30 solid pounds in 6 months


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I didn't really sleep so went to the gym at 5:30am. I trained chest and quads and kept it a bit shorter than usual but still done plenty. Although I plan to train legs fairly soon so kept the quad training fairly basic. I started with a variety of db presses and kept the weight to a max of 30kg but done 5 sec negatives and holds at the bottom. Every working set I done was with the 30kg db's. Most times I press I push the weight to the limit so it's good (and wise) to have days like this at times. My workout looked like...

Warm up with db's
Incline DB Chest Press... 4 warm up sets and 3 working sets with 15 deep breaths between each set.
Flat DB Chest Press... 3 working sets with 15 deep breaths between each set.
Decline DB Chest Press... 3 working sets with 15 deep breaths between each set.
Standing Cable Crossovers.... 4 sets standing in the middle in the centre (head down and cables to my sides) and rotated with 4 sets standing in front so a more traditional cable fly with one foot in front of the other. 3 warm up sets and 1 working set for each.
Chest Dips... 2 sets to failure.
Machine Chest Press... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set of 11 reps.
Leg Extensions supersetted with Walking Lunges with a 20kg bag on my shoulders. 2 sets of leg extensions (feet together and then apart) for 20 reps each then 1 set of walking lunges. I repeated this 7 times so 21 sets total and moved up in weight with the leg extensions each set until I finished on the full weight rack. Due to the pace I was failing the 40 rep leg extensions by the end and done some partial reps.
Back and Leg Stretches

Everything is going great but I want to tighten up faster for my holiday. 2 main areas I am going wrong this week is having quite a lot of fruit syrup in water. It's gone so hot here and it tastes so good but it's all sugar. On top of that many of my cottage cheese meal macros are way off with only 20g protein and fairly high carbs (added fruit).

As a result I will be swopping the syrup for lemon water (fresh lemons) and will stop having any fruit juice and whenever I have cottage cheese I will only be able to add low carb fruit such as blueberries, raspberries or chopped strawberries etc. I will also start having 1 scoop of synthepure with my cottage cheese meals to get the protein content up. The rest of my meals will be mainly meat with salad (berries added to the salad). So a very healthy but carb restricted diet for the next few weeks as I go on holiday in July. The majority of my carbs will be consumed around training in the form of HBCD's/Vitargo, rice, pasta and fruit such as pineapple or mandarins.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I trained shoulders and arms the other night. I said to myself lots of lateral raises. So I done some clean and presses, heavy barbell upright rows, heavy standing db presses and ended with a variety of lateral raises. I must have done about 15 sets of lateral raises moving up in weight and very heavy with bent arms. Then I finished with approx 10 sets using ligher weight with my arms straight and to my sides. I used 15-7.5kg db's and really pushed it with 10 sec rest between sets. Arms were mainly machine preacher curls and machine dips. I finished with abs and back stretches.

Yesterday was something very different and I recommend it to people if you want to mix it up. I picked 7 stations and performed 4 giant sets. I used 3 upper body, 3 lower body and 1 ab movement. As you rotate body parts you are not exhausting any given muscle but it's a big cardio workout too. I started with light weight and for each set moved up in weight until the 4th set I was pretty much lifting the full weight rack for everything. I used the following order mainly due to the location of the machines...

1. Machine Chest Press
2. Leg Extenions
3. Machine Cable Back Rows
4. Horizontal Leg Press
5. Machine Lat Pulldowns
6. Seated Leg Curls
7. Machine Ab Crunches

So 4 circuits of 7 sets with no rest between stations. I would rest for approx 2 mins between circuits. On the last set I was using the full weight rack for everything a part from leg curls (about 85%) and ab crunches (about 40%). Reps were 25-15 reps for everything and on the last set approx 15 reps.

Afterwards I done more hamstrings and calves in the form of...

Lying Leg Curls... about 8 sets and the last 4 to complete failure with partials.
Calf Presses supersetted with calf raises... 4 sets of 40 rep calf presses with approx 20 reps for the raises.

My calf strength has always been good but utilizing a lot of high reps has helped with my strength endurance. I can now do the full weight rack for 40 slow and controlled reps. Even half of the rack is a big struggle when using the rep speed I do. Sometimes I will go faster to change things up though.

I may have a day off from the gym tonight. My body could probably do with the rest as I have been using higher volume recently. Although the above workout was much faster than my usual and I was done in less than an hour.

I didn't use any slin before the above 2 workouts but still had my 3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen and felt great. I have also cut down my intra carbs to 50g HBCD's.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I haven't updated for awhile but been very busy. I did travel to the UK and had about 5-6 days off from the gym. Although I have been training very hard since. I have changed so much in the last few weeks. Literally a totally different mindset and approach.

My goal is to get ripped but in a healthy way. I am listening to my mind/body and going against the usual bodybuilding regime in many ways. I literally have about 4 meals per day and some of them are not big. I am drinking aminos between meals because my protein intake is low. I have been eating 1 meat meal at most per day and sometimes going days without any. My portion sizes 90% of the time are much smaller. My main whole food protein comes from greek yoghurt and cottage cheese. I realized those meals were too carb dominant so I changed the fruit sources to low calorie high antioxidant fruits such as blueberries, raspberries and blackberries etc.

I like to have 3 weetabix with greek yoghurt and berries on top twice daily. I have cottage cheese with berries for 1 meal. I have eggs for another but no more 6 eggs I usually just have 3-4 with wholegrain toast. Sometimes I will have a small synthepure shake after eggs to boost the protein content. If I am not hungry I don't eat. In the past I would always eat just before bed as I am obviously sleeping for approx 8 hours. But now I may eat a few hours pre bed and if I don't feel like nothing else I won't have anything later on. Therefore, very regularly I stay fasted for 12 hours+ which never happened in the past. I know 12 hours is nothing for people who fast but it's not so much about fasting more that I am not worried about losing anything so I have to eat like in the past.

My diet sounds like a disaster in many ways... high in dairy and wheat but I don't care and I am enjoying it. It suits me and my body so gonna carry in a similar manner. I forgot if I want to snack I usually have watermelon or perhaps a spoon of cashew butter. I tend to eliminate higher carbs from the nightime so will usually have cottage cheese or eggs and a spoon of cashew butter for my final meal. Although nothing is written in stone and I like to rotate things.

I still have the same intra shake but for the last week it contains no carbs but still lots of aminos, creatine, glutamine, citrulline malate etc.

I am going on holiday in a few hours so will get some good pics when away. When I get back I will be starting a slightly more muscle friendly regime in many ways. Basically the same but I will make sure I have at least 1 meat meal everyday and I will add in another egg meal. I will start syntherol in my arms and calves so they "pop" more as I get leaner. I will also start doing some cardio mainly for health reason but the boost in fat loss will be a bonus.

Right now I must be about 20 pounds down and 3 inches less around the waist and feeling good. I will be back in a week and will update when I can. My hotel has a gym so I will be training everyday when away. I love going to hotels and trying out new gym's so always try to book one with a good gym :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
My goal is to get ripped but in a healthy way. I am listening to my mind/body and going against the usual bodybuilding regime in many ways. I literally have about 4 meals per day and some of them are not big. I am drinking aminos between meals because my protein intake is low. I have been eating 1 meat meal at most per day and sometimes going days without any. My portion sizes 90% of the time are much smaller. My main whole food protein comes from greek yoghurt and cottage cheese. I realized those meals were too carb dominant so I changed the fruit sources to low calorie high antioxidant fruits such as blueberries, raspberries and blackberries etc.

I like to have 3 weetabix with greek yoghurt and berries on top twice daily. I have cottage cheese with berries for 1 meal. I have eggs for another but no more 6 eggs I usually just have 3-4 with wholegrain toast. Sometimes I will have a small synthepure shake after eggs to boost the protein content. If I am not hungry I don't eat. In the past I would always eat just before bed as I am obviously sleeping for approx 8 hours. But now I may eat a few hours pre bed and if I don't feel like nothing else I won't have anything later on. Therefore, very regularly I stay fasted for 12 hours+ which never happened in the past. I know 12 hours is nothing for people who fast but it's not so much about fasting more that I am not worried about losing anything so I have to eat like in the past.

My diet sounds like a disaster in many ways... high in dairy and wheat but I don't care and I am enjoying it. It suits me and my body so gonna carry in a similar manner. I forgot if I want to snack I usually have watermelon or perhaps a spoon of cashew butter. I tend to eliminate higher carbs from the nightime so will usually have cottage cheese or eggs and a spoon of cashew butter for my final meal. Although nothing is written in stone and I like to rotate things.

I still have the same intra shake but for the last week it contains no carbs but still lots of aminos, creatine, glutamine, citrulline malate etc.

I am going on holiday in a few hours so will get some good pics when away. When I get back I will be starting a slightly more muscle friendly regime in many ways. Basically the same but I will make sure I have at least 1 meat meal everyday and I will add in another egg meal. I will start syntherol in my arms and calves so they "pop" more as I get leaner. I will also start doing some cardio mainly for health reason but the boost in fat loss will be a bonus.

Right now I must be about 20 pounds down and 3 inches less around the waist and feeling good. I will be back in a week and will update when I can. My hotel has a gym so I will be training everyday when away. I love going to hotels and trying out new gym's so always try to book one with a good gym :)

Other than eggs, dairy is THE most anabolic food one can consume. I don't care what anyone says. The research is absolutely conclusive on that point. The amino acid profile is as complete as it gets. I just wish my body would allow me to consume dairy. :(

And I don't know WTF a weetabix is, but if it fits within your dietary needs, then don't sweat it. Everyone is slightly different when it comes to dietary requirements, you don't need me to tell you that. If it works for you, then it works. Period. Glad to hear you're making good progress, Elvia. I like reading your logs, very thorough.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have just got back from my holiday. I trained most mornings in the hotel gym. Although my middle trap issues came back so I had 2 days off as a result. Diet was a buffet breakfast everyday and dinner at a resturant with lots of ice cream in between (2-3 servings everyday). The lighting was good in my hotel room so I had some pics taken one night after a buffet dinner so will post them later.

Now I am back it will be full steam ahead starting in a few days. Everything will be the same as the above and I will add in more protein as I progress. I will start syntherol in my arms and calves in small amounts to add to fullness as I lose bodyfat. My diet is really different and I will post details on that as I go a long.

I haven't used syntherol for a while but my calves are looking much better. They are not big but their shape has improved tahnks to past usage and training. In some pics they look crap but I guess that is a curse of my genetics and being 6ft 2 with long legs. All the abuse on the horizontal leg press over the last few months has helped things. Those 40 rep sets are really making a difference, albeit a slow one :eek::D I train my calves nearly everyday I am in the gym and will carry that on. I also plan to start training abs with calves every gym day. I have starting doing vacuums as I need all the help I can get :D

My hormones have been all over the place due to travelling but I will continue with 40mg test p, 40mg mast p, 40mg tren a and 50mg proviron per day.

Here are some pics of Dubrovnik...








AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Some updated pics unpumped in my hotel room. Legs will never be big and it's a struggle at 6ft 2 but I am progressing...





AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Last night I dosed 2IU Somastim HGH. I will be carrying on dosing 2iu whenever I feel like so either 2 or 4iu per day. Anymore than 4iu and I will get too tired. Today I started YK-11 at 5mg pre workout. I will up to 10mg over time (I have 60x 5mg caps). Synthetine and syntheselen will be restarted tomorrow as I want to get ripped now. So from tomorrow my stack will consist of...

40mg test p
40mg tren a
40mg mast p
50mg proviron
5mg YK-11
3ml synthetine
2ml syntheselen
2-4iu hgh


Registered User
Jul 3, 2017
Some updated pics unpumped in my hotel room. Legs will never be big and it's a struggle at 6ft 2 but I am progressing...




Great look right there. Drop a tad bit more fat (Not much) and drop the water and you will be ripped as hell bro.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been training hard. Over the last 6 days it's looked like...


Volume for individual bodyparts has gone down slightly but I will be training multiple bodyparts each day. I will be training calves/abs most days from now on. I left calves today as I am going to do my 1st set of syntherol shots in them tonight. Just going to start at 1ml in 2 spots in each calf to start off and not go too high. I never follow an exact routine but it should look like 3 on 1 off from now on as I want to get in the gym most days but still have some recovery.

My strength is down but I still managed 3 plates a side on barbell presses for 6 reps today.If I had a spotter I could have pushed and got a few assisted reps but I was alone. I am trying to lift as heavy as possible but also incorporate some other methods. An example was the other day with chest I started with db incline presses warming up and going to the heaviest db's for a straight set to failure. Then afterwards I used 20kg db's and would perform 3 reps then hold both db's up in the air tensing my chest for approx 5-15 secs then do another 3 reps and carried this on for over 2 mins to get as much blood into my chest. I rotate exercises each training day for every body part.

My legs are so sore from the other day. I could barely walk yesterday and my abductors hurt even when just sat down. I tried some tb-500 for the first time and that has definitely helped. I dosed 1.25mg yesterday and will dose the same every 3 days. I need to get more if I want to give it a good run. I tried it thinking it may help my back out and if it aids general recovery then a bonus.

I have been struggling with motivation recently but going to just push though. I am also going to modify my diet slightly as I am basically eating too many calories most days. Just minor changes and lowering my greek yoghurt intake and replacing it with some lean protein. That a lone will make a big difference then I can modify things again when I need to.

I am running low on aas but just ordered more. I dropped my nearly full vial of mast p and it cracked so no more mast p :eek: I tried 10mg YK-11 pre workout before but never noticed any difference at all. So my aas right now is:

40mg test p
40mg tren a
50mg proviron

Things will be kept similar but going to replace test p with test e. I may even up test to about 450mg per week. Plus in August I will add avar and winny into my plan... probably 40mg avar and 50mg winny for 1 month.

I am now using mt2 and having a tan makes a world of difference to the way you look. 3ml bac water in 10mg so 0.1ml = 333mcg. I started on 166.5mcg (0.05ml) and will gradually up the dose to 333mcg over 2 weeks. Even at 166.5mcg I flushed bad and felt nausous. I recommend newbies start at half what I did just to be careful. Even after using it multiple times over the years, 166.5mcg is the most I would ever start at. People start far too high and they feel awful for it so definitely start as low as possible if you ever try it out. It's best takign it after a meal and I always start using it pre bed and once I get used to it change to the day time.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just trained legs again and pushed through. I wasn't in the mood to train so my pre workout was well needed. A mixture of heavy and moderate weights on various exercises. I started with calves and worked up to the full weight rack using lower reps than my usual 40. DB Tibialis raises up to 40kg db's for high reps. Hams were mainly lying leg curls and 10 reps moving up fast in weight every set until I could no longer get 10 reps (full weight rack). Then 1 set of seated leg curls using 3 normal reps then 1 super slow 20 sec rep and repeated until I failed. Quads were leg press in the Smith machine with 6 plates a side for high reps. Then leg extensions with lighter weight than usual and squeezing on every rep. I finished with 50 reps with most of the weight rack. I wanted to do ab/adductors but some guy was taking ages so I just finished with abs, stretching and rumble rolling.

One of the reasons I was inconistent with Syntherol (and aas) in the past is I would inject them pre bed and some nights you get that tired it's harder to stay consistent. Now I am going to do both in the early evening so I never miss any shots. I tried 10mg YK-11 pre workout today and again I didn't feel any different so I think it's going to be a case of take it and hope for the best and not buy again. I will up to 15mg tomorrow and see if I feel any different.

Less calories/carbs yesterday so I feel flater as a result but going in the right direction. I felt like I was walking home in slow motion after the gym and I am destroyed now. Gonna eat some food and Watch Game of Thrones :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are starting to come together and life is good. Well I could have been more planned as Geno had a holiday and I never bothered ordering but nothing major. As a result I am just on 40mg test p per day now. I don't like going down then back up on the things I just used as I would rather rotate compounds. I just ordered so will have my stuff soon and will just carry on as normal.

I loved my diet but realize all that extra carbs/fats from the dairy products isn't going to make me getting ripped easy so I have changed things. I eat when hungry and don't have an exact plan but a typcial day will look like...

4 Whole Eggs maybe some salad (berries) and/or toast
Drink Aminos
3 weetabix, greek yoghurt and blueberries
Drink Aminos
Beef with Pineapple (40g carbs)
train... intra shake of aminos, citrulline malate, creatine, taurine, glutamine.
Chicken, peppers and basmati rice
Drink Aminos
4 Whole eggs and some cashews or just carry on drinking aminos.

The aminos drinks are EAA's and/or bcaa's. As I am consuming fairly regular whole food meals it doesn't make too much difference. I just ordered loads of different bcaa powders. I always use EAA's with extra bcaa's intra training and through the day though. I was on muscleandstrength so this time just added some of the big company products but the majority of the time I use EAA's with added bcaa's.

Nothing is set in stone and for many meals I will just have trace carbs (meat and salad). Yesterday for 1 meal I just had a piece of steak (my appetite for it has come back) and will do that quite a lot. Fact is my carbs will be the lowest they have ever been for a prolonged period (weeks-months) of time. Last night I just ate 10 cashews and drank a protein shake pre bed to give an indication. I have just ordered the new plant protein from GAT so will be adding that in whenever I feel like. I also ordered their greens powder. As my fats will be fairly low I also have Animal Omega on the way. I will occasionally have 1/2 avocado in some salads too. I cook all my meats in oil too so nothing will be too low.

The fat is starting to fall off and things are moving nicely. I dosed 3ml Synthetine pre workout before and had a great training day. I am on no other fat burners as I don't think I need them. Well I decided to order Animal cuts mainly just to give me extra energy when I will be restricting things the most and training hard so the extra energy will be needed. But no clen, dnp, t3, t4, eca etc as I would rather stay away from them.

I trained chest, shoulders, tri-ceps and calves earlier. I decided to not push the weight with incline barbell presses for a change. I focused on form and feeling my chest (problem of the past) and pausing at the bottom of every rep and going for 15-20 reps most sets). Then for machine press I moved up to the max weight rack (heavy on this machine) and went to complete failure. Then some weighted chest dips to failure then bodyweight to failure x2.

Shoulders were machine shoulder press to failure on the last set. Then 2 different styles of db lateral raises going heavy. The 2nd style was duplicating a lateral raise machine with db's so having my elbows bent and holding the db's together and moving my elbows up and outwards. I finished with a drop set of 50 reps with 10 reps using 15kg, 12,5kg, 10kg, 7.5kg and 5kg db's.

Tri-ceps were pushdowns then heavy lying db tri-cep extensions supersetted with high rep close grip bench (1 plate a side). I was using 25kg db's on the extensions with slow reps to failure so the 1 plate a side close grip bench was plenty but still got 20+ reps. I decided to finish with 3 sets of 40 reps for calves and pushing it. Last set I failed on about 25 and kept going and used partials to get to 40 reps. Back stretches and rumble rolling to finish as always.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are going good. My diet has been fairly balanced recently. I am having 1-2 sirloin steaks per day. Maybe 1-2 shrimp/crayfish salads. Plus the usual stuff. Most of my steak meals are with onions, peppers and tomatoes so relatively low carbs. Cottage cheese with blueberries is another fav of mine.

I should have my hormones any day but right now it's just 40mg test p per day and 25mg proviron daily. I am looking forward to adding in 50mg winny and 40mg avar and that should have a big impact.

Earlier I just trained back, bi-ceps and abs for about 2 hours. I trained legs for about 2 hours yesterday. Tomorrow I will be training chest, shoulders and tri-ceps. Those are my 3 set days now but I include calves and abs most days. Both bodyparts are improving so I am happy. My waist is much smaller due to my new diet and not overfeeding.

I am feeling good just a little tired due to the 2iu hgh. I only take it about 4 days per week otherwise I get too tired. It's annoying I am so sensitive to that side effect.

For the next few months I am just going to grind away and bring out the details. I will add in high dosed LR3 sometime in August and when I do I will add in intra carbs.

I am using 3ml synthetine pre workout with no insulin. I postponed syntherol as I will be flying soon but I might just add a few shots then start it properly when I am back.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Earlier I trained chest, shoulders and tri-ceps...

Warm up with db's
Smith Incline Presses... 4 warm up sets and 1 working drop set with 3 drops (3, 2 and 1 plate per side) with 3-5 sec negative reps.
Machine Press... 3 warm up sets (20, 15 and 12 reps) and 1 working set for 8 reps with 5 sec negatives.
Chest Dips... quick 5 reps to get ready then 1 working drop set with 20kg db then bodyweight.
Standing DB Shoulder Presses... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set of 12 reps with 30kg db's.
DB Lateral Raises... various sets (about 7) using different variations and weights.
Standing Cable Lateral Raises... 1 warm up set and 3 working sets with different weights for each arm.
Underhand single arm Tri-cep Pressdowns... 3 sets of 15 reps going up in weight for each arm.
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 3 sets of slow 15 reps with 10 secs rest between sets.
2 x Tri-sets of lying db tri-cep extensions, close grip bench press and tri-cep dips (bodyweight). I used 25kg db's for the lying extensions so they were fairly low rep. There was just 10kg per side on barbell but I used that and went extra slow and squeezed hard at the top. After the 25kg db extensions that small weight felt heavy but I got over 15 reps each time. Dips were a nice finisher.
Back stretches.

My health supplement list now looks like...

Fish Oil
Vitamin D
Vitamin K
Citrus Bergamot

I will be dropping a couple out and adding back in ubiquinol, krill oil, animal omega and CocoaWell. I don't like the idea of taking many supplements but these ones make me feel better, contribute towards my health and/or improve my personal blood work in the long run.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I received my aas today :) I am going away for a few days so will start everything when I am back. I will be hitting everything hard for approx 6 weeks with lower calories and regular training and some orals added. I expect fast changes. My stack will likely be:

30mg test e
30mg tren a
30mg mast p
40mg avar
50mg winny
25mg proviron

I forgot I had ordered mast p as I was going to leave it out this time but realized I added it in last minute. I also have npp I may add in at 30-40mg per day. I will run those doses for approx 6 weeks then cruise on 150mg test.

Syntherol will be started in my arms and calves to help keep them stay full (and get bigger) as I diet down. Synthetine at 3ml pre workout as always as I love the stuff.

My training is going great but I am limited it what I can do due to my current gym. The db's only go to 40kg and there are no plate loaded machines so I can't load up the leg press, lat pulldown, seated row etc. I do work around it with things like vertical leg press in the Smith. However I can't squat or deadlift heavy due to my back. I did do 5 plates for t-bar row which is light for me but was pleased with that as my back is bad. Today I tried squats in the Smith and I went up to 2 plates a side which is fantastic for me. I used to rep out 5 plates a side on barbell squats when I was much younger but those days are gone. I will have to change gyms eventually but it's not like I want to be 280 anymore so I do great with what I have available.

I always do calves/hams/quads so changed it up today and mixed the sequence up...

Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 sets of 40 reps then 6 sets of approx 20 reps using 3 foot postions and resting approx 15 secs between sets. Many say foot position doesn't affect anything but I 100% feel a massive difference when swopping. It also helps me grind out more reps with minimal rest between sets. I like to do close/straight, wide/straight and duck feet :D
Smith Squats... 6 sets of 20-10 reps going up in weight to 2 plates a side. Again my lower back is bad so I was made up it didn't go. I paused at the bottom on every rep to make it harder due to the weight and used a slow positive and negative. The final set was a struggle due to the slow pace and pause and I knew not to push it anymore.
Horizontal Leg Press... 1 warm up set then 1 working rest paused set... basically 3 mini sets to failure.
Leg Extensions... 3 sets of 30 reps using 3 foot positions for 10 reps each. Very slow reps and moderate weight but squeezing on every rep and brutal.
Machine Glutes Raises... 3 warm up sets (15, 12, 10 reps) and 1 working set with the full weight rack for each leg.
Lying Leg Curls... 3 sets of 20 reps squeezing on every rep.
DB Stiff leg Deadlifts... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set with 40kg db's.
Lying Leg Curl... 1 working rest paused set... 3 mini sets plus a static hold at the end.
Back and Leg Stretches and Rumble Rolling.

One thing I have been doing is feeling my muscles when lifting (leg extensions for example) to gain a better mind muscle connection and it works.

Post workout I dosed 1.25mg TB-500 for advanced recovery. I have been doing this after every leg session as the soreness can be bad 2 days later. Since starting DOMS has been decreased significantly.

Almost forgot to mention I went to my mates and was gone a while due and had aminos in a bottle. I have been eating clean recently so on the way back I go past McDonalds and thought maybe it will do me good before training legs. I never eat there ever so ordered a burger, fries and small milshake. I figured the fat and sodium etc would be good. Well my body is not used to it and it went straight through me. I was on the tram thinking oh no and rushed back and thankfully just made it! I still had a great workout but no more McDonalds for me again :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am excited to start my new aas but it's pointless doing it now as I go away for a few days. The first day back I will start all my new stuff. I will also be relaxing my diet when I am away and taking advantage of the amazing and cheap food in the UK. I won't be having loads of calories but a few large meals over a few days. I will probably look better for it as I have been fairly strict over the last month. When I get back it will be very strict dieting until I am happy with the results. Things are moving a long nicely now and details are slowly showing and I am feeling good.

When I am in the UK I will be getting full blood work so I can see exactly where I stand too. I will still be training but will have a few days off as I will be training nearly everyday when I get back.

Earlier I trained back, bi-ceps and abs. I won't post all the details but more of the same. 1 working set for most exercises and warm ups if needed. I lifted as heavy as possible and some sets I was only getting approx 6 reps. I did add in a few movements I haven't done recently including smith behind the back shrugs and cable straight arm pulldowns.

2moro will be calves, chest, shoulders and triceps :)