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  1. mr.nitrofish

    wife found my stash :(

  2. mr.nitrofish

    is it worth it?

  3. mr.nitrofish

    dark urine while on d-bol

    should I be alarmed? I have been drinking lots of water and at first early in my cycle my urine was almost clear from drinking so much water. but now even a gallon of water a day makes my urine slightly darker than usual.
  4. mr.nitrofish

    how should Arimidex be used to reduce bloating?

    would you take Arimidex in the begining of your cycle, near the end or all way thru your cycle? whats a good dose on this for reducing bloat? I was thinking 25mg per day. does that sound right?
  5. mr.nitrofish

    dbol making me angry

    now im no subcriber to the myth of roid rage, but ive been in a reall pissed off mood the last couple of days. Now im not picking fights with my friends or anything, but some of the things that have bugged me for a while are really bugging me now. basicly I have said some stuff Ive regreted...
  6. mr.nitrofish

    bloodwork test results

    any feedback would be appreated. cortisol= 17.3 estra=<32 fsh=2.4 lh=1.5 lip chol=210 trig=356 hdl=33 ldl=106 prol=6.1 testos=327 testf=13.2 tsh=2.0 cbc wbc=3.8 rbc=5.72 hgb=16.7 hct=49 mcv=86 mch=29 mchc=34 band%=0 ne%=52 lymph%=33 mono%=11 eo%=3 baso%=1 atyp%=0 plat=167 band#=0 ne#=1976...
  7. mr.nitrofish

    dianabol questions

    I have heard about aggresion and acne, is this what I should expect? how long before dbol starts to really kick in.
  8. mr.nitrofish

    got my blood work done today

    that means I can start up again reall soon. my doc gave me a hard time about steroids, which is understandable. I can't expect her to say its ok. she was uninformed like any other doctor. she said I have to worry about brain cancer among a list of other side affects.
  9. mr.nitrofish

    feeling ill on eca stack

    I've been using an eca stack for a week now and I've felt like crap all week. I feel like there's a lump in my throat and a little uncomfortable swallowing. headaches and feel "twitchy".right now I feel like I want to puke. am I supposed to feel like this all the time while I use eca?
  10. mr.nitrofish

    low body tempature

    every thermometer I use and every time I check my tempature is below normal, usually about 96 decrees. why is this? even when I take chemicals that are supposed to increase my body temp, like clen and eca stack I get this same result.
  11. mr.nitrofish

    at what point is nolva not enough?

    on my first cycle of test only (500mg per week) I used only nolvadex for pct.but on my next cycle ill be useing test (750mg per week),dbol (50 mg per day)and deca (400 mg per day) is nolvadex still enough for pct?
  12. mr.nitrofish

    my new invention

    ever wish you could add more weight to the stack on your favorite machine? I found a way to add another 135 pounds or even more. you just slip this on the stack and add plates. what do you think?
  13. mr.nitrofish

    maintaining lean muscle off cycle

    if I take my body weight in protien powder im pushing over 1500 calories. how can I take enough protien and still be able to eat without going too high with my calories?
  14. mr.nitrofish

    how to dose eca stack?

    I was considering trying the eca stack (effedra/caffene) and was wondering the dose and time on vrs time off for this product. any feedback?
  15. mr.nitrofish

    blood test

    what sort of things do I need to look for when I take a blood test so that I know im ready for another cycle?
  16. mr.nitrofish

    best oral gear

    what would you consider the best oral for the first couple weeks of a bulker cycle? I know dbol is very popular, but is there something stronger? or should I do a short estered test instead?
  17. mr.nitrofish

    im feeling nothing while on clen

    im up to 100 mcg and im feeling nothing. why is that? shouldn't I feel jittery or something by now? don't even really feel hot either. should I jump up to 140mcg or is that too much.
  18. mr.nitrofish

    why so few tren cycles?

    theres not too many people useing tren, why is that?
  19. mr.nitrofish

    how should I cycle clen?

    either 2 weeks on 2 weeks off or 2 days on 2 days off. I have heard both options, which do you prefer?