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  1. mr.nitrofish

    buy in bulk

    would it be wize to buy many cycles in advance and store them. I am going to be buying more stuff but not sure if i should stock up or not.
  2. mr.nitrofish

    didn't order enough nolva, doh!

    for some reason I thought I needed 40 mg a week (instead of per day) for my pct. oh well, just ordered some liquid nolva from uni-kits.com. my question, is it ok to take a combonation of tablets and liquid. I intend to use my tabs first and then use my liquid wen I run out.
  3. mr.nitrofish

    anyone carry injectable d-bol?

    all I can find is the tablets.
  4. mr.nitrofish

    Aspiration and pin size

    how nessary is Aspiration with glute injections? everytime I try to Aspiration I get a lot of suction , like a vaccume, which I guess is good, but its really uncomfortable trying to pull back the plunger when its in my glute. another question was pin size. whats the smallest I can use? the 22g...
  5. mr.nitrofish

    whats insulan do?

    sorry about the spelling. anyway, why would a body builder use insulan? I thought it was only for diabitics.
  6. mr.nitrofish

    morning workouts

    how long should you wait after breakfast to work out? what i mean is the energy from breakfast isn't there till it starts to digest a little right?
  7. mr.nitrofish

    well, I did it.

    just started my test. only cycle today. I was nervous as hell, but I think it only gets easyer from here on.
  8. mr.nitrofish

    advantages/disavantages of cardio before weight training?

    well I bought a bike for my girlfriend and I so that I can get her more motivated to exercize, I figure we can do some bike rides together. anyway I decided to ride my bike to the gym today and figured it was a decent cardio workout but I was wondering if I should save that energy for lifting...
  9. mr.nitrofish

    been testing glute injections, getting ready

    well I have a bunch of 1/2" 28 gauge pins around for insulan for my diabetic cat. anyway I decided to poke myself with a new one just to see what I could expect. well it wasn't so bad, virtually painless. I sure hope I got the balls to do a 1 1/2" 22 gauge. one question? should I peirce quick...
  10. mr.nitrofish

    whats a good combo for second cycle bulking?

    I haven't even started my first cycle and here I am looking for advice on my second cycle :rolleyes: but I would like to plan this second cycle out anyway. it would begin 3 months after my first cycle is complete. heres what I want to do, im not looking to get ripped yet,what I am aiming at is...
  11. mr.nitrofish

    can I see some sample cycles?

    whats a sample of a cycle you would use or have used in the past? I havent cycled yet, but heres the cycle that I will be on week1:test e 500mg (250mg x2 tuesday/thursday) week2:test e 500mg (250mg x2 tuesday/thursday) week3:test e 500mg (250mg x2 tuesday/thursday) week4:test e 500mg (250mg x2...
  12. mr.nitrofish

    what is "front loading"?

    I heard someone use the term "front loading" of testosterone. what does that mean?
  13. mr.nitrofish

    how to eat after a cycle?

    do you still need to eat a lot after a cycle?
  14. mr.nitrofish

    ever disapointed with first cycle?

    going to start my first cycle soon, and I was wondering, has anyone ever been disapointed with their first cycle? I have high hopes, but I want to be real. anyone got before and after pics?
  15. mr.nitrofish

    how long before stacking

    how long would you bulk up on test e. before considering stacking with something like deca? after 1 cycle,2 cycles, more?
  16. mr.nitrofish

    trying to find steroid chart

    I seen this once, but forgoten where. it had a number of different steroids and they are rated with a number of dots in different area's like side effects,strengh,fat loss etc. anyone know where this was posted?
  17. mr.nitrofish

    favorite sorce?

    not sure who I should order from, there are so many to choose from. who has the best service/prices?
  18. mr.nitrofish

    any regrets?

    from the point when you decided this is it, im going to take steroids, have you had any regrets? im going to start testosteone d. after my wedding (june 5th) and pumping iron like I have never done before, I just want to be reassured im not fucking up. ive put a lot of thought into this and...
  19. mr.nitrofish

    questions about gyno

    well im not sure what it stands for , but I understand it can lead to some rather bad stuff. what are the warning signs (ichy nipps I have heard, any others?) also what do you do if you start to feel symptoms during your cycle(how much nolva?). anything else I should know?
  20. mr.nitrofish

    comments please, first cycle

    lets see if I got this right ill start with testosterone e. 500 mg a week for 10 weeks (all at once or split between 2 days?) for 10 weeks for pct ill take nolva for 3 weeks. week 1=40 mg,week 2=30 mg,week 3=20 mg. I assume I would start pct after I finish my 10 week cycle with testosterone...