the usual stuff (meat and pasta). Although last night I had 2 protein and sweet potatoe shakes before bed as I didn't feel like eating. I added a banana to the 1st shake and avocado to the last one.

Last nights PULL workout was all about rowing and felt great. I ran***ly added in some calf work at the start of training as well. Since starting my aas (tbol) the change in pump is noticable. The pump is painful at times as the burn is so intense. Last night I felt so full and felt like I was growing after each set. I purposely left out any direct lower back and ab work. I also ended with some cardio which was brutal but felt good.

Warm Up.
Seated Calf Raises... 1 working set.
Incline Bench Rear Delt Raises... 1 working set.
Reverse Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Rows... 2 working sets (pulling high and med-high).
Unilateral Machine Rows... 1 working set with 4pps for each arm (elbows tucked in).
Inverted Rows... 2 working sets (pulling med-high and medium).
Unilateral Seated Cable Rows... 1 working set for each arm (elbows tucked in).
Smith behind the back Shrugs... 1 working set with 3pps.
Unilateral Standing Bi-cep Cable Curls... 2 working sets for each arm.
Barbell Spider Curls... 1 working set.
Unilateral Machine Curls... 1 working set for each arm (each with 5 assisted reps).
Rowing machine for 15 mins (pretty much all out the entire time).

Tomorrow will be leg day and I am not looking forward to it :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Dinner tonight was standard but I added in some tomatoe and basil sauce.

Barilla Wholegrain Penne and Farfelle.
15% Organic Beef Mince.
Tomatoe and Basil Sauce.
Red Onion.
Mushrooms (white button).
Red Pepper.
Cluster Tomatoes.
Paprika, Pepper and Aromat.
Walnut Oil (drizzled the pasta with it).

I had 2 plates of this so plenty of calories to grow...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had 2 days off then trained legs today. I kept nearly everything to straight sets but ended with one drop set. My legs have been sore all week from my last session which is very rare. Today was just as brutal but I am sure the DO MS won't be too bad now. Over the last few months at times I was finding it harder to get motivated for legs. Recently I have such a simple way to get myself motivated. Sounds obvious but I simply visualize my legs getting bigger. I think about them being thicker all over and that thought alone gets me motivated. I don't really do it for any other bodyparts. Although I do also add an extra 1/4 scoop of pre workout for legs which doesn't hurt either :D To be honest I may have overdone the preworkout today. I felt great but my breathing was negatively effected. I haven't weighed myself yet but that could be another factor as I can tell I have put on weight over the last week. Some of my working sets were brutal and my breathing didn't come back to normal until pretty much after I had stopped training. I done 2 working sets for leg press and was still breathing heavily after a few mins rest. As a result I will be careful with how much preworkout I use from now on. The pumps I am getting are also ridiculous so the AAS is working very well. After training I was in pain trying to stretch and I had to have long breaks between stretches because the pump was still painful.

Warm Up (5 mins on cross trainer).
Leg Press Calf Presses... about 4 working sets (using different techniques).
Calf Extensions... 1 working set for each leg separately then 1 working set with both legs.
Seated Unilateral Leg Curls... 2 working sets for both legs.
Stiff Leg DB Deadlifts (knees slightly bent)... 1 working set.
Unilateral Stiff Leg DB Deadlifts (straight legs)... 1 working set for each leg.
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Leg Press... 2 working sets (feet mod/wide and mod/closer).
Leg Extensions... 1 working drop set.
Pistol Squats... 0 working sets. I couldn't do 1 rep because my legs were destroyed so I just done 1 set of bodyweight squats until I dropped.

Postworkout I had 15iu Humalog and I drank a full serving (4 scoops) of Optimum Nutrition's gold standard gainer. I got that today and 1 serving consists of 760 calories (112g carbs, 55g protein and 10g fat). I used a normal shaker so had it in halves so 2 scoops with 700ml water and 3 medjool dates. Then about 20 mins later I had another 2 scoops with 700ml water and a banana. Then a little later I had a sirloin steak and basmati rice with a blood orange. My next meal will be beef mince, basmati rice and a variety of vegetables (peppers, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes and courgette).

I have been having peanut butter recently (got a 1kg tub) and I can always tell the difference. I have to be careful with adding too many fats into my diet and I can get carried away with crunchy peanut butter. So that will be controlled so I don't become a fat mess :eek::D I have also had some sweets (Haribo and maom) as well so the same for those too. Everything else is spot on and I am on a good path so I just have to stick to it.

I plan to take tbol daily but forgot on my days off so will make sure that doesn't happen again. I will also keep everything else the same just to let my body adapt. I have some acne on my face/head which is annoying but not uncommon when I first start blasting doses. So for the next few weeks everything will be kept the same and that is 600mg sust, 350mg npp and 200mg mast e every 8 days. After a few weeks I will up the npp to 575mg. Tbol is 40mg daily and that will be increased to 60mg in approx 2 weeks.

Tomorrow is push day and I am already fired up. I generally do the same basic movements but also rotate some different ones in/out. I always have strength progression in mind just not workout after workout and it's more a gradual process for me. The main reason for that is I train at different gyms. The gym I am training at tomorrow has a crap Smith machine (uneven) so I won't be using that. I also have issues everytime I load up the TG shoulder press (weird angle for me). So it will be seated barbell shoulder press a long with 2 lateral raise movements (db's and machine). Chest will be TG chest press, machine flyes and another pressing movement. Tri-ceps will probably be overhead ez bar extensions and some unilateral pushdowns and maybe some skull crushers.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I try to keep food volume somewhat controlled for the entire day. Although some of my pasta meals can get out of hand. I just had a sirloin steak with a bowl of pasta. I had to use a giant salad bowl to fit all the pasta in. That was my postworkout meal after taking 15iu humalog. I am just using the slin post workout and basically load up on food afterwards. I was planning to have a weightgain shake after injecting but felt like whole foods. Although I will add in a weight gain shake pre bed now. I try to minimize bloat (one of the reasons I control food volume) but pre bed I don't mind and I always want to go to bed pretty much bloated and full of food. I am sleeping well so going a decent amount of time without food and so I like to load up pre bed because I definitely need a lot of food to grow.

Recently I ordered my favourite preworkout but I wanted to get everything else I needed from the 1 website. The website isn't the best but I managed to get 3 tubs of HBCD's (Redcon1) on a decent sale. They only had 1 EAA brand and the ingrediednt profile is good but last time I tried watermelon and it didn't taste that good. So I took a chance and ordered the 2 other flavours. I tried rainbow sherbet flavour today and it is great so I am made up with that. The EAA's are Man Sport's ISO-EAA's and I will pair them with the Redcon1 Cluster Bomb for my new intra. Long story but I will have the hbcd's on Monday so I will add that in then. As a result I may start using a little humalog preworkout but no more than 6iu as I don't like to take high doses before training.

I also picked up the prohormone Nano Drol (Methylstenbolone Nanoparticles) which is going to be really strong. No real need for it but I figured just try it as an experiment and the reviews are great. Although I will have to wait sometime before adding it in. I will run tbol for a few weeks and have a break then add in the Nano Drol.

Tonight was PUSH day and I had a great workout. The pumps were mindblowing. I knew I loved tbol beforehand but this cycle is going so well even after such a short time. It's definitely my fav oral with anavar. Obviously I have put water on but I still look fairly dry and I know I am growing well. I still haven't weighed myself but I will as I am curious where I am at. Tonight I trained in my 24 hour gym as I left it until very late so I had access to various equipment. I still done what I listed above just changed the TG chest press to DB Presses as this gym doesn't have any technogym equipment. I should note the db's in this gym are massive (handles are extremely thick as well) so it makes lifting heavy very hard.

Warm Up (various movements using a wooden stick).
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Machine Lateral Raises... 1 working set with full weight rack.
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press... 2 working sets (loading with 2pps and drop off with 1.5pps).
Incline Bench DB Front Raise... 1 working set.
DB Press (slight incline)... 1 working set with 53kg db's.
Standing Cable Flyes... 1 working set.
Machine Press... 1 working set.
Machine Overhead Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
EZ Bar Skull Crushers... 1 working set with 30kg per side.
Unilateral Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working set for each arm.

Postworkout- 15iu humalog then 200g sirloin steak and 300g wholewheat pasta with tomatoe ketchup. I use ketchup obviously for taste but also due to it being made up of sugar so it hits faster which I need after dosing humalog. Not too long after I had 500g Quark with 1 scoops of EAA's mixed in plus grapes, blueberries and lemon juice. Next will probably be chicken, rice and vegetables. Not long after will be 1 serving of weightgainer which is 760 calories (112g carbs, 55g protein and 10g fat). Tomorrow I will see how I feel but it could just be cardio and abs but if I train properly it will be PULL day. I will also get some updated pics done sometime next week. Have a good Sunday everyone.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have had 2 takeaways over the last 2 nights. Both from the same place and both not too bad. One time I got 2 meals and had them about 3 hours apart. They were mixed meat, pitta bread, salad, hummus, fries (very small) and a small dessert of rice pudding. The next meal that night was lamb with rice. Then the night after I got the same mixed meat meal and shared it with my gf. That night I also added a feta cheese salad and another small dessert of rice pudding, rose water and pistachio/almond shavings. Although it wasn't excessive just having the new food sources caused massive bloating. I still am bloated but it will go down over the next day or so. All my other meals have pretty much been steak and rice with vegetables.

I have trained 2 days in a row. I fell asleep at 9pm the other night for 3 hours when I was supposed to go the gym. I didn't have anything on the next day and couldn't sleep so thought fuck it and ended up training after 2am. By the time I had showered and walked home it was 5am. I still had an amazing workout. Everything was like most days but I did decide to use a higher rep range (15+) for a few (shrugs and bi-ceps) movements. It was PULL day and looked like...

Warm Up.
Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working set.
Reverse Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Row... 2 working sets (1 pulling high and the next pulling medium height).
Unilateral Seated Cable Row... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off) for each side (pulling low with elbows tucked in).
Unilateral Cable Pulldowns... 1 working set for each side.
Standing Cable Straight Arm Pulldowns... 1 working set.
Barbell Shrugs... 2 working sets (1 pulling from the front and the other from the back).
Romanian Barbell Deadlifts... 2 hard sets (neither to complete failure).
Standing Bi-cep Cable Curls... 1 working set for each arm.
Incline Bench DB Spider Curls... 2 working sets (normal and hammer) for each arm.
Machine Bi-cep Curls... 1 working set including assisted reps for each arm.
DB Forearm Twists... 1 working set for each arm.
Hanging Knee Raises... 1 working set.

Tonight was legs and a basic but brutal session. I added in a mixture of lower and higher rep ranges. No lower back loading due to the Romanian deadlifts last night. Both my hamstring movements were curls and included unilateral and standard reps. For the standard reps I used a higher rep range for both. For the unilateral sets I used a lower rep range.

Warm Up.
Seated Calf Raises... 3 working sets with 2 being supersetted with the below movement).
Standing Calf Raises...3 working sets with 2 being supersetted with the above movement).
Seated Leg Curls... 1 working set with both legs and 1 unilateral working set for each leg (including assisted reps).
Lying Leg Curls... 1 working set with both legs and 1 unilateral working set for each leg (including assisted reps).
Vertical Leg Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Hack Squat... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off). The drop off set being rest paused until I reached 25 reps.
Hanging Knee Raises supersetted with Sled Pushes... 5 working sets for both.

My first 2 meals were steak and rice with a spoon of peanut butter. My preworkout meal was beef meatballs with pasta and a tomatoe sauce. My intra was 20g EAA's and 50g HBCD's. Postworkout I had 15iu humalog and immediately starting drinking a weightgain shake consisting of 760 calories (112g carbs, 55g protein and 10g fat) plus a banana on the side. I have just had a bowl of cottage cheese, blackberries, blueberries, kiwi and lemon juice. Soon I will eat a sirloin steak with basmati rice and some vegetables (peppers, mushrooms and onions). Before bed I will have another weightshake shake with an avocado. I have also snacked on a few miniature babybel light cheeses today. Babybel are tiny and each one is 51 cals, 3g fat and 6g protein but contain 10% RDA of calcium.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are good but one area I have to improve is my sleep. Over the last 2 weeks my sleep has been all over the place so I will make an effort to try and get a solid 8 hours each night. Sleep is usually never an issue for me but over the last 2 weeks it's been interrupted and I have napped which I don't usually do. As a result my recovery has been negatively effected. I have added in some extra rest days in recent weeks but they haven't helped much. When training like this recovery is vital so I know it needs to be improved. My legs have pretty much felt sore for 2 weeks now :eek::D All is good though. I have my new sleep supp which should help matters as well. I have always responded great to ZMA products in regards to improved sleep and overall recovery. I added it in as I figured some of the ingredients would help with stress/anxiety as I am off my SSRI. It's called Brain Gains and is a non sedative sleep aid containing zma, ashwagandha (ksm-66), lions mane, bacopa extract, phosphatidylserine and l-theanine.

One thing that won't help my sleep is my new preworkout Imperial Labs Excelsior :eek::D I had to reorder it as it's the best preworkout I have ever taken. I will take it before training legs which should be tomorrow. I will see how I feel as I have trained the last 2 days.

Warm Up.
Abs for 15 mins (bosu ball sit ups, hanging knee raises, db side bends and machine crunches).
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Machine Lateral Raises... 1 working set (with partials).
Smith Shoulder Press... 2 working sets (1 loading with 3pps and 1 drop off with 2pps).
Barbell Chest Press... 1 working set.
Machine Flyes... 1 working set with static hold.
Machine Chest Press... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working set.
Unilateral Lying DB Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set with assisted reps for each arm.
Tri-cep Dips... 1 working set.
Spin Bike for 10 mins.

Warm Up.
Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Raises... 1 working set.
Machine Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Row... 2 working sets (1 pulling high and the next pulling medium height).
Pull Ups supersetted with Assisted Pull Ups... 1 working set.
Standing Cable Straight Arm Pulldowns... 1 working set.
Unilateral Seated Cable Row... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off) for each side (pulling low with elbows tucked in).
Barbell Shrugs... 2 working sets (1 pulling from the front and the other from the back).
Machine Lower Back Extensions... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral Cable Bi-cep Curls (pulling from low)... 1 working set for each arm.
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set.
Seated Concentration Curls... 1 working set for each arm both ending with deadstop reps.
Unilateral Cable Bi-cep Curls (pulling from high)... 1 working set for each arm both with assisted reps.

Recently my shoulders have been a bit sore so I have been using higher rep ranges for my working sets. Although when loaded up on preworkout it's hard not to think fuck it and load the bar up for 6-10 reps :eek: Moving forward I will monitor things and deload if needed. I have been doing the same for all arms movements as well. No major issues (distal bi-cep tendon issue lingers) but I figured to prevent injuries I am best not pushing the weight for lower reps. I find arms respond better to higher reps anyway. For the above bi-cep routine I done 4 movements but they were pretty fast paced and most were 15 reps or over.

My diet today has been basic but effective. I was/am sat at the computer post workout and couldn't be bothered cooking so I have just had 2 shakes.

Steak, basmati rice, 1 avocado.
Steak, long grain rice, 2 spoons of peanut butter.
Steak, bastmai rice, 1 avocado.
20 McChicken Nuggets :eek::D
Intra 25g EAA's and 50g HBCD's.
15iu humalog.
4 scoops of ON's Gold Standard Gainer (112g carbs, 55g protein and 10g fat) and 1 blood orange.
Synthepure, 2 apples, 1 kiwi, mixed berries, oats and water.
Steak, long grain rice all drizzled in macadamia nut oil.

All my steaks are about 200g. My rice meals are 80-90g carbs. Incase you wondered 20 McNuggets are 45g fat (5.8g sat fat), 61g carbs (1.9g sugar), 53g protein and surprisngly only 1.7g salt. That's 863 cals and not as bad as you would think. My diet tomorrow will be similar but with less fat and more fruit and definitely no McDonalds :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am quite impulsive so I just dropped tbol and added in my new prohormone tonight. The tbol was great at 40mg so I will take this new oral then have a break and add the tbol back in afterwards at 40mg for a few days then up to 60mg for no more than 2-3 weeks. I go away in March and wanted to try the new one before I do so figured run it now so I have time to have a short break before I travel. I was tempted to run both but my liver wouldn't have been happy :eek:

The new one is called Nano-Drol and per daily serving (1ml) it contains 15mg Methylstenbolone Nanoparticles (m-sten). It recommends 0.5ml-1.5ml daily but the standard dose is 0.5ml twice daily and as I only have 1 bottle I plan to do that dose so the bottle lasts me 30 days. If I need more I will up to 1.5ml per day and run it for a shorter duration. Although after taking 0.5ml preworkout tonight I don't think that will be needed. Crazy pumps and no bad side effects but I am only 1 dose in :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I trained legs tonight but was struggling to get motivated beforehand. My legs have improved a lot recently so I am getting good results but sometimes it's mentally hard for me because I know how much it's going to hurt. I was gonna train at 4pm and put it off then 7pm and 9pm and finally got to the gym at 11pm. Although the more I hesitate the harder I usually end up training and tonight was brutal. I took my fav preworkout Excelsior by Imperial Labs which also helped matters. It's the 1st time I have used it in ages. Long story short just extreme focus but I was relaxed at the same time. The gym was empty as in no one at all so I had complete free*** to do whatever I wanted. I have had some minor knee pain recently so I said to myself take my time and do plenty of warms up just to make sure everything was warmed up and prevent any future knee issues. I done something different for calves and still used decent weight but for much higher reps than usual. For each movement in the giant set I used intensity techniques. Examples being 3-5 sec pauses at the bottom, static holds at the bottom and top, partials and for the final exercise (bodyweight calf raises) some unilateral reps with stretches to finish.

Warm Up.
Giant set of Seated Calf Raises, Standing Calf Raises, Calf Presses, Machine Tibialis Raises and Bodyweight Calf Raises... 3 working sets.
Seated Leg Curls... 1 working set with both legs then 1 working set (with assisted reps) with each leg unilaterally.
Stiff Leg Barbell Deadlifts... 1 working set.
Horizontal Leg Press... 3 working sets with approx 1 min rest between each (low/wide, low/close then wide/medium).
Hack Squat... 1 working set for 25 reps (rest paused).
Unilateral Leg Extensions... 1 working set for both legs (each with a static hold to finish).

It looks very simple written down but I was in the gym a long time and it was brutal. I was going to end with sled pushes but I left it. I figured if I train tomorrow I would add in an abs and cardio day and do them then. My upper body needs more rest before I can hit it hard again.

When training I wiped my nose and there was a tiny amount of blood so I will monitor that. I only have had nose bleeds from oral aas before. So it will be because I just added in the m-sten. I have only dosed it at 0.5ml twice so far so it must be strong to do that. Dbol does the same to me so I will see how I am and adjust things if needed.

My new non sedative sleeping aid has been great so far. In the 2 nights I have taken it my sleep has been much deeper. No surprise as I always have good results with ZMA and it contains that and a few other very useful ingredients.

Today has been another good day of eating. I swopped beef for chicken and added a different fat source to nearly every meal.

6 whole eggs and 3 pieces of buttered toast.
Chicken, basmati rice and an avocado.
Oats, whey isolate, banana and chia seeds.
Cottage Cheese, blueberries, raspberries, kiwi and lemon juice.
INTRA 25g EAA's and 75g HBCD's.
15iu Humalog
4 scoops of ON's Gold Standard Gainer (112g carbs, 55g protein and 10g fat) and 1 blood orange.
Chicken and jasmine rice drizzled with macadamia nut oil.
Chicken, jasmine rice and 2 spoons of peanut butter.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
I am quite impulsive so I just dropped tbol and added in my new prohormone tonight. The tbol was great at 40mg so I will take this new oral then have a break and add the tbol back in afterwards at 40mg for a few days then up to 60mg for no more than 2-3 weeks. I go away in March and wanted to try the new one before I do so figured run it now so I have time to have a short break before I travel. I was tempted to run both but my liver wouldn't have been happy :eek:

The new one is called Nano-Drol and per daily serving (1ml) it contains 15mg Methylstenbolone Nanoparticles (m-sten). It recommends 0.5ml-1.5ml daily but the standard dose is 0.5ml twice daily and as I only have 1 bottle I plan to do that dose so the bottle lasts me 30 days. If I need more I will up to 1.5ml per day and run it for a shorter duration. Although after taking 0.5ml preworkout tonight I don't think that will be needed. Crazy pumps and no bad side effects but I am only 1 dose in :)

Used to enjoy M-Sten.

I didn't get a ton of weight gain on it but strength was awesome.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Used to enjoy M-Sten.

I didn't get a ton of weight gain on it but strength was awesome.

I have an update to post which will explain more. The M-Sten results wise has been amazing. I noticed the strength increase straightaway. Now the side effects have been well whats more than amazing :eek::D I have felt like complete crap the last 2 days. Dosed it today and had a nosebleed within 1 hour. Lower back pumps have been horrible as well. Not to mention my appetite started disappearing so it's been a struggle getting food down and I never want to force feed. So I have dropped it. Shame as I could tell the results would have been great if I stayed on for a few weeks.