Back at it


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Did arms in my buddies garage.
Leg feels great. Walked alot today. Going back to gym later to watch my guys that are doin a meet in 2 weeks. So every one is doing their walkouts and openers.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Over head press machine 235 a side 5/5/3
seated side flys 50's 4x10*
ball front raise 40 4x10-12
rope seated face pull 30 4x15

Leg feels good. Sucks seeing young lifters that have potential just end up being nut swingers. Meaning they do the bare minimum of work but just want to hang out, talk, be known as a powerlifter....shit like that. Sorry ass mother fuckers....


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Ok was suppose to do 365 for 5x5 on deadlift but did 405 for 3x3 ;)
Hammer lat 15,15,12,12,12,10,8,5/5/5
Row machine 15,12,10,10,10,10/10/10 with 200 under grip
close grip row 15,12,10,10,10 130#
stiff arm pull down 15,15,15,15,12
Everything is going up next week


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Hard time sleeping this weekend. Coaches and I thought it was time I went on a diet. Been on 2 days lost 8 pounds water. So im about 235. Normal body weight...i'm just so much more bigger than I was before. This has helped me sleep better by getting rid of that bloat. It's gonna be a while till that sleep study LOL!

No leg day today, brace is ready tomorrow with new boot!!! Gonna pick it up and use it then. I had the new boot made around my olympic lifting shoes....it's gonna be fuckin cool.

Shopping today for my new diet. Magnus helped me think more like a BBer.

For all the people who read my shit and never post here is a thing. I got a few diet questions, they will also be posted in the diet section.

1. A gallon a day of water is bland. But high amounts of Crystal Light give me migraines. How do you guys do your water?

2. any body got some sample meals/preps? Cause I'm just chicken steak and rice. Eggs and oats.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
For water I try to keep ice water with me at all times and just take in small amounts throughout the day 8 to 10 ounces is pretty easy to take in without effort.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
What's your goal with the diet bro? I mean obviously loose some lbs and as you stated bloat but I mean are you gonna stay on to hit a certain weight or bodyfat? Just overall health?Your not gonna go crazy with it are you cause aren't you a little worried it might fuck with your training a bit? Sorry just a bit curious as to why the diet now....AR....


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
What's your goal with the diet bro? I mean obviously loose some lbs and as you stated bloat but I mean are you gonna stay on to hit a certain weight or bodyfat? Just overall health?Your not gonna go crazy with it are you cause aren't you a little worried it might fuck with your training a bit? Sorry just a bit curious as to why the diet now....AR....

I'm very worried it will fuck with it. But I eat Mcdonalds like every day before the gym.

I just bought a bunch of meats, whole grains, and veggies. Just trying to eat better and keep the weight down so when I cut it's not that bad and I will bloat up better. Found my fav sweet potatoe chips and almond crackers!!!!

I am not trying to get abs (easy when I try), or drop a class, or any of that shit. I just want to be optimal and my g/f who is like 110 pounds just went low carb. So I'm gonna be eating clean so we can suffer together.

DO NOT GET ME WRONG if I need calories I can pack it on easy. Just trying to be a lil bit healthier.

Also cutting weight this far out is way easier than crashing it later. Hell my meet isn't till November 22, and Ive been bulking for the past 10 weeks kinda anyway.
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WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Fatty meats...Brauts and eggs mmmmm


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Oct 29, 2012
Out in the boondocks
Hard time sleeping this weekend. Coaches and I thought it was time I went on a diet. Been on 2 days lost 8 pounds water. So im about 235. Normal body weight...i'm just so much more bigger than I was before. This has helped me sleep better by getting rid of that bloat. It's gonna be a while till that sleep study LOL!

No leg day today, brace is ready tomorrow with new boot!!! Gonna pick it up and use it then. I had the new boot made around my olympic lifting shoes....it's gonna be fuckin cool.

Shopping today for my new diet. Magnus helped me think more like a BBer.

For all the people who read my shit and never post here is a thing. I got a few diet questions, they will also be posted in the diet section.

1. A gallon a day of water is bland. But high amounts of Crystal Light give me migraines. How do you guys do your water?

2. any body got some sample meals/preps? Cause I'm just chicken steak and rice. Eggs and oats.
Try flavored BCAA's. My whole family increased their water intake with them. My 110lb wife even gets in a gallon+ per day. Sciatica watermelon is awesome. Muscle tech white grape is good to. True nutrition has good flavors as well. I would also recommend mixing them 1/2 dose or even less. Get used to subtle flavors. When I cut out sweets, I'm so sensitive to sugar even milk is very sweet to me. You could also try green tea by the gallon at Walmart. There is a few no calorie options there to try. If you like it brew your own and flavoring. Much cheaper. I drink at least 1 gallon of just green tea alone. Love the stuff


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Try flavored BCAA's. My whole family increased their water intake with them. My 110lb wife even gets in a gallon+ per day. Sciatica watermelon is awesome. Muscle tech white grape is good to. True nutrition has good flavors as well. I would also recommend mixing them 1/2 dose or even less. Get used to subtle flavors. When I cut out sweets, I'm so sensitive to sugar even milk is very sweet to me. You could also try green tea by the gallon at Walmart. There is a few no calorie options there to try. If you like it brew your own and flavoring. Much cheaper. I drink at least 1 gallon of just green tea alone. Love the stuff

I normally use All Day You May by Rich PIANA.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
That missing ater really fucked with me. I only got 585 for 1x1 on a 2 board. Tired alot. I was tld this diet will get better,

Bench shirt 585 11 2 brd
incline same as last weak but lighter?
Seated press supine 140 4x15

Fuckin tired. Got new brace and oly shoe will post a pic. I miss Mcdonalds as preworkout fuel lol. I know this is a smart move. I suck at keeping diet down.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Did arms....really missing that bloat LOL

I slept like 9 hours last night so that's great.

Seeing new doctor today for sleep study order.

I have to stop posting when I'm tired, the spelling errors are embarrassing.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2016
Psych you said I believe (sorry too lazy to look back) that is was your coaches idea for you to go on a diet. I was wondering also what their motivation for a diet is? I totally understand yours for the overall health thing. Especially long term. I was just curious if that was their reason as well or if they thought a new improved leaner and healthier you would lead to as you mentioned easier cuts closer to your meet which might lead to a stronger you?
Sorry for the questions brother I'm just always curious about different coaches reasoning for things. I train a few guys, obviously not for power lifting, but they definitely have to cut. Depending on the athlete sometimes we can gradually take them down but usually its a drastic cut within days of their event.
I have a couple bigger guys who aren't real disciplined diet wise and it pisses me off to no end but when they are killing it in every aspect of training I'm just always so afraid to fuck with anything. Diet included.
If you notice a difference in your training let's say not for the better initially will you stick with the diet since your so far out and just wait it out till it gets better or will you drop the diet? I know it sounds stupid really cause you cleaning up your diet should only help you long term I'm just really curious about how your thinking works because I know if Myself or my peeps change things up sometimes it can cause a real mindfuck. That's why I was wondering about your coaches as well....AR....
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WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Psych you said I believe (sorry too lazy to look back) that is was your coaches idea for you to go on a diet. I was wondering also what their motivation for a diet is? I totally understand yours for the overall health thing. Especially long term. I was just curious if that was their reason as well or if they thought a new improved leaner and healthier you would lead to as you mentioned easier cuts closer to your meet which might lead to a stronger you?
Sorry for the questions brother I'm just always curious about different coaches reasoning for things. I train a few guys, obviously not for power lifting, but they definitely have to cut. Depending on the athlete sometimes we can gradually take them down but usually its a drastic cut within days of their event.
I have a couple bigger guys who aren't real disciplined diet wise and it pisses me off to no end but when they are killing it in every aspect of training I'm just always so afraid to fuck with anything. Diet included.
If you notice a difference in your training let's say not for the better initially will you stick with the diet since your so far out and just wait it out till it gets better or will you drop the diet? I know it sounds stupid really cause you cleaning up your diet should only help you long term I'm just really curious about how your thinking works because I know if Myself or my peeps change things up sometimes it can cause a real mindfuck. That's why I was wondering about your coaches as well....AR....

That part pisses my coach off too!!! It's also easier I feel from a medical point to start with diet. I just couldn't sleep with that extra bloat. And no sleep means no gains and shit poor recovery.

I feel weird not having the water weight. But I will stick with it. I use to do MMA (actually fought 3 times) before powerlifting. So I can crash cut but I would always prefer not to have to got through the whole water depletion thing.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I'm having a hard time staying hungry or getting hungry. I'm not use to eating cleaner. This makes me realize just how fucked up my diet was. I'm still getting fast food wrapper out of my car....kinda sad. Alot of powerlfiters go this way but it's just too unhealthy.

The main reason I think I was able to eat like crap was from all the meds from my accident. The antibiotics just kill me sometimes.

Found this online and thought it was funny as fuck



WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Over head press machine 225 a side 3x5
seated side flys 50's 5x10
ball front raise 40 4x10-12

HOT in there today! Got my 4 guys on point for the meet Saturday.

I'm getting more use to this diet. I'm shitting my brains out I guess detoxing??? I don't know but a dragon is living in my ass LOL burns. It's getting easier to eat this shit all the time I can play with my meals more that I'm getting a hang of it. Calories are calories and I'm making it work better.