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  1. Blackbird

    Opening amps

    I know there was a thread on this but I couldn't find it. What is the best way to open these little buggers without busting the whole thing? Thanks
  2. Blackbird

    need help with HCG

    I'm getting ready to start my first cycle. (Test E, 500mg ew) I need advice for taking HCG. I've heard that if you start it mid cycle you only need to take it for a few weeks. What works for you guys? What does "I.U." stand for? What quantities should I buy?
  3. Blackbird

    Newbie title

    My gear should be here any day, so I'll be starting my first cycle next week. How many posts until I get this "newbie" title away from my name?
  4. Blackbird

    Shoot your own glutes?

    I just rec'd my order of pins and boy was I suprised to see that they came with a case of the willies. Is it easy enough to shoot your own glutes? Man those pins gave me the creeps.
  5. Blackbird

    Western Union

    Do you guys use western union on line for overseas orders. Iused it once and had to call them to complete the transaction. The guy asked if I knew the rec'r personally. It seemed like it could get a little hairy, but it is convenient.
  6. Blackbird

    ordering pinz

    I'm going to order my pinz. For test, how is a 29gx1/2"x1cc syringe and needle?
  7. Blackbird

    kidney pain

    OK I have to confess. For 2 weeks I have been taking 30mgs ed dbol, no test. Trust me I have really listened to all the advice on the board, I've done my research, I know I should be taking test and I'm probably wasting my time and money on an oral cycle but sometimes I have to shoot myself in...
  8. Blackbird

    Anyone heard from...

    Anyone heard from AP? Shot him an Email, heard about the seizure(bummer). But I haven't heard from him. Hope all is cool.
  9. Blackbird

    why does whey go bad?

    Why can't you mix whey shakes in the a.m. and drink them for lunch? I've heard that you have to drink them right away
  10. Blackbird

    How many sets?

    I've always been lean so I'm always trying to bulk up with my routines. My question is, is 3 sets enough. For instance..... Chest Flat bench 2 warm up 3sets Incline 3 sets Decline 3 sets Cable crossovers 3 sets Is this a sufficient amount of sets for increasing...
  11. Blackbird


    What is the difference between clomid and nolva?
  12. Blackbird

    stocking up

    I'm stocking up for my first cycle. However I was shorted on my nolva. He sent 10mg's instead of 20. If I don't rec. the nolva in time can I substitute it with this topical spray(metacort)
  13. Blackbird

    another newbie ?

    What is an amp?
  14. Blackbird

    How did you explain it?

    So you just finished your first cycle and everyone is asking you if you did the shiiiiiiit. What did you tell them? I could care less about guys in the gym. But I wonder how I'm going to explain it to my wife. Of course I'll lie, but she's not that stupid.
  15. Blackbird

    why the wait?

    Ok, I'm new to this and I know I'll have to be more patient in the future, but I was just curious. Why the long wait for overseas orders? I've heard up to 6wks sometimes. Was just wondering so I could set my mind at ease if I knew there was a legit reason for the delay of overseas mail.
  16. Blackbird

    AP Delivery Tmes

    Anyone used ap latley? Are the orders still coming quickly?
  17. Blackbird


    Has anyone heard of a co called Medpharmacare?
  18. Blackbird


    Getting ready to order my first cycle, do any sources supply needles or do I need Androusa. Anyone have any other tricks for getting them?
  19. Blackbird

    Have I been scammed?

    I know there is proper procedure in blasting a company, can anyone tell me how to use a company name on the board? I need to find out if anyone has dealt with this co. I have been waiting 24 days for my overseas order and I am pissed. SIGNING UP FOR MEMBERSHIP TONIGHT. LIVE AND LEARN
  20. Blackbird

    ?'s about membership

    I emailed ANASCI about a few questions but got no response so maybe someone else can help. How does the membership appear on a credit card billing statement? Are the sources made available thru email or thru the web site?