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Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
You are definitely getting all that shit food out of you for sure. No pun intended. I know this from years of experience. When I use to travel for work I would spend on average 1 month to two months living in a motel. Regardless of what these guys say about it being easy to eat right on the road, It isn't. It is if your gone for a weekend or for a week but not months. Anyway when I would be on the road I would eventually end up just eating fast food five times a day everyday. Still worked out like mad and did eat some good food too but 75% of diet was crap. Then when I would come home I would eat clean and lean and nothing but home cooked everything by my Sicilian wife. Man I'd say after like four days or so I would shit all kinds if nasty for a solid week or so. Not to get too graphic but I'm talking like 30 wipe shits then having to go back 10 minutes later to rewipe. However after a week or so of the nasty shits my body would change back to the one wipe and go clean tight turds that to me mean a happy body.

Other noticeable things which would always change for the better was my energy levels, slept longer and sounder, and believe it or not but my wood was way better. Other little things like hair and nail health. Bags under my eyes, Mood eventually got bad. All sides IMO of a bad diet. My wife actually took a pic one time of what I looked like before I left and another after being gone eating shit for a few months. The difference was pretty damn noticeable. Good luck bro. I really think it was a super smart choice you seem to have made. Please make sure you give it a chance to work. You Power Lifters are amazing athletes IMO but let's face it you guys are also known for terrible diet habits. Hopefully you will be a role model for other guys to follow. Then maybe we won't have good people in our little corner of the world dying from heart disease at age 42. Sorry for rambling in your thread big guy....AR....


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
You are definitely getting all that shit food out of you for sure. No pun intended. I know this from years of experience. When I use to travel for work I would spend on average 1 month to two months living in a motel. Regardless of what these guys say about it being easy to eat right on the road, It isn't. It is if your gone for a weekend or for a week but not months. Anyway when I would be on the road I would eventually end up just eating fast food five times a day everyday. Still worked out like mad and did eat some good food too but 75% of diet was crap. Then when I would come home I would eat clean and lean and nothing but home cooked everything by my Sicilian wife. Man I'd say after like four days or so I would shit all kinds if nasty for a solid week or so. Not to get too graphic but I'm talking like 30 wipe shits then having to go back 10 minutes later to rewipe. However after a week or so of the nasty shits my body would change back to the one wipe and go clean tight turds that to me mean a happy body.

Other noticeable things which would always change for the better was my energy levels, slept longer and sounder, and believe it or not but my wood was way better. Other little things like hair and nail health. Bags under my eyes, Mood eventually got bad. All sides IMO of a bad diet. My wife actually took a pic one time of what I looked like before I left and another after being gone eating shit for a few months. The difference was pretty damn noticeable. Good luck bro. I really think it was a super smart choice you seem to have made. Please make sure you give it a chance to work. You Power Lifters are amazing athletes IMO but let's face it you guys are also known for terrible diet habits. Hopefully you will be a role model for other guys to follow. Then maybe we won't have good people in our little corner of the world dying from heart disease at age 42. Sorry for rambling in your thread big guy....AR....

LOL All this pooping my girl friend calls it me playing Game of Thrones. It's gotten better. Alot more energy and I feel better too.

YES!!! My old routine on fridays was alot of orals and a bucket of skinless KFC.

deadlifts 315 5x5 speed (new brace is awesome!)
latmachine same as always going up 20# next week-so each set I add a 45 so it goes 15/15/12/12/10/10/8/ 3x5

225 hammer row 3x10
low pulley row 140 4x10
seated rope face pull 50# 4x15
Lat pulley pullover 30x15, 50x15, 70x15

I'm fuckin sleepy from pulling LOL. It's been so long and the new shoes is great but that brace rubs the foot weird so it burns and hurts after awhile. Just have to sand it down.

Gym owner is up north prepping for the meet tomorrow. I watched the gym for a bit. Had a few young guy walk up and ask me questions they were to nervous to ask in front of the older guys.

Got to meet some of buddies that train with the Lilliebridges. Good to see my old friends doing well.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Squat day!!!!
5X10 Body weight box squat
295+grey band 8x1 speed pulls
hamstring curl in 3x10 10#
leg extension 3x10 25# and body weight on left leg
ab/adduction machine 3x20

This felt great to squat again even with nnothing it's better than last week. My body is catching up fast!


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
405 speed raw
shirt 545 3x3 3board easy
hammer incline 6 plates a side with an orange band 4x over at bottom
seated supine chest press 150 4x15

Sleepy.....now that my legs work better i can get in a better position to press. This shit is heavy...LOL


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
biceps 6x15
fat curl 6x6
fat db 4x10

push down 4x15
cannonball 4x8
dip machine maxed out 4x10

easy day


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Over head press machine 250 a side 3/3/3
seated side flys 55's 5x10
ball front raise 50 4x10-12


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Ok here is a little rant.
I have a friend who is a world champ CLEAN lifter. He lifts raw (knee sleeves) I can't say in which fed (they get pissed when they get shamed on the internet) but it's the biggest world federation. Just to qualify is an achievement. Now he can make it to worlds and the big big meets for that fed, but takes 4th and 5th to the same guys. These guys are the elite in his class and world champions. He's never gonna beat them. It took my boy 5 years to get 70 pounds on his squat. It's 775 right now.

But because of his fed he can not lift in other feds with ban lifters and his "prestigious" world fed offers nothing to the winners. He is unable to do the cash meets because of ban lifters being there and he is unable to lift in big meets that are not sanctioned by his fed. He risks a suspension for that.

He isn't aloud to take gear either. His couch who is a big juicer and a famous lifter took the. Coach was banned from this fed and not allowed to compete in it anymore or have any affiliation with it, it's members, or business. Just taking a picture wit him can get you suspended......yes that's a thing! He helps others take gear, but not my friend. My friend Works 2 jobs, trains, drives 2 hours to my gym, and is the personal slave of his coach. No matter what my friend has to be in there to spot his coach. His coach uses him. He's a complete control freak.

His coach use to be mine as well. But I always thought for my self. I searched out other greats and got their ideas on training, diet, equipment, and recovery. Tried some of there ideas, tried some new stuff, thought of my own stuff and just kept an eye on my progress. My friend can't do anything unless his coach ok's it. Even then coach is dead set in old ways. Coach use to give me sit for some things that I did. Like; deadlifting speed pulls after squatting, heavy motion work on deadlift, sheiko training, replacing old barbell movements with hammer strength, non linear periodization, band work, equipment to over oad the body, training splits, finishing exercises, other ways to use gear, different gear to use (like he hates the fact people take tren or npp), diet, water cutting skills without diuretics, and training frequency. He gave me shit for all of that. But when it turns out it worked.....he takes it. Example would be a wave program I set up using Priplien's chart (this si basic sheiko/westside barbell). I was told it was to much or too little. That it's training frequency and intensity was too high...(it's not). Once I started jumping in weights he has all his clients do it now.

Supplements, most are bullshit, have a place too. I spent my time; trying new brands, new products, finding ones that worked and found cheaper but equally good products. His coach would give me shit. But once a famous lifter does it or talks about it's now gospel truth!

Also his "coach" didn't go to my friends wedding. He said he had a seminar to do. But my friend was engaged for like 4 years...we all new MONTHS ahead when it was. He has supplemet/companies hook ups and won't try to sponsor him. He's been on pod cast with Mark Bell, Stan Efferding, that TITAN guy Mike O'hearn. He can't do a shout out cause my friend could get banned. But at least name drop or help my guy out. He is never able to do different training, even if it's proven to work!!! His coach is old school and stubborn. He grinds my friend down in training, while he has 2 jobs and a 2 hr drive to get to the gym. He just beats the shit out of him. He doesn't make progress like he should. He has so many options for training but his coach makes him do his old (the coach's) routine.

The coach is a legend DO NOT GET ME WRONG!!! But, he was also a genetic freak. He figured out he was good at weight lifting at a young age and hit it hard. He lived at home till he was 40, and never had a job! He was able to recover much faster than most people because of that and his gear usage. He tells people to find their own way but then he trains people they just do what he did towards the end of his career. He was already squatting 1,000lbs. And his style doesn't work for every one.

He gives out dated info on lifting gear. His last suit was an Inzer Champion....that ain't shit to the new Titans or TRX'S. His old bench shirt, which he never really trained in, was an old Blast shirt. He did deadlift raw or use an Inzer hardcore. Equipment is much more advanced now; that his tips either don't work, are impossible to do in new gear, get people hurt, or incompatible training theories.

He cant do single ply cause coach wont let him, cant take anything coach wont let him, this coach just grinds him into the ground. My friend is strong as fuck, world level strong. But he isn't in a place to really excel. He could do a cash meet like RUM. His fed would ban him but he could do it AND MAKE MONEY!!!!!!

He's good enough now, and with added assistance, he could be a great world lifter. It sucks and pisses me off cause he is such a nice guy. Coach is old and set in his ways. But with him being a legend no body can say no to him...I can though :) My friend is getting fucked over and used. Guys at gym have been telling him this over the last year. He's now just starting to get it.

The point is this. We stand on the shoulders of giants. We can look at the past and see what worked, what didn't, what can be improved, what can be invented, and find better explanations for things in training. Training evolves and we learn new things. Most of the time they are better, this is progress. If he's doing out dated work and training no wonder his rivals are leaps ahead of him.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I'm not naming names but the guys that know me know EXACTLY who this is!!!! That girl I was training fell his shit legend status. I had this girl drop from 140 to the 132 class while benching 145 for 3 reps. Now she is doing that coaches old routine, she maybe can get 95 for 2 reps, and she gained 10 pounds. He gutted the routine I made for her and started adding shit that threw off the balance. She then got hurt. I no longer help any new lifter, I just send them to that coach cause I don't know what I'm talking about. I only added 50 pounds to my total each meet, totaled over 2,000 at 220, taught my self to walk again, pushed through my injuries, fought hard when I as stuck in the hospital for 3 months, trained with crutches and a wound vac, did multi ply with a fuckin pic line in, and just never gave up.

I just needed to vent. Crazy night. Prob gonna skip back day since I've been up. But will do tomorrow DE bench.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
1x5 205
1x4 245
2x3 285
5x3 325

3X10 box squat with pair of 10#db
315+grey band 8x1 speed pulls
hamstring curl in 3x10 20#
leg extension 3x10 25# and body weight on left leg

1x5 225
1x5 265
4x4 315


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Did arms
hammer machine 2x10 4x15
rope hammer head curl 6x6
push down heavy 4x15
cannon ball 4x8
dip machine stack 4x10


Mar 27, 2014
I'm not naming names but the guys that know me know EXACTLY who this is!!!! That girl I was training fell his shit legend status. I had this girl drop from 140 to the 132 class while benching 145 for 3 reps. Now she is doing that coaches old routine, she maybe can get 95 for 2 reps, and she gained 10 pounds. He gutted the routine I made for her and started adding shit that threw off the balance. She then got hurt. I no longer help any new lifter, I just send them to that coach cause I don't know what I'm talking about. I only added 50 pounds to my total each meet, totaled over 2,000 at 220, taught my self to walk again, pushed through my injuries, fought hard when I as stuck in the hospital for 3 months, trained with crutches and a wound vac, did multi ply with a fuckin pic line in, and just never gave up.

I just needed to vent. Crazy night. Prob gonna skip back day since I've been up. But will do tomorrow DE bench.

Sorry I am so late on this- I know so many coaches that do this to people
Because they can't do it any more it is almost like they want to fuck up every one else- like they want ty o be the legend.
And other coaches like you said were just genetic freaks and could and wound have done great no matter what they did- But never had a clue what the fuck they were doing when they did comps and now thing there way was they way.
Sorry I am having problems trying to get my words out.
They don't belong being trainers and people are to stupid to see it


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
shirt 585 3x3 3board easy
hammer incline 6 plates a side with an orange band 4x over at bottom
seated supine chest press 150 4x15

Arm day is now Tuesday so I can pump up in a way to fit my shirt better.



WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
pec deck feeder 4x25
Over head press machine 250 a side 3/3/3
Machine side raise the stack for 4x10-12...a SHIT TON of highschoolers by the dumb bells. Just couldn't get in there WTF!!!
ball front raise 50 4x10-12

TMRW I bench and deadlift.....yippee!! FML