30 solid pounds in 6 months


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I feel so much better today. I will start the 2iu today as I haven't injected it for approx 5 days.

From today I will be adding 2 protein shakes per day on top of my usual meals. Synthepure is the best protein available but I have some Maxi Nutrition promax I will be using too. The promax is 30g protein and 6.5g glutamine per serving so great. It's a very simple way of bumping things up and although calories are calories I am not gonna get fat from adding in 2 protein shakes. They will be 60g protein each so an extra 120g protein and 13g glutamine per day.

I haven't been eating enough protein so this is a simple way to bump it up. If someone were dieting then I would recommend adding in a mix of BCAA's and EAA's instead.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I feel so much better today. I will start the 2iu today as I haven't injected it for approx 5 days.

From today I will be adding 2 protein shakes per day on top of my usual meals. Synthepure is the best protein available but I have some Maxi Nutrition promax I will be using too. The promax is 30g protein and 6.5g glutamine per serving so great. It's a very simple way of bumping things up and although calories are calories I am not gonna get fat from adding in 2 protein shakes. They will be 60g protein each so an extra 120g protein and 13g glutamine per day.

I haven't been eating enough protein so this is a simple way to bump it up. If someone were dieting then I would recommend adding in a mix of BCAA's and EAA's instead.

I may have to change from promax as it takes ages to digest and as caused bloating etc. I know 60g is a lot but I had it and wasn't hungry again for ages. It's like I had a massive meal (bloated) so no good at all. I will finish the tub but go back to synthepure. I also have Olimp Whey 95 but save that for oats most of the time (peanut butter flavour). I can eat my cottage cheese and fruit meal and be hungry again within 30 mins so don't want anything to cause unnecessary bloating. I will see how things go but my aim was to add the promax to my standard meals and not have it replace any. Even if I just do 1 promax shake for now it's bonus.

I definitely need to do more to make some dramatic changes. So the added whey and EAA's/BCAA's is just the start. I will also be upping my hormones to 40mg per day of each from 2moro too.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The other night I trained back and chest. Then I had 1 day off and next trained calves, arms and abs. Later I will train hamstrings and shoulders. I have been doing very high volume some days. Back and Chest was literally 60 sets total and I pushed it. I even added in some t-bar rows which may not be smart with my lower back but just kept them very light. I done 2 plates for 25 slow reps for a few sets and that was it. It was nice just to be able to do them but I didn't want to push things. Things are progressing nicely though.

Last night I started with about 10 sets of calf presses on the horizontal leg press. I supersetted every set with some standing bodyweight raises off a platform. Afterwards I supersetted bi-ceps with tri-ceps. I added a few bits in it's core was 3 exercises for each and approx 30 sets total for my arms.

I want to tighten up so changes things slightly but most things are the same just a little extra volume. I have changed my hgh and slin protocol due to the side effects and my corrent goals. I will be using 2iu hgh and 5iu humalog (with 3ml synthetine) pre workout from now on. Tonight I will add in 2ml syntheselen into the mix. Last night my training protocol looked like...

2iu Somastim HGH
5iu Humalog
3ml Synthetine

Intra shake 2 scoops of Nutrex's Postlift (25g hbcd's, 10g bcaa's, 5g glutamine etc) plus...
50g HBCD's
5g creatine
5g glutamine
7g citrulline malate
5g taurine

Training is a mix right now but basically trying to lift as heavy as possible for as many reps as possible (at least 6 reps) on my main working sets. I also throw in some pump style sets but it's pretty much as hard as possible for everything.

Strangely I am progressing nicely even though I am eating next to no meat. This is very rare for me but I had felt up of having it 4+ times per day so just eating what I want. I don't see a need in changing things unless I notice a difference and so far things are going good. If my appetite for meat comes back I will simply add it back in. Right now I am eating meat once daily at most. Most of my protein is coming from cottage cheese, greek yoghurt, eggs, whey, beef isolate and aminos.


Donating Member
Feb 16, 2017
The other night I trained back and chest. Then I had 1 day off and next trained calves, arms and abs. Later I will train hamstrings and shoulders. I have been doing very high volume some days. Back and Chest was literally 60 sets total and I pushed it. I even added in some t-bar rows which may not be smart with my lower back but just kept them very light. I done 2 plates for 25 slow reps for a few sets and that was it. It was nice just to be able to do them but I didn't want to push things. Things are progressing nicely though.

Last night I started with about 10 sets of calf presses on the horizontal leg press. I supersetted every set with some standing bodyweight raises off a platform. Afterwards I supersetted bi-ceps with tri-ceps. I added a few bits in it's core was 3 exercises for each and approx 30 sets total for my arms.

I want to tighten up so changes things slightly but most things are the same just a little extra volume. I have changed my hgh and slin protocol due to the side effects and my corrent goals. I will be using 2iu hgh and 5iu humalog (with 3ml synthetine) pre workout from now on. Tonight I will add in 2ml syntheselen into the mix. Last night my training protocol looked like...

2iu Somastim HGH
5iu Humalog
3ml Synthetine

Intra shake 2 scoops of Nutrex's Postlift (25g hbcd's, 10g bcaa's, 5g glutamine etc) plus...
50g HBCD's
5g creatine
5g glutamine
7g citrulline malate
5g taurine

Training is a mix right now but basically trying to lift as heavy as possible for as many reps as possible (at least 6 reps) on my main working sets. I also throw in some pump style sets but it's pretty much as hard as possible for everything.

Strangely I am progressing nicely even though I am eating next to no meat. This is very rare for me but I had felt up of having it 4+ times per day so just eating what I want. I don't see a need in changing things unless I notice a difference and so far things are going good. If my appetite for meat comes back I will simply add it back in. Right now I am eating meat once daily at most. Most of my protein is coming from cottage cheese, greek yoghurt, eggs, whey, beef isolate and aminos.
My wife recently put me on fat free cottage cheese. Great for protein (among other health benefits).

Wow. 30 sets.

I agree with going light on the t bar. Keep your core tight and keep a light weight on any lifts that stress that lower back.

Proper form and a light weight is all you need. Rep it out from there.

Seems like your progressing nicely. Keep up the great work E.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My wife recently put me on fat free cottage cheese. Great for protein (among other health benefits).

Wow. 30 sets.

I agree with going light on the t bar. Keep your core tight and keep a light weight on any lifts that stress that lower back.

Proper form and a light weight is all you need. Rep it out from there.

Seems like your progressing nicely. Keep up the great work E.

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I have the tendency if I start feeling better to push it more and more then I injure myself. But not again as I have done it far too many times with my lower back. Last time I started doing t-bar rows again I slowly moved up to 5 or 6 plates and injured my back. I have injured it over 10 times so I will be extra careful and as you say rep it out. I have done 9 plates for about 10 reps in the past and I love the feeling of lifting big weights but it's stupid for me to even consider it now. So I think 3 plates will be my max and no matter how I feel I will never go above that. Thanks


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I destroyed shoulders tonight. High volume and heavy work sets. Things are really coming together now. Looking at myself I look good for me but I may take pics and I look like I don't lift :eek::D Things are going good though and I will continue on this path. I am starting to look sharper so will just carry on grinding away. I started with rear delts as they are a focus for me and they have improved over the last few months. Don't try this at home :D but my workout looked like...

Warm up with db's
Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes... 3 warm up sets.
Bent Over (sat on bench) DB Rear Delt Flyes... 2 warm up sets and 2 working sets with 25kg and 30kg db's.
Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working drop set with 30kg db's then 12.5kg to finish.
Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set for 11 reps.
Standing DB Presses... 3 quick warm up sets then 2 working sets with 30kg and 37.5kg db's.
DB Shrugs... 4 sets of 15 reps with 10 deep breathes in between sets.
Cable Upright Rows... 2 warm up sets then 1 working set with the full weight rack (and extra) for 21 reps.
Standing DB Front Raises... 2 quick warm up sets and 2 working sets with 15kg and 20kg db's.
Standing DB unilateral Front Raises... 1 working set with 30kg db's.
Standing Lateral Raises... 2 quick warm up sets and 2 working sets with 30 and 35kg db's (arm's bent).
Standing Lateral Raises (straight arms)... 1 working set of 16 slow reps with 12.5kg db's.
Seated 20kg Plate Front Raises... 1 working set of 12 slow reps.
Lying Leg Curls... 10 sets of 15 reps with 15 deep breathes in between every set. These were not heavy but they get harder and harder due to the time between sets.
Seated Leg Curls... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set with the full weight rack for 9 reps.
Ab's for 5-10mins.
Back and Leg Stretches and Foam Rolling.

Pre workout I had 2iu somastim hgh, 5iu humalog, 3ml synthetine, 2ml syntheselen and 1 scoop of Hyphy Mud 2.0.

My intra shake was 2 scoops of Nutrex Postlift (25g hbcd's, 10g bcaa's, 5g glutamine etc) plus...
50g HBCD's
30g EAA's
5g creatine
5g glutamine
5g taurine
7g citrulline malate

Post workout I had 4 scoops of Carnivor Mass (50g protein and 125g carbs) but drank it over about 30 mins.

I may have some turkey and rice for a change now. Then cottage cheese and tropical fruit.

I have been consuming fairly large amounts of watermelon recently too. I usually have a bowl in my pre workout meal.

I can definitely feel the difference from the synthetine. My injections have been fine but my aas shot last night stung bad. It was still there tonight (right delt) but not too bad to negatively effect my workout.


Donating Member
Feb 16, 2017
I destroyed shoulders tonight. High volume and heavy work sets. Things are really coming together now. Looking at myself I look good for me but I may take pics and I look like I don't lift :eek::D Things are going good though and I will continue on this path. I am starting to look sharper so will just carry on grinding away. I started with rear delts as they are a focus for me and they have improved over the last few months. Don't try this at home :D but my workout looked like...

Warm up with db's
Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes... 3 warm up sets.
Bent Over (sat on bench) DB Rear Delt Flyes... 2 warm up sets and 2 working sets with 25kg and 30kg db's.
Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Flyes... 1 working drop set with 30kg db's then 12.5kg to finish.
Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set for 11 reps.
Standing DB Presses... 3 quick warm up sets then 2 working sets with 30kg and 37.5kg db's.
DB Shrugs... 4 sets of 15 reps with 10 deep breathes in between sets.
Cable Upright Rows... 2 warm up sets then 1 working set with the full weight rack (and extra) for 21 reps.
Standing DB Front Raises... 2 quick warm up sets and 2 working sets with 15kg and 20kg db's.
Standing DB unilateral Front Raises... 1 working set with 30kg db's.
Standing Lateral Raises... 2 quick warm up sets and 2 working sets with 30 and 35kg db's (arm's bent).
Standing Lateral Raises (straight arms)... 1 working set of 16 slow reps with 12.5kg db's.
Seated 20kg Plate Front Raises... 1 working set of 12 slow reps.
Lying Leg Curls... 10 sets of 15 reps with 15 deep breathes in between every set. These were not heavy but they get harder and harder due to the time between sets.
Seated Leg Curls... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set with the full weight rack for 9 reps.
Ab's for 5-10mins.
Back and Leg Stretches and Foam Rolling.

Pre workout I had 2iu somastim hgh, 5iu humalog, 3ml synthetine, 2ml syntheselen and 1 scoop of Hyphy Mud 2.0.

My intra shake was 2 scoops of Nutrex Postlift (25g hbcd's, 10g bcaa's, 5g glutamine etc) plus...
50g HBCD's
30g EAA's
5g creatine
5g glutamine
5g taurine
7g citrulline malate

Post workout I had 4 scoops of Carnivor Mass (50g protein and 125g carbs) but drank it over about 30 mins.

I may have some turkey and rice for a change now. Then cottage cheese and tropical fruit.

I have been consuming fairly large amounts of watermelon recently too. I usually have a bowl in my pre workout meal.

I can definitely feel the difference from the synthetine. My injections have been fine but my aas shot last night stung bad. It was still there tonight (right delt) but not too bad to negatively effect my workout.
Damn Elvia! I had to read this Just before going to go do my shoulders! Lol

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Damn Elvia! I had to read this Just before going to go do my shoulders! Lol

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Try some standing db shoulder presses if you can. Both arms at the same time. Really different feel and brings the whole core into play but feels great. Have a great workout :)


Donating Member
Feb 16, 2017
Try some standing db shoulder presses if you can. Both arms at the same time. Really different feel and brings the whole core into play but feels great. Have a great workout :)
Thanks Elvia. My workout was great. I didn't lift as much as i wanted or could have... But considering 4 months ago i could barely lift a barbell overhead i didn't want to push things (I'm now lifting 75 pound dumbbells on shoulder press. Couldn't lift that today due to pain tho)

Standing barbell shoulder press 3 sets

Standing dumbbell shoulder press 3 sets

One handed dumbbell clean press 3 sets

Dumbbell front raises 3 sets

Seated side raises 3 sets

Reverse flys (incline) 3 sets of 15

Barbell shrugs 5 sets (ended at 290 pounds, 5 reps)

All other sets consist of me starting around 12 or 15 then working to 8 then 6. Unless otherwise stated.

During my workout (i do this every other day regardless of what body part I'm lifting for) i super set/ incorporate scapula/rear delt exercises for shoulder stabilization, this is one of the reasons my shoulder has healed and strengthened. So in addition to the above i had another 4 exercises (3 sets each).

Finally i hit the stair master for 15 minutes. 50 floors mate.

Thx for the motivation brother.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
In the past syntheselen has stung me a little for a few hours post injection. As a result I have only put it in my glutes so far but no pip at all. Today I mixed 3ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen in the same syringe and injected it all in my glute. I usually inject them separately but I may just carry on doing them together. I mainly put my aas in my glutes so I will rotate the injection sites for the synthetek products and might see if my quads can take the 5ml with no issues too. I never inject quads so will be careful but my glutes are ruined after years of aas injecting so I need to start using different areas. When doing that volume (5ml) it's important to make sure it is deep in the muscle.

I felt amazing during training and had a great day. Today I picked from chest, back and quads. I decided to train back and chest so will train legs tomorrow. I rotated between the two and my workout looked like...

Warm up with db's
Incline Bench DB Rows... 3 warm up sets (20, 15, 12) and 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Presses... 3 warm up sets (20, 15, 12) and 1 working set.
Machine Row... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set.
Smith Decline Press... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set.
Lat Pulldown... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set.
DB Flyes on the floor... 3 warm up set and 1 working set.
Seated Cable Row... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set.
Chest Dips... 2 sets to failure.
Back Stretches.

I have had turkey and pasta twice tonight. Cottage cheese with fruit twice too. Earlier on I had 4 whole eggs with toast and a protein shake. I have also snacked on melon and raspberries. Intra training I had my usual (hbcd's, aminos, creatine, taurine, glutamine etc). 5iu humalog and 2iu somastim hgh with my synthetine and syntheselen.

My joints have been aching since reintroducing the hgh even at just 2iu per day. I was taking aromasin but have stopped it to help matters but it's definitely the hgh as this is an ache I only get from hgh. It effected my pressing earlier as my shoulders felt quite tight too. As a result I just stayed on 3 plates a side for chest press but did go to complete failure so there is no more I can do than that. My right delt is still sore from an AAS shot which isn't helping either. That is so rare with Genotec gear but the oil must have hit something and this is the result. No redness or major inflammation just sore to touch so I expect it to fade away over the next few days.

I obviously take deload periods on certain body parts or in general if I need them too. But for now it's full steam a head and legs tomorrow. If my shoulders need a break I will have a day off and maybe have a rare arm day so they have time to recover before hitting them next.

Last night I added isotretinoin (accutane). I should have started at 10mg but just took 20mg and felt awful for a few hours before going to bed. I felt fine the next day and tonight I decided to go with 10mg and feel fine. I will do 10mg tomorrow then back up to 20mg and stay there so just 1 tablet per day. I don't have bad acne at all but noticing a few bits on the back of my head/neck so it's more preventative so I don't have any for my holiday. I am left with scarring on my back so I want to be careful now as the scarring annoys me.


Registered User
Jun 6, 2017
I had to add accutane back in also and not real happy about it being so close to. Show

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Definitely one of the best logs on any forum. Hands down.

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Thanks. I thought it was getting a bit boring. Sometimes I think do something crazy to make things interesting but I am just being sensible now. Maybe in the future I will go on 500g protein and no carbs or fat and about 3 grams of gear just for entertainment purposes :D

I had to add accutane back in also and not real happy about it being so close to. Show

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How close is your show? I don't have a single spot on my face or front of my body. Maybe 1 or 2 minor on my back but a few bad ones at the back of my head (under my hair) so it's mainly preventative for me. I am going on holiday in July and can see things getting worst so 20mg accutane daily will stop that. Although I always get more when I first start and I have what feels like a giant boil now on the back of my head. It's about 1 inch wide :eek::D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had a day off then tonight trained legs with high volume. I have been training very late recently but gonna try going earlier from now on. The gym is far too full at 6-8pm so that's why I started going later. Although tonight I didn't train until 1-3am and there were people still coming in at 3am :D

I won't post all the details but trained all my legs including glutes, inner thighs etc. I can't do seated calf raises in the smith machine as the bar doesn't go low enough. So I settled for some standing barbell calf raises and horizontal leg press calf raises. I pushed the weight for hamstrings and when I got to the point I struggled to get 10 reps I done 3 sets with that weight with 15 deep breaths between each set. To finish hams I used a cable pulley on it's lowest setting and wrapped one ankle at a time and done lying (facing the floor) cable hamstring curls and they felt great.

For quads I done Smith machine leg press with 6 plates a side. The weight it not the issue just getting it in position and the hooks back so they don't hit the machine as I press upwards. This also hurts my feet a lot but it feels good and is something different. Afterwards I done some horizontal leg press and once I got to the full weight rack done 3 sets to failure with 10 secs rest between sets. I done a similar thing for hip adductors too. I finished with 1 set of leg extensions just to push as much blood in there as possible.

Synthetine anD syntheselen is feeling great and I am loving the combo. I can feel the difference when I train. Everything is moving a long nicely. I will post some updated pics soon. I had my gf shave my back but couldn't be bothered doing my front but will very soon. It takes me over an hour and is just annoying but has to be done :eek::D


Registered User
Jun 6, 2017
My first show is 2 weeks out from tomorrow and then second is 3 weeks from that. I'm hoping the 20mg will really help
Clear it up. It isn't terrible but upper back and in my hair like yours is kind of a problem. My face has really broke out in the last 1-2 weeks also. After the shows I'll probably up it to 40 for 4-6 months

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My first show is 2 weeks out from tomorrow and then second is 3 weeks from that. I'm hoping the 20mg will really help
Clear it up. It isn't terrible but upper back and in my hair like yours is kind of a problem. My face has really broke out in the last 1-2 weeks also. After the shows I'll probably up it to 40 for 4-6 months

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I notice within the 1st week things sometimes get worse but after that start fading away (very fast). Hopefully you notice the same as if you do you will pretty much be acne free for your show. For some guys it takes longer but it doesn't sound like your acne is too bad so hopefully it helps fast. Good luck for your show.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Time to train shoulders and arms. If this doesn't get you in the mood nothing will...

Branch Warren & Johnnie Jackson - LAST MAN STANDING - Bodybuilding Motivation - YouTube


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I trained shoulders and arms the other night. Then last night was calves, back, bi-ceps and abs. Both nights were high volume. I very rarely train arms directly and if I do I will usually do it the same day I do them indirectly so back and bi-ceps for example. Although on rare occasions I may train the same body part 2 days running just to change things up. Last night felt great and looked like...

Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses rotated with Standing Calf Raises... 6 sets of 40 reps for each so 12 sets in total. If I failed to get to 40 reps straight I would rest pause until I got to 40.
Seated Machine Cable Rows... multiple light sets to warm up my back.
Pull Ups... 7 sets to failure with 45-30 secs rest between sets.
Seated Close Grip Lat Pulldowns... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set of 11 reps. The last 2 sets supersetted with straight arm pushdowns.
Seated Cable Row... 2 sets of 25 reps.
T-Bar Row... 6 sets of 25-15 reps going up in weight.
Kneeling Cable Lat Pulldowns (separate handles for each arm)... 2 warm up sets and 3 working sets.
KettleBall Shrugs... 5 sets of 20 reps with 10 secs rest between sets.
Back Extensions... 4 sets of approx 15 reps.
Preacher Curl Machine... about 8 fast paced sets ending in a drop set with about 7 drops.
Abs for 5 mins.
Back and Ab Stretches.

I felt great and was pleased to do t-bar row again. I am only going light weight due to my lower back but upped to 3 plates this time and concentrated on form and higher reps without overdoing things. My back felt safe which is a bonus but I know I can't start stacking the weight on that movement. Every other back movement was pretty much as heavy as I can go for that rep range.

I have added in 50mg Genotec Adrol pre worokout :) So my pre workout stack is now 3ml synthetine, 2ml syntheselen, 2iu somastim hgh, 5iu humalog, 25mg proviron, 50mg adrol and whatever preworkout I decide on the day :)