30 solid pounds in 6 months


New member
May 2, 2013
You mentioned that you were taking 10 mgs. of melatonin before bed. How does that make you feel the next morning? I've taken 6 mgs. a couple of times in the past and I have trouble getting out of bed the next day.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
You mentioned that you were taking 10 mgs. of melatonin before bed. How does that make you feel the next morning? I've taken 6 mgs. a couple of times in the past and I have trouble getting out of bed the next day.

Hi matey,

I love the melantonin. I also use ZMA and that is great too. Most nights I use 10mg melatonin but sometimes I just use 5mg. I feel fine the next day. Although today I had to set my alarm for about 5 hours worth of sleep and I felt really tired. It's the first time I have noticed that. It wasn't just the little sleep as I was overly tired and without it will usually be fine on 5 hours sleep. Perhaps if you are sleeping approx 6 hours on it that could be an issue. Or even if it's 8 hours you may metabolize it slowly. Other than that I feel great from it and refreshed in the morning.

The only issue which is rare is it can make me feel a bit weird after dosing 10mg and before going to bed. I am definitely going to buy it again. Perhaps it's worth you trying a new brand or a slightly lower dose again. Although I know some simply don't respond well to it and others don't notice much from it. I am using the NOW Foods 5mg capsules.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have decided I am going to swop over and start dosing the LR3 before my last meal of the day. The drop in BG is annoying especially when all you want to do is train. I have fell asleep many times post injection and had to go the gym much later or early in the morning. Literally sometimes I feel great and 5 mins post inj I can barely get my words out. I will also start doing approx 60mcg each side so 120mcg total so a lower dose too.

I just had my pre workout meal which was salmon with a lemon butter and 1 fairly small sweet potatoe. Just having a cup of tea now and going to leave for the gym soon. I will be dosing 3ml Synthetine pre workout and tonight no carbs in my intra shake.

My knee is still bad but it seems to be better which is great. The soreness has gone down when I touch the area but it still doesn't feel secure so more of the same and watching myself when walking/turning etc.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I feel great after training. Tired but it gave me a nice boost. I got there at midnight so I could superset anything I wanted :D Shame I don't have the time I thought as the changes are coming daily now. Although I feel like my legs have shrunk already :eek: Although the low carbs will definitely be adding to that. I can't even tense my right leg as the knee doesn't feel safe when I do. Regardless of any bad stuff I feel great. More of the same and playing about with movements and angles...

Flat Bench DB Pullovers supersetted with Smith Machine Inverted Rows/Pull ups.
Machine Cable Rows (pulling high) supersetted with Machine Lat Pulldowns (holding machine/bar and not handles so hammer grip).
Seated Cable Rows (pulling to waist) supersetted with Standing Straight Arm Cable Pulldowns.
Seated Bent over DB Rear Delt Raises supersetted with Standing Cable Rear Delt Flyes.
Abs for 5 mins.

Every set for each combo gets progressively harder and I use the reps 15, 15, 12 and 10. I am in a deload period but still pushing things. Even with fixed reps if I want to fail I will pick an appropriate weight. Perhaps I am going to fail at about 12 so I slow down the reps or maybe I purposely pick a weight I may fail at 8 and I get 2 partials in. Although it's more stimulate the muscle now and not destroy it but I sometimes can't help but go to that failure point or at least very close to it. Although the big difference now is my workouts uplift me and I can recover quickly from them.

This week will be about changing as fast as possible. Then I have a short break were I will relax everything and enjoy myself. Then when I am back it's TRT and taking it easy for a week or so before I start something new. I hope everyone is having a nice day.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have had 2 great workouts recently. More of the same and supersetting most movements. Although I did add a few other things too. I have been dieting and it's going well but by no means am I 100% with things. I eat healthy most of the time but still have cheats and they are not planned usually when I am out. Obviously if I ever competed I wouldn't do that. I just enjoy life but I have been extra strict recently.

I would like to think I am very good at manipulating my body in the short term. I done that recently but nothing was exact. Obviously upping water intake ideally needs to be done over a long period but I done it over 2 days :eek::D I am done a min carb load but it wasn't like I was very depleated as I even had a pizza the other night :eek: I also decided to stay up and watch the Olympia and didn't end up going to bed until 12 in the afternoon :eek: I ate a high carb, fat and sodium meal before going to bed and woke up very lean, dry and tight. So my little plan worked wonders in 2 days. My gf was out though so I had to wait about 4 hours for her to get back. In that time I had prawns with rice, English muffins with jam and honey and some dates.

I had 2 used bottles of synthelator left and I thought about 6ml but it turned out to be 3ml. I dosed that and also 3ml synthetine plus one serving as full as fuck. I never bothered shaving my legs but they are lean but the fact I can't tense my right leg meant I just left them out this time. I hope these turn out good on the comp as I am happy with them.

I am 6ft 2. My aim now is a classic physique type of look with a smaller waist and some size but not too big that it impacts my health too much. I am having a break now but in the future will get much tighter than this.

up load pictures

up load pictures


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am back from my trip and feeling good. I relaxed everything when away and it felt good. Lot's of nice food and lot's of treats. Then it was a full weekend of drinking. I have drank alcohol literally 2 times in 1 year so going from that to 3 days of solid drinking was a shock to the system. Although it's amazing how good I looked the first 2 mornings after drinking. I had veins popping out my hairly legs... thank you Hennessey brandy :D I wish I could have had pics done then as I looked even better. Although that soon disappeared on the 3rd day and the heavy drinking and rubbish food started having an effect. I would eat twice daily usually a big 3 course dinner then at 3am drunk get a takeaway of about 2000-3000 calories I would eat back in my hotel room. I actually missed my clean eating so it's good to be back and in some sort of routine now.

I trained a few times when away. Even on the drinking trip to Ireland I went the hotel gym 2 afternoons and trained fairly high volume (90 mins) each time.

Earlier I trained for the 1st time since being home and it felt great. This week is just going to be random training and earlier I done chest, tri-ceps, abs and finished with light weight leg extensions. I am eating fairly clean this week but not worrying about macros (carbs). It's what I like to do when getting back into a strict routine to ease into things. So plenty of cottage cheese, fruit, cereal, lean protein, rice etc. I did have a full English breakfast pre workout though :D

I was planning to bulk on trt but I am in two minds and may cut up even more. I am thinking low carb, mod fat and mod-high protein then when lean transition to a mod carb/protein and low fat diet to get shredded. That set up definitely works best for me and I look much better/fuller with carbs in there. I will decide this week what I am going to do.

Regardless if I try to get leaner or bigger I will be on 200mg test per week. I usually cruise on 150mg test e/c or 20mg per day but I am going to add more this time. It's still not really high but higher than my usual cruise. I will also play about with some things that don't effect sex hormones such as lr3, hgh and peps. Before I went away I injected 1ml Geno test300 after not being on any and the sex drive was ridiculous. I was really bad so it just shows you the powerful effect test can have especially in a deprived state. Interesting my left nipple also went puffy from that shot but has since disappeared. Last night I dosed 100mg test e and will dose that every Mon and Thurs as I can't be bothered doing smaller daily shots this time round. I will take 1 aromasin tab with each test shot so 2 per week. In a few weeks I will likely drop the aromasin but will see what my bloodwork shows.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I was in 2 minds about going the gym tonight but ended up going late and happy I did now. I figured train eod but as I went tonight I definitely will have 2moro off. The next week or so is just all random and getting back into things and basically doing whatever I want. Yesterday and today was high volume though. I did go too heavy (failed on 6 reps) on chest presses yesterday but will stop that until I start a new training cycle soon. The volume was high simply because that's what I felt like doing and no real thought just listening to my mind/body. Although I did want to burn lot's of calories as well just to help lose the holiday bloat :D

I will be going back to basic progressive lifting and 1 hour max workouts but my body needs some time first. It's nice to just be on trt and 2 injections per week. The other night I thought I need to do my injection then realized I had on Mon so it was a nice feeling. I like ed injections of 20mg for cruises but sometimes I just want to do as few injections as possible whilst keeping blood levels relatively stable. I am also off synthetine for a short time again just to have a break from injections. I will restart synthetine in a few weeks though as it helps me so much.

As I mentioned high volume and many sets and my back/bi-ceps workout consisted of:

Flat Bench DB Straight Arm Pullovers.
Smith Machine Inverted Rows.
Seated Cable Rows with different handles.
Pull Ups supersetted with Assisted Pull Ups.
Barbell Rows using a flat bench on 2 Reebok Steppers
Smith Machine Upright Rows
Seated Bent Over DB Rear Delt Raises
Standing Rear Delt Cable Flyes
Machine Preacher Curl

It was a mixture between light, moderate and heavy weights but nothing over the top as I am saving that for a few weeks time. Although I honestly done about 55-60 sets :D

Post workout I had shrimp, tuna and red peppers in my own spice mix with lemon rice. I had cooked the shrimp and it's only 20g protein so opened a can of tuna I have had in the cupboard for months and added that in. It doesn't look really nice but the taste was great. Next meal will be steak and sweet potatoes.


This was my pre workout treat the other day too. A full English breakfast :)



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are good. My hormones seem to be balancing out and I will be carrying on with 100mg test e twice weekly for my cruise. I had 2 days off from the gym but I just trained hamstrings for the first time in over a month. It felt so good to get a pump in them even though I kept the weight light and done higher reps. My knee is still not 100% but it's getting there. For the next week I will be doing 1 upper body and 1 lower body muscle each workout. I think that's a good plan so not too much for my knees to take in one day. Earlier was shoulders and hamstrings and overall high volume...

Warm up with DB's
Tri-set of Standing Barbell behind the neck Shoulder Presses, Barbell Upright Rows and Standing Barbell Shoulder Presses. 5 sets of 45-30 reps (15-10 reps of each). I started with the bar and moved up 5kg a side each set so finished with 1 plate a side.
Standing 20kg Plate Front Raise... 1 set of 20 slow reps.
Standing DB Lateral Raises rotated with Bent Arm Lateral Raises (so much heavier)... 4 sets of each using 15-10 reps. Not a superset as I had about 20 secs rest between sets for these. I went up to 27.5kg db's for these.
EZ Bar Front Raises... 1 set of 15 reps.
Machine Seated Shoulder Press... 4 sets of 20 reps. Last set I got 18 reps so complete failure.
Lying Leg Curls... 5 sets of 20 reps going up in weight every set (all light weight but squeezing every rep).
Seated Leg Curl... 5 sets of 20 reps going up in weight every set (all light weight but squeezing every rep). Finished with 1 static hold set for approx 20 secs.
Abs for 10 mins.

Very hard workout but purposely using lighter weight. If I fail it usually around the 15-20 rep range. Gonna carry this on for another week or 2 then have a few days off before starting a new training cycle.

I was in 2 minds of what to do diet wise. I wanted to carry on leaning out but I would be best leaving that as I will only be on 200mg test weekly. Obviously I can still get ripped with any or no aas. But thinking about timing etc and my new training I realized it's best to "lean bulk" over the next few months. So 95% clean food and just consistency in all areas. So I maintain and hopefully grow on these low doses without overdoing things (staying relatively lean). Then when I blast again it will be full on cutting and trying to get shredded utilzing some traditional fat burners which I never did last time. My main aim is to get my body accustomed to more calories so when I start I am lean but still eating a lot which is very possible when manuiplating training and diet so it suits my body. That way I can start dieting on high calories and plenty of carbs so I don't have to be as extreme as last time. Plus I will have plenty of time to do things next time round.

I have having some time off synthergine as I do that with all supplements regardless how good they are. However I have noticed my eyes are much duller and less white so I will be restarting it soon. I am currently taking choline and inositol but it definitely doesn't have the same effect. I bought them in the UK as I was travelling to Ireland and planned to drink and I figured they would help. I will restart synthergine once the c&i tabs run out in about 1 week. I am consuming nothing toxic so my health should only improve over the next few months.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I have had 2 great workouts recently. More of the same and supersetting most movements. Although I did add a few other things too. I have been dieting and it's going well but by no means am I 100% with things. I eat healthy most of the time but still have cheats and they are not planned usually when I am out. Obviously if I ever competed I wouldn't do that. I just enjoy life but I have been extra strict recently.

I would like to think I am very good at manipulating my body in the short term. I done that recently but nothing was exact. Obviously upping water intake ideally needs to be done over a long period but I done it over 2 days :eek::D I am done a min carb load but it wasn't like I was very depleated as I even had a pizza the other night :eek: I also decided to stay up and watch the Olympia and didn't end up going to bed until 12 in the afternoon :eek: I ate a high carb, fat and sodium meal before going to bed and woke up very lean, dry and tight. So my little plan worked wonders in 2 days. My gf was out though so I had to wait about 4 hours for her to get back. In that time I had prawns with rice, English muffins with jam and honey and some dates.

I had 2 used bottles of synthelator left and I thought about 6ml but it turned out to be 3ml. I dosed that and also 3ml synthetine plus one serving as full as fuck. I never bothered shaving my legs but they are lean but the fact I can't tense my right leg meant I just left them out this time. I hope these turn out good on the comp as I am happy with them.

I am 6ft 2. My aim now is a classic physique type of look with a smaller waist and some size but not too big that it impacts my health too much. I am having a break now but in the future will get much tighter than this.

up load pictures

up load pictures

This is the first time your chest has really started to look full to me. It always looked OK before, but this pic looks like your moving to the next level. The front delt tie ins look great too. Good job!



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
This is the first time your chest has really started to look full to me. It always looked OK before, but this pic looks like your moving to the next level. The front delt tie ins look great too. Good job!


Thank you matey. I definitely think my chest has improved a lot over the last year so I am happy you noticed.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Training has been good. If I fail it's usually in the 15-20 rep range at the moment. Tonight was a high volume back workout with calves at the end. When training back I usually start at the top and work downwards mainly so by the time I do lower back it is very warmed up and ready. I am just having fun now and doing what I want but will swop over to much lower volume and heavier weights soon...

Barbell Shrugs... 6 sets of 20-15 reps going up in weight every set.
20kg plate shrugs... 1 set of 50 reps with a big squeeze on every rep.
Incline Bench Rear Delt Flyes... 2 light sets of 20 and 15 reps.
Bent Over Rear Delt Flyes... 1 set of 15 reps.
Machine Reverse Delt Flyes... 4 sets of 15 reps going up in weight every set.
Standing Rope Face Pulls... 4 sets of 15 reps going up in weight every set.
Pull Ups supersetted with Assisted Pull Ups... 2 sets to failure for both.
Lat Pulldown Machine (Reverse)... 2 sets of 15 reps going up in weight.
Barbell Row using flat bench and 2 Reebok steppers... 5 sets of 15 slow and controlled reps going up to 2 plates a side.
Smith Machine Rows... 4 sets of 15 slow and controlled reps going up to 2 plates a side.
Machine High Row... 1 set of 15 reps.
Seated Cable Rows... 1 set of 25 reps.
Barbell Deadlift... 1 set of 20 reps.
Lower Back Extensions... 1 set of 20 reps.
Tri-set of seated calf raises, horizontal leg press calf presses and standing calf raises. 5 tri-sets of 60 reps (20 reps for each movement).
Back stretches and Foam Rolling.

As my gym is fairly limited I have to be quite inventive sometimes. A good example is my calf tri-set. I done the seated calf raises sat in the lying leg curl machine. I used the full weight rack and a Reebok stepper to give me a Platform and they felt great. For the standing calf raises I like to use the ab crunch machine as it has a great elevated platform. I would randomly change my foot position on each movement so it could be feet close, medium, wide or duck feet for each movement.

I will be starting my syntherol arm log very soon. I need to order some healing peps just to aid overall recovery and strengthen any weak areas. I plan to start my Bio-Peptide LR3 on Monday so looking forward to that too. I will order more peps and add them in to give me a boost whilst I cruise.

I did add in 2iu somastim hgh the other night. Even at 2iu pre bed I have been tired but I plan to keep it in for 3 weeks to see if the fatigue improves. I am ok it's just I struggle to get up and I have been falling asleep every evening. It's crazy even such a small dose does this to me but it's the same with all gh products. I slept a lot last night and then fell alseep at 8-9pm :eek: I took my pre workout to give me a big boost for the above workout. I am feeling good and definitely won't be upping that 2iu as it makes me too unproductive.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are good. I trained shoulders and hamstrings yesterday and chest and quads today. I got carried away and done 2 1/2 plates a side on barbell shoulder press for low reps. I carried that on today with 3 plate a side flat and decline bench press. I only got 7 reps with the flat press and that's far too low for this time. It felt good but I might hold off on the all out assault on my body for another 2 weeks. I will try and stay sensible for another 2 weeks but the strong pre workouts don't help matters!

I was also pleased with my knee doing quads. I done about 7 sets of 20 rep leg extensions going up in weight every set. I didn't go heavy but my max weight was about 1/2 of the rack. Then I supersetted DB Squats for 20 reps with Horizontal Leg Press for 20 reps for 5 sets. So it was a fair bit of volume and my knee is fine. It's pretty much recovered I just don't want to take any major risks.

Another reason holding off with the bigger weights are my joints have been dry recently but are getting much better. Whenever I drop my doses way down or come completely off the first thing I notice are my joints drying out. I have felt all of them but my hips have been the worst by far. I felt like a 90 year old man last week and could feel my hips every step. I can tell my body is normalizing again so they have gotten better but it's still too soon to be pounding the weights consistently so I will hold off for a bit longer.

My fatigue is ok on the 2iu hgh so I am happy and going to keep it at this dose. Last night I injected it into my knee and will carry on doing that. I plan to order healing peps but waiting to see how good the bio-peptide lr3 is first. Reason being I will order various peps and if it is any good I may just get most of them in that brand. If not I will pick between the other brands they sell which includes the Nouveaux I used last month. Someone did pm me stating he has used it and it was good at I think 40mcg so it sounds promising.

Post workout I ate shrimp, peppers and pineapple in a pineapple, chill and paprika sauce with coconut rice.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
From tomorrow my diet will be 99% clean as I have had my little break. I have been eating mostly clean anyway but today was probably my worst day of eating ever :eek::D Not due to the amount but just the pattern and well them me explain. As it was Sunday I slept in but on hgh sleeping in is on a whole new level. Guys should know I go to bed very late and work mainly evenings but I woke up at 4pm :eek: My gf said do you want to get pizza and I didn't really but said ok. So we shared an extra large pizza, chicken starter and cookies from Dominos. The starter wasn't big but I had about 7 pieces from wings, nuggets etc. My gf had 3 slice of pizza and I had 6 and that left 3. I had 2 cookies leaving her one. That was that then at 9pm I ate the 3 remaining slices of pizza. I then decided to go the gym and had a spoon of cashew butter pre workout and that was it. I got back after midnight so that is what I ate in the day :eek::D

I trained back and done quite a lot. I kept t-bar rows to just 3 plates but done a few sets of 20 reps. On machines I went heavier for 15 reps. Pull Ups to failure supsersetted with assisted pull ups to failure. I have been doing one upper and one lower each day and had planned to do calves but left it. I have been training every day and my knee needs a break. I figured I would do a miscellaneous day 2moro of calves, hips and abs.

Tonight I started my Bio-Peptide IGF-1-LR3 pre workout. I figured I might as well as I need to know how good it is. I will be ordering more peps soon and the Nouveaux are much more expensive so I would rather pay less so figured if this is good get more as they are a 1/3rd of the price. I may get some nouveaux and some bio-peptide after using it tonight.

I decided to go the gym last minute and so mixed the 1mg vial with 2ml bac water and injected 20 mins later. I dosed about 0.15ml so 75mcg LR3 and just put it in my stomach. I felt this one but it was a mild feeling especially compared to Nouveaux. It's hard to tell without testing but I felt a definite drop in blood glucose. Again hard to judge but all I can say is I felt so much fuller all over tonight and the pumps were great. I definitely felt the difference but will need to use it more to better access.

The above adds to my LR3 usage which is interesting. Basically in the past some brands were tested and most were high purity lr3 so it's definitely available on the ug market. However it's strange to me how each as had different effects. Common sense would suggest lr3 wasn't in the vials but the results have been amazing and not similar to other peptides. I will explain below:

Superior's LR3 gave me amazing and fast results at 200mcg eod. However I felt no drop in blood glucose at all. The pumps were amazing and I was made up with it the 3 occasions I used it. One of the best things I have used and well I decided to run lr3 again recently.

Magnus LR3 (recent) was decent but nothing spectacular. That was the same in regards to no initial side effects such as a big drop in BG.

Nouveaux LR3 (recent)... amazing results maybe even better than Superiors but a massive drop in blood glucose. I couldn't stay awake post injection. I had to lower the dose as this was far too strong. I am happy I only done 160mcg (I think) first time as it was a huge drop. I quickly went down to approx 100mcg and even at that dose it was super strong.

Bio-Peptide LR3... I need more time to access it but felt a drop in BG but it was much milder. Although I have only used 75mcg sub-q so far.

It's just strange to me how the Nouveaux treated me that way and obviously that is a major common side effect from LR3. Whereas Superiors at 200mcg never done that so I can't help but think was that LR3. My gut tells me yes has all their stuff was gtg and the testing in the past. Again my results were amazing on Superiors but the lack of drop in BG confuses me. I know people who have used other good brands of lr3 and it varies. How can one cause no initial side effects and the other be so strong if they have the same thing in those vials.

I am just thinking out loud and have theories but it could be anything.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Tonight I trained calves, ab/adductors, arms and abs so a bit of a miscellanous day. Calves were horizontal leg press supersetted with standing calf raises. I started with 20 rep sets (about 5 sets) and for the last 2 sets done 40 reps on the hoz leg press. Then the full weight rack on the lying leg curl machine to perform seated calf raises using a reebox stepper for approx 5 sets. Ab/adductors were 5 sets of each and supersetted. Arms some high reps to warm up then some heavier standing ez bar tri-cep extensions and heavy preacher machine curls. Abs were mainly rope crunches and quite a few sets.

Tonight I dosed 75mcg LR3 in each calf so double the dose of yesterday. I am going to stick with this dose as I feel 150mcg is a nice amount. I felt the drop in blood glucose much more tonight. Definitely not as strong as Nouveaux but I did get tired etc. Just before I had some whey protein and a piece of toast with peanut butter. Intra workout I had a shake consisting of 60g vitargo, aminos, creatine, taurine, citrulline malate and beta alanine. Post workout I had one of my favs... shrimp, pineapple, peppers and coconut rice. My last meal was crayfish, mango and coconut rice :)

Going forward I plan to carry on with the lr3 pre workout and the hgh pre bed. However for my 2nd vial of lr3 I will be swopping the order. I will take hgh at 2iu and add 6iu humalog pre workout and pre bed the lr3.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I ended up leaving the gym last night but was able to go earlier today. I trained chest and quads and it felt great. I am starting to lift heavier and it feels good. I do plenty of warm up sets starting with high reps then move down to approx 5 reps just to get used to the added weight whilst not using too much energy. I didn't go to full failure on legs for obvious reasons but still went up to the full weight rack on the horizontal leg press. My workout looked liked...

Warm up with db's

Incline (slight) Smith Presses... 7 warm up sets and 1 working drop set of 7, 10 and 8 reps. The 8 were with just 1 plate but 10 sec positives and 10 sec negatives.
Incline (slight) DB Flyes... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set of 11 reps.
Machine Wide Grip Presses... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set of 10 reps.
Leg Extensions... 8 sets of slow 20 reps going up in weight every set.
Horizontal Leg Press... 7 sets of 20-15 slow reps going up in weight every set.
Kettlebell Squats... 1 set to failure.
Back and Leg Stretches.

Pre workout I dosed 75mcg LR3 in each pec and experienced a big drop in blood glucose. After dosing LR3 I had a piece of toast with peanut butter and sliced banana plus 30g protein from synthepure with water. Intra workout was the usual (aminos, 60g vitargo etc) and the same for post workout (shrimp, pineapple and lemon rice).

On this cruise I am definitely going to play about with lr3, des, slin and hgh as previous stated. I just decided let's just go for it and grow on minimal aas doses whilst adding all these other elements. Therefore when I start to cut again next year I am in a good position as I am bigger and in many ways more sensitive to aas. Then I will add one thing in at a time and do things properly.

2moro I will add in 4iu humalog with my 150mcg lr3 pre workout. I will be starting my syntherol arm log too. All in all I am feeling good about things. The syntherol and the other stuff is great as it will give me something to look forward to. Being blunt if I were to just do my normal cruise of 150mg (now I am doing 200mg) it would be a bit boring as sure I would be 100% but realistically the best you can hope for is maintaining.

On 200mg test sure you can grow lot's but get much softer in the process. I do this for fun and like to see fast changes so my arm log will give me that. The other stuff will only add to things so hopefully I can make great changes even without all the aas I usually "bulk" on.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I was thinking about starting a new training split but I may just carry on training in some what of an order but with certain things changing constantly as I listen to my body. I am enjoying doing one upper and one lower body part in each session though. Although to ensure I train most things twice weekly (roughly) I may add in more parts each day and drastically cut the volume of each. That way I won't have to train 6 days per week to have everything trained twice. That way I just have 3 exercises per body part so 9 per session. Regardless I will decide over the next few days but I am enjoying training and it's always intense regardless how I put things together.

Earlier I trained shoulders and hamstrings and have started a more basic approach using warm up sets to focus on that 1 working set to complete failure. I am extra careful with my shoulders and chest and warm them up over many sets. In fact when I always write warm up with db's every day it is mainly shoulder and chest movements. I now start with high reps and very light weight and as I move up I tend to do 5 rep sets just to get used to the weight without using up too much energy. Then for my final set I simply do as many as possible. My workout looked like...

Warm up with db's
Behind the neck Smith Shoulder Presses... 8 warm up sets (20-5 reps) and 1 working drop set of 7 and 14 reps.
Smith Shoulder Press... 2 warm up sets and 1 working drop set of 8 and 13 reps.
DB Front Raises (1 db held with both arms)... 3 hard warm up sets and 1 working set of 12 reps (40kg db).
DB Lateral Raises... 2 warm up sets and 1 working drop set of 12 and 15 reps.
Lying Leg Curls... 7 sets of 20-10 reps going up in weight every set.
Seated Leg Curls... 5 sets of 15-8 reps going up in weight every set. I finished with a static hold set to complete failure.
Kettlebell Stiff Leg Deadlift... 1 set to failure with pauses at the bottom of every rep.
Back and Leg Stretches and Rubble Rolling.

The HGH has definitely put water on me but not a huge amount. I have softened up but feeling pretty good. I will start experimenting with a few things but more on that later. I will start my syntherol arm log on the weekend.

Almost forgot I did start humalog today at about 5iu. It felt great and I noticed the difference in my fullness/pumps whilst training. I will carry that on in combination with lr3 pre workout.

One thing I have noticed is my vascularity has gone down which is to be expected. I also stopped synthetine so that will be a big factor in that. I haven't taken tadalafil in ages either. I have some on the way and going to start dosing tadalafil eod and that should make a huge difference. It's a great drug especially for bodybuilding (pumps, vascularity, blood flow, blood pressure, sex etc).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Great log man

Thank you. It started with gaining that size which I did but I had a complete change of mind. My original plan was to hold the size for a very long time but I decided to cut up and not try and be big again. As you know your mind plays tricks on you though and those thoughts of getting huge come back :D I decided to start a new log so things weren't so cluttered. I should have posted the link but it's on this page so check it out if you want. I always like when people post and offer support. Here is the link I should have posted weeks back...



Registered User
Jan 1, 2015

So is it in your view IGF1 worth the investment? At the average price of £100 for 1mg for a good product is not just cheaper running gh ?