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  1. Blackbird

    Workout schedule

    I'm trying to get my cycle,workout schedule and diet down to the letter before I get into it. In a perfect world I would like to do each body part evey five days, 2 days on 1 day off, but the math doesn't work. Do you guys think every 7 days will be just as effective or is that too much rest...
  2. Blackbird

    Clen at the end

    How effective is clen if used at the end of a cycle? My next cycle is Test, deca, dbol. If I reach my goal with this cycle I may want to do some cutting at the end. To keep gains you haveto continue serious food intake during PCT,correct? I see guys running clen at the end of their cycle...
  3. Blackbird

    Breast enhancement pills

    My wife is trying to find info on these all natural enhancement pills. Does anyone know anything about them? Do they work, is it permanet, any sides? Thanks in advance.
  4. Blackbird

    Looking for a dog

    I was wondering if I could get some opinions from the board. My wife and I are looking to buy a dog for our daughter. I want a bigger dog, a protector and friend for my 3year old. We were thinking about a boxer since we have read good things about the breed. However we both work, so no-one...
  5. Blackbird

    Bulking Diet, uh I hope

    So I decided that cutting was a pretty foolish notion for me since I am 6'1" 190lbs with 12%bf. I am not even gonna think about until I am 215lbs. I just wanted those abs back that I once worked so hard for. Screw it. I have limited time in the morning, so it's hard for me to cook, but here...
  6. Blackbird

    ephedrine and back pain

    Can ephedrine cause that dbol like low back pain? It's only bothering me on the left side. It kind of feels like a kidney cramp.
  7. Blackbird

    Protein debate

    Dragon posted an article about the myths concernig building muscle. It stated that anymore than 1-1.5grams of protein per pound per day is not necessary for muscle growth. I know the general concensus on the board concerning protein is that more and more and more is better. But I also...
  8. Blackbird

    Ephedrine is rough

    Man I'm having a rough time with this shit. I've been on it since saturday and have gotten used to the up feeling, but the mood swings are nasty. I wasn't like this on test, I was pretty mellow actually. The worst part is the feeling like I'm coming down off something. I had a lot of fun...
  9. Blackbird

    Drug Test ?

    I have to take a drug test to do some work at a big drug co. I am currently running my pct with nolva as well as ephedrine. I doubt they check for either of these but does anyone know for sure. I think the last time I took this test I was on M1T and I passed it.
  10. Blackbird

    High Intensity Training

    Has anyone read Ell Darden's book on "HIT?" He makes some amazing claims on muscle growth as it relates to Nautilus and working a 12 set x 1set each excercise program. He says it's possible to gain 18 lbs in 2 weeks.
  11. Blackbird

    ECA stack

    Has anyone tried this stack yet. I just got my gear and was thinking about this... 3xed 50-mg ephedrine 100mg caffeine 1 aspirin
  12. Blackbird

    What did you get your girl for Valentines?

    I bought my wife a house today. The deal went through so I'm feeling pretty good. My younger sister also got engaged tonight. Oh yeah, I also ordered some more gear tonight so this was a pretty good day. I don't know if anyone cares but sometimes you just gotta make a note of the real good days.
  13. Blackbird

    barbell dumbell

    Do you believe the saying "Barbells make you big, dumbells make you strong." The stronger I get, the more difficult it is for me to workout alone with barbells. Chest is a pain in the ass. I find myself doing high reps low weight in the absensce of a spotter.
  14. Blackbird

    creatine,arginine stack?

    My coworker gave me this stuff that he didn't want his son taking. Diargnine Malate 500grams Creatine Ethylester Hcl 100grams I'm guessing this is some kind of N02/creatine stack. Should they be mixed or taken separately? How many mg's of each?
  15. Blackbird


    Has anyone used ephedrine? Does it work? I'm planning on cutting calories in between cycles in hopes of shredding my abs. What kind ofdiet should I look at for maintaining size and cutting in my abs?
  16. Blackbird

    Be safe Big Sarge

    Hey Sarge, I'm sure they'll run when they see you coming. Be safe brother.
  17. Blackbird

    How to eat for abs

    Just finished a cycle and ate like crazy.(Damn you Heavy) I put on size but lost my abs. They're under there somewhere. QUESTION I want to keep my gains but shed that thin layer of fat over my abs. What kind of diet am I looking at?
  18. Blackbird

    What would you give up?

    So I just laid it all out on the line for a better house for my family. Better schools for my daughter, normal neighbors. If you know anything about real estate in NJ you know how much a decent home can set you back. The point is, money is going to be tight. I started to think about how I...
  19. Blackbird

    End of cycle, on creatine

    I am ending my cycle this week so I decided to start taking creatine again. I have always had good experiences with it, but today I felt real weak in the gym and got very light headed. Anyone know why.
  20. Blackbird

    Test and deca

    I'm sure this was asked before but here it is again. Can you shoot test e and deca in one shot 2x ew? If so what is the best guage pin to shoot and draw?