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  1. mr.nitrofish

    anyone consider laser hair removal?

    I got a price quote for $420 a session or $2300 for a package of 6 sesions for all the hair on my head to be removed. after the 6th session all touch ups are free. think I should do it?
  2. mr.nitrofish

    pre show diet/cycle.

    what do the pro's do to cut the fat before a show and how long before a show do they start? the reason im asking is because I seen a pic of lee preist in the off season and I cant belive its the same guy. that guy really gets bulked up in the off season, how does he cut up?
  3. mr.nitrofish

    how much do you loose after a cycle?

    im on my second week of pct with nolvadex and im down 10 lbs. I gained a lot of water retention, but damn.
  4. mr.nitrofish

    what to expect from 2 weeks of clen?

    what should I expect for results? I only bought a little bit just so I can see how it works.
  5. mr.nitrofish

    how long till natural test is shut down for good

    how long would you have to take steroids for it to completely shut down your natural testosterone perminitly. what steroid whould have the most effect?
  6. mr.nitrofish

    good workouts for someone with a bad back?

    I have A friend that im trying to get to the gym to workout with me, but one major problem is he's been on disability with a bad back for the last year. what are some exercizes he can do without aggravating his back?
  7. mr.nitrofish

    best fat burners?

    what are some good fat burners? ripped fuel? Clenbuterol ?
  8. mr.nitrofish

    math problem

    ok say deca comes in 300 mg per ml doses and Ill be doing 400 mg per week for 12 weeks how many 10 ml bottles will I need? im estimating 2/3 of a cc twice a week, so about 2 bottles. does that sound right?
  9. mr.nitrofish

    looseing the bloat/water weight post cycle

    how long does it usually take to loose the water weight and bloating from a cycle. any post cycle tips, or meds I could use to help get rid of it.
  10. mr.nitrofish

    how long do you really wait between cycles

    8 weeks 12 weeks 15 weeks less?
  11. mr.nitrofish

    why Anadrol

    why would you take Anadrol if the ability to keep your gains are so low?
  12. mr.nitrofish

    test flu part two

    im sick as a dog right now and im wondering if its from the new testosterone im useing. its only my second shot with this brand and my injection sites have been sore for 2 days after injection. more on my "flu" its a sinus cold almost, sore nasal ,runny nose,headache.my head was pounding after...
  13. mr.nitrofish

    what does testosterone do to you?side effects

    for me I have had very few sides .I have not been extra horny,not irritable,no acne,no increased hair loss(no more than usual) no gyno or symptoms. but here's what I have had,oily skin,lots of body hair growth,and bloating. what does test do to you?
  14. mr.nitrofish

    just hit 855lbs on my squats

    I was able to squeze out 8 reps of 855lbs. im pretty happy with that. :D
  15. mr.nitrofish

    diy gear

    what besides fina/tren are you able to make legally, or buy the stuff to make legally. would you suggest any of these?
  16. mr.nitrofish

    switched test brands and now sore injection site?

    I did get a sore injection from my first couple shots of bd test but I stoped getting sore further in my cycle.now im close to my cycles end and im useing gen pharm test and now I have that sore injection site again. why?
  17. mr.nitrofish

    had my wife wax my back

    holy shit, that hurts. im a hairy bastard too, so that sure didn't help. right now it feels like a sunburn. :eek:
  18. mr.nitrofish

    difference between bulkers and cutters?

    whats the difference between the bulking steroids and cutting steroids? won't a cutting steroid still produce good muscle mass? what exactly is "bulk" anyway?
  19. mr.nitrofish

    Primobolan,deca,test stack?

    what are your oppinions on this stack? 200mg Primobolan depo 300mg deca 750 mg test e. is this too much? just right?