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  1. Blackbird

    Heavy's "how to eat" sticky

    Can you eat like this and retain a good set of abs. I have been eating like a maniac, granted maybe not as much as this diet suggests, and notice my abs are starting to dissappear.
  2. Blackbird

    repl for cottage cheese

    Anyone have any good replacements for cottage cheese. No matter how much I try I just can't stomach that shit.
  3. Blackbird

    gearing up for 2nd cycle

    How does this sound weeks 1-10 Sust250 500mg ew 1-10 deca 400mg ew 1-4 30 mg dbol ed First cycle was Test dbol gained about 15lbs current stats 6'1 193lbs 10%bf
  4. Blackbird

    Great Dane

    Here's a totally unrelated question. Does anyone have experience with Great Danes? My 3 year old is an only child and I have read that although they are huge, they are very gentle with kids. Plus they're friggin cool looking.
  5. Blackbird

    3 weeks left in cycle

    I have 3 weeks left in my test e cycle and to be honest I haven't seen the results I hoped for. My strength has gone up quite a bit but to date I have only gained about 15 lbs and no weight gains in about 2.5 weeks. I'm eating like a horse, working out 2 on 1 off, like a mad man. What can I...
  6. Blackbird

    I hit a vein, Help

    Ok I was shooting my quad and didn't realize until a big bump appeared and the vein became very visible. My quad is killing me, aside from this what else can I expect. The shot was Test E
  7. Blackbird

    Time on=Time off

    Is pct included in time off a cycle?
  8. Blackbird

    Week 8 progress

    Well I'm in week 8 of my first cycle. (test e) I was getting bummed because I had no weight gains the past 2 weeks. I was away from the gym for about 6 days(couldn't be avoided) but low and behold I went back this a.m. strong as hell and put on another 5 lbs. You gotta love a good rest. Will...
  9. Blackbird

    2nd cycle ?

    I want to start stocking up for my 2nd cycle, what would you guys suggest? Current stats 6' 188lbs 12%bf 6th week of Test cycle 500mgew dbol 4 weeks 30 mg ed On this cycle I am adding mass to an already cut up frame so I want to continue this on my...
  10. Blackbird

    Out of commission

    You had to have seen it to believe it. I decided to remove the air conditioning unit from the 2nd story extra room(finally) and the sob let loose and went flying. I tried to grab it and the sucker tore up my hands. Blood everywhere. I'm in week 5 of my Test cycle so this really sucks. Oh...
  11. Blackbird

    ipod, please help

    Just bought an Ipod, but most of my new CD's are protected. I can download them to the media player but I can upload them to my Ipod. Does anyone know any way around this. I figure there has to be a way to do it.
  12. Blackbird

    What are you benching?

    I was just curious to see what everyone is benching. What is your height, weight, max bench? I'm 6' 185lbs max bench as of saturday is 325lbs.
  13. Blackbird

    Immune system and cycling

    Im 3 weeks into my cycle and I have been hit with my 3rd 24 hour flu. I'm getting my ass kicked at least once a week here. Is there any reason that my immune system could be weak while on a cycle?
  14. Blackbird

    What makes a decent diet?

    There is a lot of talk about how your diet is key when cycling. I am basically a gym rat, no bodybuilder, so I always lift for size. I'm natty cut very little bf, I think 12% right now. For a guy like me, what is the best way to maximize gains with my diet? Here is a sample of what I eat...
  15. Blackbird

    Steroid profiles

    Anyone know any sites that give very basic descriptions of how particular steroids work, what they do, what you can expect? I think that some of you guys who have been doing this for such a long time forget that us first cyclers don't have chemistry degrees. I have read many threads and...
  16. Blackbird

    Creatine, test and dbol

    I haven't used creatine in months and I wanted to get back into it. I got hooked on SWOLE(Yum Yum). Would it be redundant to drink it while on aTest/dbol cycle considering the water retention?
  17. Blackbird

    They call me "MUSCLE AND FITNESS"

    I'm a 33 year old carpenter and like I may have said in some other threads I'm no bodybuilder, but I'm in great shape for a simple "weight lifter." The guys on my crew call me "MUSCLE AND FITNESS." When the heavy work comes up they all look for me. I 've gotbe honest, this pisses me off. It...
  18. Blackbird

    First week of Test

    and boy is my ass killing me. Easy Tee I jump started with a few weeks of dbol so that would account for the sick gains I've made. My wife said ,"holy shit your back is huge." I'm not used to looking like this. I have already put on 10lbs. I'm sure a bunch is water but I can't imagine what...
  19. Blackbird

    Nolva during cycle

    If gyno symptoms appear during a cycle, how many mgs per day should you take? Same as pct?
  20. Blackbird

    need help fast

    Do you draw the test up through the pin or do you pour it through the top of the tube? Help