30 solid pounds in 6 months


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
This is the first time I have felt minor discomfort since starting syntherol in my arms. It's nothing bad but is slightly sore especially when I fully extend my arm. So far I made up with the added size and fulless though. I have thought about putting in much higher volume per shot but I will continue doing the small injections. They still make a big difference and keep everything looking fuller without distorting the shape etc.

I felt a little off yesterday and when I do I miss my aas... it's just something I do. Well the main reason when I write off I mean anxious so it could be a little stress but the hormones don't help matters. I won't bore with the details and it's wise to keep blood levels stable but I find that interruption in hormones can help. Although it's most likely my high prolactin levels so I have ordered dostinex to sort that out. I need to get things back in range.

I have pramipexole and I did just start it to help with the above. I figured it won't hurt and will help with gh amongst many things. I often tell people to start with 50mcg then 100mcg and move up very slowly but truth be told I was a bit careless when dosing. I probably dosed about 110mcg and for a first time in a while that is enough to cause me issues. I was fine but with the 2 scoops of Hyphy Mud earlier I was wide awake. It was 6am I am lying there tired but wide awake at the same time due to the dopamine surge :eek: I ended up falling asleep about 7am and got up at 10am :eek: Then today when I got back about 6pm I crashed and was woken up at 9pm so my sleep is messed up. I went to bed again about midnight and woke up at 3am and can't get back to sleep. I took another dose earlier. I am fine and will stay awake and go the gym at 6:30am. But sure when I get dostinex I will swop over as it's more user friendly.

I wanted to mention I bought new gym shoes. They are not my usual style (the opposite) but I saw them and figured try them out as they are like the old school gym shoes (I have never worn). They are amazing and feel so comfortable. They have a thin and flat sole so when doing calf raises they feel great. When I normally do flat bench tibialis raises (last workout) when I get to heavy db's with my normal trainers it hurts a lot but I just carry on. But the db sticks in my shin but with these news one and the thick tongue it feels great and there is no discomfort. They are from ryderwear and below are pics...




AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
On Friday I trained calves and arms and had an amazing workout. Most of my workouts recently have only lasted about 40 mins long but I try to keep the pace fairly quick. For calves I used the cybex calf raise and instead of my usual 40 rep sets I went with approx 20 reps and multiple sets to failure with minimal rest periods.

I rotated tri-ceps with bi-ceps and performed a mixture of things but did try to go heavier than usual. I done more exercises but the main ones were close grip bench, dips, preacher curls and hammer curls. I went up to 3 plates a side for 10 reps for close grip bench in the Smith machine. Dips I just done bodyweight but 3 sets with minimal rest between. For preacher curls I used 50kg (ez bar) and db hammer curls went up to 28kg db's. As always a slow negative and constant tension.

Earlier I trained hamstrings and shoulders. This was the first time training hams since my injury so I didn't go heavy but kept the reps very slow. I done about 7 sets of approx 20 reps. On the last 2 sets I added partials reps utilizing the top and bottom portions of each rep. So for the final set I done 20 reps then 20 partials at the top and about 15 at the bottom.

For shoulders I done a few movements but mainly concentrated on leaning cable lateral raises and freemotion shoulder presses. From the aching joints from the HGH to the preworkout combo I used the pump was great but the ache was horrible. I had to use both arms to hold up my water bottle and even then it hurt bad. I ended with freemotion cable presses then headed straight over to kettleball lateral raises just for 2 quick sets. The 1st with just 6kg kettlebells and even they were solely partial reps. Then 1 set with 4kg kettlebells to failure. I couldn't even lift my arms up for a good 15 mins and my shoulders were aching for a few hours.

I didn't inject any aas for a few days but used 100mg primo on Fri night. I will use another 100mg primo tonight (Sunday). I don't mind letting my levels taper down a bit as I will be starting my new cycle soon :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am very hairy and it always makes me look much fatter than I really am. Even though I know that I did think I was much fatter but was surprised after shaving my body last night. My stomach felt much softer but it's not too bad. Strangely I did wee loads last night so do look leaner now due to that. Perhaps it's due to tapering down my aas but the only thing I changed last night was I done a big shot of synthetine (4ml) with humalog post workout at about 10pm. Last night I took a quick selfie (below) as my gf isn't in but I will get better pics taken soon. I must be about 250 pounds but need to get a new battery for my scale. I will always look better leaner but I am definitely bigger in person even if that doesn't show in pics (I am 6ft 2).


I have a few marks on my arms/back and some spots in the back of my neck (in hair line so not too bad) but hopefully they go soon. Otherwise my skin is looking really healthy in person so I assume that is due to the hgh.

I have decided to come off everything for a very short time. It won't be long enough but only about 2 weeks. I have already been tapering things down and only injected primo last week. Then I will finish off the summer with 30-50mg tren a, 50mg test p, 50mg mast p, 50mg proviron, 5iu somastim, 8iu humalog and 6ml synthetine daily. The hgh, slin and synthetine will all be injected twice daily at 2.5iu, 4iu and 3ml.

Last night I trained chest and calves and pushed it. I planned to do calves first but machine was busy so I left them until the end. My workout consisted of...

Warm up with db's
Smith Machine Floor Presses... 6 warm up sets and 2 working sets. 3.5 plates for 7 reps then a big rest and 4 reps with 4 plates a side. Finally hit 4 plates even if it was in the Smith and on the floor :D
Machine Presses... just 1 plate a side and about 7 sets of very slow reps (5 sec negative and 3 sec positive). Just grinding them out with perfect form and minimal rest between sets.
Standing Cable Crossovers... I remain stood up straight with my head facing down and it really activates the chest well. About 6 sets going up in weight for 15-10 reps. On the final set I done about 15 partial reps.
Horizontal Leg Press Calf Presses... 4 sets of 40 reps going up in weight. The last 2 sets were rest paused. The last was with 90kg and super slow reps. I failed on 21 reps had no more than 10 secs rest and went through the pain to get to 40.
Back Stretches.

I am feeling great and my lower back doesn't feel tight anymore. However I know I have to be careful. I will train legs later and see how I am. I am thinking lots of horizontal leg press as my back is safer on that. Plus hip ab/adductor, leg extensions, tibialis calf raises, leg curls etc. Have a good day everyone :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just having a bit of a break from everything. I am picking up my new cycle today but staying off for over another week. I feel like I have dropped a little weight since stopping all injections. Gonna make sure my food starts rising now and when I add in the AAS the carbs will go high. Gonna be like a machine for the next 2 months with eating around the clock and trying to progress. Over time I will start doing more high reps stuff for my upper body but still heavy just making sure I fail closer to 20 reps compared to 10. The main reason for that is I can see an injury coming if I keep pushing lower reps. I will throw them in from time to time but the majority of lifts will be in the 15 to 20 rep range for the next 2 months.

I haven't injected syntherol either so I will restart that and stay consistent as the results are amazing on it. I will start at eod with smaller doses but move up to bigger doses 2 times per week. That system is much easier but still very effective is you dose enough each time.

My sleeping is the one area that needs to be improved. I fell asleep early the other night for a few hours and woke up at 2am. I stupidly decided to stay up and trained legs in the morning and I was exhausted all day. I tried to train hard but I didn't have any energy. The worst thing is my back always feels weaker when I am tired so I won't be doing that again.

When I trained legs I kept it basic and used heavier weights for lower reps for calves for a change. Hamstrings were seated leg curls and stretching between sets. Quads were mainly leg press and horizontal leg press and going no lower than parallel due to my lower back. My lower back was definitely not ready for any form of squats that day. I did train abs for the first time in awhile but kept it very simple and mainly just crunches on the floor (lower back). It's not a great ab exercise but the way I do them I definitely hit them as hard as I can with that limited rom.

Today I am going to dose 2.5iu somastim, 5iu humalog and 3.5ml synthetine pre workout. I will be training calves and shoulders.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Lot's to update :) I haven't injected any aas for about 2 weeks and that week it was only primo at approx 350mg. I am feeling good and lost some water weight and tightened up. However I started a high (well for me) dosed insulin cycle and I must have put on about 10 pounds in 3 days :D I weighed myself before and I was 256 pounds. I had my gf take some updated pics and will post them later. Once I add in the aas things should really come to life again so looking forward to it. I started my insulin like this...

Day 1= 5iu humalog pre workout and 10iu post workout
Day 2= 8iu humalog pre workout and 12iu post workout
Day 3= 10iu humalog pre workout and 15iu post workout

I am going to carry on using 10iu pre workout and 15iu post workout. I simply don't feel comfortable using more pre workout. Even if I time my carbs great the drop in blood glucose can make me feel a bit off and I would rather keep it at 10iu for obvious reasons. If I did ever up it would be the post workout dose to 20iu but I doubt I will ever need to do that.

I believe in small but frequent doses of insulin with your regular meals so this goes against that. It's just an experiment to see how I find it and I will only run it for approx 1 month.

I am dosing 2.5iu somastim with every insulin dose. I am also using a lot of supplements when the slin is active. I want to get rid of my carnivor mass so it's a good way to use that up too. Today will be typical for the next month and it looked like...

10iu humalog with 2.5iu somastim hgh

Approx 10 mins later start drinking 2 scoops of Carnivor Mass with 7g citrulline malate added (62g carbs and 25g beef protein). I drink this over about 15 mins whilst taking a few supplements.

Go to the gym and sip on my intra shake from just before to just after training. Intra shake consisted of:
2 scoops of Nutrex Postlift so 10g bcaa's, 25g hcbd's, 5g glutamine, 2.5g betaine, 2g HICA, 2g l-carntine-l-tartrate, 2g taurine then I add...
75g HCBD's
5g creatine decanate
5g glutamine
7g citrulline malate
5g taurine
5g arginine alpha ketoglutarate

Get back and dose 15iu humalog and 2.5iu somastim hgh. Wait 10 mins then start drinking 4 scoops of carnivor mass (50g protein and 125g carbs).

Later have a post workout meal of 250g turkey breast and 80g carbs from basmati rice.

I have some EAA's and BCAA's on the way to me and will use a mixture in the future. I also have some peptopro to use in the future too. I have a bag of HCBD's and 2 tubs of Vitargo on their way to me.

I am very slin sensitive so dose plenty of carbs but I also want to make the most out of the slin. As I am dosing it around training fat gain will be minimized. I was fairly lean so even if I do add some fat and lots of water that is not a problem for me as I know it's only temporary.

On Sat I trained calves and shoulders. Variety of movements and some very heavy shoulder presses with 5 plates a side. I only got 4 reps so my strength was down and in future I will keep the weight lower and reps higher for my max weight sets.

Yesterday I trained hamstrings and back and went to my old gym (other gym was closed). It was a long workout as I paid $18 to train there so I wanted my money's worth :eek::D Lot's of heavy rows and pulldowns and a good mixture of grips and angles. Hamstrings were mainly standing leg curl using drops sets to finish.

Earlier I trained chest and tri-ceps and used super sets at the start then the gym emptied out so I finished with giant sets. I done 2 rounds of the following exercises with no rest (just time walking from station to station) between sets...

Flat Bench Flyes
Incline Bench DB Presses
Pec Deck Flyes
Machine Press
Incline Bench Flyes
Flat Smith Press
Chest Dips

I am feeling great now and just ate a massive plate of turkey breast with pasta. My next meal will be cottage cheese with pineapple. Gonna do a set of syntherol arm injections later. 2moro I will be training legs so that should be fun :eek::D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My pics always look crap when I upload them from my phone :eek: Anyway here are some updated pics. Obviously I will grow more and get much tighter once I add the aas back in. 256 pounds at 6ft 2 at the moment. 41 pounds up from the start.






AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I wanted to mention about my insulin protocol. Usually this sort of dose would make a lot of people fat but I wanted to go over steps I will use to prevent that.

- I will only use fast acting slin around the workout window so not for extended periods throughout each day.
- I will be moving or in a calorie burning state a lot of the time the slin is active.
- I will dose 2.5 hgh with every insulin dose.
- I am not consuming loads of calories each day and sometimes even fast for 12 hours on certain days.

My secret weapon in preventing fat gain from slin is synthetine. I take 3.5ml when insulin has peaked so it acts as a transporter into the muscle cells. That way it will drive fat into the mitochondria to be used as fuel/energy. Granted this is most effective when in a fasted state and that's why I always recommend tiny doses of slin with synthetine for fasted cardio/training. Adding in calories whilst training only changes things but even in the presence of intra workout nutrition it can still have a positive effect. Increasing levels of muscle l-carnitine will only help prevent fat gain when using such high doses of slin.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I started buying fizzy sweets and carrying them around in my bag incase I feel hypo at the gym. The problem is I love the taste so will have some post workout when I don't even need them as my shakes cover me until I get home. So I am going to stop snacking on sweets and using insulin as an excuse to eat them :eek::D

My diet is clean but another thing I realized most of the fruit I have consumed recently has been tinned. So for health reasons I will cut back on that and add in more fresh fruit. I bought lots of berries last time I was in the shop and will carry on doing that. I also bought some high quality salmon as I need some more fats in my diet. Just little things I have noticed I need to change if I want my blood work to stay where it is or improve whilst on cycle.

I have to be careful with the insulin as I am very slin sensitive and even if I space out my carbs I need a lot to not go hypo. Yesterday I had 15iu humalog post workout and after 15 mins started drinking a shake with 50g protein and 120g carbs over about 30 mins. I then had cottage cheese with pineapple which was about 80g carbs. That is 200g carbs and fairly spread out. I was planning to eat again but ended up having sex. I figured I should be fine but no :eek::D I was going hypo during sex. Not sure if anyone has ever done this but it felt surreal like I had taken hard drugs. I had to stop in the end and walked to the kitchen and I was bad. I know it takes time for the carbs to hit so there is no need to stuff yourself in a time like that. But anyone who has gone hypo will know you just want to eat and eat. I ate about 300g carbs in 10-15 mins :eek::D Once I started feeling better I went to bed and woke up pumped. No more sex on insulin :D

I started my aas last night and woke up feeling a bit weird. That's basically my body going wtf is going on here. Once things build up I will feel better and better. It's not exact as I use a normal syringe but I tried to get 30mg of each compound. I don't mind the others being off but I don't want to start on too much tren as I like to have it build up slowly as in the past starting higher has made me feel anxious. Once I taper it up and my body adapts I feel great on it.

Earlier I trained shoulders and arms and felt amazing. I done my usual protocol but changed my pre workout (after slin) drink from 2 scoops of carnivor mass to 4 scoops of Scitec Jumbo Hardcore as it's full of various ingredients and a carb blend. I won't list everything I done as I used a mixture of different press and raises.

I started with a superset of the snatch and press with upright rows . I done 4 sets of both. Then some machine presses and cable lateral raises. I finished with db work... lateral raise, front raise and unilateral shoulder presses. Tri-ceps were cable pushdowns and machine dips. Bi-ceps were preacher curl machine and db hammer curls. I looked much fuller post training so I am happy with how things are going.

Tomorrow I will be training calves and back with rear delts and looking forward to it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things have been good. My lower back feels better but I am sure that won't last forever. My only issue is the fatigue I am experiencing on my protocol. Everything will contribute but it will mainly be the somastim hgh. So far I am loving it but I do feel like the most unproductive person ever. I am gonna try a high dosed every 3rd day protocol to see how that treats me. I can't carry on feeling like this as it's effecting my work and it's annoying falling asleep very early every night.

Training has been good and I have pretty much trained everything over the last 5 days. I have had the odd off day simply down to the fatigue and knowing if I can't push it in the gym there is no real point and I would be wise allowing my body to rest. Today I will be training calves and chest and looking forward to it. Last night I fell asleep even though I had planned to train.

I have added in 0.25mg dostinex/cabergoline eod and will be getting a full blood test next week. I will see where my prolactin is and adjust the dose if needed. I also added in a ZMA stack pre bed and that has been great. I definitely feel the difference in sleep and recovery since adding that in. Combined with the HGH my sleep is much better and I wake up with bad cts everyday.

AAS is currently 30mg test p, tren a and mast p most days. I fell asleep twice so didn't inject so it's been eod injs which weren't planned. I will now make sure it is ed for another week or so then I will up it to 40mg of each. I go away in a few days so will just but 1.2ml of each compound into 1 vial to last me 4 days. Not ideal but I booked a flight last minute to see my parents and as I just started I don't want to come off so will do that.

Slin is still the same and things are good. I may lower my post workout dose to 10iu but will keep it at 15iu for now. I will obviously have a break when I go away which will be good. Then I will hit it hard when I get back. I have some new amino and carb powders to utilize in the future when the slin is active.

I will be starting syntherol at 2-3ml per inj site 2-3 days per week after a break from it.

I joined a new gym and a big plus is it's 24/7. It's not the best though but I will make the most out of it. It's not that big so I will have to ultilize a lot more db/barbell exercises (db's only go to 40kg). I was a bit disappointed as I realized the 2 sides of the gym had the same machines. I assumed they were slightly different. You know in my gyms (especially small ones) you will get 2 chest press but one will be an incline and the other flat. Perhaps you get 3 machines and the 2 flat's are slightly different. But no everything is dupicated :eek: I thought the seated horizontal leg press was a different angle to the other but no. So I will have to be inventive especially when training legs (due to my lower back issues). I am going to try some light weight squats again. I can use my mates gym for legs as he has a leg press and hack squat machine (my gym has neither).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
What a difference a workout makes. I trained chest and calves and really pushed it. Chest involved a lot of pressing and flyes but I won't list everything. I went up to 3 plates a side for decline smith presses with very slow reps. I ended the presses with a drop set. The machine press is one of the best I have ever used so happy about that. Again I ended with a drop set. My last workout was weighted then bodyweight dips. Calves were just horizontal leg press calf presses. But the machine feels great so again I am made up with that. I started with 40 reps and on the 3rd set was doing 100kg for 30 slow reps. The final set was to complete failure at 34 reps. I done bodyweight calf raises off a platform after every set too. I finsihed with lots of back stretches and rumble rolling.

Pre workout I took 10iu humalog and had a sandwich. I never have processed meats but bought some very expensive ham for my gf but figured the high sodium would do me good. I also had some blood orange and pineapple juice before leaving for the gym. My intra shake had in 100g HCBD's, 20g aminos, 7g citrulline malate, 10g glutamine, 7g taurine, 5g creatine, 5g arginine etc etc. I also had 1 scoop of 5%'s pre workout 5150 that contains 4g l-citrulline amongst many other ingredients.

Post workout I had 10iu humalog and have been sipping on a full serving of Carnivor mass which has 125g carbs and 50g protein. I also added 5g glutamine too. I will eat a meal soon which will be beef, potatoes and green beans.

Later I will take my aas with 10mg aromasin and 0.25mg cabergoline. Plus 2ml syntherol in both bi-ceps heads and in my tri-cep lateral head. Time to get my arms up to 20 inches :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
A little fact for everyone incase you didn't know. I mention pineapple quite a lot and love it with protein meals as it helps digest them due to the bromelain content. You may have noticed if you eat fresh pineapple your mount burns afterwards. My mouth and more so the inside of my lips can be really bad. That's simply the bromelain from the pineapple digesting the tender skin inside of your mouth. Bromelain is used as a meat tenderizer.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
So much to update I will do it in stages. I travelled to the UK and broke my phone so that wasn't ideal. I only trained once over there in 4 days but pushed it hard. I done a bit of everything but mainly chest and calves. I took advantage of the plate loaded seated calf raise. I must of done over 15 sets to failure with minimal rest. Nice and slow reps with only 2-3 plates but that one feels really heavy. By reason of the hgh I was getting really bad shin pumps. I could barely walk but my calves felt like balloons :D I finished with 5 sets to failure going up in weight each set on the seated calf raise. Again I took advanatge of the machine as it's so different and I don't have anything like that over her.

Truth be told I was in a bit of a bad mood when I come back. Recent events in the UK didn't help my mood. My fluctuating hormones probably don't help but I will be dosing ed now so things will be stable. I also brought over the rest of my hgh in my suitcase so things are good :) I have been busy in the day and planned to go the gym later on but would keep falling asleep. Until last night I thought just go for it and didn't care as I didn't need to be up today so I went the gym at 1:30am and destroyed legs for over 2 hours. I was shocked there were about 8 people training when I got there :D Although when I left I was the only one. I tried some leg press in the smith machine as I need to be creative in this gym and they felt good. My calves have been sore all week but I added them in last night too. My workout looked like...

Horizontal Leg Press Calf Press... about 5 working sets of 40-20 reps supersetted with bodyweight raises off a platform.
Lying Leg curls... about 5 sets of 40-20 reps going up in weight.
Seated Leg Curls... about 7 sets of 40-8 reps going up in weight. I supersetted 5 sets with stiff leg DB deadlifts.
Glute Raises... 4 sets of 15 reps for both sides.
Hip Adductors... 5 sets of 25 to approx 12 reps going up in weight everyset.
Hip Abductors... 2 sets of 20 reps.
Barbell Squats... about 6 sets of approx 15 reps going up in weight in small increments.
Smith Machine Leg Press... about 5 sets going up to 4 plates a side for high reps.
Walking Lunges... 4 sets using different weighed bags over my shoulders (they just have 5kg, 10kg, 15kg and 20kg).
Leg Extensions... 6 sets going of 40-10 reps gping up in weight to the full weight rack with minimal rest.
Leg and back stretches.

This is the first time I have done barbell squats for ages and they felt ok. I have to be so careful with my lower back though. I may have to drop them but I will keep them in at a light weight and see how I get on. I only went to 1 1/2 plates a side and it obviously felt very light.

That is a tonne of volume and major hit on the cns so I told myself no matter how I feel tomorrow have a day off and I have. I also slept not long after finishing that workout too. I feel great since and it has really helped motivate me.

I am on 30mg test p, tren a and mast p daily still. I will up it to 40mg of each in about 1 week. I have some interesting info on my hgh usage recently but will go over that tomorrow.

I had full blood work done whilst I was away and just had the results back. This time I had a few extras such as prostate and thyroid markers and they all came back gtg. I was a bit surprised but literally every single thing in my blood work has improved. The only thing out of range is CK and of course my sex hormones and both of those are to be expected. My HDL is still very low but has increased but everything else is gtg. I haven't been taking my cholesterol supps like I should so I will make sure I do to help matters. I have fish oil so will increase my dose and get krill oil when they finish and again use a higher dose. I will also make a few dietary changes but everything is looking good. I definitely need to improve my cholesterol though but more on that in the future.

My prolactin was very high last time and I have only bene using 0.25mg cabergoline for a short time but already my prolactin is below the range at 85.93 (86.00-324.00). My estrogen was just over and I know that will be due to the tren a and not a concern for me. I will post more tomorrow :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I relaxed my diet when I was in the UK. I only ate about 2 meals per day and some snacks but they were big meals at times. As a result I have taken it easy since coming back just to harden up a little. All that means is basically no slin yet and my intra shake has 25g carbs and aminos in (2 scoops of postlift). Most of my other meals are cottage cheese with fruit and not much meat. I am going to carry on with my original plan now and still have plenty of carbs but nothing over the top. I will also be increasing my protein. I have only been eating meat once per day but will up that to twice but no more than that.

I am sure many of you are the same in that you get to a stage were you start questioning things. I knew this years ago but no natural male should be 260 pounds. Obviously we are not natural but in regards of longetivity... actually not even longetivity I just don't want to die in my 40's-50's I can't help but think shall I just get to a shredded 230 pounds using minimal drugs. It's either that or stay at around 260 and relatively lean. The grass is always greener on the other side :eek::D I can get used to the higher weight but with summer coming it would be much more uncomfortable. As I mentioned above I am going to stick to the original plan but not go over the top in pursuit of size. So I will lean out and likely stay around the same weight or thereabouts.

I can already see the difference since starting the tren a (test p and mast p) at 30mg per day. I look leaner and my vascularity has come out much more. It always shows in my forearms much faster than anywhere else. I am also getting hotter much easier. Obviously thats the weather as well but if it's hot outside when I walk inside I will burn up and fast and that's definitely due to the tren.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Everyone is complaining about the heat over here. With my tren a kicking in hard I am struggling. Sat here at my comp sweating. Before I even wet a towel in cold water and just lay on top of my bed with it over me :D

I have trained late the last 2 nights and will be doing the same tonight. First was back and bi-ceps and last night I trained chest and tri-ceps. Very high volume but not too high for me. I had a pump the entire way through and felt great. Some very heavy lifts and drop sets on the main exercises. Tonight it will be more of the same.

I added in 25mg proviron last night. So right now I am on 30mg test p, 30mg tren a, 30mg mast p and 25mg proviron daily. Next week I will up the injectables to 40mg each. Then when I feel the time is right I will up the proviron to 50mg daily. I plan to use a max of 50mg of each injectable daily. I have some adrol on hand I will likely use in the future (end of my cycle).

I have tightened up so will start adding in more protein/carbs at certain times and go from there. I will be utilizing training, tren, synthetine, syntheselen, hgh etc to assist my condition whilst my diet pretty much stays the same (for now).

Right now I am using 20iu somastim hgh every 4 days.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am not long back from training shoulders and calves. I feel great but tired. I recently saw a BSN red water jug free with their preworkout so bought it and it's been great for my intra shake. A bit annoyed as when doing shoulder presses I dropped the db's but didn't realize how bouncy the floor is and the db shot back up in the air straight on top of my jug. It was like a knife through butter so RIP my new intra shake jug :eek::D I was more annoyed the fact it was full so I had nothing to drink whilst training :eek:

The db's only go up to 40kg so I make use of those. I done standing db shoulder presses with the 40kg db's. I am surprised my lower back can take it but I have been feeling like a machine since starting the tren a. I really love the way standing presses feel. I done a variety of different lateral and front raises too. With my arms bent I went up to 30kg db lateral raises. I still have issues with my shoulders aching (hgh) between sets but push through. My workout lasted about 90 mins and post workout I had a carnivor mass shake. I will train legs next then after that I will restart my insulin protocol.

I wanted to go over my HGH dosage also explaining my way of thinking about dosing for mk-677 etc. I got the idea of dosing the hgh like this from Massive G. I seem to be extra sensitive to fatigue sides from hgh so I needed to change things up. So far so good but I still think results from hgh would be optimal from daily usage. I think IGF-1 conversion will be lower doing it this way and some may be wasted so it is what it is. I do find research on growth spurts and hgh interesting so higher doses is something I have considered in the past too. Although those cycles require huge doses daily for short periods and that will likely be much worst for fatigue for me.

Drugs/supplements definitely stay in your system much longer than many people think. It's like aas and the debate about do you need to run the likes of dbol throughout the day or in one big dose. Personally for most oral aas I don't see a difference and I have experimented a lot over the years. Although half lifes definitely come into things. A good example could be mk-677. I personally get severe fatigue from it. Everyone is different but personally for 99% of people it doesn't matter when you dose it or how you dose it's the daily dose that is the most important factor. So for me it doesn't matter if I split the dose or do it am/pm if I am dosing 15mg+ I get bad fatigue. You may feel a temporary difference from changing timing but it soon catches up to you. You only have to look at how mk-677 works and it's release to see this. Although everyone is different so there is never one size fits all in this game.

Another interesting thing is these gh boosters 100% effect my tinnitus. I have theories but I don't know the exact cause but I know they 100% act as a catalyst. I noticed it came back on mk-677 so I later stopped and after a few days the tinnitus got better until after 1 week it had practically disappeared. Much later I restarted MK-677 and it came back. I noticed the same with HGH and another reason I wanted to change my dosing to see if it made a difference. Somedays I wake up and I am literally deaf. It's been so long my friends tell me I speak far too low. When I try to talk louder I feel like I am shouting and they still say I am still speaking very quietly. It's because my hearing is that messed up. Sometimes my ears pop and everything is so loud. I have to watch the tv on max volume and even then it's quite low and if my ears pop I realize the neighbours must hate me :eek: Anyway I didn't inject hgh for about 4 days and it was much better so I purposely left it 2 more days and it got a lot better. Then I dosed 20iu pre bed and woke up with severe tinnitus. It's worst anyway after sleeping but that was more confirmation in a way. I am going to carry on with 20IU every 4 days and see how I am. I may even try something different in the future. I wish I could take it like everyone else but I end up the most unproductive person ever and my work suffers.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It's harder to gauge how much the hgh is effecting my fatigue as I just started new aas and the temperature has increased. All I know is it's bad and all I wanted to do today was sleep. I could have coffee but I try and save all my caffeine intake for my pre workout and only on a very rare occasion have a coffee. So maybe I should just add in a nespresso once per day. But it's safe to say the 20iu every 4 days is not working as I have been bad recently and I don't want to have to rely on caffeine. It's frustrating as I can see how effective the Somastim is but all I want to do is sleep.

My new plan will be doses of 2iu whenever I feel like but probably no more than 2 dose per day. I will keep it at 1 dose max per day for the next week though. I would rather use some than none. I think even 2iu will assist me a lot so that's the new plan.

I will be starting a new synthetine and syntheselen protocol for the summer soon. I definitely need to tighten up but things are going well. I will post updated pics soon... well after I shave :eek::D

I generally eat the same things but went off plan tonight. It's so hot I bought loads of different fruit juices. I have drank them all tonight :eek: That's 4 litres tonight... about 400g sugar :eek: I also just had a massive bowl of choco krispies too :eek::D I won't be doing that again and will start drinking lemon water as fruit juice goes down far too easy for me.

Earlier I trained legs and really pushed it. I always do calves, hams and quads and sometimes swop calves till last. I decided to mix it up today and went with the order calves, quads and hams. Brutal supersets for calves and going to complete failure with lower reps for a change.

I also done hip ab/adductors and glute raises. I kept the pace fast for these doing 5 sets of each for hips and inner thighs and 3 sets for glutes

I went up to 6 plates a side for Smith machine leg press. I wear Ryderwear shoes and they are very thin on the bottom so they can bend around the bar making the movement work great. The only issue I have with the bigger weights is the bottom of my feet hurt a lot but I still managed 27 reps with 6 plates a side. I would love an actual upside down leg press with a platform as I could destroy myself on that. I finished quads with seated horizontal leg press and 3 sets with the max weight rack with 10 deep breathes between each set.

Hamstrings were just lying and seated leg curls. Lighter weight and higher reps for the lying and the opposite for the seated. I finished with 6 sets of 10 reps with 5 secs rest between sets and had to rest pause the last 2 sets.

Not sure how long I was training but it was a fairly long session but felt great. I drank 50g protein and 125g carbs afterwards and have been very hungry ever since. My last meal (well before the cereal) was greek yoghurt with pineapple EAA's mixed in and fresh pineapple on top.

Training legs takes a lot out of me so I will sleep good tonight. I am looking forward to training 2moro. I will probably train chest and back. It's time to get crazy vascular so my training will be put into top gear now :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I watched this before the gym. Someone you don't hear about much these days. One of the all time freaks of BB :)

Markus Ruhl - MONSTER - Bodybuilding Motivation - YouTube