Search results

  1. Blackbird

    What a moron

    I got my brother started on his first cycle. Test dbol proper Pct. I educated him as much as I could with help from yall. I think I pointed him in the right direction. So today he tells me that his buddy tells him he should have been doing nolva the whole cycle, "why are you doing it now?"(He...
  2. Blackbird

    dbol back pain

    Are the severity of the back cramps any indication of the effectiveness of the dbol?
  3. Blackbird

    25mg dbol

    If you are taking 25mg dbol, how do you space out the doses?
  4. Blackbird

    The big 200

    I hit 200lbs today. Just looked down at the scale and couldn't believe it. It's a small victory in my life but pretty cool. I have gained 40lbs since I started training years back. I'm no Ironaddict, but here's my current stats. Week 5 Test,Deca,dbol 6'1" 200lbs 10% bf
  5. Blackbird

    Guitar Players

    I know there are at least a few pickers on the board, I was just wondering what your dream guitar is. Or maybe you already have it. I got mine last summer. It's a Lowden O32. Acoustic, Indian rosewood, spruce top. Made in Ireland. I love this thing. I have a decent collection that ranges...
  6. Blackbird

    Missed you guys

    I've been away for a while, moved in to the new house. Good to see Oracle back. How you been man? I'm in week 4 of my test, deca, dbol cycle and although I seem to be getting bigger and stronger, I haven't gained any real weight. I put on 4lbs quick but my weight is back to where I started...
  7. Blackbird

    embarrassing but need help

    While I was in the hospital I developed a rash right where my groin meets my sack. I've tried A n D ointment, baby powder, nothing is working. Any suggestions?
  8. Blackbird

    where does your dart land?

    What is your injection rotation? How many bodyparts get hit in a cycle? Also, can you get an infection if you stick thru a tatoo? I know it may sound stupid but Im friggin paranoid since my little snafu a few weeks ago.
  9. Blackbird

    cartilege tear

    Had an MRI done for the cellulitis. Doc found a tear near the posterior miniscus horn. He says if I go with surgery I'll need 5 weeks to recover. I don't have 5 weeks. How much will squats and leg extensions aggrevate this condition? My legs need work I can't neglect them now.
  10. Blackbird

    bicep injection

    can you inject 2ml in one bicep? For instance, test,deca cycle, mixed shot in right bi on monday, left bi on thursday?
  11. Blackbird

    Stressed out

    What do you do for stress? I am so wound up these days I feel like I'm going to snap. I move into my new house at the end of the month but in the meantime me my wife and daughter have been staying with my parents. I do not recommed this at all. I mean God bless them for letting us stay here...
  12. Blackbird

    Can this work?

    My wife saw a personal trainer who put her on a 2 bodypart per day routine. She wants to lose the fat around her ass, legs, and abs. Can she do this with this routine or should she do a circuit type workout?
  13. Blackbird

    knuckle head on oral cycle

    My co-worker confided in my that he is taking dbol only for 5 weeks. I don't think he is taking anything for pct as he seemed pretty ignorant about the whole subject. I did not let him know that I knew anything about gear, but if I choose to set him straight, what should I tell him he should...
  14. Blackbird

    routine for the wife

    Ok she's doing it, she joined the gym. I need a routine for my wife. She is 5'2" 110lbs give or take 1or2. She doesn't want the ripped look, just wants to get the baby off her legs, abs, and ass. I don't know jack about training a woman so any advice would be appreciated. thanks
  15. Blackbird

    Saying Hi

    Just wanted to say hi to the new members. Looks like we gained a few friends since I've been recuping. Notice I didn't say "newbies". How do you call a guy with 21.5" arms a newbie. I look forward to learning from you all.
  16. Blackbird

    read this post

    hey bro's I've been away for a while, guess where? If you said the hospital you guessed right. You may remember a few weeks ago I was complaining about a sore thigh from an injection, turns out it was cellulitis. It was pretty bad, my whole thigh swelled up and it spread to my knee. I spent...
  17. Blackbird


    So here are my problems. I am on a dbol, test, deca cycle, today will be 3 weeks. I haven't been able to walk since sunday, the last injection was so painful. Should I split 2ccs into diff sites? I don't think it should matter sincee I have never felt this much pain before. I have the sweats...
  18. Blackbird

    It's my leg

    Man, when SteelAddiction said his leg was killing him from his injection, I was saying to myself,"whats the big deal, how bad can it be?" I have injected into my quad a number of times and have always been sore but this morning I literally couldn't walk. Even when my leg was at rest the pain...
  19. Blackbird

    Your experience with clen

    What are your experiences with clen? How effective is it compared to an eca stack?
  20. Blackbird


    I was thinking of ordering either one. Is femara really 5-300 times more effective than arimidex. I'm gyno prone so if they prevent gyno, I may as well keep any bloat down. Are they as effective as nolva for gyno. This sucks, I'm spending more on this shit than my regular gear. Stupid bitch...