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  1. Blackbird

    Sust. once and for all

    I asked Pin this question and was satisfied with the answer, but I have been reading so many thoughts about sust that I needed to bring it up again. I understand that you need to shoot eod because of the short esters. Does this mean that you will see results sooner than E or C. If so can you...
  2. Blackbird

    nolva andacne

    Does nolva cause acne. I'm in my last week of pct and I have had acne the whole run. I'm thinking about seeing a drmtlgist. If he asks if I am on steriods should I be honest with him. I'm thinking maybe his treatment may be determined by this.
  3. Blackbird

    clen diet

    I put on some fat in the mid section during my last cycle and I want to kill it before the next one. I've never had to worry about body fat but I guess time is catching up to me now. How does this sound for a clen cycle diet. Meal 1 Scrambled egg white sandwich on whole wheat 2...
  4. Blackbird


    Ok I'm changing my mind like the weather but for my 3rd cycle I was thinking about sust250 750mg ew 50mgdbol ed weeks 1-6 Letro(not sure of dose yet) My second cycle was Test,dbol,deca. Is it necessary to increase the amount of compounds with each cycle for max gains or can I still get could...
  5. Blackbird

    He's on the juice.

    A funny thing happened today. My brother told me that he heard some of the guys from my old gym saying that I was on juice because I've never been this big. Funny thing is these guys were cycling a year straight and something bad must have happened because they both stopped lifting suddenly and...
  6. Blackbird

    "off" supp's, Nitrix

    What are your favorite off cycle supp's? I was taking the No2 tabs, I think they are garbage. What do you guys think about the 24hour pump stuff? I think DR and Oracle were taking some of it. Anyone no what it was?
  7. Blackbird

    3rd cylcle help

    How does this sound? 12 weeks sust. 600mg ew eq. 400mg ew 4 weeks drol 50mg ed letro thruout,hcg starting week 6.
  8. Blackbird

    Anything without Test?

    Can anything be run safely and successfully without test? The reason I ask is because I didn't respond well to test in my last cycle. Gyno symps appeared pretty fast and I ran nolva the whole cycle but I was sore in the nips the whole cycle. I'm in Pct now and they are still a little puffy...
  9. Blackbird

    3rd cycle suggestions

    Guys I am trying to plan my 3rd cycle. First was dbol test, second was dbol test, deca. I gained about 20lbs between the two of them, total but for the third cycle I want to "push it a little further" for some extreme gains. I'm going for mass what do you guys suggest?
  10. Blackbird

    PCt sticky

    Where is the thread on PCT? I thought it was a sticky. Can anyone help?
  11. Blackbird


    I know we say test with every cycle. However, my research doesn't mention test in any combo with Para. Are there libido type sides in addition to nausea, headaches, and agression. What's a good stack for an 8 week cycle of Para?
  12. Blackbird

    Mind game

    Being "off" is a real mind f'r. I hate that feeling of getting smaller, losing size. I hit 210lbs on this cycle. I'm 6' so that's not "big" by any means but it's the biggest I've ever been and when a day goes by when someone doesn't mention how big you are, it messes with your head. My wife...
  13. Blackbird

    House Doctor

    Has anyone heard of "House Doctor, Handyman Services" I was thinking about buying a franchise business and this one keeps popping up. It is supposed to be a national franchise and ranked highly in Entrepenuer Mag.
  14. Blackbird

    liver protection

    Which is more effective, Liv52, milk thistle, sawpalmetto?
  15. Blackbird

    ipod users help

    Does anyone know how to clear and re-upload an ipod. Mine tends to pick an arbitrary song to just stop.
  16. Blackbird


    I am unfortunately gyno prone. I've been taking 40mgs nolva daily but my nips are still puffy and sore. Should I up the dosage or what? Nolva worked in my first cycle so I'm not sure what's going on here.
  17. Blackbird

    Happy f'n birthday

    Guess what I got for my birthday. Laid off. And yes I just bought a new house. I'm not letting my wife see me sweat it but I'm pretty nervous. Here's the short of the long story. I'm a union carpenter but I work for a company. I don't rely on the union for work. We have been slow but not...
  18. Blackbird


    I know there is a thread almost identical to this but I'm so paranoid right now that I don't care. I shot my right quad on thursday with 1.5cctest e and 1.5cc deca. Most of you know I was in the hospital with cellulitis from another shot but I have been super clean since then. I wipe the...
  19. Blackbird

    If you are reading this....

    you are a loser too. My big night out to the movies with the wife got cancelled because my parents couldn't babysit. I need to get out. I would love to go out and get and get buck wild with the wife in the city but it takes 3 days to recover from it. I'm getting so old.
  20. Blackbird

    Dull pins

    Anyone experiencing dull turemo pins. Man the batch I have seems real dull. It's like sticking a knitting needle thru my skin.