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  1. mr.nitrofish

    min. time on growth for results

    how long is a normal human growth hormone cycle(4 iu eod), 2 months,4 months more?
  2. mr.nitrofish

    thinking of changeing my gym.

    I used a one day pass to work out at another gym, it wasn't the greatest gym, but it was quiet and all the machines had more weight to them. I am maxing out most of the machines at my current gym, so i figure this would be an upgrade. but their are a lot of machines their that I have never seen...
  3. mr.nitrofish

    anyone know where I can find a good muscle chart

    Id like to be able to find an illustration of the entire muscular system. anyone know where I should look?
  4. mr.nitrofish

    dosen't it bug you when people do it wrong?

    I was doing my leg routine today when I noticed an old ladyworking out next to me that looked confused . she was on the "hip abductor" it bacicly works your inner legs by starting in a splits position and squeezing your legs together lifting the weights. she had the leg pads set so her range of...
  5. mr.nitrofish

    where do you workout?

    just wondering. I go to ballys, it sucks but theres nothing better around me.
  6. mr.nitrofish

    10 or 12 week cycle?

    if I do a 10 week cycle I can start my next cycle sooner (by 2 weeks) so maybe ill loose less gains, but I may be able to gain more on a 12 wek cycle but ill have to stay off longer. whats better?
  7. mr.nitrofish

    gained 40lbs in 7 weeks.

    I now im a fast gainer but does this sound a little high to you? I have outgrown all my clothes, I can't button my shirts anymore.
  8. mr.nitrofish

    blood pressure

    is 142 over 78 something to worry about?
  9. mr.nitrofish

    should dbol be taken without the liver pill?

    how harsh is dbol on the liver if taken for 6 weeks? how should liv 52 be taken? is dbol worth taking in a stack with test and deca? is it really noticable? how would the gains differ if the cycle was only test and deca without dbol?
  10. mr.nitrofish

    questions about growth hormone

    I think I read somewhere that people end there cycle with gh. what would the normal dose of gh be if you where to end a cycle with it?
  11. mr.nitrofish

    gyno question

    is it posible to get gyno without ever having itchy nips or lumps?
  12. mr.nitrofish

    measureing oral liquids?

    I got some liquid nolva from on online sponcer and it says its 30 mg per ml. is one squeze a ml? I don't see a line to use as reference.
  13. mr.nitrofish

    equipoise or deca, and why?

    what do you prefer and why? (this would be stacked with test.)
  14. mr.nitrofish

    what would be better more test. or test stack

    im at the halfway point in my 500mg per week test only cycle. I was wondering if for my next cycle I should just up the dose of test. or add deca? im deffinitly feeling stronger, but nothing really overwelming. maybe its because im tall and have a large frame, that is causing a higher tolerence...
  15. mr.nitrofish

    hurt my back lifting today

    IM not sure what I did wrong, but I was doing bent over dumbell rows at the gym today and now my back is killing me. I can bearly walk. the pain is mostly on my right hip. anyone got any tips to make the pain go away?
  16. mr.nitrofish


    anyone feel like donating some to me? im trying to save up for a colored name
  17. mr.nitrofish

    question about dbol.

    I can get this in tablet form or a injectable. are there any benifets to one form vrs another. will it stay in my system longer as a injectable, can it be mixed with test in the same syringe? are tablets harder on the liver?
  18. mr.nitrofish

    protien shakers!

    if anyone here takes protien and hasn't bought a shaker yet you deffinitly should. it has a special grid inside that breaks up the clumps and really makes a huge difference when taking protien powders. I just got one after 3 years of not using one, I really wish I found these sooner.
  19. mr.nitrofish

    peanut steroids

    check this out http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=1467&item=5583956442&rd=1
  20. mr.nitrofish

    what about a scammer list

    I think it would be a good idea to have a list of sites to stay away from. also some real legit sorces can be watched by the feds or already busted, those would be some that you deffinitly would want to avoid.