30 solid pounds in 6 months


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I was away for 5 days. I had a minor upper back issue (same as always) so decided not to train whilst away. I also had a break from dieting and it got out of control. By day 3 I thought I am going to be dieting strict for awhile when I get back so basically tried to consume as much amazing food as possible. It almost became like a challange I set myself how much food I could eat. I even surprised myself how fast my appetite increased and I was having huge meals. I was looking fairly sharp before I left and it's amazing how utter crap you can make yourself look in 5 days of eating everything in sight. I literally looked like a different person coming back. Most of me looked the same but my abs had disappeared and I was a bloated mess with no definition. As bad as it sounds I think it done me some good.

As fast as it goes it comes back... well takes a little longer. I have ate completely clean since coming back but just eased into the diet. I am still only having about 150-200g carbs per day though. My plan is to follow a very low carb diet for the next 2 weeks then I will add LR3 in pre workout and as a result about 50-60g carbs in my intra shake. I will also adding animal cuts soon as a fat burner. I may just do 1 serving and a pre workjout later as I don't want 3 servings of caffeine per day as it's too much. If the animal cuts is strong I may use that as a pre workout for the next 3 weeks.

I have started my new aas and my cycle for the next 4-6 weeks will be 30mg test e, 30mg tren a, 30mg mast p, 30mg npp, 20mg avar, 50mg winny and 25mg proviron. Well I write it down it's quite a list :D I dose all the orals pre workout and so far it's going great. My body is changing fast. My training is going great and I am going to keep pushing forwards.

Now I do 3 training days and repeat those days whenever I feel like training but most weeks I should be in the gym about 5 days. My 3 days are:
Chest, Shoulders and Tri-ceps
Calves, Hams and Quads
Back and Bi-ceps.

I will be training calves approx 4 days per week and abs about 3. Training is a mixture but usually as heavy as possible in a 8-15 rep range for most movements. 1 working set for most exercises and as many warm up's as I need. Sometimes I do higher reps if I feel I need to back off the weight a little at that time. Quite high volume everyday to burn calories and just because I love it. No cardio at the moment.

One issue so far and it's my lower back... no surprise. It's actually been fine for a very long time as I have been smart. The other day I trained back and as always as intense as possible. I only play it safe for certain movements and I haven't deadlifted for as long as I can remember. Lot's of volume and near the end I done t-bar rows going up to 5 plates (I have done 9 for decent reps in the past). I told myself not to ever go above that as I know my lower back. It felt fine but I knew not to go any further as it's playing with fire. I then see 1 plate a side on a barbell so I done some deadlifts. Super light so perfect form and slow reps and really squeezing my lower back at the top.

I felt amazing and the next day my lower back was sore but just felt like I had trained it hard. I was going to train legs but decided best not to so went to bed. Good move as my cns hadn't recovered and I took my new bedtime stack and slept great. Anyway the next day I feel fine but was picking something up and felt my lower back nearly go. Nothing major but that is the first time in months. That is the warning sign so no deadlifts and gonna stick to 3 plate t-bar rows and lot's of slow reps. I am not too bothered about thickness more width so I can just max out pull ups, pulldowns etc. I may try and go to my old gym as they have lot's of hammer strength back row machines so I can load up the weight and be safe doing so.

Earlier I trained legs and it felt amazing. Already a long post so will leave out the details. Due to my lower back I kept out any squats or stiff leg deadlifts. I mainly used machines and the full weight rack of everything apart from leg curls. On them I like to do 3 normal reps and 1 super slow 10 sec positive and negative and repeat until failure. I done 3 sets to failure on the horizontal leg press with 10 secs between sets. Full weigth rack glute raises for 10 slow reps. Unilateral leg extensions then stretching/rumble rolling to finish. You know you have trained hard when you can't walk down the stairs afterwards and have to hold on to the rail :D

My pre workout now consists of 3ml synthetine, 50mg winny, 20mg avar, 25mg proviron and a pre workout.

I will receive the results of my latest bloodwork tomorrow.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are good just gonna carry on this path... I see good things ahead. I am feeling better each day so hopefully that doesn't change. Taking 2ml synthergine twice daily now due to all the oral aas I added. I just need to make sure I keep my water intake high. Nothing really exciting to post but I will finally be starting syntherol 2moro.

My legs are really sore from yesterday so they are gonna be bad tomorrow. My calves are very sore as I went 1 week without training them which is very rare. I always train them brutally hard but they adapt especially when training them most days. Just had a great training session and pushed it as usual. I will change up my training a little soon just to avoid possible injury but as of now I am pushing it to the max every working set. I trained chest, shoulders and tri-ceps and it looked like...

Warm up with 2.5kg db's.
Flat Smith Press... 5 warm up sets and 1 working drop set with 1 drop (3 and 2 plates a side). I had the safety pins on and on the last drop set would pause at the bottom on every rep. It's great as you can go to complete failure and not have to worry.
Decline DB Presses... 1 working set of very slow and controlled reps really squeezing hard on every rep.
Pec Deck... 1 quick warm up set and 1 working set of approx 15 reps with pauses/squeezes.
Flat Bench DB Flyes... 1 static hold.
Smith seated behind the neck Shoulder Presses... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set with 2 plates a side (slow and controlled).
Smith seated Shoulder Presses... 1 warm up set and 1 working set.
DB Lateral Raises (arms bent)... 1 warm up set and 1 working set with 30kg db's.
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 3 sets of 20 reps going up in weight.
Lying EZ Bar Skull Crushers... 2 warm up sets and 2 working sets. My strength has gone down as I tried 60kg on the ez bar and only got 4 reps. So I quickly moved down to 40kg and squeezed out about 12 controlled reps.
Abs for 5 mins just crunches on the floor (Kai Greene Style)
Foam Rolling and stretching for 5 mins.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I recently saw my mum/mom for the first time in awhile and the first thing she said was "You look so much better". So my first thought was maybe I am losing too much weight :eek::D I am not used to being on these carbs so my fullness is down a lot but I am fine with that and my pumps in the gym with my intra are always incredible.

Tonight I will start syntherol in my calves and arms and that will change things dramatically. Looking forward to it apart from the calf injections :eek: No set plan but about 5 days per week injections for both to start and once the volume increases the frequency will lower slightly.

Below is my new pre bed stack and it's great. I am only using the cleanse product for the next 2 weeks.

NOW Foods Melatonin at 10mg-
Sleep Aid
Immune System
Cardiovascular Protection

GAT ZMA with Boron 3 caps-
General Recovery
Improved Sleep
Immune System and Hormonal support
Metabolism and Muscle health

Aids in weightloss
Better absorption of nutrients
Elimination of waste and toxins

bb code image


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I received my blood work results. Pretty much everything is perfect apart from HDL and liver enzymes. Although my HDL had improved and my liver enzymes were just above the range. Interesting that when I was on a break from synthergine my liver enzymes were elevated. I hadn't trained but I would guess it was simply down to the sheer amount of crap I ate when I had a short break in the UK. I have ate clean for a while but as mentioned I went crazy when away and had my blood work done the day I was leaving. So the liver enzymes are no worry in the slightest. The fact I just started oral aas is only bad for my already poor HDL. After this run I will be taking a long break from oral aas (on trt) so I will get them back up. The rest of my cholesterol was fine though and had improved a lot. My LDL was low so on the whole I am happy. My supplement stack and dietary fat choices are definitely helping.

I just started syntherol and the first injections were fine. As I haven't injected my calves in ages I just used 0.5ml in 4 spots for each calf. I will see how I am tomorrow and likely increase to 1ml per injection spot and go from there. I had alread restarted synthergine when I got back and that of course will continue as I am not using oral aas.

Earlier I trained back, bi-ceps and abs. Yesterday was an off day as I definitely needed it. I have been really pushing the intensity recently and my body was extra sore (especially legs) and mentally I needed some off time. I try to train everyday now but if I need a break I have it (usually 2 days per week). Even tonight I didn't have it but went to the gym and pushed through.

I have been planning to modify my training a little due to my goals, volume, diet and recovery. My calories are much lower than usual and I am leaning out fairly quickly and in this state I prefer slightly higher reps. I will be increasing the overall volume due to fewer rest periods. Still heavy weight but more sensible and more fixed rep sets as opposed to complete failure on every exercise. This way I can burn more calories, get great pumps, work on details and recover quicker.

I tried GAT's Sport Greens today for the first time and it was surprisingly good. It comes in mixed berry flavour and I added it in as I don't really eat enough greens. I also have the plant protein but have yet to try. Here is the Greens ingredient profile...

how to upload images
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are good. Although I sort of cheated today. Still ate clean but I had one meal 3 times in a row as I enjoy it so much. 3 weetabix, greek yoghurt, blackberries and blueberries. The protein content is not that high so I have it as a healthy treat and because I enjoy it. I guess I could simply add protein to it but it's still not ideal having it so often for my current goals. Nothing is exact but most of my other meals are meat and salad/greens but I love it so kept eating it. Another option is cottage cheese with the berries and the macros are better for that. I just had a crayfish salad which I enjoy a lot.

Training has been hard but more fixed reps for legs. Today for my push day I got carried away and went back to all out failure and a drop set on heavy presses. I also maxed out for 10 reps on behind the neck smith shoulder presses. I felt amazing but will calm things down as I am on 50mg Geno winny and it has started drying my joints out. I write "started" but I can feel a big difference so best to be a bit careful.

One negative is the IMSOALPHA Cleanse product I started using. I was using the suggested 1 cap per bed and it was going ok. Nothing bad but I started getting stomach pains. I guessed it may be that as I have never had them from oral aas in the past. Anyway Mike Rashid stated he takes 2 pre bed so I tried 2 one night. The next day my stomach was sore after eating anything. I also had a large dinner and it was bad... very painful. My kidneys are hurting which is not good so I have dropped that now. Hopefully I notice a fast change in the next few days.

I figured a mild cleanse product would only help me out but definitely not for me. I guess if it's not broke don't fix it comes to mind. Hopefully the pain in my back goes away now as that is not right. I only had blood work done last week and everything was fine. Moreover, I haven't had this issue beforehand so it's definitely something I added this week. If it doesn't go away I will drop the 50mg winny but I am 99.99% sure it was the cleanse product giving me issues so I confident it will be gone soon.

I have ordered in more slin pins and will pick them up soon. I am going to start doing multiple 1ml (well 0.9ml) syntherol shots in my arms as they are so easy like that. Tonight I will use my 26 5/8 pins and a standard 3ml syringe and do 1ml in each bi-cep head and 1 inj in each tri-cep.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are going great. I am not really doing things the super smart way as I want fast results so have dropped calories significantly. I have been training everyday this week and pushing it. I know that is not ideal so I am having a recovery day 2moro. I am getting leaner everyday so things are good. Although due to the low carbs my energy levels are extremely low but for fast results it's needed. I will carry on getting leaner then add in the LR3 fairly soon. I will post pics after the addition of the lr3 and when I am not so flat. Due to my current training split I am training all major bodyparts twice weekly. Earlier I trained chest, shoulders, triceps and abs and used a mix of techniques...

Pec Deck... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set.
Decline DB Presses... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set.
Chest Dips... 1 warm up set and 1 working drop set.
Smith Seated Shoulder Press... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set.
Cable Lateral Raises... various sets with different weights for each side.
Seated DB Lateral/Front raise combo... 3 sets
Tri-cep Pushdowns... alternated from unilateral overhand to underhand going for higher reps. Then finished with both arms going up to full weight rack for 18 slow reps.
Lying DB Tri-cep Extensions straight to close grip presses... 2 sets to failure.
Cable Overhead Extensions... 1 working drop set.
Abs for 10 mins.
Back and Leg Stretches/Foam Rolling.

The above does not include things like stretching between exercises and sometimes doing an odd set of something to help warm up and burn calories such as 10kg plate front raises between pressing sets.

I am only having one shake around training now and it looks like...

2-3 scoops EAA's... 20-30g
2 scoops BCAA's... 10g+ (brands vary)
10g citrulline malate
4g taurine
5g creatine monohydrate
4g beta alanine
8g glutamine

When I add in LR3 I will add approx 70g Vitargo or HBCD's or a mix of the two.

Everything else is the same (everyday)...

30mg test e
30mg npp
30mg tren a
30mg mast p
50mg winny
20mg avar
25mg proviron

I am building up my syntherol dose slowly in my arms and doing them eod but just at small amounts (for now).

I dropped the Animal Cut's as it seemed to be making me feel more tired. I will add back in in the future as I don't want to waste it. Although I have added a new product to replace it that looks very interesting and gives me a little boost. This and my pre workout are my only caffeine of the day as I don't want to overdo things.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have cheated a few times recently so I am going to be good from now on. For the next week I am going to stick to the following meals to make it easier for me...

- Meat (chicken, beef, turkey) or Shrimp and Crayfish with salad or greens (mainly broccoli). 3-4 meals per day most of the time.
- Cottage cheese with blueberries/blackberries
- Eggs with 1 piece of toast
- Synthepure or Plant Protein Shake

Snacks are cashew butter or watermelon. Basically I will add some cashew butter if I have a shake and maybe a meal or 2 (always prebed). I eat watermelon pre workout everyday. I have been eating too much watermelon (1 whole one per day) so need to calm it down.

I use extra virgin coconut oil and olive oil for meals.

Earlier I trained legs with high volume and very intense. I done supersets and examples include...

Standing Calf Raises supersetted with DB Tibialis Raises
Lying Leg Curls supersetted with Kettleball Straight Leg Deadlifts
Horizontal Leg Press supersetted with DB Squats

I have lowered my winny dose to 25mg (from 50mg) ED. I can feel my joint drying out on it so gonna carry on with this dose and likely finish in about 1 week. Winny does this to me everytime so it would be stupid for me to think any other outcome was possible.

I have decided to just use syntherol in my arms now. I will start posting lot's of details and pics etc. My calves are fine with it but I want to concentrate on 1 body part at a time as the injections can add up when you start doing multiple body parts. It causes semi-permanant growth (nothing is permanent with anything) but I would rather do them at a later date when I want them to look their best. Right now I wear pants everyday and pretty much no one a part from my gf is going to see my calves for 6 months. I don't do this for other people but would rather see what I can do with training alone then restart it when I want them to look their best.

Things are really good but I am hoping some water but that is to be expected with using no AI (at the moment) and creatine twice daily.

I have a great experiment planned very soon so more on that soon :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My energy levels are lower than usual so my preworkous have been very useful so I can really push it every training session. Recently I have rotated between Hyphy Mud 2.0, 5% Nutrition's 5150 and Betacourts D-Stunner Alpha. I have also been using 3ml synthetine pre workout and that makes a massive difference to me. Earlier I trained chest, shoulders and tri-ceps...

Warm up with db's
Decline DB Presses... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set.
Chest Dips... 1 quick warm up set and 1 working drop set with 20kg db then bodyweight.
Machine Chest Press... 3 hard warm up sets and 1 working set.
Behind the neck Smith Shoulder Presses... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set with 2 plates a side.
Front EZ Bar Raises... 3 hard sets... last one couldn't do even a partial rep more.
Lateral Raises... I done 1 set with a 15kg barbell holding with one hand then 2 sets with 15kg db's to failure. Also added 1 set of 20kg plate seated front raises.
Tri-cep Rope Pushdowns... 3 sets of 30, 20 and 15 reps going up in weight.
Standing Overhead EZ Bar Tri-cep Extensions... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set with 25kg each side.
Bodyweight Tri-cep Dips... 1 working set (straight after last exercise).
Abs and back stretches.

I have ran out of NPP so that has gone. It was an old partially used vial so hasn't lasted as long as the others. As previously mentioned I also lowered my winny dose to 25mg (from 50mg). So that is 55mg less per day. Therefore in a few days I will up my avar dose to 40mg (from 20mg) and later will double my proviron dose too (50mg from 25mg). Everything else will stay the same apart from my new experiment I will start on Wed. Please see below for details :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I trained legs tonight and it ended bad. The training itself was good and I had a great workout. I finished with quads and 3 sets of kettleball (36kg) squats all to failure. I would do 15 normal reps then basically as many slow reps as possible until I couldn't stand. I was destroyed and as I walked to get a shower realized I needed to do my stretches. I do them every workout as it helps my back. Anyway I wasn't concentrating and going through the motions and stupidly slipped slightly and twisted my knee. I was sat with my right leg over my left to the side and I think tried to stand and slipped. My kneecap came out it's socket and I heard it go. Just shows you even with something as simple as stretching you should always be focused. I was limping for 10 mins and in pain but it isn't serious. Although I have been sat down for about 2 hours and just tried to stand and it's not good. Just a bit of inflammation and swelling and I am sure it will be fine tomorrow. I will see how I am when I wake up :eek:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
LR3 Experiment

I have 5mg of LR3 and I will be using 200mcg eod. I have 3 different brands and I haven't a clue how good/crap they are. 2 brands are very cheap and 1 is more expensive and they include:

- Magnus Pharmaceuticals from India
- Bio-Peptide from Hong Kong
- Nouveaux from Switzerland

I am going to run them in that order. I have 1 of the Indian brand that has a scratch off code. The other 2 brands I have 2mg of each and they basically go up in price. Hopefully all of them a great but I am basically saving what should be the best till last.

The only thing I will be changing is adding carbs in my intra shake as I will be using the LR3 pre workout. I will dose it at 100mcg bi-laterally so 200mcg in total.

Tonight I started the Magnus brand and dosed 100mcg in each quad and so far so good (apart from the knee thing above). I definitely felt it hit in and I started sweating more. Most days I will be adding about 60-80g vitargo into my intra shake. Tonight as I was training legs and it was first dose I added 100g HBCD's into my intra shake. My HBCD's are nearly gone so I will just swop over to vitargo soon.

I am excited to see what they can do as I have experienced great results in the past. Here is a pic of the products...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am always positive about things but realized late last night this knee thing won't be gone by the morning. Today it wasn't majorly bad but slightly worst than last night and it hurts but I can walk on it. In football this is a 2 week injury but I heal fast so I am hoping 1 week max. But I won't be taking any chances early on and will wait for it to heal 100%. It's a shame I don't have any tb-500 left.

I have been following a split of basically push, pull, legs and having 1-2 days off per week so training everything twice weekly most of the time. Instead of chest, shoulders and tri-ceps I will split it up to make more days. Today was off so over the next 5 days will just do upper body and then see how I am. It's crap it happened on day 1 of my experiment but it shouldn't overly effect things.

The main thing I have noticed since dosing the LR3 is my body temperature and appetite are both up. I have been dieting relatively easily but today have been craving cereal, milk and loads of fruit. I only just ate cottage cheese, blackberries, blueberries and I am already hungry and that usually keeps me satified for at least an hour.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My knee is still sore and I realized the pain is coming from the left side of my right knee. Nowhere near the knee cap but the area my knee cap moved to when it came out it's socket. I have tried to rest it as much as possible but I can tell it's gonna be bad all week. Hopefully it heals completely and I have no issues afterwards. I can walk on it fine and have tried to sleep as much as possible to aid recovery.

Today I planned to go the gym and train chest but was feeling sorry for myself :eek: Then later on I thought fuck it let's go and I just had an amazing workout. I decided to train chest and abs and had no issues and I went as heavy as possible. I only had 1 scoop of The Curse so 125mg caffeine pre workout but I was already fired up. I also dosed 3ml synthetine and 200mcg LR3 for the 2nd time. I put 100mcg in each pec and added 50g vitargo and 30g HBCD's into my intra shake. My workout consisted of...

Warm up with 2kg db's
Decline Smith Presses... 6 warm up sets and 1 working drop set with 4, 3 and 2 plates a side.
Seated Machine Chest Press... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set.
Standing Cable Chest Flyes... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set.
Standing Cable Chest Presses... 1 working set straight after the above.
Abs for 15 mins.

I was made up with the above and kept it fast but intense. The way I done the decline presses is the following:

10kg a side= 25 reps
20kg a side= 20 reps
40kg a side= 10 reps
50kg a side= 5 reps
60kg a side= 5 reps
70kg a side= 5 reps
Working set 4 plates a side for 6 reps, 3 plates for 12 reps and 2 plates for 19 reps.

It was a drop set but I was by myself plus slow due to being extra careful getting off the bench with my knee so was getting approx 15 secs rest between drops. I also had the safety bars on so when I failed it was complete failure. I was deadstoping every rep without momentum so it makes pushing it up so hard but I feel it so much in my chest and I love the feel.

I have been doing a push, pull and leg day and training frequently so usually doing all body parts twice weekly. Due to my injury I figured seperate upper body for the next week so chest today, next will be back, shoulder and arms etc. It got me thinking about my split though. My calories are much lower and I train very hard and usually quite high volume (90mins+ in the gym) and my recovery is not optimal. I also felt great today knowing I just had chest (one body part) to focus on and have missed that (grass is always greener).

Therefore I figured when I am better either do something like I plan to this week with each body part once weekly and adding calves and abs 3 times each per week. Or simply carry on with my split but make sure I only do 2 exercises per body part each day so things are faster. I basically plan to lower my volume but keep frequency high. I think I will do the later as I like hitting thinsg twice weekly but just making sure I make those few sets matter.

I also want to start adding cardio for health so when my knee is better I will start doing it post workout 3 times per week. I am not gonna lie and say I will do fasted cardio in the morning (better plan) because I know I won't. 15 mins of HIT post workout I will do though without any issues :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have dosed the Magnus IGF-1 LR3 5 times so the vial is finished. I am leaner and fuller but nothing dramatic. I am also taking into consideration the added carbs in regards to the fullness. Overall it's decent but nothing spectacular like I had hoped using this dose. If I had a few vials it would be a good cycle and again it was very cheap so no complaints but I had hoped for more.

Change of plan due to certain events so I am going to swop the order of the brands. Starting tomorrow will be the Nouveaux LR3 from Switzerland and I have high hopes. I will be carrying on with 200mcg pre workout so I can compare. After I use this brand I will have over 1 week off and start the 3rd brand (Bio-Peptide).

I am dropping my test now so have done my last injection and will carry on with tren, mast, proviron, avar and winny. Soon I will drop the 25mg winny and up proviron to 50mg afterwards.

Earlier I trained shoulders (and abs) and again a great session and I am enjoying just concentrating on 1 body part. My knee is still the same so just going to carry on like this. I am now incorporating various super, tri and drop sets into each day. I won't post all the details about today but I performed an array on movements over 1 hour and started with a tri-set consisting of...

Standing Barbell behind the neck Shoulder Press
Standing Barbell Upright Rows
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press

I would perform 10 reps of each and started with just the olympic bar. Moved up to 5kg a side, 10kg, 15kg and finished with 20kg a side. Honestly 1 plate a side on a 20kg bar is a lot when doing them controlled. I failed my last set of front presses and had to wait 5 secs to grind out 4 reps to get to the 10. This is just another way for me to fail without using massive weight as I am having a break from the big weights (as mentioned above).

Tomorrow will be arm day so a nice day to gauge the pumps from the new LR3.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The Nouveaux is on a whole different level. I trained arms earlier and dosed it pre workout. It looks the part and something told me lower the dose slightly 1st time and I am glad I did. It comes with 1.3ml water so I dosed 0.08ml in each bi-cep so 160mcg in total.

This hit me like a brick wall. I pretty much instantly felt tired and I could tell my blood sugar dropped. As a result I had 2 teaspoons of organic honey. I also took some money with me just incase I needed to get something from the gym vending machine (drink or bar). I had 75g vitargo in my intra shake with the usual stuff.

I had a pain in my stomach but that may have been from ibuprofen that I started a few hours prior (had to see the doctor about my knee today). I have been using diclofenac tablets occasionally as an anti-inflammatory for my knee. I never usually have issues with ibuprofen but it could have been that. My stomach was so bloated pre workout. I will know more when I use the LR3 again.

I struggled walking to the gym and felt off. I felt like I had dosed 20iu HGH. I had a cold sweat going too. I was literally a mess and struggled getting there. But the feeling faded away and I started feeling better each minute. My arms felt pumped before I had even started training. I ended up having a great workout and supersetted bi-ceps and tri-ceps for everything. I don't know if it was in my head but my whole body felt much fuller and I felt great post workout.

Tomorrow I will have to lower the dose so I am thinking 60mcg each side so 120mcg total. Either that or waiting till post workout and dosing it before a large carb meal. I may experiment and do the first vial pre workout and the 2nd vial post workout. So far I am majorly impressed :)

The bloated stomach is definitely the ibuprofen. I took my 2nd dose of today about 5 mins ago and I can already feel my stomach :eek:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I will start with the bad... my knee is fucked :eek: I will have to get an x-ray when I get back to the UK. I wanted to start doing cardio but can't. I guess I haven't helped myself carrying heavy food bags but it has to be done. I am still training just upper body and being careful.

The Nouveaux LR3 is super strong. The other night I was tired but wanted to go the gym. I don't like taking pre workout powder (if using) until I leave as it takes me 10 mins to get to the gym. Anyway I done my shaker and got ready and dosed 80mcg LR3 in each pec. It literally wiped me out... instant tiredness. I was so tired I just went to bed and didn't even brush my teeth :eek::D I put my shaker in the fridge thinking train in the morning. I woke up very early and dosed some lr3 again in my pecs and went to train.

The pump was ridiculous and my chest felt great. I will have to start taking less of this brand. The initial drop in blood glucose is crazy so high doses are definitely too much. I have experimented with honey even during shots and it helps but I still struggle. Once you get past that initial drop everything is fine. I have even drank no carbs post inj and again after the initial drop been fine without carbs for approx 1 hour.

One very interesting point is after training when at home I took 600mg ibuprofen and pretty much went hypo within 10 mins. I wasn't sure if there was a connection but after research it is possible. Some sources state there are no BG changes but other sources state it's possible with higher doses (600mg+) of ibuprofen. So definitely something for you guys to watch out for if you are ever running slin, lr3 etc. The ibuprofen was messing with my stomach so I have stopped it (was using for my knee). It would bloat me up and my kidneys were sore literally after 1 dose so it's definitely gone for good.

My chest workout was incredible and I supersetted everything. I am deloading from heavy weight so using fixed reps now but some sets were a struggle. I did 4 supersets per combo and weight went up every set using the rep range 15, 15, 12, 10.

Floor DB Flyes supersetted with Floor DB Presses... 4 sets
Pec Deck Supersetted with Machine Seated Chest Presses... 4 sets
Cable Crossovers supersetted with Cable Presses... 4 sets
Flat Barbell Press supersetted with Chest Dips... 4 sets

My drugs now are 30mg tren a, 30mg mast p, 40mg avar, 25mg proviron, 3ml synthetine and the lr3.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just had my pre workout meal. Nice big steak and sweet potatoe with some onions and mushrooms. Most meals are meat with greens right now. Although breakfast was scrambled egg and salmon. Gonna get ready for the gym soon.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had an amazing workout tonight. I was hoping for more last week but now I am changing fast. The difference in the way I look now to 5 days ago is quite dramatic. It's a shame I am going away as I would have liked to have carried this on another 2 weeks as the progress is coming fast. I will probably just start trt at 150mg after my break as no real point restarting for another 2 weeks or so but time will tell.

The only thing I don't like about the Nouveaux LR3 is the initial drop in blood glucose. It's literally unavoidable. I can be eating sugar as I inject and it will still hit me. It's nothing like slin were you can control it. You simply have to deal with it or use a smaller dose which I will start doing. After that initial drop though I feel great. Tonight I felt amazing so it didn't even phase me. Although I did have 4 rice cakes with honey on but again I still felt it. I waited approx 20 mins then had my pre workout and left for the gym. I don't want to be having too much sugar so I am not going to avoid the honey from now on. Although I also dose 3ml synthetine so the honey isn't a bad thing.

More of the same and 4 supersets and tonight was back. I create my training plan on my walk to the gym or if it's busy inside the gym. But I have been going late so I avoid the crowd. The 4 superset thing I thought of just walking to the gym but I have decided I am going to stick with it for the foreseeable future.

It's relatively high volume per body part but I don't mind that as they are fairly quick workouts (for me). Plus using 8 different exercises I try to attack the muscle from all angles. Obviously this is a deload period from big weights so I don't mind the extra volume but many sets are still a major struggle even with the set number of reps. Tonight was back and abs and looked like...

I do 4 supersets for each combo so 32 sets in total. I always do 15, 15, 12 and 10 reps going up in weight every set. So each set gets progressively harder.

Flat Bench DB Pullovers supersetted with Smith Machine Inverted Rows/Pull ups.
Machine Lat Pulldowns supersetted with Machine Cable Rows.
Barbell Rows supersetted with Barbell Shrugs.
Face Pulls supersetted with Rear Delt Cable Flyes.
Abs for 10 mins.

2moro is shoulders and more of the same :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
More of the same and this workout destroyed me...

4 supersets for each combo and 15, 15, 12 and 10 reps going up in weight every set.

Standing behind the neck Barbell Shoulder Presses supersetted with Barbell Upright Rows.
Standing DB Shoulder Presses supersetted with EZ Bar Front Raises.
Standing Overhead DB Lateral Raises supersetted with Standing DB Lateral Raises.
3 sets of DB Lateral Raises with arms bent.
Abs for 10-15 mins.

Pre workout I had steak with sweet potatoe. 1 hour later 1 spoon of cashew butter and my aas orals of 40mg avar and 25mg proviron. Then approx 80mcg LR3 in each delt and 3ml synthetine. Waited 30 mins then had 1 scoop of D-Stunner Alpha and headed to the gym. Intra was the usual but 60g carbs (vitargo) this time. Post workout was chicken breast and the rest of my taboule (about 50g carbs). Next meal will be plant protein shake with a spoon of almond butter. The meal after that will be chicken breast and salad.

2moro is arms and most likely abs. As I can't even train my calves I have been adding abs at the end of every workout.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Same thing happened again and I dosed my LR3 last night and couldn't stay awake. I don't even mind it now. I woke up at 4am and went to the gym at 5:30am. I needed a boost so dosed 1 scoop of 5%'s 5150 and it done the job. I also dosed my usual of 3ml synthetine, 40mg avar and 25mg proviron. I ended up having a great workout and done something a bit different.

3 tri-sets focusing on tri-ceps, bi-ceps and forearms. So it's 36 sets in total and the same rep range per tri-set of 15, 15, 12 and 10 going up in weight every time.

Tri-cep Cable Extensions supersetted with Bi-cep Cable Curls and Cable Wrist Curls from the front.

Standing Overhead EZ Bar Tri-cep Extensions supersetted with Standing EZ Bar Bi-cep Curls and Reverse Curls.

Machine Tri-cep Dips supersetted with Machine Preacher Curls and DB Hammer Curls.

Abs for 10 mins.

Although I am generally lifting lighter I still push it and when you are doing 3 sets straightafter oneanother it can be demanding. An example is I was doing the full weight rack for the cable pushdowns and curls. For the middle tri-set I started with 5kg a side for 15 reps, 10kg a side for 15 reps, 15kg for 12 reps and 20kg a side for 10 reps. But all reps are slow and controlled with full rom. By the time I got to the reverse curls I am destroyed. In fact for the final set I just repped out an Olympic Barbell for the final reserve curl set.

My gf wanted pizza so I thought get one as it will give me a boost so just ate most of a regular pizza. I left 2 slices as I want to fill up but nothing crazy were I can't move for 5 hours. I took 2 GDA's caps before it and now I am going to dose my LR3 and synthetine and head to the gym. Today is chest day and more of the same :) As I fell alseep and trained in the morning this will be my 2nd training session today. I plan to train ed until Fri then will be having a break.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am never going to my gym at 6:30pm again. I have never seen a gym so full :eek: I had planned the following...

Incline Bench DB Flyes supersetted with Incline Bench DB Presses 15/15/12/10
Standing Cable Chest Flyes supersetted with Cable Chest Presses 15/15/12/10
Flat Barbell Press supersetted with Chest Dips 15/15/12/10
Unilateral Chest Machine Presses- 2 sets for each side (rotating) with no rest between sets.

Instead I done the best with what I had. If I hadn't taken pre workout I would have just gone and sat in a cafe for 1 hour and come back. I basically swopped the 1st superset with floor db flyes and presses. I even struggled finding a place on the floor with so many idiots just stood about chatting :eek: Then I done the machine presses but many more sets due to the wait. I managed to get the last 2 supersets done but just very awkward. I ended up going to failure for the all the chest dip sets just because I was annoyed about waiting and wanting to make the workout more worthwhile. Everything was taken so if I wanted to do other exercises it would have to be just db's on the floor. There are no other chest machines and the Smith machines were taken so I preferred to wait then train another body part. Many groups of people so once a bench is taken it's like that for 40 mins :eek:

I am patient but you get so many idiots here. 2 guys with phones on a bench doing standing db lateral raises. I ask and no it's taken and they weren't being funny it's just the way it is over here. Guys leave towels on equipment and go missing for 15 mins all the time. In an empty gym fine but when so busy with only 4 benches it's just rude. The list is endless and it's just full of idiots at that time who don't train hard and chat and have their phones.

You couldn't make it up. There are 2 barbell flat benches when I wanted to to my last superset. One guy had taken the barbell off and was stood away doing curls with it. On the other bench there was a guy lying down holding his phone in the air and texting. He wasn't working out so I just said can we work in but he just walked away. Plus it's bizarre as there are literally 30 guys training in that tiny area and many wait but they won't ask or be rude. It's a different world in the gyms over here. I could see mayn were fed up and just chatting because they couldn't train.

Anyway things are going good. I haven't had many carbs today mainly just some pineapple earlier in the day and small amounts from vegetables and blueberries. I also had about 40g vitargo in my intra shake with peptopro, bcaa's, 10g citrulline malate... many other things. The 3ml synthetine really makes a big difference to me pre workout and I always have better workout when I dose it. I have also been dosing fairly high amounts of beta alanine and I have noticed a difference from that too.

Most of my meals are basic and look like my last (see below). I try to have a good source of protein and usually either a small amount of complex carbs (enjoying sweet potatoes recently) or even just vegetables/greens. If I do a salad I usually include a low carb fruit that is high in anti-oxidants. Although sometimes they are even more basic and may just be some meat with a spoon of nut butter afterwards.

Here is my last meal which was chicken (cooked in coconut oil) with pepper and paprika, red peppers, mushrooms and a blueberry salad with herbs and drizzed with lemon juice and maggi sauce.