It's time to get HUGE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are going really good now. I have trained 7 out of 9 days. I am in my 3rd rotation of Push, Pull and Legs. My intensity is increasing as the days go by. My strength is slowly climbing but I am still very weak (especially pressing) compared to a few months ago. Even with the increased intensity the D O M S has been bad from the start especially in my legs. D O M S in all muscles but mainly quads then after the 2nd session hamstrings. I have started going to failure but in higher rep ranges and most are not what I would call crazy gun to your head sets were I go until I can't move the weight at all. As the weight is lower I tend to do more working sets so I am increasing the volume of hard sets to compensate for not hitting big weight in the lower rep ranges. Although I am generally just training at a faster pace and enjoying the higher volume but I will adjust things as I move along.

I just added 50mg test p 2 days ago and there are a few reasons for that. I can sometimes get pip from test p so that was one reason but it's completely painless so I am going to start dosing 100mg eod instead. It just saves injecting it daily and I will also add in test c at 250mg every 4 days now so I can dose them together. I just ordered so I will have the test c soon. I can just use test e for now so will do the same dose. I have also added in 50mg adrol preworkout today so that should help matters greatly. So starting from now it will be 850mg test and 350mg adrol per week. I am only going to run the adrol for 2-3 weeks and I will add it back after a short break.

My diet is still fairly relaxed in the sense of calories and I am not pushing anything. The added hormones will improve condition and I will start increasing calories gradually... well not gradually to be fair as I know I can jump up quickly and if I adhere to everything and I will just get fuller without putting on any bodyfat. I know my metabolism will start firing more with training in the gym, increased food, added hormones and being more active through the day. It's time to get things moving fast now as I have gone backwards over the last few months. I will sort out a pic sometime tomorrow.

Most of my meals have been similar recently. Lot's of variations of beef mince dishes with different sauces (usually tomatoe based). I like to use a tomatoe based sauce due to the taste, versatility and the low calorie content. That usually comes with a variety of vegetables, beans, rice or pasta. I have been having more chicken recently and that will be upped now. I tend to have that with vegetables and rice. I am sure I will have chicken, peppers, asparagus and rice at least once daily from now on.

Today I made a really nice chicken dish with basmati rice. The chicken was cooked with red peppers, courgette in an oyster sauce with added aromat, cinnamon, paprika and chilli pepper. I didn't take a picture but I have a few pics of meals I have had recently.

Beef mince with tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms (white and brown), white asparagus, courgette, yellow peppers in arrabbiata sauce (tomatoe, garlic and red chilli pepper) with rigate pasta...

Takeaway Burger with bacon and cheesy fries...

Beef mince with tomatoes, mushrooms, green asparagus, yellow peppers in a tomatoe and basil sauce with gluten free penne pasta...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It was PULL today and I really pushed it hard. I kept the pace high and went heavier than last time but still tried to keep the reps over 10 per set. Pretty much my usual exercises before the lockdown so incline bench rear delt flyes, incline bench db rows (high and medium), pulldowns, seated cable rows (both arms and unilateral), barbell shrugs (front and back) and lower back extensions. I started the day with approx 15 mins of hard abs. I believe it's useful/important to train abs when training back. I usually keep the weight minimal for abs. When training I visualize more so "burning" opposed to "growing" when it comes to abs. Bi-ceps were at the end and I didn't have much time so were very fast paced and involved a few working drop sets and a variety of movements in 10-15 mins (standing db curls, db hammer curls (2 variations), db preacher curl (2 variations), reverse cable curls, spider curls and wrist curls.

I have just injected 100mg test p with approx 250mg test e. I will repeat the 100mg test p eod and the 250mg test e every 4 days. I dosed 50mg adrol preworkout earlier and I felt a bit ill mid session so I assume it was that. I doubt it was my pre workout so I am sure it was the adrol as it's a common thing when I use it. A slight ill feeling but nothing too bad so it won't effect my diet. Although I am surprised it has occured so quickly but it's a factor (there are a few) as to why I only run adrol in very short cycles and I usually keep the dose at 50mg per day.

I had some quick pics taken about 30 mins post workout when I got home. Not very good but fine considering the last few months. Now I am on a good path (no more takeaways :eek:) and just started my cycle a few days ago so I will change fast. So all things considered I am fairly happy with this not so impressive look. I am 6ft 2 and not sure of my current weight but I expect to be about 15 pounds heavier in a few weeks. Plus yes I really need a shave :eek::D

I should have mentioned I expect to be 15 pounds up in a few weeks but also look leaner as well. I think even just shaving will probably knock 3% bf from me :eek: I can tell my body wants to fill up as I have lost a lot of fullness but it will come back.
Last edited:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have just trained legs and I am destroyed. I didn't even go heavy for most movements but I didn't rest more than 40 secs between any sets and trained for about 1 hour and 20 mins like that. Ended up on the spin bike and pumped my legs up as much as possible. I used the same exercises as last time so calf presses, seated db calf raises, seated leg curls (unilateral and both), smith stiff leg deadlifts, horizontal leg press, leg extensions and spin bike. I will start pushing the weight much more now as I am a few sessions in.

Today I feel like having a lot of fruit so going to include it in every meal. I only had 5 hours sleep last night so I want to get much more tonight as I am ready to attack my next PUSH day tomorrow. I am definitely in a good place mentally because everytime I finish a workout I look forward to the next one. Although I strained my right trap from the heavier barbell shrugs yesterday but it will heal fast. I also added MK-677 to my order so when I get it I will see if I can last on 10mg per day. The 50mg preworkout adrol made me feel a little ill today and I had no appetite post workout. I am probably going to have a few protein fruit smoothies as they go down easy and I love the taste. My next one will be made with synthepure, pineapple, kiwi, oats, mixed berries and water.

I am on next to no supplements now but I plan to order some as I need to ensure my blood pressure and cholesterol stay as good as possible as I increase my doses. I don't usually come off certain ones but just decided to pretty much drop everything. Right now all I am using are 4 Krill Oil caps and 5ml synthergine (oral) per day. I do use aminos and hbcd's intra workout and I will start adding in extra glutamine now as well. I have just started using a new Amino product called The Amino+ from Myprotein. It is missing 2 of the essential aminos (l-tryptophan and l-phenylalanine) but contains some useful ingredient. I have been using 3 scoops (4.5g leucine etc) with 37.5-50g HBCD's intra workout.

Nutritional Information

Serving Size - 2 scoops (20 g)

Servings Per Container - 20 (400 g)

Active Ingredients

Per Serving

L-Leucine 3 g
L-Isoleucine 1.5 g
L-Valine 1.5 g
L-Glutamine 2 g
L-Citrulline 1 g
L-Tyrosine 1 g
Taurine 1 g
L-Arginine 1 g
L-Lysine 400 mg
L-Threonine 400 mg
L-Histidine 400 mg
L-Methionine 400 mg
L-Theanine 400 mg
KSM-66® Ashwagandha​ 100 mg
AstraGin® 25 mg
BioPerine® 2.5 mg
Vitamin C 75 mg (94% *)

*NRV (Nutrient Reference Value)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am already fuller and tighter but have a long way to go until I am happy. I have trained everyday this week. The intensity has been building up as well. Obviously we could go crazy 1st day back but it's not the smartest approach. For me like we train to get gradually stronger I also need to train my brain in a way to gradually get more intense. I could go crazy but truth be told it's not fully in me and I am building it up so I don't get injured. Whilst intensity is very genetic if it were easy to create everyone would probably be taking their working sets to the max and clearly 99% people don't. It's not easy to allow yourself to get to that pain threshold and sometimes I simply don't have it.

Yesterday was PULL and I changed it up a bit. Well I added some movements which I wouldn't usually do but my lower back felt fine. They were Smith Rows and then Standing DB Rows supersetted with DB Deadlifts. Most of the heavier db's are closed off now so I could only go up to 30kg db's but I just done higher reps. For the Smith Rows I went up to 50kg per side. For most other back movements I went as heavy as possible because my back was supported. I will see how I am but will try to progress in strength in all movements over the following months. My other gym has heavy db's and plate loaded machines so I will use that gym when training back in the future.

Today was legs and more of the same. As I hit my lower back quite hard the previous day I decided to play it safe and not do any heavy stiff leg deadlifts. I mainly concentrated on seated leg curls for hamstrings. I went heavier for leg press and leg extensions today. I used 90% of the stack for 20 controlled reps of leg extensions. If I was going at 100% I could have grinded out more reps but I still held the isometric contraction until complete failure on the final rep. Next workout it will be the whole stack and then I will higher reps and then I will play about with rep speed. Although most of my future leg workouts will be in my other gym as I have much more room for adding weights to my lifts there. I finished with intervals on the spin bike again and that was brutal.

My body needed calories today so I fed it. After legs I went through about 150g protein, 400g carbs and 60g fat in the space of 5 hours. Most of my meals before bed will mainly consist of protein and fats with some fruit. I want to rest well because tomorrow I plan to hit PUSH and probably in my other gym for the 1st time so I will push the weight to the max now. I done that last time but in the 15+ rep range but this time in the 10-12 rep range. I am moving a long nicely and I hope to be back to my usual strength in another week.

Now part of the reason I stated I needed the calories today was the training frequency but also due to yesterday. I dropped the adrol and was going to have a break but decided last minute to dose Nanodrol preworkout. It states 0.5ml 3 times daily so I thought just use 1ml per day but dose it all preworkout. I dose it and go to the gym and well it was great and I was super full and pumped. However I leave the gym and the nausea builds up and up. I haven't felt that ill in a long time and it lasted all night. Just no appetite whatsoever. I had a shake (Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Gainer) post workout because I had no appetite. Then a few hours later I had 2 protein puddings which are 40g protein and some fruit because both are easy to eat. Then I had another shake made with synthepure, pineapple, oats and mixed berries. I made myself have some cottage cheese and mixed nuts pre bed. I thought the adrol was bad but this was on another level. I dosed 0.5ml today and have been fine but still a bit nausous. I will carry on with 0.5ml and if my appetite is in anyway effected I will drop it straightaway.

Preworkoput today I also dosed 2ml synthetine and 1ml syntheselen in my delt. No pip whatsoever and with my preworkout I felt great in the gym. Intra I had 3 scoops of Amino+ and 50g HBCD's. Tomorrow I am going to add in humalog. My complete workout plan starting tomorrow consists of...

5iu Humalog
2.5ml synthetine
1 ml syntheselen
0.5ml NanoDrol
1.5 scoops of Preworkout+ (9g citrulline, 4.8g beta alanine, 2.25g betaine, 450mg VASO6, 450mg caffeine etc).

3 scoops (30g) Amino+
60g HBCD's
5g extra (8g total) Glutamine


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have trained everyday for nearly 2 weeks now. I don't mind testing the limits but I will obviously pull back on the training frequency soon. Right now I am loving the gym so it's full steam ahead. I am pushing the weights more now so I will have to start incorporating some rest days otherwise I will just burn out. Recently I have put on about 10 pounds and I look just as lean so the water is going in all the right places. Although I do have to be careful with my waist so I will adjust things as I move along. I am trying to eat as much solid protein as I can so I have dropped the nanodrol because it was lowering my appetite.

For PULL yesterday I added in the Smith Rows and DB Rows again. I went up to 3 plates per side (drop off set of 2pps) for the Smith Rows. It's not big weight but for my lower back it is huge weight so I will have to be careful but so far so good. For now I will stick at 3pps and just really focus on the form and squeeze as I know if I just carry on moving up it won't end well. When I go to my other gym I can really push the weight for the plate loaded row machine and will be hitting double the weight as my chest is supported. I was rushing yesterday so I kept my workout fairly basic and it felt great. I always add in unilateral cable rows and go as heavy as possible for approx 10 reps. I also threw in one working set of lat pulldowns (whole weight stack) and some rear delt flyes. For bi-ceps as I didn't have long I just used barbell curls and barbell reverse curls going up to 20kg per side. Bi-ceps is one area I don't really push the weight on these days as I get better results with moderate weight and higher reps and squeezing as hard as possible during every rep. I will still push the weight for db hammer curls and some other movements but you won't see my attempting 2pps EZ bar curls like I used to do when I was younger :eek:

Today was Legs and I felt great. Preworkout I dosed 5iu humalog, 2.5ml synthetine, 1ml syntheselen and 1 scoop of excelsior. Intra I had 3 scoops of Amino+, 60g HBCD's and 5g added glutamine. I have been training in the same gym recently and it's very limited for equipment. I have to be careful with various free weight heavy leg movements but I work very well around it. I done many sets of smith calf raises supersetted with bodyweight raises and some db seated calf raises. For hams it was mainly unilateral db stiff leg deadlifts and ham/glute focused leg press. Hip adductors then some DB Squats and leg extensions. Today was fairly fast paced with 1 working set per movement (excluding calves). I finished on the spin bike doing intervals which is always brutal for me. The pump I get from my preworkout stack is crazy and that was my main aim for today.

I won't go into all the details but I am thinking eq may not be worth trying. If I did get anxiety from it I don't have anything (came off my SSRI after approx 7 years on it) to help with that so I would rather not risk it. Anyone who has had bad social anxiety will know how horrible it is and I don't want to be struggling through it. I recall last time after dosing eq in the night having horrible social anxiety the next day so I dosed 10mg citalopram and it calmed me down. Citalopram takes weeks to build up but it's onset is fast. It has helped me during a few panic attacks so I would rather have it on hand before testing my response to eq. I have 2 vials of NPP so I may add that instead at 50mg eod (with 100mg test p) and just up it to 100mg eod so I am on 350mg of both plus the 500mg test c.

My diet hasn't been perfect but it's solid and I am still progressing so it will only get better. Post workout today I have had 2 meals of chicken, yellow peppers, green asparagus and cherry tomatoes with basmati rice. Each one approx 60g protein, 100g carbs and 10g fat. My next meal will be similar but with slightly higher fats (cottage cheese, fruit, nuts and seeds).

Tomorrow should be PUSH. If I am not well rested I may have a day off. I need to be 100% because it will be pushed to the max now. It's time to add in more aminos now. My planned diet for tomorrow looks like...

20g Amino+ in 1 litre of water.
5 Whole Eggs and Protein Cereal (with nuts and seeds) with coconut milk.
20g Amino+ in 1 litre of water.
Beef mince, pineapple and basmati rice.
INTRA- 30g Amino+ and 60g HBCD's in 1.5 litres of water.
Chicken, green asparagus, yellow peppers, cherry tomatoes and jasmine rice.
20g Amino+ in 1 litre of water.
Chicken, green asparagus, yellow peppers, cherry tomatoes and jasmine rice.
Cottage Cheese with nuts and seeds.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had a day off yesterday and it done me good. I also went to bed earlier and tried to sleep as much as possible. Today was PUSH day and I attacked it and tried to go as heavy as possible for all movements for 10+ reps. My gym closes at 10pm now and I lost track of the time so had to rush out so I decided to dose my humalog and synthetine post workout instead. I went with 6iu humalog and 3.5ml synthetine but tomorrow when I dose it preworkout it will be a combo of synthetine and syntheselen. I still had my usual intra shake (already had it ready in the fridge) and when I got home I took Flex out for 30 mins then had the slin and synthetine. Just after I started sipping on a shake made with 50g synthepure, pineapple, oats, mixed berries and coconut milk. That combo tastes amazing and it's probably my favourite shake. As a result I just had 1 chicken meal and that was made with asparagus, peppers and cherry tomatoes with basmati rice. I have only had 2 amino shakes today but I am going to add in a big protein shake pre bed to make up for things. My next meal is cottage cheese but I feel like fruit so instead of nuts and seeds I am going to go with mandarins, blueberries and grapefruit juice. I will add an avocado and some nuts to my shake before bed as well.

Training was hard and I added in a few extra working sets. Approx 90mins preworkout I ate beef mince, pineapple and basmati rice. I decided to eat 1/2 a small watermelon about 45 mins preworkout then just before leaving I had 1.5 scoops of Preworkout+

Warm Up.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets.
DB Front Raises (hammer grip)... 1 working set.
Machine Shoulder Press... 1 working set.
High Incline Smith Press... 1 working set (3pps).
Flat DB Flyes... 1 working set.
Machine Press... 2 working sets with approx 45 secs rest in between (hammer then pronated grip).
Chest Dips... 1 working superset (30kg db and bodyweight).
Floor Close Grip Smith Press with deadstops... 1 working drop set (2.5pps, 2pps and 1.5pps).
Standing EZ Bar Tri-cep Extensions supersetted with Cable Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working set.

Tomorrow will be PULL and more of the same. I am thinking rear delt flyes, db high rows, smith rows, unilateral cable rows, barbell shrugs and lower back extensions. Biceps will be ez bar curls (normal and reverse), db hammer curls and maybe some wrist curls. I have missed abs recently so I will add them in at some point as well for approx 10 mins. I will shave one day and get some updated pics done.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
So many updates so I will keep each brief and post more details over the next few days. I have trained brutally hard over the last 3 days so I will probably take a day off tomorrow. I am basically now taking all working sets to the complete limit in the 8-15 rep range. For some leg movements due to current weight restrictions I am doing some higher rep sets and adding in intensity techniques. For example I can't load up the adductor machine due to the gym but they don't mind me throwing some db's on the weight rack. You can only fit 4 small db's in there though so not exactly a lot (10kg x 2 and 9kg x 2). As a result I done a massive drop set for my working set (2 days ago) and I can barely walk today. I also used the horizontal leg press on the lowest setting so as deep as possible and got 23 reps with the full weight rack for very controlled reps which was brutal.

For PUSH yesterday I went up to 3pps for incline presses. I also done some very strict db flyes with 30kg db's. I can only use up to 30kg db's now which is nothing but I make them very strict and as hard as possible so it's plenty of weight. When I go to my other gym I will probably be using nearly double the weight in the future but the form won't be as strict. I also done 3 working sets of chest dips with 20 secs rest between sets. For shoulders it was mainly db lateral raises and standing smith presses. I can't do them in most smith machines because of my height but in this one I can just about do it and they feel great. I went up to 2pps for the standing smith presses. For tri-ceps it was mainly extensions for a change as I usually add in a heavy movement such as close grip bench or skull crushers.

Earlier was PULL and more of the same and I went up to 3pps for smith rows. I could go heavier but I don't need to go over my lower back issues again so for now this is plenty and I will build up gradually over time. Anyway it was all heavy and fast paced and I was destroyed by the end of it.

All year I am usually on certain supplements mainly geared towards cholesterol, blood pressure and the heart in general. Recently I have only been using krill oil and synthergine. However I am adding in some supps and I will go over them in the next few days. They all have a clear purpose and should help maintain certain blood markers as I push things further.

I did fall off my diet recently for 2 days and I know it's bad but I am still progressing well. Since I last posted pics I am up approx 15 pounds. I am looking fuller and fuller but I have a long way to go. I will post more pics soon I just need to shave soon. My hair grows so fast and now I am covered but I hate shaving so always put it off. Even my hands are really hairy now which I don't like especially after getting my hand tattoo as it's black with brown hair on top of it :eek::D

As I posted the other week my issue is I didn't have a clear goal. I wanted to get huge and then cut for summer but after everything happened I have been a bit in the middle. Now the plan is just to get as full and dense as possible without gaining body fat. Then I will probably cut back for the end of summer but try to remain as full as possible.

I am not adding in eq but I added npp in. Right now I am dosing 1ml test p and 0.5ml npp eod and test c at 1ml every 4 days. So every 8 days I am on 900mg test and 200mg npp. I will taper the npp dose up to 100mg eod so 400mg every 8 days. No orals for now but I will add in 40mg tbol soon for 2 weeks. I am using approx 2.5ml synthetine and 1ml syntheselen preworkout. Soon I will add in IGF-1 LR3 :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had yesterday off and today I trained legs and feel like I have been run over by a car :eek::D I am feeling good but I definitely need a good sleep. My lower back has been feeling ok recently and I have been testing it with movements I would usually avoid. I am not going really heavy but still if you said to me 1 year ago I would be doing stiff leg deadlifts and smith squats in the same workout I would be surprised. I am careful with my form though and it makes a big difference. For the squats I try to make the movement straight up and down. I also have my heels elevated and my stance is about shoulder width because if it were any narrower when I go deep I would be bringing in too much lower back and glutes. This is mostly quad involvement and as a result it saves me having to load up the bar on my back which I don't like doing even if just doing standing calf raises. I still done 2pps so it wasn't light but obviously not a lot but more than enough to really destroy my quads. I will increase the weight over time but I save the big weights for safer movements for me such as leg press.

Smith Standing Calf Raises... 2 working set with the last being a drop set with 2 drops (3pps, 2.5pps, 2pps).
Seated DB Calf Raises... 1 working set.
Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 working sets (full weight rack and drop off with about 70% of the stack).
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets (1 full weight rack and a drop off with about 80% of the stack).
Smith Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working sets with 2.5pps.
DB Unilateral Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set with a 30kg db for each leg.
DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 1 working set with 18kg db's for high reps with maximum stretch.
Smith Squats... 2 working sets with 2pps.
Leg Extensions... 1 working set with the full weight rack for 25 reps.
Spin Bike... 10 mins including 3 blasts for approx 30-45 secs for max pump.

I am loving the synthetine and syntheselen combo recently. I feel so warm when I train and I can definitely feel the difference. I am still at 2.5ml and 1ml but plan to increase the dose over time.

Today I finally started the IGF-1 LR3 I will be trialling. I started with 75mcg preworkout and I felt it hit so I lay down for 5 mins. It's far too early to state anything for now. All I know is the pump in my legs was crazy when training but I also took a preworkout so I will see how it goes over the next few weeks. As a result I won't add in tbol for now just so I can judge this better. I also received MK-677 today and it will be the same for that as well. I am going to add in 10mg per day in about 2 weeks and see if I am ok (fatigue) with that dose and if so stay there. I could do with the added appetite boost as well. Although I was very hungry post workout today which is not normal for me so I will monitor that. I am going to dose 100mcg IGF-1 LR3 before my next workout and I will stay at that dose and adjust if needed.

I have been having more shakes recently and I plan to carry on as they are easy for me and I load them with nutrient dense foods. I have also been using dried fruit and nut mixes which aren't the best due to the added sugar but I get good ones and I love the taste so they are staying in.

2 apples, 1 kiwi, spinach, mixed berries, synthepure and coconut milk.
Beef mince, peppers, cherry tomatoes, asparagus and basmati rice.
INTRA 2.5 scoops of Amino+ with 75g HBCD's.
Pineapple, 1 banana, mixed berries and rice milk.
Chicken, asparagus, peppers, cherry tomatoes and pasta.
Chicken, asparagus, peppers, cherry tomatoes and pasta.
Cottage cheese, red grapes, blueberries, blackberries, walnuts, cashews and goji berries.

Now is time I will start to really push the carbs post workout. I didn't use any insulin today with the synthetine/syntheselen but I will probably dose 10iu humalog postworkout tomorrow then EAT.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am under a lot of stress at the moment but just getting on with things. Yesterday I said to myself just go for it which I always do but I was on a mission to really push it to the max. I probably looked a bit mental in the gym as I was loaded up on preworkout :eek::D I moved up to 4pps for incline smith presses for 5 reps and a back off set with 3pps for I think 11 reps. I pushed every movement to the max and it felt good and my strength is definitely climbing. The full sequence consisted of incline bench db lateral raises, standing db lateral raises, db front raises, incline smith press, db flyes, chest dips, ez bar floor skull crushers and machine tri-cep extensions.

My body is starting to change fast. It's hard to pinpoint what is doing what but the combination of everything is really coming to life now. I have really tightened up over the last few days since adding in the igf-1 lr3 so it's going well so far. I haven't dosed insulin recently but I dosed lr3 post workout yesterday. Today I used it preworkout (pull) and I increased the dose to 120mcg injecting 60mcg in each lat. With the LR3 I dosed 2.5ml synthetine and 1ml syntheselen. Intra I had 3 scoops of Amino+ and 75g HBCD's.

Tonight I trained in my other gym for the first time in months and went very late. I wasn't feeling that great and I had to really push myself. You know the days you get in the gym and feel like going home. It didn't help the gym was empty with no music whatsoever but I just told myself push 1 set at a time and ended up having a great workout. I have many more options in this gym. My workout consisted of...

Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working set.
Reverse Pec Deck... 2 working sets.
Machine Pullovers... 1 working set (I have missed this machine).
Barbell Rows... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off) with 3pps and 2pps (not bad for my glass lower back :eek:).
Unilateral Rows... 1 working set for each arm with 4pps.
DB Shrugs... 1 working drop set of over 100 reps (100lbs, 80, 60 and 40).
Rope Straight Arm Pulldowns... 1 working set.
Abs and Lower back for 15mins (back extensions, hanging knee raises, reverse hypers, machine crunches etc).
Biceps and Forearms for 15 mins (barbell curls, machine curls, db hammer curls, reverse curls, preacher curls, wrist curls etc).

Tomorrow I am going to stock up on smoothie ingredients so lot's of fresh fruit, oats, frozen berries, coconut/almond/rice milk, nuts and greens (asparagus, spinach and kale). I am going to start pushing them more. I am going to feed this LR3 with more and more carbs over time. I can see my body is starting to burn through everything so I need to keep pushing it. My goal right now is to grow lean and that's what I will do. My waist isn't great now (it's fairly lean though) but I think I can add another 10 pounds keeping it as tight as it is over the next few weeks.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I trained legs tonight with my mate. We haven't seen each other in months so we chatted a lot but still made the working sets count. I didn't sleep much last night so my preworkout really helped tonight. I probably would have had a day off but my mate could only meet tonight. I dosed 60mcg LR3 in each quad preworkout and my intra shake consisted of 3 scoops of Amino+ and 90g HBCD's. The workout was a bit different because he couldn't train calves much due to foot injury. I may even add some calves next workout but I still done 1 working set. The workout consisted of seated calf raises, leg extensions, seated leg curls, vertical leg press, sissy squats and leg extensions. For my postworkout meal I had chicken (paprika, chilli etc), red peppers, cherry tomatoes and basmati rice with goji berries. I usually try to keep my plates full of different colours but this dish was all red. I just threw everything on the plate but it tasted great...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had my mate take some pics of me after we had trained legs. Just an upper body pic but I think it shows the recent changes I have made. This is just the start though (a few weeks in) and I will continue to get fuller. I have tightened up as I have grown and I hope to add another 10 pounds in the next few weeks whilst maintaining my current condition.

I want to add this looks a bit "cloudy" and like I have heavily edited it but I haven't. Maybe it's because I zoomed in a bit. The gym lighting is very good (white light) and I think my camera is just shit. Next time I train with my mate I will get a video done.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I added in some new supps yesterday and the diuretic effect was insane I must have wee'd 10+ times through the day. I went to the gym and had to go the toilet 3 times whilst I trained which never happens. So there goes a bit of fullness :eek::D I will go over the supps I added later today but the main one what must have caused that was the prostate supp. I need to also make sure I don't miss inj days which I have been doing occasionally. Last night I dosed 100mg test p and 50mg NPP which was 1 day late. I won't bring forward the next inj so will wait 2 days and inj the usual 250mg test c, 100mg test p and 50mg npp next time. The same for my EAA shakes which I haven't been as consistent as I should be. Although as long as I have a serving in 1.5 litres of water first thing and another intra workout I am gtg. It's mainly just keeping up with my fluid intake between meals that is important to me so I will improve upon that. My traps usually ache during the day so I will have to start getting tissue work done to loosen them up. Regular tissue work makes such a huge difference especially when you are trying to get as strong as possible and pushing it in the gym daily. Everything else is looking good they are just a few areas I need to improve upon as I move forward. Yesterday was PUSH day...

Warm Up.
Decline Barbell Press... 1 working set of very high reps with 2pps.
DB Flyes... 1 working set with 30kg db's.
TG Chest Press... 1 working drop set with 4pps and 2.5pps.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set for each side.
Standing DB Front Raises... 1 working set.
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 1 working drop set.
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press... 1 working drop set with 2pps, 1.5pps and 1pps.
Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
Underhand Unilateral Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set for each arm.
Skull Crushers... 1 working set.

A mention about my DB lateral raises. I often change my technique with these but for the majority of the time I use a very strict form with straight arms, slow/controlled rep pace and I don't allow the db's to go fully down to my sides (no momentum getting them back up) unless it's the final few reps. One exception to that are the incline bench ones I do were I sit on the side so the lower you go the more tension you feel. A standard working drop set would be something like 16kg, 12kg and 8kg dbs. Now if I used the form I often see others do with bent arms my working set would be closer to 40kg, 30kg and 20kg db's. I like to mix it up and I am looking at really pushing all lateral raise movements over the next few months. Although the strict form lighter weight variation will be core to my shoulder training. I am looking at really pushing the reps and obviously making small increments in weight over time as well. You may have noticed I like standing shoulder presses and I really do. If I can fit in a Smith machine I will do them there at times as well. I love the feeling of them but you are much more limited to the amount of weight you can use compared to seated. I prefer them because I like the fact they can help really strengthen the transverse ab***inal muscles, lower back, and spinal stabilizers etc. Today will be PULL day and more of the same.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am still not sure with this LR3. It seems to be helping body composition a lot but the fact I feel nothing post injection is a concern. I need to get a blood glucose monitor but I can tell even without one. I will buy one soon so I can properly test things but I know LR3 and it doesn't feel right. The overall effects of everything are gtg so I am pleased and will just carry on grinding away.

Today I have ate a lot but I have included two big bowls of cereal which is not ideal as they bloat me because they are approx 1000 calories per bowl. Both were protein granola with added dried fruit and nuts with coconut or almond/rice milk. I have also had 1 chicken, veg and rice meal and one beef, veg and pasta meal. One smoothie with synthepure, pineapple, oats, berries and water. 1 cottage cheese and fruit meal. I will probably finish with cottage cheese and nuts.

Today I tried my new preworkout and it felt great. Intra was 3 scoops of Amino+ and 90g HBCD's. The pumps were crazy and because I hit lower back directly I could barely walk it was that pumped up at the end but it feels fine now. 10g citrulline malate preworkout and an extra 3g l-citrulline and 3g l-arginine intra definitely add a great effect. I was rushing so I decided to leave bi-ceps out but they were hit hard indirectly and I wanted to make sure I fit abs and lower back in this time. My workout consisted of...

Rope Face Pulls... 1 working set.
Incline Bench Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working set.
Smith Rows... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off) with 3.5pps and 2.5pps.
Machine Pulldowns... 1 working set.
Unilateral Seated Cable Rows... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off) for each side.
Smith Shrugs supersetted with Standing Lat Pushdowns... 2 working sets.
Abs and Lower Back for 15 mins (ab crunches, lower back extensions, hanging leg/knee raises and reverse hypers etc).

Tomorrow will be legs and more of the same. I will add in 10mg MK-677 soon. Here is my updated pic from a few days ago as I think it looks a bit better/clearer smaller.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I done something a bit stupid but I am not too bad. As posted above when I trained back I hit it hard and included 15 mins of lower back and ab movements. As a result I told myself definitely no stiff leg deadlifts the next day. When training legs and loaded up on preworkout I had just done leg curls and I figured I would do a few lighter sets of db stiff leg deadlifts to get a good stretch in my hams. My lower back simply can't take the frequent pressure and I felt it go a little bit. I was only using 25kg db's and on about the 7th rep I felt it a little. I still finished my workout and actually trained harder than I have all year. It could be much worse and I was ok in the night but my back is extremely tight today. I can barely tie my shoelaces so I will take this as a warning and not repeat the same thing again. Even last night I told myself at least 1 day and after today I will make it at least 2 days.

I also have a strained trap when training back. It's fine but I couldn't look to the right side yesterday but it's already better. I am fully aware of these issues (know my body after fucking up so many times) and they only happen because I don't follow the plan. With the trap it was due to the smith shrugs which I had planned to do db ones from the side (for good reason) but last minute loaded up on preworkout I wanted to use a bar :eek::D I have to be extra careful with any heavy shrugs when I have a bar in front of me (reocurring issue). The leg workout was still great and I pushed all working sets to the complete max. I decided to add more calves as I couldn't train them properly last time...

Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets with the last being a drop set with 3 drops in weight.
Standing Calf Raises...2 working sets with the last being a drop set with 4 drops in weight.
Machine Tibialis Raises... 2 working sets.
Machine Glute Raises... 1 working set for each side.
Unilateral Seated Leg Curls... 2 working set for each leg. The last ending with negative reps.
Standing Leg Curls... 1 working set with partials at the end for each leg.
Stiff Leg DB Deadlifts... stopped due to back strain.
Hip Abductor supersetted with Hip Adductor... 1 working set for both.
Vertical Leg Press... 1 working set for 28 reps.
Hack Squat supersetted with Leg Extensions... 1 working set for both.

I have just had a takeaway which was mixed meal, fries and salad (covered in sauce). Back to the normal food now and I will try to ease off on the cereal bowls because they definitely show on my waist :eek::D

Something very important and it's no surprise. I have been trialling LR3 as I want Geno to stock it. 1 vial was also sent to Jano to be tested. So if it tested good and I liked it we would sell it. The test result just came back at 70% purity and Jano believe it's degraded during transit. I should mention the vials were stuck in transit for ages due to the virus outbreak. I need to email him as I want to go over things with him. I am not entirely sure how fast it degrades. As we know many things are said to degrade but they are much more durable than we first thought (hgh for example). I don't see why LR3 would be any different looking at his chemical structure. So this post is premature in a sense but I am thinking we get another vial tested by Jano (sent straight from the supplier) to see if it's any different. My thinking is even something degrades so fast it's not something you really want to sell. Although maybe it was just this low purity to begin with and it has nothing to do with the transit time. It's no surprise because this stuff is working but it didn't feel right. So it looks like I have 8 vials of 70% purity LR3 left but I will still carry on my experiment with it and hopefully we can figure out how to get a 99% pure product in.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I rested yesterday and today I spent most of the day in bed. However my back started to feel much better fairly quickly and with various things going on I wanted to train tonight. It's amazing what some stretching and a scoop of preworkout can do as well :D It was push and I made sure I kept most of the movements to ones that my back was supported. I also went with a higher rep range for most movements so all working sets were well over 12 slow/controlled reps tonight. I also made there was no momentum used for any movements. Before training I went with 75mcg LR3 in each pec, 2.5ml synthetine and 1ml syntheselen plus 1 scoop of Muscletech's Peak Series preworkout. Intra I had 2.5 scoops of MyProtein's Amino+ and 75g HBCD's. My workout consisted of...

Warm Up.
Seated DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Seated DB Front Raises... 1 working set.
Machine Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Incline Smith Presses... 2 workings set (1 loading and 1 drop off) with 3pps and 2pps.
DB Flyes... 1 working set.
Pec Deck supersetted with Machine Presses... 2 working sets.
Tri-cep Rope Pushdowns... 1 working set.
Machine Overhead Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Dips... 1 working set with 4pps.

Post workout I decided to dose 10iu Humalog and I just had an amazing meal of beef mince, green peppers, asparagus, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes with soft noodles. I made a massive portion so I will have the same meal in about 1 hour. Pre bed I will probably have a massive shake with an avocado and some nuts. I would have cottage cheese instead but I have ran out so will buy more tomorrow. For breakfast I had 5 whole eggs with spinach and blueberries. My 2nd meal was beef mince with asparagus, onions, red peppers and cherry tomatoes in a tomatoe and basil sauce with pasta. My 3rd meal was a synthepure smoothie made with 2 apples, 1 kiwi, oats, mixed berries, kale and coconut/almond milk. I have also had 2 EAA shakes today not counting the intra shake. I will have another soon so that is 4 for the day which is much better. All in all if I carry this on I will be gtg.

I have a few different orals I am going to utilize soon. I will probably start 2moro and do something a bit different. Mainly due to the side effects I experience for most of them and just to change things up. So it will be 3 days of tbol at 40mg then 3 days of adrol at 50mg then 3 days of nanodrol at 0.5ml (forget the dose) and I will see how I feel but I will probably have 3 days off then repeat the cycle. My lower back is feeling much better and I will avoid any back extensions or reverse hypers for at least 1 week just to make sure I have no other issues. I will see how I feel 2moro but I will probably swop my usual smith/barbell Rows for a machine row just to be safe and will add the smith row back in during my next rotation.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My lower back is still not right but I know I can train around it. So today I trained PULL and went with a different approach and had a great session. I avoided certain movements, for others I decided to lighter the load, increase the reps for my working sets and also increase the overall volume. I incorporated more working sets (2) for certain back movements but kept the rest periods between each minimal (45-30 secs). My goal was to hit my back from multiple angles and fail in a higher rep range (12-20 reps). I pushed the volume today and then purposely loaded up in nutrients post workout. For preworkout I still had 40mg tbol and 1 scoop of Muscletech's Vapor 1. Intra was a smaller shake of 2 scoops Dymatize EAA's and 30g HBCD's. Then post I dosed 150mcg LR3, 10iu humalog and 4ml synthetine and went through 4 meals in about 4 hours. Each meal was approx 40g protein and 80-100g carbs. My workout consisted of...

Rope Face Pulls... 2 working sets.
Reverse Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Machine Pullovers... 1 working set.
Machine Pulldowns... 2 working sets.
Barbell Rows... just went up to 1.5pps (lower back not ready) and moved slowly squeezing my lats on every rep for high reps.
Machine Rows... 2 working sets (3pps then 4pps).
Standing Lat Pushdowns... 1 working set.
Unilateral Seated Cable Rows... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off) for each side.
DB Shrugs... 2 working sets.
Unilateral Cable Curls... 1 working set for each arm.
Unilateral Reverse Cable Curls... 1 working set for each arm.
Unilateral DB Curls... 1 working set for each arm.
Unilateral DB Side Hammer Curls... 1 working set for each arm.
Spider EZ Curls... 1 working set.
Standing Reverse EZ Curls... 1 working set.
Standing DB Hammer Curls... 1 working drop set for 7 reps with 25kg, 20kg, 15kg, 12kg, 10kg and 8kg db's. So 42 reps straight and I held up the last rep so complete failure.
Unilateral Preacher Curl Machine... 2 working set for each arm with negative reps to finish the last set.
Spin Bike intervals for approx 10 mins.

My 4 post workout meals included...

Synthepure, pineapple, oats, mixed berries, spinach and water. (100g carbs)
Chicken, basmati rice and goji berries. (100g carbs)
2 protein puddings, red/green grapes, 1 banana and some blueberries. (80g carbs)
Beef, asparagus, peppers, cherry tomatoes and pasta drizzled in macadamia oil. (80g carbs)

You will notice the first 3 meals are mainly protein and carb based. The 4th meal I added some fats. For my final meal I will include even more fats. I have also ate 2 times before the gym as well so 7 meals in total. My first meal was eggs and fruit. My 2nd meal was a good quality steak with noodles and some fruit (nectarine and berries) afterwards. Plus 3 EAA shakes today as well. My last meal will be cottage cheese with mango, walnuts, pecans, pistachios and sunflower seeds.

Thinking about it I must have had about... nectarine, mango, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrant, blackberries, grapes, goji, apple, kiwi, papaya, pineapple, tomatoes... 15 different types of fruit today :love1:

My back feel better after training and I am feeling good but I know it will be another few days before it's back to normal. Tomorrow will be legs and I will pick the movements carefully. I am training in a limited gym so my workout will be basic but effective. Calves will probably just be presses using the horizontal leg press. Hams will just be leg curls and then I will do hip ab/adductors. Quads will be leg press and leg extensions.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had Tues off and have trained legs on Wed and push today (Thurs). My lower back is pretty much back to normal but I will still be careful with it. My last 2 sessions have been basic but very intense with my lower back kept safe. I have been using 40mg tbol for 3 days and now I will be on 50mg adrol for 3 days. Everything else is the same and I am still on 850mg test and 200mg npp every 8 days. I have had a couple days break from the other stuff but I will resume lr3, synthetine and syntheselen from tomorrow. I did add 10mg cialis preworkout before legs and combined with the tbol and intra shake the pump was incredible.

Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 working sets with the last being a drop set with 4 drops in weight.
Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 working sets with the last being a drop set with 2 drops in weight.
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets... 1 loading and 1 drop off.
Hip Abductors... 1 working set (using 2 different body positions).
Hip Adductors... 2 working sets with the the last being a drop set with 2 drops in weight.
Leg Press... 2 working sets... 1 loading and 1 drop off.
Leg Extensions... 4 working sets... full weight rack for 4 sets with approx 30 secs rest between every set. 28, 21, 15 and 9 controlled reps with squeeze at the top of every rep.

Low Incline Smith Press... 2 working sets... 1 loading and 1 drop off.
Machine Flyes... 2 working sets... 1 loading and 1 drop off.
Machine Presses... 2 working sets with the full weight rack and 30 secs rest between (hammer then pronated grip).
Machine Lateral Raises... 1 working set for each arm separately with the full weight rack.
Machine Shoulder Press... 2 working sets with the full weight rack and 30 secs rest between (hammer then pronated grip).
Floor EZ Bar Skull Crushers... 1 working set with 25kg per side and 5 deadstop reps. I failed bad on the 4th deadstop but rested and got the final 2 in the end.
Tri-cep Extensions... 2 working sets... 1 loading and 1 drop off with 20 secs rest between.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been eating a lot of cottage cheese recently which isn't ideal for me so I will lower it. I always have times when I go for softer foods I can get down much easier than meat. Although I did have a big 300g steak today preworkout which was amazing. My fridge is stocked full of meat now so I will have 3 meat meals per day. That combined with 1 cottage cheese meal, maybe 2 smoothies and whatever else I decide to fit in. It's crazy the difference adrol feels to me compared to tbol. I have tbol preworkout and by the time I get home I want to eat. With adrol I take it preworkout and I could easily not eat for 6 hours after I get back so that's the main reason I went with cottage cheese, cereal and protein puddings recently. It's never really discussed but even just using a low dose of humalog (4-5iu for example) and allowing your bg to drop is an easy way to get your appetite back. Obviously it's not something most like to go around recommending though :eek::D I do have a vial of GHRP-6 in my fridge from about 4 years ago so I could even go with that. I am not really going to do any of those things as I am only on adrol for 1 more day and my appetite will come back with vengeance.

Things are looking ok though. Everything is bigger. My waist is a bit softer but it's to be expected due to some of the foods I have been going through recently :eek: It will go back down after a few days of my usual routine. I tried to weigh myself today in the gym and it displayed "error" so maybe that's a good sign :eek::D My legs are coming up as well. My legs are proportional to my upper body but they have never had the same look/pop as my upper body. It's a ridiculously slow process but there is no way they can't improve with the way I am training them so I will just keep on grinding away. Tonight was PULL and I reintroduced some Smith Rows but kept the weight lighter to be safe and it was fine. Incidentally some of my pull workouts recently have looked very high volume and they are certainly not low but for many of the later movements I only warm up for approx 1-2 mins before doing my working set so it's very fast paced and not as many sets as it may appear as I try to minimize my warm up volume/reps. I generally like to hit my back from multiple angles using multiple movements but with a close eye on overall volume per session. Moreover I generally start pulling high then medium then low but there are always exceptions.

Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working set.
Reverse Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Rows... 2 working sets (1 pulling high and 1 medium).
Machine Pulldowns... 1 working set.
Smith Rows... went up to 2pps for 1 set of high reps.
Unilateral Seated Cable Rows... 2 working sets for each side (1 loading and one drop off) pulling low.
Standing DB Shrugs... 1 working drop set with 3 drops in weight.
DB Pullovers... 1 working set.
Machine Rows... 1 working set with the full weight rack for 19 controlled reps.
Barbell Curls... 1 working set.
Barbell Reverse Curls... 1 working set.
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set.

During my next pull workout I will keep things more basic and also add in some machine lower back extensions and approx 10-15 mins of abs.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I trained legs today which is always fun :eek::D My legs have gained some size and aren't too bad now. From certain angles they actually look quite good. How that appears in pics time will tell :eek: I will sort out some pics in the near future. As I posted earlier they have never had the same pop/appearance but the size isn't too bad and I can't fit in any pants even if I get them much bigger in the waist. I try but with long legs and being 6ft 2 it's an uphill battle :eek::D The pump from today was crazy and that's no surprise after the concoction of things I took around training :D I don't usually dose all of this but I might start doing it for leg days only. Well I will rotate the lr3 and slin in regards to pre and post. It's worth noting the LR3 isn't what it should be so it's not like I am using 150mcg of pure lr3 and if I had that my dose would be significantly lower... well maybe :D

1 scoop of EAA's in 1.5 litres of water.
5 whole eggs, blueberries and spinach.
1 scoop of EAA's in 1.5 litres of water.
Beef steak, green peppers, cherry tomatoes and sweet potatoe.
PRE- 2.5ml synthetine, 1ml syntheselen, 150mcg igf-1 lr3, 10mg cialis, 10mg MK-677, 50mg adrol, 1 scoop of Muscletech's Vapor 1.
2 bananas.
INTRA- 2 scoops of Dymatize EAA's, 75g HBCD's and 5g glutamine in 1.5 litres of water.
POST- 10iu Humalog
Chicken, basmati rice and dried cranberries.
Beef steak, asparagus, peppers, cherry tomatoes and pasta.
Synthepure, pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, oats and water.
My next meal will be cottage cheese, walnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds, goji berries and blackberries.

I also added 250mg ginger root extract with the adrol as it helps with the mild nausea I sometimes experience from it. My appetite was lowered from just 50mg adrol and on day one and today it was the same. That's the main reason I decided to dose 10iu humalog because I took it and waited 5 mins and my appetite was gtg. I really pushed the carbs post workout and went through approx 400g in 4 hours (mainly from rice, pasta, pineapple and oats).

Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 working sets.
Standing Smith Calf Raises supersetted with Seated (no seat just bent down) DB Calf Raises... 2 working sets.
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets... 1 loading and 1 drop off.
Hip Abductors... 1 working set (using 2 different body positions).
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Leg Press... 2 working sets... 1 loading and 1 drop off.
Leg Extensions... 2 working sets with the last being a drop set with 3 drops in weight (full weight rack, approx 85%, approx 70%, approx 55%).
Spin Bike for 10 mins on moderate setting (complete torture because I started approx 1 min after the LE drop set).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been meaning to post this so here is my supplement stack. I typically use a select few supps all year and add in certain ones depending upon drugs, doses, training and sleep etc. Although for awhile I was just using synthergine and krill out but I have added some back in. They are all used for a clear purpose and most of my supps are used to help with cholesterol, blood pressure and the heart in general. I usually rotate brands/products and I was limited as I just stocked up using one website but I am happy with my current plan. It's also worth noting I have my main ones but I also added in some cheaper ones to add on. I like the 21st century 10mg melanotan (other brands have been nowhere as effective) so I added some of their fish oil, pomegranate extract and digestive enzymes mainly due to price. If they are good then great and if not no big deal but I guess you could say that about any of the brands.

Life Extension Endothelial Defense (GliSODin® and pomegranate complete)... 2 caps AM
Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract Stress and Fatigue Formula 101 (GABA, B1, B6 AND B12)... 2 caps AM/PM
Now Foods Blood Pressure Health... 1 cap AM/PM
Jarrow Formulas Wild Bitter Melon Extract... 1 tab AM/PM
Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics 50 billion... 1 cap AM
NOW Foods Prostate Health... 3 tabs daily
21st Century Pomegranate Extract... usually 1 cap in the PM with 2 meals.
21st Century Fish Oil and Bulk Powder's Krill Oil... 3 fish oil and 2 krill oil PM. Sometimes I add 2 krill oil in the AM as well.
21st Century 10mg Melatonin... 1 cherry flavoured chewable tab (they taste great) before bed.
Synthetek's Synthergine... 2ml AM/PM.

Before high protein meals I use 1-2 tabs of Natural Factors Papaya Enzyme chewable tabs (they taste so good).
Before larger general meals I sometimes add 1 cap of 21st Century Digestive Enzymes.

If anyone wonders why I use certain ones just ask and I will explain why I picked it.