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  1. Concreteguy

    Some gear works better than others

    After reading the Anadrol thread I thought this may be a good read for you guys.The point I'm making is mg for mg some gear is much, much stronger and effective than others. The name of the game is making muscle isn't it? At least for most of us? Everyone who has tried anadrol knows after...
  2. Concreteguy

    Falling off the meal plan......

    For me, when my wife is off all weekend my diet plan falls off the wagon. I will go from eating five to six times a day to two or three. By the time I get back into the gym Monday, I feel like shit. My lifts are down or I'm fighting to get the reps I normally blow through. I have noticed this...
  3. Concreteguy

    Not enough time to train?

    As life changes and things take precedence over gym time you have to scale training down to fit your needs. Lets face it, a very small amount of guys here are competing. And even the guys that do spend 99% of there time wearing shirts and pants/shorts when your in public. So with a reduced...
  4. Concreteguy

    CG Lantus run PICS

    I think these pics show what was going on best. This was about two and a half months. I couldn't take it any longer. Hands and feel were killing me and it felt like my muscles were fighting what ever direction I was bending them. Example: as I bent my arm in the direction of a curl my tricep...
  5. Concreteguy

    My Gift to ALL AnaSCI Members!

    . The reason I left the thread was Tenny was doing a good job fielding questions and this way there was zero drama. I don't agree with much of it completely but life is about maintaining your sanity and staying happy. I have nothing to sell any of the members. The reason I'm posting this...
  6. Concreteguy

    Concreteguy: Slin Diet

    OK. So that we don't have the drama, I'm going to recommend a very tame version of an "Eat when your hungry" Boosted with slin program. I would start by contacting Tenny and ask him for his diet plan. This will cost a few bucks (deservingly so) because that's what he does for a living. This...
  7. Concreteguy

    Concreteguy Here!

    Hey guys, I'm going to be spending a little more time on this side of the tracks "Anasci" and I thought I would open it up with this. Yes your in the anabolics forum talking about anabolics. But I'm here to tell you ALLLLLLLLLL IF YOU WANT TO GROW. "Gear means shit". Phama or UGL what ever you...
  8. Concreteguy

    Merry x-mass

    Seriously guys and gals, Have a great holiday and be safe. CG
  9. Concreteguy

    Some good weekend deals!

    Did you guys check them out? CG
  10. Concreteguy

    Good deals

    Did you guys read about any of the sales this weekend in the sponsors area? Looks pretty good to me. CG
  11. Concreteguy

    Some good sales

    Some of these sponsors are running good Thanks Giving sales. I just read one of them. Looks good. CG
  12. Concreteguy

    What cycles are you guys on?

    Thought maybe we could shoot the shit about who's on what? It's the time of the season to lean on it hard. Who's getting it done? So tell the truth and shame the Devil.....lol hahaha CG
  13. Concreteguy

    (( Auction for Turbo ))

    IMPORIUM LABS is a new sponsor at AnaSci. But we weren't new to Turbo. WE all new and loved him. 100% of the proceeds from this action will go directly to his family. Step up and help out the family of a fallen friend! Bidding will start at $250. All bids will be in $25 increments. 5- TEST...
  14. Concreteguy

    Contest section

    There is some cool contests running this month. Did anyone else check them out? CG
  15. Concreteguy

    Imporiumlabs holloween contest !

    IMPORIUM HALLOWEEN CONTEST This is the deal. IMPORIUM LABS wants to see the craziest costume you have AND you must be making a front bicep pose as your wearing it! At the end of this month IMPORIUM LABS will pick the winner. The winner gets a BULK cycle: 4-TEST 400, 3 EQ, 100 ADROL NOW...
  16. Concreteguy

    Odered some red tops

    Hey, I have a hand full of kits with the popular red tops on there way. Any reviews on these from you guys? Been using the grey for a while now. CG
  17. Concreteguy

    What goes around comes around. LOL

    A few months ago I brought up BIGA's article about eating 400 to 500 grams of protein a day to get huge. Well all the resident experts chimed in and said "That's WAYYY to much protein and bla, bla,bla. Even a IFBB pro said the same thing. He said he was laughing his ass off just reading it...
  18. Concreteguy

    Opinions on oil vs water base TNE

    I like doing this before training. Do you think oil will delay the NTE from getting into my system quicker than water? If so, how much? I know it's way less painful, but speed is really the concern. Thanks CG
  19. Concreteguy

    Is it really "just that easy" ?

    I just read BIGA's Principles of growing. I'm reading along taking it all in and it was nothing I haven't heard a hundred, million times before and BAM. There is was, a moment that almost made the hair on my arms go up. But before I go into what I read, let me tell you who I am. I'm a guy like...
  20. Concreteguy

    Sending orals and water base home with slin(BAM)

    I have made mention of this before. Doing orals or a suspended water based gear. Winny Dbol Adrol Test-base M1-t Superdrol Give it fifteen minutes to get into your blood and then carbs and slin. NO protein. This is only to slam gear into the cells. You will feel a heat kind of like when on...